2012-07-11 23:27:52 +02:00

68 lines
3.5 KiB

For the installation of DuMu$^\text{x}$, the following steps have to be performed.
\paragraph{Checkout of the core modules}
Since we always want to be up to date with the latest changes in DUNE,
we decided to use the developers version of the core modules
\texttt{dune-common}, \texttt{dune-grid}, \texttt{dune-istl}, \texttt{dune-disc},
and \texttt{dune-grid-howto}. First, create a directory where all the DUNE modules will be stored in. Then, enter the previously created folder. The checkout has to be performed as described on
the DUNE webpage, \cite{DUNE-HP}:
\item \texttt{svn checkout https://svn.dune-project.org/svn/dune-common/trunk dune-common}
\item \texttt{svn checkout https://svn.dune-project.org/svn/dune-grid/trunk dune-grid}
\item \texttt{svn checkout https://svn.dune-project.org/svn/dune-istl/trunk dune-istl}
\item \texttt{svn checkout https://svn.dune-project.org/svn/dune-disc/trunk dune-disc}
\item \texttt{svn checkout https://svn.dune-project.org/svn/dune-grid-howto/trunk dune-grid-howto}
\paragraph{Checkout of DuMu$^\text{x}$ and external modules}
First of all, you need to ask one of the IWS system administrators to
add your account to the group \texttt{svndune}.
If you are working on a LH2 computer, you then can checkout DuMu$^\text{x}$
and the external modules via
\item \texttt{svn checkout svn+ssh://luftig/home/svn/DUMUX/dune-mux/trunk dune-mux}
\item \texttt{svn checkout svn+ssh://luftig/home/svn/DUMUX/dune-subgrid/trunk dune-subgrid}
\item \texttt{svn checkout svn+ssh://luftig/home/svn/DUMUX/external/trunk external}
If you want to checkout from outside LH2, you first need to establish a tunnel.
To this end, you need to add once
\texttt{ssht = ssh -p 2022 -l login -o HostKeyAlias=luftig.iws.uni-stuttgart.de}
with \texttt{login} replaced
by your actual IWS login name, to the section \texttt{[tunnels]} of the
file \texttt{\$HOME/.subversion/config},
The tunnel then needs to be initialized every time you want
to connect to the repository by
\texttt{ssh -Nf -L 2022:luftig.iws.uni-stuttgart.de:22 login@login1.iws.uni-stuttgart.de}.
Then, you can checkout everything as described above, if you replace \texttt{luftig}
by \texttt{localhost}.
%Moreover, the possibility to checkout a read-only version from outside exists. Therefor, no IWS-account is needed. The following commands can be used for an anonymous checkout:
%\item \texttt{svn checkout svn://svn.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/DUMUX/dune-mux/trunk dune-mux}
%\item \texttt{svn checkout svn://svn.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/DUMUX/external/trunk external}
%\item \texttt{svn checkout svn://svn.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/DUMUX/dune-subgrid/trunk dune-subgrid}
\paragraph{Build the external modules}
The external modules have to be built first. They consist of Alberta, ALUGrid, UG, GotoBLAS and METIS.
To install them all, execute the install script in the folder \texttt{external}:
\texttt{./installExternal.sh all}
If you like to only install some of the external software, you can choose one of the corresponding options instead of \texttt{all}: \texttt{alberta, alu, blas, metis, ug}.
Please also refer to the DUNE webpage for additional details, \cite{DUNE-HP}.
\paragraph{Build DUNE and DuMu$^\text{x}$}
Type in the folder \texttt{DUMUX}:
\texttt{./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dune-mux/debug.opts all}