
737 lines
28 KiB

Copyright 2021 Total SE
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/partitionCells.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/countGlobalCells.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/compressPartition.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLogger.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLoggingErrorHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/gatherDeferredLogger.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/SetupPartitioningParams.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/Connection.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/Well.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/WellConnections.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/MPISerializer.hpp>
#include <opm/grid/CpGrid.hpp>
#include <opm/grid/polyhedralgrid.hh>
#include <dune/alugrid/grid.hh>
#include <opm/common/utility/CSRGraphFromCoordinates.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// ===========================================================================
// Zoltan-based partitioning if available in this build configuration.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
/// Partition rank's interior cells into non-overlapping domains using the
/// Zoltan graph partitioning software package.
class ZoltanPartitioner
/// Constructor.
/// \tparam GridView DUNE grid view type
/// \param[in] grid_view Current rank's reachable cells.
/// \param[in] local_to_global Callback for mapping rank's local cells
/// to globally unique cell IDs. May for instance return the
/// Cartesian cell ID of each local cell.
template <class GridView>
explicit ZoltanPartitioner(const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::GlobalCellID& local_to_global);
/// Form internal connectivity graph between rank's reachable, interior
/// cells.
/// \tparam GridView DUNE grid view type
/// \tparam Element Grid view's representation of a cell.
/// \param[in] grid_view Current rank's reachable cells.
/// \param[in] wells Collection of wells to which this rank's partition
/// vector must be adapted. Wells must not intersect multiple local
/// domains/blocks.
/// \param[in] zoltan_ctrl Control parameters for on-rank subdomain
/// partitioning.
template <class GridView, class Element>
void buildLocalGraph(const GridView& grid_view,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<int>>& possibleFutureConnections,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl);
/// Partition rank's interior cells into non-overlapping domains using
/// the Zoltan graph partitioning software package.
/// \tparam GridView DUNE grid view type
/// \tparam Element Grid view's representation of a cell.
/// \param[in] num_local_domains Target number of domains into which the
/// full model will be partitioned. Note: This number is treated as a
/// global parameter across all MPI ranks and is not used as a number
/// of domains per rank. The final number of model subdomains may
/// differ from this number when adapting to well constraints and if,
/// for whatever reason, Zoltan happens to generate a global
/// partitioning for which one domain/block happens to cross process
/// boundaries.
/// \param[in] grid_view Current rank's reachable cells.
/// \param[in] zoltan_ctrl Control parameters for on-rank subdomain
/// partitioning.
/// \return Partition vector for rank's interior cells and number of
/// unique domains across those interior cells.
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
partition(const int num_local_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl) const;
/// Zoltan partitioning backend.
Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan partitioner_;
/// Form internal connectivity graph between rank's reachable, interior
/// cells.
/// \tparam GridView DUNE grid view type
/// \tparam Element Grid view's representation of a cell.
/// \param[in] grid_view Current rank's reachable cells.
/// \param[in] zoltan_ctrl Control parameters for on-rank subdomain
/// partitioning.
/// \return Mapping from globally unique cell IDs to local, on-rank
/// active cell IDs. Effectively the cached result of \code
/// zoltan_ctrl.index() \endcode for each globally unique cell ID.
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::unordered_map<int, int>
connectElements(const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl);
/// Adapt internal connectivity graph to account for connections induced
/// by well reservoir connections.
/// \tparam Comm MPI communication type.
/// \param[in] comm MPI communication object. Needed to get a global
/// view of any exceptions thrown in the implementation.
/// \param[in] wells Collection of wells to which this rank's partition
/// vector must be adapted. Wells must not intersect multiple local
/// domains/blocks.
/// \param[in] g2l Mapping from globally unique cell IDs to local,
/// on-rank active cell IDs. Return value from \c connectElements().
template <typename Comm>
void connectWells(const Comm comm,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<int>> possibleFutureConnections,
const std::unordered_map<int, int>& g2l);
// Note: "grid_view.size(0)" is intentional here. It is not an error. The
// ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan type will internally enumerate interior
// cells in a consecutive sequence, regardless of the ordering in the
// grid_view object.
