mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 13:25:34 -06:00
Since std::clamp returns a reference we must be careful to not capture the return value by reference, when there is a temporary among the input parameters. For the second change (adding the explicit Scalar return type to a lambda) this is strictly speaking not necessary, as the lambda's return type is not a reference, but that is obscure so the change is just done as to clarify.
690 lines
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690 lines
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Copyright 2017 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics.
Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2016 - 2017 IRIS AS.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/MSW/WellSegments.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/BlackOilDefaultIndexTraits.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/BlackOilFluidSystem.hpp>
#include <opm/models/blackoil/blackoilindices.hh>
#include <opm/models/blackoil/blackoilonephaseindices.hh>
#include <opm/models/blackoil/blackoiltwophaseindices.hh>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellGeneric.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/RateConverter.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellBhpThpCalculator.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellInterfaceIndices.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellState.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
namespace Opm {
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
void MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::
resize(const int numSegments)
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
void MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::
for (std::size_t seg = 0; seg < value_.size(); ++seg) {
for (int eq_idx = 0; eq_idx < numWellEq; ++eq_idx) {
evaluation_[seg][eq_idx] = 0.0;
evaluation_[seg][eq_idx].setDerivative(eq_idx + Indices::numEq, 1.0);
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
void MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::
update(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const bool stop_or_zero_rate_target)
static constexpr int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua;
static constexpr int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour;
// TODO: to test using rate conversion coefficients to see if it will be better than
// this default one
if (!well_.isOperableAndSolvable() && !well_.wellIsStopped())
const Well& well = well_.wellEcl();
// the index of the top segment in the WellState
const auto& ws = well_state.well(well_.indexOfWell());
const auto& segments = ws.segments;
// maybe a throw for parallel running?
assert(segments.size() == value_.size());
const auto& segment_rates = segments.rates;
const auto& segment_pressure = segments.pressure;
const PhaseUsage& pu = well_.phaseUsage();
for (std::size_t seg = 0; seg < value_.size(); ++seg) {
// calculate the total rate for each segment
Scalar total_seg_rate = 0.0;
// the segment pressure
value_[seg][SPres] = segment_pressure[seg];
// TODO: under what kind of circustances, the following will be wrong?
// the definition of g makes the gas phase is always the last phase
for (int p = 0; p < well_.numPhases(); p++) {
total_seg_rate += well_.scalingFactor(p) * segment_rates[well_.numPhases() * seg + p];
if (seg == 0) {
if (well_.isInjector()) {
total_seg_rate = std::max(total_seg_rate, Scalar{0.});
} else {
total_seg_rate = std::min(total_seg_rate, Scalar{0.});
value_[seg][WQTotal] = total_seg_rate;
if (stop_or_zero_rate_target && seg == 0) {
value_[seg][WQTotal] = 0;
if (std::abs(total_seg_rate) > 0.) {
if (has_wfrac_variable) {
const int water_pos = pu.phase_pos[Water];
value_[seg][WFrac] = well_.scalingFactor(water_pos) * segment_rates[well_.numPhases() * seg + water_pos] / total_seg_rate;
if (has_gfrac_variable) {
const int gas_pos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
value_[seg][GFrac] = well_.scalingFactor(gas_pos) * segment_rates[well_.numPhases() * seg + gas_pos] / total_seg_rate;
} else { // total_seg_rate == 0
if (well_.isInjector()) {
// only single phase injection handled
auto phase = well.getInjectionProperties().injectorType;
if (has_wfrac_variable) {
if (phase == InjectorType::WATER) {
value_[seg][WFrac] = 1.0;
} else {
value_[seg][WFrac] = 0.0;
if (has_gfrac_variable) {
if (phase == InjectorType::GAS) {
value_[seg][GFrac] = 1.0;
} else {
value_[seg][GFrac] = 0.0;
} else if (well_.isProducer()) { // producers
if (has_wfrac_variable) {
