mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 20:24:48 -06:00
Previously distributedCartesianIndex was resized and afterwards all entries were added with push_back. Therefore the array was twice as big as expected and contained wrong values in the front. With this commit we insert the values using random access. Thus the size is as expeceted and the index of the entries do not depend on the order of the grid traversal.
438 lines
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438 lines
16 KiB
// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
#include <dune/grid/common/p2pcommunicator.hh>
#include <dune/grid/utility/persistentcontainer.hh>
#include <dune/grid/common/gridenums.hh>
//#error "This header needs the opm-grid module."
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Grid/EclipseGrid.hpp>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/common/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <dune/grid/common/mcmgmapper.hh>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace Ewoms
template < class GridManager >
class CollectDataToIORank
typedef typename GridManager :: Grid Grid;
typedef typename Grid :: CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication;
// global id
class GlobalCellIndex
int globalId_;
int localIndex_;
bool isInterior_;
GlobalCellIndex() : globalId_(-1), localIndex_(-1), isInterior_(true) {}
void setGhost() { isInterior_ = false; }
void setId( const int globalId ) { globalId_ = globalId; }
void setIndex( const int localIndex ) { localIndex_ = localIndex; }
int localIndex () const { return localIndex_; }
int id () const { return globalId_; }
bool isInterior() const { return isInterior_; }
typedef typename Dune::PersistentContainer< Grid, GlobalCellIndex > GlobalIndexContainer;
static const int dimension = Grid :: dimension ;
typedef typename Grid :: LeafGridView GridView;
typedef GridView AllGridView;
typedef Dune :: Point2PointCommunicator< Dune :: SimpleMessageBuffer > P2PCommunicatorType;
typedef typename P2PCommunicatorType :: MessageBufferType MessageBufferType;
typedef std::vector< GlobalCellIndex > LocalIndexMapType;
typedef std::vector<int> IndexMapType;
typedef std::vector< IndexMapType > IndexMapStorageType;
class DistributeIndexMapping : public P2PCommunicatorType::DataHandleInterface
const std::vector<int>& distributedGlobalIndex_;
IndexMapType& localIndexMap_;
IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps_;
std::map< const int, const int > globalPosition_;
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::set< int > checkPosition_;
DistributeIndexMapping( const std::vector<int>& globalIndex,
const std::vector<int>& distributedGlobalIndex,
IndexMapType& localIndexMap,
IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps )
: distributedGlobalIndex_( distributedGlobalIndex ),
localIndexMap_( localIndexMap ),
indexMaps_( indexMaps ),
const size_t size = globalIndex.size();
// create mapping globalIndex --> localIndex
for ( size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index )
globalPosition_.insert( std::make_pair( globalIndex[ index ], index ) );
// on I/O rank we need to create a mapping from local to global
if( ! indexMaps_.empty() )
// for the ioRank create a localIndex to index in global state map
IndexMapType& indexMap = indexMaps_.back();
const size_t localSize = localIndexMap_.size();
indexMap.resize( localSize );
for( size_t i=0; i<localSize; ++i )
assert( localIndexMap_[ i ] != -1 );
const int id = distributedGlobalIndex_[ localIndexMap_[ i ] ];
indexMap[ i ] = globalPosition_[ id ] ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert( checkPosition_.find( id ) == checkPosition_.end() );
checkPosition_.insert( id );
void pack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer )
// we should only get one link
if( link != 0 ) {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"link in method pack is not 0 as execpted");
// pack all interior global cell id's
const int size = localIndexMap_.size();
buffer.write( size );
for( int index = 0; index < size; ++index )
const int globalIdx = distributedGlobalIndex_[ localIndexMap_[ index ] ];
buffer.write( globalIdx );
void unpack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer )
// get index map for current link
IndexMapType& indexMap = indexMaps_[ link ];
assert( ! globalPosition_.empty() );
// unpack all interior global cell id's
int numCells = 0;
buffer.read( numCells );
indexMap.resize( numCells );
for( int index = 0; index < numCells; ++index )
int globalId = -1;
buffer.read( globalId );
assert( globalPosition_.find( globalId ) != globalPosition_.end() );
indexMap[ index ] = globalPosition_[ globalId ];
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert( checkPosition_.find( globalId ) == checkPosition_.end() );
checkPosition_.insert( globalId );
enum { ioRank = 0 };
CollectDataToIORank( const GridManager& gridManager )
: toIORankComm_( ),
isIORank_( gridManager.grid().comm().rank() == ioRank ),
isParallel_( gridManager.grid().comm().size() > 1 )
if ( !isParallel_ )
// no need to collect anything.
