Bård Skaflestad 858ca8fa49 Output Non-Linear Convergence to Separate File if Requested
This commit enables outputting non-linear convergence metrics, i.e.,
the MB and CNV values, per phase, for each non-linear iteration in
each timestep.  If the user passes the option value "iterations" to
the --extra-convergence-output command line option, this commit will
create a new output file, CASE.INFOITER, that holds

    * report step
    * time step within that report step
    * elapsed time
    * MB and CNV values per phase
    * well convergence status

for each non-linear iteration.

We use an asynchronous file writing procedure and confer ownership
of the report step's unprocessed convergence reports to this
procedure just before the end of


At that point, the convergence reports are about to go out of scope.
The asynchronous protocol uses a dedicated queue of output requests,
class ConvergenceReportQueue, into which the producer-i.e., member
function runStep()-inserts new convergence reports and from which
the output thread, ConvergenceOutputThread::writeASynchronous(),
retrieves those requests before writing the file data.
2022-12-20 10:14:13 +01:00

1153 lines
51 KiB

Copyright 2013, 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2014, 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2014, 2015 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2015 NTNU
Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017 IRIS AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <ebos/eclproblem.hh>
#include <opm/models/utils/start.hh>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/common/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/phaseUsageFromDeck.hpp>
#include <opm/grid/UnstructuredGrid.h>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/TableManager.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Units/Units.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/aquifers/BlackoilAquiferModel.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/countGlobalCells.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/NonlinearSolverEbos.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/BlackoilModelParametersEbos.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/ISTLSolverEbos.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveTimeSteppingEbos.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorReport.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimer.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLoggingErrorHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/BlackoilWellModel.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellConnectionAuxiliaryModule.hpp>
#include <dune/istl/owneroverlapcopy.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/communication.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/collectivecommunication.hh>
#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
#include <dune/common/unused.hh>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm::Properties {
namespace TTag {
struct EclFlowProblem {
using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<FlowTimeSteppingParameters, FlowModelParameters,
FlowNonLinearSolver, EclBaseProblem, BlackOilModel>;
template<class TypeTag>
struct OutputDir<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr auto value = "";
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableDebuggingChecks<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
// default in flow is to formulate the equations in surface volumes
template<class TypeTag>
struct BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
template<class TypeTag>
struct UseVolumetricResidual<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EclAquiferModel<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
using type = BlackoilAquiferModel<TypeTag>;
// disable all extensions supported by black oil model. this should not really be
// necessary but it makes things a bit more explicit
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnablePolymer<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableSolvent<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableTemperature<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableEnergy<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableFoam<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableBrine<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableSaltPrecipitation<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableMICP<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EclWellModel<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
using type = BlackoilWellModel<TypeTag>;
template<class TypeTag>
struct LinearSolverSplice<TypeTag, TTag::EclFlowProblem> {
using type = TTag::FlowIstlSolver;
} // namespace Opm::Properties
namespace Opm {
/// A model implementation for three-phase black oil.
/// The simulator is capable of handling three-phase problems
/// where gas can be dissolved in oil and vice versa. It
/// uses an industry-standard TPFA discretization with per-phase
/// upwind weighting of mobilities.