value_[seg][WFrac] = 1.0 / well_.numPhases();
if (has_gfrac_variable) {
value_[seg][GFrac] = 1.0 / well_.numPhases();
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
void MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::
updateNewton(const BVectorWell& dwells,
const Scalar relaxation_factor,
const Scalar dFLimit,
const bool stop_or_zero_rate_target,
const Scalar max_pressure_change)
const std::vector<std::array<Scalar, numWellEq>> old_primary_variables = value_;
for (std::size_t seg = 0; seg < value_.size(); ++seg) {
if (has_wfrac_variable) {
const int sign = dwells[seg][WFrac] > 0. ? 1 : -1;
const Scalar dx_limited = sign * std::min(std::abs(dwells[seg][WFrac]) * relaxation_factor, dFLimit);
value_[seg][WFrac] = old_primary_variables[seg][WFrac] - dx_limited;
if (has_gfrac_variable) {
const int sign = dwells[seg][GFrac] > 0. ? 1 : -1;
const Scalar dx_limited = sign * std::min(std::abs(dwells[seg][GFrac]) * relaxation_factor, dFLimit);
value_[seg][GFrac] = old_primary_variables[seg][GFrac] - dx_limited;
// handling the overshooting or undershooting of the fractions
// update the segment pressure
const int sign = dwells[seg][SPres] > 0.? 1 : -1;
const Scalar dx_limited = sign * std::min(std::abs(dwells[seg][SPres]) * relaxation_factor, max_pressure_change);
// some cases might have defaulted bhp constraint of 1 bar, we use a slightly smaller value as the bhp lower limit for Newton update
// so that bhp constaint can be an active control when needed.
const Scalar lower_limit = (seg == 0) ? bhp_lower_limit : seg_pres_lower_limit;
value_[seg][SPres] = std::max(old_primary_variables[seg][SPres] - dx_limited, lower_limit);
// update the total rate // TODO: should we have a limitation of the total rate change?
value_[seg][WQTotal] = old_primary_variables[seg][WQTotal] - relaxation_factor * dwells[seg][WQTotal];
// make sure that no injector produce and no producer inject
if (seg == 0) {
if (well_.isInjector()) {
value_[seg][WQTotal] = std::max(value_[seg][WQTotal], Scalar{0.0});
} else {
value_[seg][WQTotal] = std::min(value_[seg][WQTotal], Scalar{0.0});
if (stop_or_zero_rate_target) {
value_[0][WQTotal] = 0.;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
void MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::
copyToWellState(const MultisegmentWellGeneric<Scalar>& mswell,
const Scalar rho,
const bool stop_or_zero_rate_target,
WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const SummaryState& summary_state,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
static constexpr int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour;
static constexpr int Oil = BlackoilPhases::Liquid;
static constexpr int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua;
const auto pvtReg = std::max(well_.wellEcl().pvt_table_number() - 1, 0);
const PhaseUsage& pu = well_.phaseUsage();
assert( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx) );
const int oil_pos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
auto& ws = well_state.well(well_.indexOfWell());
auto& segments = ws.segments;
auto& segment_rates = segments.rates;
auto& disgas = segments.dissolved_gas_rate;
auto& vapoil = segments.vaporized_oil_rate;
auto& segment_pressure = segments.pressure;
for (std::size_t seg = 0; seg < value_.size(); ++seg) {
std::vector<Scalar> fractions(well_.numPhases(), 0.0);
fractions[oil_pos] = 1.0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx)) {
const int water_pos = pu.phase_pos[Water];
fractions[water_pos] = value_[seg][WFrac];
fractions[oil_pos] -= fractions[water_pos];
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
const int gas_pos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
fractions[gas_pos] = value_[seg][GFrac];
fractions[oil_pos] -= fractions[gas_pos];
// convert the fractions to be Q_p / G_total to calculate the phase rates
for (int p = 0; p < well_.numPhases(); ++p) {
const Scalar scale = well_.scalingFactor(p);
// for injection wells, there should only one non-zero scaling factor
if (scale > 0.) {
fractions[p] /= scale;
} else {
// this should only happen to injection wells
fractions[p] = 0.;
// calculate the phase rates based on the primary variables
const Scalar g_total = value_[seg][WQTotal];
for (int p = 0; p < well_.numPhases(); ++p) {
const Scalar phase_rate = g_total * fractions[p];
segment_rates[seg * well_.numPhases() + p] = phase_rate;
if (seg == 0) { // top segment
ws.surface_rates[p] = phase_rate;
// update the segment pressure
segment_pressure[seg] = value_[seg][SPres];
if (seg == 0) { // top segment
ws.bhp = segment_pressure[seg];
// Calculate other per-phase dynamic quantities.
