Roland Kaufmann 615b88b345 Install header-only pkgconfig file to generic lib/
The previous version assumed that we had libraries, and thus always
installs the .pc file in the multi-arch library directory. However,
we now have modules which does not have a library, but whose header
files still need to be located. Since the lib/ directory is usually
in the pkgconfig search path, it is natural to put them there.
2013-10-21 15:25:22 +02:00

153 lines
5.0 KiB

# - Helper routines for opm-core like projects
include (LibtoolArchives) # linker_cmdline
# convert a list back to a command-line string
function (unseparate_args var_name prefix value)
separate_arguments (value)
foreach (item IN LISTS value)
set (prefixed_item "${prefix}${item}")
if (${var_name})
set (${var_name} "${${var_name}} ${prefixed_item}")
else (${var_name})
set (${var_name} "${prefixed_item}")
endif (${var_name})
endforeach (item)
set (${var_name} "${${var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction (unseparate_args var_name prefix value)
# wrapper to set variables in pkg-config file
function (configure_pc_file name source dest prefix libdir includedir)
# escape set of standard strings
unseparate_args (includes "-I" "${${name}_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
unseparate_args (defs "" "${${name}_DEFINITIONS}")
linker_cmdline (STRING INTO libs FROM ${${name}_LIBRARIES})
# necessary to make these variables visible to configure_file
set (name "${${name}_NAME}")
set (description "${${name}_DESCRIPTION}")
set (major "${${name}_VERSION_MAJOR}")
set (minor "${${name}_VERSION_MINOR}")
set (target "${${name}_LIBRARY}")
linker_cmdline (STRING INTO target from ${target})
configure_file (${source} ${dest} @ONLY)
endfunction (configure_pc_file name source dist prefix libdir includedir)
function (configure_cmake_file name variant version)
# declarative list of the variable names that are used in the template
# and that must be defined in the project to be exported
set (variable_suffices
# set these variables temporarily (this is in a function scope) so
# they are available to the template (only)
foreach (suffix IN LISTS variable_suffices)
set (opm-project_${suffix} "${${name}_${suffix}}")
endforeach (suffix)
set (opm-project_NAME "${${name}_NAME}")
# make the file substitutions
configure_file (
endfunction (configure_cmake_file name)
# installation of CMake modules to help user programs locate the library
function (opm_cmake_config name)
# assume that the template is located in cmake/Templates (cannot use
# the current directory since this is in a function and the directory
# at runtime not at definition will be used
set (template_dir "${OPM_MACROS_ROOT}/cmake/Templates")
# write configuration file to locate library
configure_cmake_file (${name} "config" "")
configure_cmake_file (${name} "config" "-version")
configure_vars (
FILE CMAKE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${${name}_NAME}-config.cmake"
# config-mode .pc file; use this to find the build tree
configure_pc_file (
# replace the build directory with the target directory in the
# variables that contains build paths
string (REPLACE
string (REPLACE
# create a config mode file which targets the install directory instead
# of the build directory (using the same input template)
configure_cmake_file (${name} "install" "")
configure_vars (
FILE CMAKE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${${name}_NAME}-install.cmake"
# this file gets copied to the final installation directory
install (
FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${${name}_NAME}-install.cmake
DESTINATION share/cmake${${name}_VER_DIR}/${${name}_NAME}
RENAME ${${name}_NAME}-config.cmake
# assume that there exists a version file already
install (
FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${${name}_NAME}-config-version.cmake
DESTINATION share/cmake${${name}_VER_DIR}/${${name}_NAME}
# find-mode .pc file; use this to locate system installation
configure_pc_file (
# put this in the right system location; if we have binaries then it
# should go in the arch-specific lib/ directory, otherwise use the
# common/noarch lib/ directory (these targets come from UseMultiArch)
if (${name}_TARGET)
set (_pkg_dir ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR})
else ()
endif ()
install (
FILES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${${name}_NAME}-install.pc
DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_pkg_dir}/pkgconfig${${name}_VER_DIR}/
RENAME ${${name}_NAME}.pc
endfunction (opm_cmake_config name)