template <class TypeTag>
class BlackoilModelEbos
// --------- Types and enums ---------
typedef BlackoilModelParametersEbos<TypeTag> ModelParameters;
using Simulator = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Simulator>;
using Grid = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Grid>;
using ElementContext = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ElementContext>;
using SparseMatrixAdapter = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::SparseMatrixAdapter>;
using SolutionVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::SolutionVector>;
using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
using Indices = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Indices>;
using MaterialLaw = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::MaterialLaw>;
using MaterialLawParams = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::MaterialLawParams>;
typedef double Scalar;
static const int numEq = Indices::numEq;
static const int contiSolventEqIdx = Indices::contiSolventEqIdx;
static const int contiZfracEqIdx = Indices::contiZfracEqIdx;
static const int contiPolymerEqIdx = Indices::contiPolymerEqIdx;
static const int contiEnergyEqIdx = Indices::contiEnergyEqIdx;
static const int contiPolymerMWEqIdx = Indices::contiPolymerMWEqIdx;
static const int contiFoamEqIdx = Indices::contiFoamEqIdx;
static const int contiBrineEqIdx = Indices::contiBrineEqIdx;
static const int contiMicrobialEqIdx = Indices::contiMicrobialEqIdx;
static const int contiOxygenEqIdx = Indices::contiOxygenEqIdx;
static const int contiUreaEqIdx = Indices::contiUreaEqIdx;
static const int contiBiofilmEqIdx = Indices::contiBiofilmEqIdx;
static const int contiCalciteEqIdx = Indices::contiCalciteEqIdx;
static const int solventSaturationIdx = Indices::solventSaturationIdx;
static const int zFractionIdx = Indices::zFractionIdx;
static const int polymerConcentrationIdx = Indices::polymerConcentrationIdx;
static const int polymerMoleWeightIdx = Indices::polymerMoleWeightIdx;
static const int temperatureIdx = Indices::temperatureIdx;
static const int foamConcentrationIdx = Indices::foamConcentrationIdx;
static const int saltConcentrationIdx = Indices::saltConcentrationIdx;
static const int microbialConcentrationIdx = Indices::microbialConcentrationIdx;
static const int oxygenConcentrationIdx = Indices::oxygenConcentrationIdx;
static const int ureaConcentrationIdx = Indices::ureaConcentrationIdx;
static const int biofilmConcentrationIdx = Indices::biofilmConcentrationIdx;
static const int calciteConcentrationIdx = Indices::calciteConcentrationIdx;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numEq > VectorBlockType;
typedef typename SparseMatrixAdapter::MatrixBlock MatrixBlockType;
typedef typename SparseMatrixAdapter::IstlMatrix Mat;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<VectorBlockType> BVector;
typedef ISTLSolverEbos<TypeTag> ISTLSolverType;
class ComponentName
: names_(numEq)
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < FluidSystem::numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
const unsigned canonicalCompIdx = FluidSystem::solventComponentIndex(phaseIdx);
= FluidSystem::componentName(canonicalCompIdx);
if constexpr (has_solvent_) {
names_[solventSaturationIdx] = "Solvent";
if constexpr (has_extbo_) {
names_[zFractionIdx] = "ZFraction";
if constexpr (has_polymer_) {
names_[polymerConcentrationIdx] = "Polymer";
if constexpr (has_polymermw_) {
names_[polymerMoleWeightIdx] = "MolecularWeightP";
if constexpr (has_energy_) {
names_[temperatureIdx] = "Energy";
if constexpr (has_foam_) {
names_[foamConcentrationIdx] = "Foam";
if constexpr (has_brine_) {
names_[saltConcentrationIdx] = "Brine";
if constexpr (has_micp_) {
names_[microbialConcentrationIdx] = "Microbes";
names_[oxygenConcentrationIdx] = "Oxygen";
names_[ureaConcentrationIdx] = "Urea";
names_[biofilmConcentrationIdx] = "Biofilm";
names_[calciteConcentrationIdx] = "Calcite";
const std::string& name(const int compIdx) const
return this->names_[compIdx];
std::vector<std::string> names_{};
//typedef typename SolutionVector :: value_type PrimaryVariables ;
// --------- Public methods ---------
/// Construct the model. It will retain references to the
/// arguments of this functions, and they are expected to
/// remain in scope for the lifetime of the solver.
/// \param[in] param parameters
/// \param[in] grid grid data structure
/// \param[in] wells well structure
/// \param[in] vfp_properties Vertical flow performance tables
/// \param[in] linsolver linear solver
/// \param[in] eclState eclipse state
/// \param[in] terminal_output request output to cout/cerr
BlackoilModelEbos(Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const ModelParameters& param,
BlackoilWellModel<TypeTag>& well_model,
const bool terminal_output)
: ebosSimulator_(ebosSimulator)
, grid_(ebosSimulator_.vanguard().grid())
, phaseUsage_(phaseUsageFromDeck(eclState()))
, param_( param )
, well_model_ (well_model)
, terminal_output_ (terminal_output)
, current_relaxation_(1.0)
, dx_old_(ebosSimulator_.model().numGridDof())
// compute global sum of number of cells
global_nc_ = detail::countGlobalCells(grid_);
convergence_reports_.reserve(300); // Often insufficient, but avoids frequent moves.
bool isParallel() const
{ return grid_.comm().size() > 1; }
const EclipseState& eclState() const
{ return ebosSimulator_.vanguard().eclState(); }
/// Called once before each time step.
