Bård Skaflestad eb9ead5577 Support at Least NTFIP Distinict Regions for Inter-Region Flow
This commit ensures that we have backing support for region IDs up
to and including NTFIP (TABDIMS(5), REGDIMS(1)).  The existing setup
would fail (segmentation violation) in the case of a summary vector
of the form

      36 31 /

when the maximum FIPNUM value was 30.  We nevertheless support
maximum FIPNUM values exceeding NTFIP.

We add a new optional parameter to the EclInterRegionFlowMap
constructor.  The parameter allows client code to specifiy a
"minimum maximum" region ID that all ranks must support.  This value
will be enforced during parallel aggregation.
2024-01-24 09:54:44 +01:00

389 lines
15 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
Copyright 2022 Equinor AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/output/data/InterRegFlowMap.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
/// \file
/// MPI-aware facility for converting collection of tuples of region ID
/// pairs and associate flow rates into a sparse (CSR) adjacency matrix
/// representation of a graph. Supports O(nnz) compression.
namespace Opm {
class EclInterRegFlowMap;
/// Form CSR adjacency matrix representation of inter-region flow rate
/// graph provided as a list of connections between regions on local MPI
/// rank. Pertains to a single FIP definition array (e.g., FIPNUM).
class EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP
/// Minimal characteristics of a cell from a simulation grid.
struct Cell {
/// Cell's active index on local rank.
int activeIndex{-1};
/// Cell's global cell ID.
int cartesianIndex{-1};
/// Whether or not cell is interior to local rank.
bool isInterior{true};
friend class EclInterRegFlowMap;
/// Constructor
/// \param[in] region Local rank's FIP region definition array.
explicit EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP(const std::vector<int>& region);
/// Add flow rate connection between regions.
/// \param[in] source Cell from which the flow nominally originates.
/// \param[in] destination Cell into which flow nominally goes.
/// \param[in] rates Flow rates associated to single connection.
/// If both cells are in the same region, or if neither cell is
/// interior to this MPI rank, then this function does nothing. If
/// one cell is interior to this MPI rank and the other isn't, then
/// this function will include the flow rate contribution if and
/// only if the cell with the smallest associate region ID is
/// interior to this MPI rank.
void addConnection(const Cell& source,
const Cell& destination,
const data::InterRegFlowMap::FlowRates& rates);
/// Form CSR adjacency matrix representation of input graph from
/// connections established in previous calls to addConnection().
/// Number of rows in the CSR representation is the maximum FIP
/// region ID.
void compress();
/// Clear all internal buffers, but preserve allocated capacity.
void clear();
/// Get read-only access to the underlying CSR representation.
/// Mostly intended for summary output purposes.
const data::InterRegFlowMap& getInterRegFlows() const;
/// Retrieve maximum FIP region ID on local MPI rank.
std::size_t getLocalMaxRegionID() const;
/// Assign maximum FIP region ID across all MPI ranks.
/// Fails if global maximum is smaller than local maximum region ID.
/// \param[in] regID Global maximum FIP region ID for this FIP
/// definition array across all MPI ranks.
/// \return Whether or not assignment succeeded.
bool assignGlobalMaxRegionID(const std::size_t regID);
/// Serialise internal representation to MPI message buffer
/// \tparam MessageBufferType Linear MPI message buffer. API should
/// be similar to Dune::MessageBufferIF
/// \param[in,out] buffer Linear MPI message buffer instance.
/// Function appends a partially linearised representation of
/// \code *this \endcode to the buffer contents.
template <class MessageBufferType>
void write(MessageBufferType& buffer) const
// Note: this->region_ is *intentionally* omitted here.
/// Reconstitute internal object representation from MPI message
/// buffer
/// This object (\code *this \endcode) is not usable in subsequent
/// calls to \code addConnection() \endcode following a call to
/// member function \code read() \endcode.
/// \tparam MessageBufferType Linear MPI message buffer. API should
/// be similar to Dune::MessageBufferIF
/// \param[in,out] buffer Linear MPI message buffer instance.
/// Function reads a partially linearised representation of \code
/// *this \endcode from the buffer contents and advances the
/// buffer's read position.
template <class MessageBufferType>
void read(MessageBufferType& buffer)
auto otherMaxRegionID = 0 * this->maxGlobalRegionID_;
this->maxGlobalRegionID_ = std::max(this->maxGlobalRegionID_, otherMaxRegionID);
this->isReadFromStream_ = true;
/// Zero-based FIP region IDs on local MPI rank.
std::vector<int> region_{};
/// Maximum one-based FIP region ID on local MPI rank.
std::size_t maxLocalRegionID_{0};
/// Maximum one-based FIP region ID for this FIP region definition
/// array across all MPI ranks.
std::size_t maxGlobalRegionID_{0};
/// Rank-local inter-regional flow map.
data::InterRegFlowMap iregFlow_{};
/// Whether or not this object contains contributions deserialised
/// from a stream. For error detection.
bool isReadFromStream_{false};
/// Default constructor.
EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP() = default;
/// Inter-region flow accumulation maps for all region definition arrays
class EclInterRegFlowMap
/// Minimal representation of a single named region defintion.
/// Name is typically "FIPNUM" or any additional "FIP*" array names.
struct SingleRegion {
/// Region definition array name
std::string name;
/// Region definition array.
std::reference_wrapper<const std::vector<int>> definition;
/// Characteristics of a cell from a simulation grid.
