Roland Kaufmann ff3ba2dbb9 Use dSYM bundles as debugging containers (on MacOS X)
gdb on MacOS X does not seem to be very fond of "flat" dSYM files, but
it can read the bundle variant fine. Thus we change that to enable
debugging across several tools.
2013-10-06 18:04:57 +02:00

135 lines
4.9 KiB

# - Generate debug symbols in a separate file
# (1) Include this file in your CMakeLists.txt; it will setup everything
# to compile WITH debug symbols in any case.
# (2) Run the strip_debug_symbols function on every target that you want
# to strip.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Uni Research AS
# This code is licensed under The GNU General Public License v3.0
include (AddOptions)
include (UseCompVer)
is_compiler_gcc_compatible ()
# only debugging using the GNU toolchain is supported for now
# default debug level, if not specified by the user
set_default_option (CXX _dbg_flag "-ggdb3" "(^|\ )-g")
# add debug symbols to *all* targets, regardless. there WILL come a
# time when you need to find a bug which only manifests itself in a
# release target on a production system!
if (_dbg_flag)
message (STATUS "Generating debug symbols: ${_dbg_flag}")
add_options (ALL_LANGUAGES ALL_BUILDS "${_dbg_flag}")
endif (_dbg_flag)
# extracting the debug info is done by a separate utility in the GNU
# toolchain. check that this is actually installed.
message (STATUS "Looking for strip utility")
if (APPLE)
# MacOS X has a duo of utilities; we need both
find_program (OBJCOPY strip)
find_program (DSYMUTIL dsymutil)
mark_as_advanced (DSYMUTIL)
set (OBJCOPY dsymutil-NOTFOUND)
else (APPLE)
find_program (OBJCOPY
${CYGWIN_INSTALL_PATH}/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin
endif (APPLE)
mark_as_advanced (OBJCOPY)
message (STATUS "Looking for strip utility - found")
else (OBJCOPY)
message (WARNING "Looking for strip utility - not found")
endif (OBJCOPY)
endif ()
# command to separate the debug information from the executable into
# its own file; this must be called for each target; optionally takes
# the name of a variable to receive the list of .debug files
function (strip_debug_symbols targets)
foreach (target IN LISTS targets)
# libraries must retain the symbols in order to link to them, but
# everything can be stripped in an executable
get_target_property (_kind ${target} TYPE)
# don't strip static libraries
return ()
endif ("${_kind}" STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY")
# don't strip public symbols in shared objects
if ("${_kind}" STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
set (_strip_args "--strip-all")
else ("${_kind}" STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
set (_strip_args "--strip-debug")
endif ("${_kind}" STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
# add_custom_command doesn't support generator expressions in the
# working_directory argument (sic; that's what you get when you do
# ad hoc programming all the time), so we need to extract the
# location up front (the location on the other hand should not be
# used for libraries as it does not include the soversion -- sic
# again)
get_target_property (_full ${target} LOCATION)
get_filename_component (_dir ${_full} PATH)
if (NOT (("${_dir}" STREQUAL "") OR ("${_dir}" MATCHES ".*/$")))
set (_dir "${_dir}/")
endif (NOT (("${_dir}" STREQUAL "") OR ("${_dir}" MATCHES ".*/$")))
get_filename_component (_name ${_full} NAME_WE)
get_filename_component (_ext ${_full} EXT)
# only libraries have soversion property attached
get_target_property (_target_soversion ${target} SOVERSION)
get_target_property (_target_version ${target} VERSION)
if (_target_soversion)
# MacOS X puts the version number before the extension
if (APPLE)
set (_target_file_name "${_name}.${_target_version}${_ext}")
else (APPLE)
set (_target_file_name "${_name}${_ext}.${_target_version}")
endif (APPLE)
else (_target_soversion)
set (_target_file_name "${_name}${_ext}")
endif (_target_soversion)
set (_target_file "${_dir}${_target_file_name}")
# do without generator expressions (which doesn't work everywhere)
if (APPLE)
set (_debug_ext ".dSYM")
add_custom_command (TARGET ${target}
COMMAND ${DSYMUTIL} ARGS --out=${_target_file}${_debug_ext} ${_target_file}
COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} ARGS -S ${_target_file}
else (APPLE)
set (_debug_ext ".debug")
add_custom_command (TARGET ${target}
COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} ARGS --only-keep-debug ${_target_file} ${_target_file}${_debug_ext}
COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} ARGS ${_strip_args} ${_target_file}
COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} ARGS --add-gnu-debuglink=${_target_file_name}${_debug_ext} ${_target_file}
endif (APPLE)
# add this .debug file to the list
file (RELATIVE_PATH _this_debug_file "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" "${_target_file}${_debug_ext}")
set (_debug_files ${_debug_files} ${_this_debug_file})
endforeach (target)
# if optional debug list was requested, then copy to output parameter
if (ARGV1)
set (${ARGV1} ${_debug_files} PARENT_SCOPE)
endif (ARGV1)
endif ()
endfunction (strip_debug_symbols targets)