const Scalar temperature = 0.0; // Ignore thermal effects
const Scalar saltConc = 0.0; // Ignore salt precipitation
const Scalar Rvw = 0.0; // Ignore vaporised water.
Scalar rsMax = 0.0;
Scalar rvMax = 0.0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
// Both oil and gas active.
rsMax = FluidSystem::oilPvt()
.saturatedGasDissolutionFactor(pvtReg, temperature, segment_pressure[seg]);
rvMax = FluidSystem::gasPvt()
.saturatedOilVaporizationFactor(pvtReg, temperature, segment_pressure[seg]);
// 1) Infer phase splitting for oil/gas.
const auto& [Rs, Rv] = well_.rateConverter().inferDissolvedVaporisedRatio
(rsMax, rvMax, segment_rates.begin() + seg * well_.numPhases());
if (! FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
vapoil[seg] = disgas[seg] = 0.0;
else {
const auto* qs = &segment_rates[seg * well_.numPhases()];
const auto denom = 1.0 - (Rs * Rv);
const auto io = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
const auto ig = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
disgas[seg] = Rs * (qs[io] - Rv*qs[ig]) / denom;
vapoil[seg] = Rv * (qs[ig] - Rs*qs[io]) / denom;
// 2) Local condition volume flow rates
// Use std::span<> in C++20 and beyond.
const auto rate_start = seg * well_.numPhases();
const auto* surf_rates = segment_rates.data() + rate_start;
auto* resv_rates = segments.phase_resv_rates.data() + rate_start;
(pvtReg, segment_pressure[seg],
std::max(Scalar{0.0}, Rs),
std::max(Scalar{0.0}, Rv),
Scalar{0.0}, // Rsw
Scalar{0.0}, // Rvw
temperature, saltConc, surf_rates, resv_rates);
// 3) Local condition holdup fractions.
const auto tot_resv =
std::accumulate(segments.phase_resv_rates.begin() + (seg + 0) * well_.numPhases(),
segments.phase_resv_rates.begin() + (seg + 1) * well_.numPhases(),
std::transform(segments.phase_resv_rates.begin() + (seg + 0) * well_.numPhases(),
segments.phase_resv_rates.begin() + (seg + 1) * well_.numPhases(),
segments.phase_holdup.begin() + (seg + 0) * well_.numPhases(),
[tot_resv](const auto qr) -> Scalar { return std::clamp(qr / tot_resv, 0.0, 1.0); });
// 4) Local condition flow velocities for segments other than top segment.
if (seg > 0) {
// Possibly poor approximation
// Velocity = Flow rate / cross-sectional area.
// Additionally ignores drift flux.
const auto area = well_.wellEcl().getSegments()
const auto velocity = (area > 0.0) ? tot_resv / area : 0.0;
std::transform(segments.phase_holdup.begin() + (seg + 0) * well_.numPhases(),
segments.phase_holdup.begin() + (seg + 1) * well_.numPhases(),
segments.phase_velocity.begin() + (seg + 0) * well_.numPhases(),
[velocity](const auto hf) { return (hf > 0.0) ? velocity : 0.0; });
// 5) Local condition phase viscosities.
segments.phase_viscosity[seg * well_.numPhases() + pu.phase_pos[Oil]] =
FluidSystem::oilPvt().viscosity(pvtReg, temperature, segment_pressure[seg], Rs);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx)) {
segments.phase_viscosity[seg * well_.numPhases() + pu.phase_pos[Water]] =
FluidSystem::waterPvt().viscosity(pvtReg, temperature,
Scalar{0.0} /*Rsw*/, saltConc);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
segments.phase_viscosity[seg * well_.numPhases() + pu.phase_pos[Gas]] =
FluidSystem::gasPvt().viscosity(pvtReg, temperature, segment_pressure[seg], Rv, Rvw);
// Segment flow velocity in top segment.