/// \param[in] timer simulation timer
SimulatorReportSingle prepareStep(const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer)
SimulatorReportSingle report;
Dune::Timer perfTimer;
// update the solution variables in ebos
if ( timer.lastStepFailed() ) {
} else {
// Set the timestep size, episode index, and non-linear iteration index
// for ebos explicitly. ebos needs to know the report step/episode index
// because of timing dependent data despite the fact that flow uses its
// own time stepper. (The length of the episode does not matter, though.)
unsigned numDof = ebosSimulator_.model().numGridDof();
std::fill(wasSwitched_.begin(), wasSwitched_.end(), false);
if (param_.update_equations_scaling_) {
std::cout << "equation scaling not supported yet" << std::endl;
report.pre_post_time += perfTimer.stop();
return report;
/// Called once per nonlinear iteration.
/// This model will perform a Newton-Raphson update, changing reservoir_state
/// and well_state. It will also use the nonlinear_solver to do relaxation of
/// updates if necessary.
/// \param[in] iteration should be 0 for the first call of a new timestep
/// \param[in] timer simulation timer
/// \param[in] nonlinear_solver nonlinear solver used (for oscillation/relaxation control)
/// \param[in, out] reservoir_state reservoir state variables
/// \param[in, out] well_state well state variables
template <class NonlinearSolverType>
SimulatorReportSingle nonlinearIteration(const int iteration,
const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
NonlinearSolverType& nonlinear_solver)
SimulatorReportSingle report;
failureReport_ = SimulatorReportSingle();
Dune::Timer perfTimer;
if (iteration == 0) {
// For each iteration we store in a vector the norms of the residual of
// the mass balance for each active phase, the well flux and the well equations.
current_relaxation_ = 1.0;
dx_old_ = 0.0;
convergence_reports_.push_back({timer.reportStepNum(), timer.currentStepNum(), {}});
report.total_linearizations = 1;
try {
report += assembleReservoir(timer, iteration);
report.assemble_time += perfTimer.stop();
catch (...) {
report.assemble_time += perfTimer.stop();
failureReport_ += report;
// todo (?): make the report an attribute of the class
throw; // continue throwing the stick
std::vector<double> residual_norms;
// the step is not considered converged until at least minIter iterations is done
auto convrep = getConvergence(timer, iteration,residual_norms);
report.converged = convrep.converged() && iteration > nonlinear_solver.minIter();;
ConvergenceReport::Severity severity = convrep.severityOfWorstFailure();
// Throw if any NaN or too large residual found.
if (severity == ConvergenceReport::Severity::NotANumber) {
OPM_THROW(NumericalProblem, "NaN residual found!");
} else if (severity == ConvergenceReport::Severity::TooLarge) {
OPM_THROW_NOLOG(NumericalProblem, "Too large residual found!");
report.update_time += perfTimer.stop();
if (!report.converged) {
report.total_newton_iterations = 1;
// enable single precision for solvers when dt is smaller then 20 days
//residual_.singlePrecision = (unit::convert::to(dt, unit::day) < 20.) ;
// Compute the nonlinear update.
unsigned nc = ebosSimulator_.model().numGridDof();
BVector x(nc);
// Solve the linear system.
linear_solve_setup_time_ = 0.0;
try {
// apply the Schur compliment of the well model to the reservoir linearized
// equations
// Note that linearize may throw for MSwells.
report.linear_solve_setup_time += linear_solve_setup_time_;
report.linear_solve_time += perfTimer.stop();
report.total_linear_iterations += linearIterationsLastSolve();
catch (...) {
report.linear_solve_setup_time += linear_solve_setup_time_;
report.linear_solve_time += perfTimer.stop();
report.total_linear_iterations += linearIterationsLastSolve();
failureReport_ += report;
throw; // re-throw up
// handling well state update before oscillation treatment is a decision based
// on observation to avoid some big performance degeneration under some circumstances.
// there is no theorectical explanation which way is better for sure.
if (param_.use_update_stabilization_) {
// Stabilize the nonlinear update.
bool isOscillate = false;
bool isStagnate = false;
nonlinear_solver.detectOscillations(residual_norms_history_, iteration, isOscillate, isStagnate);
if (isOscillate) {
current_relaxation_ -= nonlinear_solver.relaxIncrement();
current_relaxation_ = std::max(current_relaxation_, nonlinear_solver.relaxMax());
if (terminalOutputEnabled()) {
std::string msg = " Oscillating behavior detected: Relaxation set to "
+ std::to_string(current_relaxation_);
nonlinear_solver.stabilizeNonlinearUpdate(x, dx_old_, current_relaxation_);
// Apply the update, with considering model-dependent limitations and
// chopping of the update.
report.update_time += perfTimer.stop();
return report;
void printIf(int c, double x, double y, double eps, std::string type) {
if (std::abs(x-y) > eps) {
std::cout << type << " " <<c << ": "<<x << " " << y << std::endl;
/// Called once after each time step.
