mirror of
synced 2025-01-15 22:51:55 -06:00
This commit distinguishes the reference condition pore volume from the dynamic, pressure (and/or temperature) dependent pore volume value. Previously we would report the latter as the 'PORV' value in the "Field Totals" and "FIPNUM region" reports, but this commit switches to reporting the former instead-mostly for compatibility. We still report the dynamic pore volume value, but now we report this on a line of its own, before the table, using one of the forms Field total pressure dependent pore volume = 12345 RM3 FIPNUM report region 1 pressure dependent pore volume = 123 RM3
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388 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
* \file
* \copydoc Opm::EclOutputBlackOilModule
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <opm/output/data/Wells.hpp>
#include <opm/output/eclipse/Inplace.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/SummaryState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/SummaryConfig/SummaryConfig.hpp>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/communication.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/collectivecommunication.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
namespace Opm {
namespace data { class Solution; }
class EclipseState;
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
class EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule {
using Comm = Dune::CollectiveCommunication<Dune::MPIHelper::MPICommunicator>;
// write cumulative production and injection reports to output
void outputCumLog(size_t reportStepNum,
const bool substep,
bool forceDisableCumOutput);
// write production report to output
void outputProdLog(size_t reportStepNum,
const bool substep,
bool forceDisableProdOutput);
// write injection report to output
void outputInjLog(size_t reportStepNum,
const bool substep,
bool forceDisableInjOutput);
// write Fluid In Place to output log
Inplace outputFipLog(std::map<std::string, double>& miscSummaryData,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>& regionData,
const bool substep,
const Comm& comm);
void outputErrorLog(const Comm& comm) const;
void addRftDataToWells(data::Wells& wellDatas,
size_t reportStepNum);
* \brief Move all buffers to data::Solution.
void assignToSolution(data::Solution& sol);
void setRestart(const data::Solution& sol,
unsigned elemIdx,
unsigned globalDofIndex);
Scalar getSolventSaturation(unsigned elemIdx) const
if (sSol_.size() > elemIdx)
return sSol_[elemIdx];
return 0;
Scalar getPolymerConcentration(unsigned elemIdx) const
if (cPolymer_.size() > elemIdx)
return cPolymer_[elemIdx];
return 0;
Scalar getFoamConcentration(unsigned elemIdx) const
if (cFoam_.size() > elemIdx)
return cFoam_[elemIdx];
return 0;
Scalar getSaltConcentration(unsigned elemIdx) const
if (cSalt_.size() > elemIdx)
return cSalt_[elemIdx];
return 0;
const std::map<std::size_t, double>& getWBPData() const
return this->wbpData_;
const std::map<std::pair<std::string, int>, double>& getBlockData()
return blockData_;
const Inplace& initialInplace() const
return this->initialInplace_.value();
// Virtual destructor for safer inheritance.
virtual ~EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule() = default;
using ScalarBuffer = std::vector<Scalar>;
using StringBuffer = std::vector<std::string>;
enum { numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases };
enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
enum { oilPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx };
enum { waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx };
EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule(const EclipseState& eclState,
const Schedule& schedule,
const SummaryConfig& summaryConfig,
const SummaryState& summaryState,
bool enableEnergy,
bool enableTemperature,
bool enableSolvent,
bool enablePolymer,
bool enableFoam,
bool enableBrine,
bool enableExtbo);
struct WellProdDataType
enum WPId
WellLocationi = 0, //WLi
WellLocationj = 1, //WLj
OilRate = 2, //OR
WaterRate = 3, //WR
GasRate = 4, //GR
FluidResVol = 5, //FRV
WaterCut = 6, //WC
GasOilRatio = 7, //GOR
WatGasRatio = 8, //WGR
BHP = 9, //BHP
THP = 10, //THP
SteadyStatePI = 11, //SteadyStatePI
WellName = 0, //WName
CTRLMode = 1, //CTRL
static constexpr int numWPValues = 12;
static constexpr int numWPNames = 2;
struct WellInjDataType
enum WIId
WellLocationi = 0, //WLi
WellLocationj = 1, //WLj
OilRate = 2, //OR
WaterRate = 3, //WR
GasRate = 4, //GR
FluidResVol = 5, //FRV
BHP = 6, //BHP
THP = 7, //THP
SteadyStateII = 8, //SteadyStateII
WellName = 0, //WName
CTRLModeOil = 1, //CTRLo
CTRLModeWat = 2, //CTRLw
CTRLModeGas = 3, //CTRLg
static constexpr int numWIValues = 9;
static constexpr int numWINames = 4;
struct WellCumDataType
enum WCId
WellLocationi = 0, //WLi
WellLocationj = 1, //WLj
OilProd = 2, //OP
WaterProd = 3, //WP
GasProd = 4, //GP