using Cell = EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP::Cell;
/// Default constructor.
EclInterRegFlowMap() = default;
/// Special purpose constructor for global object being collected on
/// the I/O rank.
/// Only knows about the FIP region set names.
/// \param[in] names Sorted sequence of FIP region names.
static EclInterRegFlowMap
createMapFromNames(std::vector<std::string> names);
/// Constructor.
/// \param[in] numCells Number of cells on local MPI rank, including
/// overlap cells if applicable.
/// \param[in] regions All applicable region definition arrays.
/// \param[in] declaredMaxRegID Declared maximum region ID in the
/// run-typically from the TABDIMS and/or REGDIMS keywords. Used
/// for sizing internal data structures if greater than zero.
explicit EclInterRegFlowMap(const std::size_t numCells,
const std::vector<SingleRegion>& regions,
const std::size_t declaredMaxRegID = 0);
EclInterRegFlowMap(const EclInterRegFlowMap& rhs) = default;
EclInterRegFlowMap(EclInterRegFlowMap&& rhs) noexcept = default;
EclInterRegFlowMap& operator=(const EclInterRegFlowMap& rhs) = default;
EclInterRegFlowMap& operator=(EclInterRegFlowMap&& rhs) noexcept = default;
/// Add flow rate connection between regions for all region
/// definitions.
/// \param[in] source Cell from which the flow nominally originates.
/// \param[in] destination Cell into which flow nominally goes.
/// \param[in] rates Flow rates associated to single connection.
/// If both cells are in the same region, or if neither cell is
/// interior to this MPI rank, then this function does nothing. If
/// one cell is interior to this MPI rank and the other isn't, then
/// this function will include the flow rate contribution if and
/// only if the cell with the smallest associate region ID is
/// interior to this MPI rank.
void addConnection(const Cell& source,
const Cell& destination,
const data::InterRegFlowMap::FlowRates& rates);
/// Form CSR adjacency matrix representation of input graph from
/// connections established in previous calls to addConnection().
/// Number of rows in the CSR representation is the maximum FIP
/// region ID.
void compress();
/// Clear all internal buffers, but preserve allocated capacity.
void clear();
/// Names of all applicable region definition arrays.
/// Mostly intended for summary output purposes.
const std::vector<std::string>& names() const;
/// Get read-only access to the underlying CSR representation.
/// Mostly intended for summary output purposes.
std::vector<data::InterRegFlowMap> getInterRegFlows() const;
/// Retrieve maximum FIP region ID on local MPI rank.
std::vector<std::size_t> getLocalMaxRegionID() const;
/// Assign maximum FIP region ID across all MPI ranks.
/// Fails if global maximum is smaller than local maximum region ID.
/// \param[in] regID Global maximum FIP region ID for this FIP
/// definition array across all MPI ranks.
/// \return Whether or not assignment succeeded.
bool assignGlobalMaxRegionID(const std::vector<std::size_t>& regID);
/// Whether or not previous read() operation succeeded.
bool readIsConsistent() const;
bool wantInterRegflowSummary() const
return !this->regionMaps_.empty();
/// Serialise internal representation to MPI message buffer
/// \tparam MessageBufferType Linear MPI message buffer. API should
/// be similar to Dune::MessageBufferIF
/// \param[in,out] buffer Linear MPI message buffer instance.
/// Function appends a partially linearised representation of
/// \code *this \endcode to the buffer contents.
template <class MessageBufferType>
void write(MessageBufferType& buffer) const
for (const auto& name : this->names_) {
for (const auto& map : this->regionMaps_) {
/// Reconstitute internal object representation from MPI message
/// buffer
/// This object (\code *this \endcode) is not usable in subsequent
/// calls to \code addConnection() \endcode following a call to
/// member function \code read() \endcode.
/// \tparam MessageBufferType Linear MPI message buffer. API should
/// be similar to Dune::MessageBufferIF
/// \param[in,out] buffer Linear MPI message buffer instance.
/// Function reads a partially linearised representation of \code
/// *this \endcode from the buffer contents and advances the
/// buffer's read position.
template <class MessageBufferType>
void read(MessageBufferType& buffer)
const auto names = this->readNames(buffer);
if (names == this->names_) {
// Input stream holds the maps in expected order (common
// case). Read the maps and merge with internal values.
for (auto& map : this->regionMaps_) {
else {
// Input stream does not hold the maps in expected order (or
// different number of maps). Unexpected. Read the values
// from the input stream, but do not merge with internal
// values.
auto map = EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP {
std::vector<int>(this->numCells_, 1)
const auto numMaps = names.size();
for (auto n = 0*numMaps; n < numMaps; ++n) {
this->readIsConsistent_ = false;
/// Inter-region flow accumulators. One accumulator map for each
/// region definition array.
std::vector<EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP> regionMaps_{};
/// Names of region definition arrays. Typically "FIPNUM" and other
/// "FIPXYZ" array names.
std::vector<std::string> names_;
/// Number of cells, including overlap, reachable from this MPI
/// rank.
std::size_t numCells_{0};
/// Wheter or not read() successfully updated this object from an
/// input stream.
bool readIsConsistent_{true};
/// Retrieve array names from an input stream.
/// Needed for consistency checks.
template <class MessageBufferType>
std::vector<std::string> readNames(MessageBufferType& buffer) const
auto numNames = 0 * this->names_.size();
auto names = std::vector<std::string>(numNames);
for (auto name = 0*numNames; name < numNames; ++name) {
return names;
} // namespace Opm