/// In this class, this function does nothing.
/// \param[in] timer simulation timer
SimulatorReportSingle afterStep(const SimulatorTimerInterface&)
SimulatorReportSingle report;
Dune::Timer perfTimer;
report.pre_post_time += perfTimer.stop();
return report;
/// Assemble the residual and Jacobian of the nonlinear system.
/// \param[in] reservoir_state reservoir state variables
/// \param[in, out] well_state well state variables
/// \param[in] initial_assembly pass true if this is the first call to assemble() in this timestep
SimulatorReportSingle assembleReservoir(const SimulatorTimerInterface& /* timer */,
const int iterationIdx)
// -------- Mass balance equations --------
return wellModel().lastReport();
// compute the "relative" change of the solution between time steps
double relativeChange() const
Scalar resultDelta = 0.0;
Scalar resultDenom = 0.0;
const auto& elemMapper = ebosSimulator_.model().elementMapper();
const auto& gridView = ebosSimulator_.gridView();
for (const auto& elem : elements(gridView, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
unsigned globalElemIdx = elemMapper.index(elem);
const auto& priVarsNew = ebosSimulator_.model().solution(/*timeIdx=*/0)[globalElemIdx];
Scalar pressureNew;
pressureNew = priVarsNew[Indices::pressureSwitchIdx];
Scalar saturationsNew[FluidSystem::numPhases] = { 0.0 };
Scalar oilSaturationNew = 1.0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx) &&
FluidSystem::numActivePhases() > 1 &&
priVarsNew.primaryVarsMeaningWater() == PrimaryVariables::WaterMeaning::Sw) {
saturationsNew[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx] = priVarsNew[Indices::waterSwitchIdx];
oilSaturationNew -= saturationsNew[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx];
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) &&
FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx) &&
priVarsNew.primaryVarsMeaningGas() == PrimaryVariables::GasMeaning::Sg) {
assert(Indices::compositionSwitchIdx >= 0 );
saturationsNew[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx] = priVarsNew[Indices::compositionSwitchIdx];
oilSaturationNew -= saturationsNew[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx)) {
saturationsNew[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] = oilSaturationNew;
const auto& priVarsOld = ebosSimulator_.model().solution(/*timeIdx=*/1)[globalElemIdx];
Scalar pressureOld;
pressureOld = priVarsOld[Indices::pressureSwitchIdx];
Scalar saturationsOld[FluidSystem::numPhases] = { 0.0 };
Scalar oilSaturationOld = 1.0;
// NB fix me! adding pressures changes to satutation changes does not make sense
Scalar tmp = pressureNew - pressureOld;
resultDelta += tmp*tmp;
resultDenom += pressureNew*pressureNew;
if (FluidSystem::numActivePhases() > 1) {
if (priVarsOld.primaryVarsMeaningWater() == PrimaryVariables::WaterMeaning::Sw) {
saturationsOld[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx] = priVarsOld[Indices::waterSwitchIdx];
oilSaturationOld -= saturationsOld[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx];
if (priVarsOld.primaryVarsMeaningGas() == PrimaryVariables::GasMeaning::Sg)
assert(Indices::compositionSwitchIdx >= 0 );
saturationsOld[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx] = priVarsOld[Indices::compositionSwitchIdx];
oilSaturationOld -= saturationsOld[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx)) {
saturationsOld[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] = oilSaturationOld;
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < FluidSystem::numPhases; ++ phaseIdx) {
Scalar tmpSat = saturationsNew[phaseIdx] - saturationsOld[phaseIdx];
resultDelta += tmpSat*tmpSat;
resultDenom += saturationsNew[phaseIdx]*saturationsNew[phaseIdx];
resultDelta = gridView.comm().sum(resultDelta);
resultDenom = gridView.comm().sum(resultDenom);
if (resultDenom > 0.0)
return resultDelta/resultDenom;
return 0.0;
/// Number of linear iterations used in last call to solveJacobianSystem().