FluidResVolProd = 5, //FRVP
OilInj = 6, //OI
WaterInj = 7, //WI
GasInj = 8, //GI
FluidResVolInj = 9, //FRVI
WellName = 0, //WName
WellType = 1, //WType
WellCTRL = 2, //WCTRL
static constexpr int numWCValues = 10;
static constexpr int numWCNames = 3;
void doAllocBuffers(unsigned bufferSize,
unsigned reportStepNum,
const bool substep,
const bool log,
const bool isRestart,
const bool vapparsActive,
const bool enableHysteresis,
unsigned numTracers);
void fipUnitConvert_(std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar>& fip) const;
void pressureUnitConvert_(Scalar& pav) const;
void outputRegionFluidInPlace_(std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar> oip,
std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar> cip,
const Scalar& pav, const int reg = 0) const;
void outputProductionReport_(const ScalarBuffer& wellProd,
const StringBuffer& wellProdNames,
const bool forceDisableProdOutput);
void outputInjectionReport_(const ScalarBuffer& wellInj,
const StringBuffer& wellInjNames,
const bool forceDisableInjOutput);
void outputCumulativeReport_(const ScalarBuffer& wellCum,
const StringBuffer& wellCumNames,
const bool forceDisableCumOutput);
void outputFipLogImpl(const Inplace& inplace) const;
void makeRegionSum(Inplace& inplace,
const std::string& region_name,
const Comm& comm) const;
Inplace accumulateRegionSums(const Comm& comm);
void updateSummaryRegionValues(const Inplace& inplace,
std::map<std::string, double>& miscSummaryData,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>& regionData) const;
static bool isOutputCreationDirective_(const std::string& keyword);
static Scalar pressureAverage_(const Scalar& pressurePvHydrocarbon,
const Scalar& pvHydrocarbon,
const Scalar& pressurePv,
const Scalar& pv,
bool hydrocarbon);
static ScalarBuffer pressureAverage_(const ScalarBuffer& pressurePvHydrocarbon,
const ScalarBuffer& pvHydrocarbon,
const ScalarBuffer& pressurePv,
const ScalarBuffer& pv,
bool hydrocarbon);
// Sum Fip values over regions.
static ScalarBuffer regionSum(const ScalarBuffer& property,
const std::vector<int>& regionId,
const std::size_t maxNumberOfRegions,
const Comm& comm);
static int regionMax(const std::vector<int>& region,
const Comm& comm);
static void update(Inplace& inplace,
const std::string& region_name,
const Inplace::Phase phase,
const std::size_t ntFip,
const ScalarBuffer& values);
static Scalar sum(const ScalarBuffer& v);
virtual bool isDefunctParallelWell(std::string wname) const = 0;
const EclipseState& eclState_;
const Schedule& schedule_;
const SummaryConfig& summaryConfig_;
const SummaryState& summaryState_;
bool enableEnergy_;
bool enableTemperature_;
bool enableSolvent_;
bool enablePolymer_;
bool enableFoam_;
bool enableBrine_;
bool enableExtbo_;
bool forceDisableFipOutput_;
bool outputFipRestart_;
bool computeFip_;
std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, ScalarBuffer> fip_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<int>> regions_;
std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, std::vector<SummaryConfigNode>> regionNodes_;
std::vector<SummaryConfigNode> RPRNodes_;
std::vector<SummaryConfigNode> RPRPNodes_;
std::vector<int> failedCellsPb_;
std::vector<int> failedCellsPd_;
ScalarBuffer gasFormationVolumeFactor_;
ScalarBuffer hydrocarbonPoreVolume_;
ScalarBuffer pressureTimesPoreVolume_;
ScalarBuffer pressureTimesHydrocarbonVolume_;
ScalarBuffer dynamicPoreVolume_;
ScalarBuffer oilPressure_;
ScalarBuffer temperature_;
ScalarBuffer rs_;
ScalarBuffer rv_;
ScalarBuffer overburdenPressure_;
ScalarBuffer oilSaturationPressure_;
ScalarBuffer sSol_;
ScalarBuffer cPolymer_;
ScalarBuffer cFoam_;
ScalarBuffer cSalt_;
ScalarBuffer extboX_;
ScalarBuffer extboY_;
ScalarBuffer extboZ_;
ScalarBuffer mFracOil_;
ScalarBuffer mFracGas_;
ScalarBuffer mFracCo2_;
ScalarBuffer soMax_;
ScalarBuffer pcSwMdcOw_;
ScalarBuffer krnSwMdcOw_;
ScalarBuffer pcSwMdcGo_;
ScalarBuffer krnSwMdcGo_;
ScalarBuffer ppcw_;
ScalarBuffer gasDissolutionFactor_;
ScalarBuffer oilVaporizationFactor_;
ScalarBuffer bubblePointPressure_;
ScalarBuffer dewPointPressure_;
ScalarBuffer rockCompPorvMultiplier_;
ScalarBuffer swMax_;
ScalarBuffer minimumOilPressure_;
ScalarBuffer saturatedOilFormationVolumeFactor_;
ScalarBuffer rockCompTransMultiplier_;
std::array<ScalarBuffer, numPhases> saturation_;
std::array<ScalarBuffer, numPhases> invB_;
std::array<ScalarBuffer, numPhases> density_;
std::array<ScalarBuffer, numPhases> viscosity_;
std::array<ScalarBuffer, numPhases> relativePermeability_;
std::vector<ScalarBuffer> tracerConcentrations_;
std::map<size_t, Scalar> oilConnectionPressures_;
std::map<size_t, Scalar> waterConnectionSaturations_;
std::map<size_t, Scalar> gasConnectionSaturations_;
std::map<std::pair<std::string, int>, double> blockData_;
std::map<std::size_t , double> wbpData_;
std::optional<Inplace> initialInplace_;
} // namespace Opm