typedef typename GridManager::GridView GridView;
typedef Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<GridView, Dune::MCMGElementLayout>
const CollectiveCommunication& comm = gridManager.grid().comm();
ElementMapper elemMapper(gridManager.gridView());
std::set< int > send, recv;
// the I/O rank receives from all other ranks
if( isIORank() )
// the I/O rank needs a picture of the global grid, here we
// use equilGrid which represents a view on the global grid
const size_t globalSize = gridManager.equilGrid().leafGridView().size( 0 );
// reserve memory
globalCartesianIndex_.resize(globalSize, -1);
// loop over all elements (global grid) and store Cartesian index
auto elemIt = gridManager.equilGrid().leafGridView().template begin<0>();
const auto& elemEndIt = gridManager.equilGrid().leafGridView().template end<0>();
for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) {
int elemIdx = elemMapper.index(*elemIt );
int elemIdx = elemMapper.map(*elemIt );
int cartElemIdx = gridManager.equilCartesianIndexMapper().cartesianIndex(elemIdx);
globalCartesianIndex_[elemIdx] = cartElemIdx;
for(int i=0; i<comm.size(); ++i)
if( i != ioRank )
recv.insert( i );
else // all other simply send to the I/O rank
send.insert( ioRank );
const size_t gridSize = gridManager.grid().size( 0 );
localIndexMap_.resize( gridSize, -1 );
// store the local Cartesian index
IndexMapType distributedCartesianIndex;
int interiorElementIdx = 0;
distributedCartesianIndex.resize(gridSize, -1);
auto localView = gridManager.grid().leafGridView();
for( auto it = localView.template begin< 0 >(),
end = localView.template end< 0 >(); it != end; ++it )
const auto element = *it ;
int elemIdx = elemMapper.index( element );
int elemIdx = elemMapper.map( element );
distributedCartesianIndex[elemIdx] = gridManager.cartesianIndex( elemIdx );
// only store interior element for collection
if( element.partitionType() == Dune :: InteriorEntity )
localIndexMap_[elemIdx] = interiorElementIdx++;
// insert send and recv linkage to communicator
toIORankComm_.insertRequest( send, recv );
if( isIORank() )
// need an index map for each rank
indexMaps_.resize( comm.size() );
// distribute global id's to io rank for later association of dof's
DistributeIndexMapping distIndexMapping( globalCartesianIndex_, distributedCartesianIndex, localIndexMap_, indexMaps_ );
toIORankComm_.exchange( distIndexMapping );
template <class BufferList>
class PackUnPackOutputBuffers : public P2PCommunicatorType::DataHandleInterface
BufferList& bufferList_;
const IndexMapType& localIndexMap_;
const IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps_;
PackUnPackOutputBuffers( BufferList& bufferList,
const IndexMapType& localIndexMap,
const IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps,
const size_t globalSize,
const bool isIORank )
: bufferList_( bufferList ),
localIndexMap_( localIndexMap ),
indexMaps_( indexMaps )
if( isIORank )
MessageBufferType buffer;
pack( 0, buffer );
// resize all buffers
for (auto it = bufferList_.begin(), end = bufferList_.end(); it != end; ++it )
it->second->resize( globalSize );
// the last index map is the local one
doUnpack( indexMaps.back(), buffer );
// pack all data associated with link
void pack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer )
// we should only get one link
if( link != 0 ) {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"link in method pack is not 0 as execpted");
size_t buffers = bufferList_.size();
buffer.write( buffers );
for (auto it = bufferList_.begin(), end = bufferList_.end(); it != end; ++it )
write( buffer, localIndexMap_, *(it->second) );
void doUnpack( const IndexMapType& indexMap, MessageBufferType& buffer )
size_t buffers = 0;
buffer.read( buffers );
assert( buffers == bufferList_.size() );
for( auto it = bufferList_.begin(), end = bufferList_.end(); it != end; ++it )
read( buffer, indexMap, *(it->second) );
// unpack all data associated with link
void unpack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer )
doUnpack( indexMaps_[ link ], buffer );
template <class Vector>
void write( MessageBufferType& buffer, const IndexMapType& localIndexMap, const Vector& data ) const
const size_t size = localIndexMap.size();
assert( size <= data.size() );
buffer.write( size );
for( size_t i=0; i<size; ++i )
buffer.write( data[ localIndexMap[ i ] ] );
template <class Vector>
void read( MessageBufferType& buffer, const IndexMapType& indexMap, Vector& data ) const
size_t size = indexMap.size();
assert( size <= data.size() );
buffer.read( size );
assert( size == indexMap.size() );
for( size_t i=0; i<size; ++i )
buffer.read( data[ indexMap[ i ] ] );
void writeString( MessageBufferType& buffer, const std::string& s) const
const int size = s.size();
buffer.write( size );
for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
buffer.write( s[ i ] );
void readString( MessageBufferType& buffer, std::string& s) const
int size = -1;
buffer.read( size );
s.resize( size );
for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
buffer.read( s[ i ] );
// gather solution to rank 0 for EclipseWriter
template <class BufferList>
void collect( BufferList& bufferList ) const
if ( !isParallel_ )
// no need to collect anything.
PackUnPackOutputBuffers< BufferList >
packUnpack( bufferList,
isIORank() );
//toIORankComm_.exchangeCached( packUnpack );
toIORankComm_.exchange( packUnpack );
#ifndef NDEBUG
// mkae sure every process is on the same page
bool isIORank() const
return isIORank_;
bool isParallel() const
return toIORankComm_.size() > 1;
size_t numCells () const { return globalCartesianIndex_.size(); }
P2PCommunicatorType toIORankComm_;
IndexMapType globalCartesianIndex_;
IndexMapType localIndexMap_;
IndexMapStorageType indexMaps_;
// true if we are on I/O rank
bool isIORank_;
/// \brief True if there is more than one MPI process
bool isParallel_;
} // end namespace Opm