int linearIterationsLastSolve() const
return ebosSimulator_.model().newtonMethod().linearSolver().iterations ();
/// Solve the Jacobian system Jx = r where J is the Jacobian and
/// r is the residual.
void solveJacobianSystem(BVector& x)
auto& ebosJac = ebosSimulator_.model().linearizer().jacobian();
auto& ebosResid = ebosSimulator_.model().linearizer().residual();
// set initial guess
x = 0.0;
auto& ebosSolver = ebosSimulator_.model().newtonMethod().linearSolver();
Dune::Timer perfTimer;
ebosSolver.prepare(ebosJac, ebosResid);
linear_solve_setup_time_ = perfTimer.stop();
// actually, the error needs to be calculated after setResidual in order to
// account for parallelization properly. since the residual of ECFV
// discretizations does not need to be synchronized across processes to be
// consistent, this is not relevant for OPM-flow...
/// Apply an update to the primary variables.
void updateSolution(const BVector& dx)
auto& ebosNewtonMethod = ebosSimulator_.model().newtonMethod();
SolutionVector& solution = ebosSimulator_.model().solution(/*timeIdx=*/0);
/*resid=*/dx); // the update routines of the black
// oil model do not care about the
// residual
// if the solution is updated, the intensive quantities need to be recalculated
/// Return true if output to cout is wanted.
bool terminalOutputEnabled() const
return terminal_output_;
template <class CollectiveCommunication>
std::tuple<double,double> convergenceReduction(const CollectiveCommunication& comm,
const double pvSumLocal,
const double numAquiferPvSumLocal,
std::vector< Scalar >& R_sum,
std::vector< Scalar >& maxCoeff,
std::vector< Scalar >& B_avg)
// Compute total pore volume (use only owned entries)
double pvSum = pvSumLocal;
double numAquiferPvSum = numAquiferPvSumLocal;
if( comm.size() > 1 )
// global reduction
std::vector< Scalar > sumBuffer;
std::vector< Scalar > maxBuffer;
const int numComp = B_avg.size();
sumBuffer.reserve( 2*numComp + 2 ); // +2 for (numAquifer)pvSum
maxBuffer.reserve( numComp );
for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx )
sumBuffer.push_back( B_avg[ compIdx ] );
sumBuffer.push_back( R_sum[ compIdx ] );
maxBuffer.push_back( maxCoeff[ compIdx ] );
// Compute total pore volume
sumBuffer.push_back( pvSum );
sumBuffer.push_back( numAquiferPvSum );
// compute global sum
comm.sum( sumBuffer.data(), sumBuffer.size() );
// compute global max
comm.max( maxBuffer.data(), maxBuffer.size() );
// restore values to local variables
for( int compIdx = 0, buffIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx, ++buffIdx )
B_avg[ compIdx ] = sumBuffer[ buffIdx ];
R_sum[ compIdx ] = sumBuffer[ buffIdx ];
for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx )
maxCoeff[ compIdx ] = maxBuffer[ compIdx ];
// restore global pore volume
pvSum = sumBuffer[sumBuffer.size()-2];
numAquiferPvSum = sumBuffer.back();
// return global pore volume
return {pvSum, numAquiferPvSum};
/// \brief Get reservoir quantities on this process needed for convergence calculations.
/// \return A pair of the local pore volume of interior cells and the pore volumes
/// of the cells associated with a numerical aquifer.