const auto np = well_.numPhases();
auto segVel = [&segments, np](const auto segmentNumber)
auto v = 0.0;
const auto* vel = segments.phase_velocity.data() + segmentNumber*np;
for (auto p = 0*np; p < np; ++p) {
if (std::abs(vel[p]) > std::abs(v)) {
v = vel[p];
return v;
const auto seg = 0;
auto maxVel = 0.0;
for (const auto& inlet : mswell.segmentSet()[seg].inletSegments()) {
const auto v = segVel(mswell.segmentNumberToIndex(inlet));
if (std::abs(v) > std::abs(maxVel)) {
maxVel = v;
std::transform(segments.phase_holdup.begin() + (seg + 0) * well_.numPhases(),
segments.phase_holdup.begin() + (seg + 1) * well_.numPhases(),
segments.phase_velocity.begin() + (seg + 0) * well_.numPhases(),
[maxVel](const auto hf) { return (hf > 0.0) ? maxVel : 0.0; });
// Note: for the ALQ value, in the StandardWell, WellInterfaceGeneric::getALQ(well_state) is used.
// We might want to unify the way regarding AQL value.
.updateThp(rho, stop_or_zero_rate_target, [this, &summary_state]() { return well_.wellEcl().alq_value(summary_state); },
well_state, summary_state, deferred_logger);
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
void MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::
processFractions(const int seg)
static constexpr int Water = BlackoilPhases::Aqua;
static constexpr int Oil = BlackoilPhases::Liquid;
static constexpr int Gas = BlackoilPhases::Vapour;
const PhaseUsage& pu = well_.phaseUsage();
std::vector<Scalar> fractions(well_.numPhases(), 0.0);
const int oil_pos = pu.phase_pos[Oil];
fractions[oil_pos] = 1.0;
if ( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx) ) {
const int water_pos = pu.phase_pos[Water];
fractions[water_pos] = value_[seg][WFrac];
fractions[oil_pos] -= fractions[water_pos];
if ( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) ) {
const int gas_pos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
fractions[gas_pos] = value_[seg][GFrac];
fractions[oil_pos] -= fractions[gas_pos];
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx)) {
const int water_pos = pu.phase_pos[Water];
if (fractions[water_pos] < 0.0) {
if ( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) ) {
fractions[pu.phase_pos[Gas]] /= (1.0 - fractions[water_pos]);
fractions[oil_pos] /= (1.0 - fractions[water_pos]);
fractions[water_pos] = 0.0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
const int gas_pos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
if (fractions[gas_pos] < 0.0) {
if ( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx) ) {
fractions[pu.phase_pos[Water]] /= (1.0 - fractions[gas_pos]);
fractions[oil_pos] /= (1.0 - fractions[gas_pos]);
fractions[gas_pos] = 0.0;
if (fractions[oil_pos] < 0.0) {
if ( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx) ) {
fractions[pu.phase_pos[Water]] /= (1.0 - fractions[oil_pos]);
if ( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) ) {
fractions[pu.phase_pos[Gas]] /= (1.0 - fractions[oil_pos]);
fractions[oil_pos] = 0.0;
if ( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx) ) {
value_[seg][WFrac] = fractions[pu.phase_pos[Water]];
if ( FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) ) {
value_[seg][GFrac] = fractions[pu.phase_pos[Gas]];
template<typename FluidSystem, typename Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
volumeFraction(const int seg,
const unsigned compIdx) const
if (has_wfrac_variable && compIdx == Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::waterCompIdx)) {
return evaluation_[seg][WFrac];
if (has_gfrac_variable && compIdx == Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::gasCompIdx)) {
return evaluation_[seg][GFrac];
// Oil fraction
EvalWell oil_fraction = 1.0;
if (has_wfrac_variable) {
oil_fraction -= evaluation_[seg][WFrac];
if (has_gfrac_variable) {
oil_fraction -= evaluation_[seg][GFrac];
/* if (has_solvent) {
oil_fraction -= evaluation_[seg][SFrac];
} */
// oil_fraction may turn out negative due to round-off, in that case
// set to zero (but keep derivatives)
if (oil_fraction.value() < 0.0) {
return oil_fraction;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
volumeFractionScaled(const int seg,
const int comp_idx) const
// For reservoir rate control, the distr in well control is used for the
// rate conversion coefficients. For the injection well, only the distr of the injection
// phase is not zero.
