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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
The old version invoked a Fortran compiler to figure out the bindings necessary to link to a Fortran function. This creates a dependency on having a Fortran compiler, even though the project may not have any Fortran source it needs to compile! Also, the Fortran compiler that is installed on the system may not be the same as was used to compile the library anyway, so we are not even sure that this is correct! Furthermore, FindLAPACK operates on the assumption that names in that library is suffixed with a single underscore, so if that is not correct, we won't find any of the functions in that library anyway! Thus, this patch enables us to assume that appending an underscore is the right thing to do without using the compiler. This option is off by default, but can be activated with USE_UNDERSCORING=ON (named after the GFortran option).
91 lines
2.9 KiB
91 lines
2.9 KiB
# - Provide C wrappers for Fortran code
# Synopsis:
# define_fc_func (APPEND config.h IF HAVE_BLAS)
function (define_fc_func verb file)
# check that we are being called correctly
if (NOT (("${verb}" STREQUAL "APPEND") OR
("${verb}" STREQUAL "WRITE")))
message (FATAL_ERROR
"Unknown verb \"${verb}\" passed as first argument."
endif (NOT (("${verb}" STREQUAL "APPEND") OR
("${verb}" STREQUAL "WRITE")))
# check under which conditions we should do our work
if (NOT "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "")
set (args ${ARGN})
list (GET args 0 keyword)
if (NOT "${keyword}" STREQUAL "IF")
message (FATAL_ERROR
"Unknown conditional \"${keyword}\" passed as third argument."
endif (NOT "${keyword}" STREQUAL "IF")
list (REMOVE_AT args 0)
set (needed FALSE)
foreach (condition IN LISTS args)
if (${${condition}})
set (needed TRUE)
break ()
endif (${${condition}})
endforeach (condition)
else (NOT "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "")
# if called unconditionally, then always include the wrapper
set (needed TRUE)
endif (NOT "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "")
# only do something if we actually have some components which requires
# the interaction -- don't load the Fortran compiler just to write
# this macro (which apparently nobody uses then)
if (needed)
# if this option is enabled, we skip detecting the Fortran externals
# using a real compiler (which may not be the same that compiled the
# library) and just write a macro that uses a single underscore (which
# is the assumption that FindLAPACK operates on anyway)
option (USE_UNDERSCORING "Assume that Fortran routines have underscore suffix" OFF)
message (STATUS "Assuming Fortran externals have underscore suffix")
set (_str "#define FC_FUNC(name,NAME) name##_\n")
# enable languages needed
enable_language (C)
enable_language (Fortran)
# get a temporary file
set (_tmp_hdr ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/config_f.h)
# write a small config file that contains the proper convention for
# calling Fortran from C
include (FortranCInterface)
fortrancinterface_header (${_tmp_hdr})
# read the definition back in from the file
REGEX "^#define FortranCInterface_GLOBAL\\(name,NAME\\) .*$"
# massage it to look like the one AC_FC_WRAPPERS provide
string (REPLACE "FortranCInterface_GLOBAL" "FC_FUNC" _str ${_str})
# write this definition to the end of our own configuration file
file (${verb} ${file}
"\n/* Define to a macro mangling the given C identifier (in lower and upper
case), which must not contain underscores, for linking with Fortran. */\n"
else (needed)
message (STATUS "Fortran/C interface not activated")
endif (needed)
endfunction (define_fc_func)