std::tuple<double,double> localConvergenceData(std::vector<Scalar>& R_sum,
std::vector<Scalar>& maxCoeff,
std::vector<Scalar>& B_avg)
double pvSumLocal = 0.0;
double numAquiferPvSumLocal = 0.0;
const auto& ebosModel = ebosSimulator_.model();
const auto& ebosProblem = ebosSimulator_.problem();
const auto& ebosResid = ebosSimulator_.model().linearizer().residual();
ElementContext elemCtx(ebosSimulator_);
const auto& gridView = ebosSimulator().gridView();
for (const auto& elem : elements(gridView, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
const unsigned cell_idx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
const auto& intQuants = elemCtx.intensiveQuantities(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
const auto& fs = intQuants.fluidState();
const double pvValue = ebosProblem.referencePorosity(cell_idx, /*timeIdx=*/0) * ebosModel.dofTotalVolume( cell_idx );
pvSumLocal += pvValue;
if (isNumericalAquiferCell(gridView.grid(), elem))
numAquiferPvSumLocal += pvValue;
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < FluidSystem::numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
const unsigned compIdx = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(FluidSystem::solventComponentIndex(phaseIdx));
B_avg[ compIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(phaseIdx).value();
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][compIdx];
R_sum[ compIdx ] += R2;
maxCoeff[ compIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ compIdx ], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
if constexpr (has_solvent_) {
B_avg[ contiSolventEqIdx ] += 1.0 / intQuants.solventInverseFormationVolumeFactor().value();
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiSolventEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiSolventEqIdx ] += R2;
maxCoeff[ contiSolventEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiSolventEqIdx ], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
if constexpr (has_extbo_) {
B_avg[ contiZfracEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiZfracEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiZfracEqIdx ] += R2;
maxCoeff[ contiZfracEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiZfracEqIdx ], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
if constexpr (has_polymer_) {
B_avg[ contiPolymerEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiPolymerEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiPolymerEqIdx ] += R2;
maxCoeff[ contiPolymerEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiPolymerEqIdx ], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
if constexpr (has_foam_) {
B_avg[ contiFoamEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiFoamEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiFoamEqIdx ] += R2;
maxCoeff[ contiFoamEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiFoamEqIdx ], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
if constexpr (has_brine_) {
B_avg[ contiBrineEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiBrineEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiBrineEqIdx ] += R2;
maxCoeff[ contiBrineEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiBrineEqIdx ], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
if constexpr (has_polymermw_) {
B_avg[contiPolymerMWEqIdx] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx).value();
// the residual of the polymer molecular equation is scaled down by a 100, since molecular weight
// can be much bigger than 1, and this equation shares the same tolerance with other mass balance equations
// TODO: there should be a more general way to determine the scaling-down coefficient
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiPolymerMWEqIdx] / 100.;
R_sum[contiPolymerMWEqIdx] += R2;
maxCoeff[contiPolymerMWEqIdx] = std::max( maxCoeff[contiPolymerMWEqIdx], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
if constexpr (has_energy_) {
B_avg[ contiEnergyEqIdx ] += 1.0 / (4.182e1); // converting J -> RM3 (entalpy / (cp * deltaK * rho) assuming change of 1e-5K of water
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiEnergyEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiEnergyEqIdx ] += R2;
maxCoeff[ contiEnergyEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiEnergyEqIdx ], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
if constexpr (has_micp_) {
B_avg[ contiMicrobialEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R1 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiMicrobialEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiMicrobialEqIdx ] += R1;
maxCoeff[ contiMicrobialEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiMicrobialEqIdx ], std::abs( R1 ) / pvValue );
B_avg[ contiOxygenEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R2 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiOxygenEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiOxygenEqIdx ] += R2;
maxCoeff[ contiOxygenEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiOxygenEqIdx ], std::abs( R2 ) / pvValue );
B_avg[ contiUreaEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R3 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiUreaEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiUreaEqIdx ] += R3;
maxCoeff[ contiUreaEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiUreaEqIdx ], std::abs( R3 ) / pvValue );
B_avg[ contiBiofilmEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R4 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiBiofilmEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiBiofilmEqIdx ] += R4;
maxCoeff[ contiBiofilmEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiBiofilmEqIdx ], std::abs( R4 ) / pvValue );
B_avg[ contiCalciteEqIdx ] += 1.0 / fs.invB(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx).value();
const auto R5 = ebosResid[cell_idx][contiCalciteEqIdx];
R_sum[ contiCalciteEqIdx ] += R5;
maxCoeff[ contiCalciteEqIdx ] = std::max( maxCoeff[ contiCalciteEqIdx ], std::abs( R5 ) / pvValue );
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH("BlackoilModelEbos::localConvergenceData() failed: ", grid_.comm());
// compute local average in terms of global number of elements
const int bSize = B_avg.size();
for ( int i = 0; i<bSize; ++i )
B_avg[ i ] /= Scalar( global_nc_ );
return {pvSumLocal, numAquiferPvSumLocal};
/// \brief Compute the total pore volume of cells violating CNV that are not part
/// of a numerical aquifer.