const Scalar scale = well_.scalingFactor(well_.modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx(comp_idx));
if (scale > 0.) {
return this->volumeFraction(seg, comp_idx) / scale;
return this->volumeFraction(seg, comp_idx);
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
surfaceVolumeFraction(const int seg,
const int comp_idx) const
EvalWell sum_volume_fraction_scaled = 0.;
for (int idx = 0; idx < well_.numComponents(); ++idx) {
sum_volume_fraction_scaled += this->volumeFractionScaled(seg, idx);
assert(sum_volume_fraction_scaled.value() != 0.);
return this->volumeFractionScaled(seg, comp_idx) / sum_volume_fraction_scaled;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
getSegmentRateUpwinding(const int seg,
const int seg_upwind,
const std::size_t comp_idx) const
// the result will contain the derivative with respect to WQTotal in segment seg,
// and the derivatives with respect to WFrac GFrac in segment seg_upwind.
// the derivative with respect to SPres should be zero.
if (seg == 0 && well_.isInjector()) {
const Well& well = well_.wellEcl();
auto phase = well.getInjectionProperties().injectorType;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx)
&& Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::waterCompIdx) == comp_idx
&& phase == InjectorType::WATER)
return evaluation_[seg][WQTotal] / well_.scalingFactor(well_.modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx(comp_idx));
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx)
&& Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::oilCompIdx) == comp_idx
&& phase == InjectorType::OIL)
return evaluation_[seg][WQTotal] / well_.scalingFactor(well_.modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx(comp_idx));
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)
&& Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::gasCompIdx) == comp_idx
&& phase == InjectorType::GAS)
return evaluation_[seg][WQTotal] / well_.scalingFactor(well_.modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx(comp_idx));
return 0.0;
const EvalWell segment_rate = evaluation_[seg][WQTotal] *
this->volumeFractionScaled(seg_upwind, comp_idx);
assert(segment_rate.derivative(SPres + Indices::numEq) == 0.);
return segment_rate;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
getSegmentPressure(const int seg) const
return evaluation_[seg][SPres];
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
getBhp() const
return this->getSegmentPressure(0);
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
getSegmentRate(const int seg,
const int comp_idx) const
return evaluation_[seg][WQTotal] * this->volumeFractionScaled(seg, comp_idx);
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
getQs(const int comp_idx) const
return this->getSegmentRate(0, comp_idx);
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
typename MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>::EvalWell
getWQTotal() const
return evaluation_[0][WQTotal];
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices>
outputLowLimitPressureSegments(DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const
std::string msg = fmt::format("outputting the segments for well {} with pressures close to the lower limits "
"for debugging purpose \n", this->well_.name());
bool any_seg_pressure_close_to_limit = false;
for (std::size_t seg = 0; seg < value_.size(); ++seg) {
const double lower_limit = (seg == 0) ? bhp_lower_limit : seg_pres_lower_limit;
const double pres = Opm::getValue(this->getSegmentPressure(seg));
if (pres <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() + lower_limit) {
any_seg_pressure_close_to_limit = true;
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(msg), "seg {} : pressure {}\n", seg, pres / unit::barsa);
if (any_seg_pressure_close_to_limit) {
#define INSTANCE(...) \
template class MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<BlackOilFluidSystem<double,BlackOilDefaultIndexTraits>,__VA_ARGS__>;
// One phase
// Two phase
// Blackoil