double computeCnvErrorPv(const std::vector<Scalar>& B_avg, double dt)
double errorPV{};
const auto& ebosModel = ebosSimulator_.model();
const auto& ebosProblem = ebosSimulator_.problem();
const auto& ebosResid = ebosSimulator_.model().linearizer().residual();
const auto& gridView = ebosSimulator().gridView();
ElementContext elemCtx(ebosSimulator_);
for (const auto& elem : elements(gridView, Dune::Partitions::interiorBorder))
// Skip cells of numerical Aquifer
if (isNumericalAquiferCell(gridView.grid(), elem))
const unsigned cell_idx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
const double pvValue = ebosProblem.referencePorosity(cell_idx, /*timeIdx=*/0) * ebosModel.dofTotalVolume( cell_idx );
const auto& cellResidual = ebosResid[cell_idx];
bool cnvViolated = false;
for (unsigned eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < cellResidual.size(); ++eqIdx)
using std::abs;
Scalar CNV = cellResidual[eqIdx] * dt * B_avg[eqIdx] / pvValue;
cnvViolated = cnvViolated || (abs(CNV) > param_.tolerance_cnv_);
if (cnvViolated)
errorPV += pvValue;
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH("BlackoilModelEbos::ComputeCnvError() failed: ", grid_.comm());
return grid_.comm().sum(errorPV);
ConvergenceReport getReservoirConvergence(const double reportTime,
const double dt,
const int iteration,
std::vector<Scalar>& B_avg,
std::vector<Scalar>& residual_norms)
typedef std::vector< Scalar > Vector;
const int numComp = numEq;
Vector R_sum(numComp, 0.0 );
Vector maxCoeff(numComp, std::numeric_limits< Scalar >::lowest() );
const auto [ pvSumLocal, numAquiferPvSumLocal] = localConvergenceData(R_sum, maxCoeff, B_avg);
// compute global sum and max of quantities
const auto [ pvSum, numAquiferPvSum ] =
convergenceReduction(grid_.comm(), pvSumLocal,
R_sum, maxCoeff, B_avg);
auto cnvErrorPvFraction = computeCnvErrorPv(B_avg, dt);
cnvErrorPvFraction /= (pvSum - numAquiferPvSum);
const double tol_mb = param_.tolerance_mb_;
// Default value of relaxed_max_pv_fraction_ is 0.03 and min_strict_cnv_iter_ is 0.
// For each iteration, we need to determine whether to use the relaxed CNV tolerance.
// To disable the usage of relaxed CNV tolerance, you can set the relaxed_max_pv_fraction_ to be 0.
const bool use_relaxed = cnvErrorPvFraction < param_.relaxed_max_pv_fraction_ && iteration >= param_.min_strict_cnv_iter_;
const double tol_cnv = use_relaxed ? param_.tolerance_cnv_relaxed_ : param_.tolerance_cnv_;
// Finish computation
std::vector<Scalar> CNV(numComp);
std::vector<Scalar> mass_balance_residual(numComp);
for ( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx )
CNV[compIdx] = B_avg[compIdx] * dt * maxCoeff[compIdx];
mass_balance_residual[compIdx] = std::abs(B_avg[compIdx]*R_sum[compIdx]) * dt / pvSum;
// Create convergence report.
ConvergenceReport report{reportTime};
using CR = ConvergenceReport;
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
double res[2] = { mass_balance_residual[compIdx], CNV[compIdx] };
CR::ReservoirFailure::Type types[2] = { CR::ReservoirFailure::Type::MassBalance,
CR::ReservoirFailure::Type::Cnv };
double tol[2] = { tol_mb, tol_cnv };
for (int ii : {0, 1}) {
if (std::isnan(res[ii])) {
report.setReservoirFailed({types[ii], CR::Severity::NotANumber, compIdx});
if ( terminal_output_ ) {
OpmLog::debug("NaN residual for " + this->compNames_.name(compIdx) + " equation.");
} else if (res[ii] > maxResidualAllowed()) {
report.setReservoirFailed({types[ii], CR::Severity::TooLarge, compIdx});
if ( terminal_output_ ) {
OpmLog::debug("Too large residual for " + this->compNames_.name(compIdx) + " equation.");
} else if (res[ii] < 0.0) {
report.setReservoirFailed({types[ii], CR::Severity::Normal, compIdx});
if ( terminal_output_ ) {
OpmLog::debug("Negative residual for " + this->compNames_.name(compIdx) + " equation.");
} else if (res[ii] > tol[ii]) {
report.setReservoirFailed({types[ii], CR::Severity::Normal, compIdx});
report.setReservoirConvergenceMetric(types[ii], compIdx, res[ii]);
// Output of residuals.
if ( terminal_output_ )
// Only rank 0 does print to std::cout
if (iteration == 0) {
std::string msg = "Iter";
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
msg += " MB(";
msg += this->compNames_.name(compIdx)[0];
msg += ") ";
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
msg += " CNV(";
msg += this->compNames_.name(compIdx)[0];
msg += ") ";
std::ostringstream ss;
const std::streamsize oprec = ss.precision(3);
const std::ios::fmtflags oflags = ss.setf(std::ios::scientific);
ss << std::setw(4) << iteration;
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
ss << std::setw(11) << mass_balance_residual[compIdx];
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
ss << std::setw(11) << CNV[compIdx];
return report;
/// Compute convergence based on total mass balance (tol_mb) and maximum
/// residual mass balance (tol_cnv).
/// \param[in] timer simulation timer
/// \param[in] iteration current iteration number
/// \param[out] residual_norms CNV residuals by phase
ConvergenceReport getConvergence(const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
const int iteration,
std::vector<double>& residual_norms)
// Get convergence reports for reservoir and wells.
std::vector<Scalar> B_avg(numEq, 0.0);
auto report = getReservoirConvergence(timer.simulationTimeElapsed(),
iteration, B_avg, residual_norms);
report += wellModel().getWellConvergence(B_avg, /*checkWellGroupControls*/report.converged());
return report;
/// The number of active fluid phases in the model.
int numPhases() const
return phaseUsage_.num_phases;
/// Wrapper required due to not following generic API
template<class T>
std::vector<std::vector<double> >
computeFluidInPlace(const T&, const std::vector<int>& fipnum) const
return computeFluidInPlace(fipnum);
/// Should not be called
std::vector<std::vector<double> >
computeFluidInPlace(const std::vector<int>& /*fipnum*/) const
//return an empty vector
std::vector<std::vector<double> > regionValues(0, std::vector<double>(0,0.0));
return regionValues;
const Simulator& ebosSimulator() const
{ return ebosSimulator_; }
Simulator& ebosSimulator()
{ return ebosSimulator_; }
/// return the statistics if the nonlinearIteration() method failed
const SimulatorReportSingle& failureReport() const
{ return failureReport_; }
struct StepReport
int report_step;
int current_step;
std::vector<ConvergenceReport> report;
const std::vector<StepReport>& stepReports() const
return convergence_reports_;
std::vector<StepReport> getStepReportsDestructively() const
return std::move(this->convergence_reports_);
// --------- Data members ---------
Simulator& ebosSimulator_;
const Grid& grid_;
const PhaseUsage phaseUsage_;
static constexpr bool has_solvent_ = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableSolvent>();
static constexpr bool has_extbo_ = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableExtbo>();
static constexpr bool has_polymer_ = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnablePolymer>();
static constexpr bool has_polymermw_ = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnablePolymerMW>();
static constexpr bool has_energy_ = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableEnergy>();
static constexpr bool has_foam_ = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableFoam>();
static constexpr bool has_brine_ = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableBrine>();
static constexpr bool has_micp_ = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableMICP>();
ModelParameters param_;
SimulatorReportSingle failureReport_;
// Well Model
BlackoilWellModel<TypeTag>& well_model_;
/// \brief Whether we print something to std::cout
bool terminal_output_;
/// \brief The number of cells of the global grid.
long int global_nc_;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> residual_norms_history_;
double current_relaxation_;
BVector dx_old_;
std::vector<StepReport> convergence_reports_;
ComponentName compNames_{};
/// return the StandardWells object
wellModel() { return well_model_; }
const BlackoilWellModel<TypeTag>&
wellModel() const { return well_model_; }
void beginReportStep()
void endReportStep()
template<class T>
bool isNumericalAquiferCell(const Dune::CpGrid& grid, const T& elem)
const auto& aquiferCells = grid.sortedNumAquiferCells();
if (aquiferCells.empty())
return false;
auto candidate = std::lower_bound(aquiferCells.begin(), aquiferCells.end(),
return candidate != aquiferCells.end() && *candidate == elem.index();
template<class G, class T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<G,Dune::CpGrid>::value, bool>::type
isNumericalAquiferCell(const G&, const T&)
return false;
double dpMaxRel() const { return param_.dp_max_rel_; }
double dsMax() const { return param_.ds_max_; }
double drMaxRel() const { return param_.dr_max_rel_; }
double maxResidualAllowed() const { return param_.max_residual_allowed_; }
double linear_solve_setup_time_;
std::vector<bool> wasSwitched_;
} // namespace Opm