template <class GridView>
ZoltanPartitioner::ZoltanPartitioner(const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::GlobalCellID& local_to_global)
: partitioner_(grid_view.comm(), grid_view.size(0), local_to_global)
template <class GridView, class Element>
void ZoltanPartitioner::buildLocalGraph(const GridView& grid_view,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<int>>& possibleFutureConnections,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
this->connectWells(grid_view.comm(), wells, possibleFutureConnections, this->connectElements(grid_view, zoltan_ctrl));
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
ZoltanPartitioner::partition(const int num_local_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl) const
auto partition = std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>{};
auto param = Opm::setupZoltanParams("graph");
param.insert_or_assign("NUM_GLOBAL_PARTS", fmt::format("{}", num_local_domains));
param.insert_or_assign("IMBALANCE_TOL" , fmt::format("{}", zoltan_ctrl.domain_imbalance));
const auto domainsAll = this->partitioner_.partitionElements(param);
auto& [domains, num_domains] = partition;
num_domains = 0;
for (const auto& cell : elements(grid_view, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
const auto domainId = domains.emplace_back(domainsAll[zoltan_ctrl.index(cell)]);
if (domainId >= num_domains) {
num_domains = domainId + 1;
// Fix-up for an extreme case: Interior cells whose neighbours are all
// on a different rank--i.e., interior cells which do not have on-rank
// neighbours. Make each such cell be a separate domain on this rank.
// Don't remove this code unless you've taken remedial action elsewhere
// to ensure the situation doesn't happen. For what it's worth, we've
// seen this case occur in practice when testing on field cases.
for (auto& domainId : domains) {
if (domainId < 0) {
domainId = num_domains++;
return partition;
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::unordered_map<int, int>
ZoltanPartitioner::connectElements(const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
auto g2l = std::unordered_map<int, int>{};
for (const auto& element : elements(grid_view, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
const auto c = zoltan_ctrl.index(element);
g2l.insert_or_assign(zoltan_ctrl.local_to_global(c), c);
for (const auto& is : intersections(grid_view, element)) {
if (! is.neighbor()) {
const auto& in = is.inside();
const auto& out = is.outside();
if ((in .partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity) ||
(out.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity))
// Connect cells in interior only.
const auto c1 = zoltan_ctrl.index(in);
const auto c2 = zoltan_ctrl.index(out);
this->partitioner_.registerConnection(c1, c2);
this->partitioner_.registerConnection(c2, c1);
return g2l;
template <typename Comm>
void ZoltanPartitioner::connectWells(const Comm comm,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<int>> possibleFutureConnections,
const std::unordered_map<int, int>& g2l)
auto distributedWells = 0;
// Communicate Map to other processes, since it is only available on rank 0
Opm::Parallel::MpiSerializer ser(comm);
for (const auto& well : wells) {
auto cellIx = std::vector<int>{};
auto otherProc = 0;
for (const auto& conn : well.getConnections()) {
auto locPos = g2l.find(conn.global_index());
if (locPos == g2l.end()) {
const auto possibleFutureConnectionSetIt = possibleFutureConnections.find(well.name());
if (possibleFutureConnectionSetIt != possibleFutureConnections.end()) {
for (auto& global_index : possibleFutureConnectionSetIt->second) {
auto locPos = g2l.find(global_index);
if (locPos == g2l.end()) {
if ((otherProc > 0) && !cellIx.empty()) {
const auto nc = cellIx.size();
for (auto ic1 = 0*nc; ic1 < nc; ++ic1) {
for (auto ic2 = ic1 + 1; ic2 < nc; ++ic2) {
this->partitioner_.registerConnection(cellIx[ic1], cellIx[ic2]);
this->partitioner_.registerConnection(cellIx[ic2], cellIx[ic1]);
if (! cellIx.empty()) {
// All cells intersected by a single well go in the same domain.
if (distributedWells > 0) {
const auto* pl = (distributedWells == 1) ? "" : "s";
throw std::invalid_argument {
fmt::format(R"({} distributed well{} detected on rank {}.
This is not supported in the current NLDD implementation.)",
distributedWells, pl, comm.rank())
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "ZoltanPartitioner::connectWells()" }, comm)
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
partitionCellsZoltan(const int num_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<int>>& possibleFutureConnections,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
if (num_domains <= 1) { // No partitioning => every cell in domain zero.
const auto num_interior_cells =
return {
std::forward_as_tuple(num_interior_cells, 0),
auto partitioner = ZoltanPartitioner { grid_view, zoltan_ctrl.local_to_global };
partitioner.buildLocalGraph(grid_view, wells, possibleFutureConnections, zoltan_ctrl);
return partitioner.partition(num_domains, grid_view, zoltan_ctrl);
} // Anonymous namespace
namespace {
std::vector<int> integerVectorFromFile(const std::filesystem::path& fileName)
std::ifstream is(fileName);
return { std::istream_iterator<int>(is), std::istream_iterator<int>{} };
} // Anonymous namespace
namespace {
template <class Communicator>
groupInputByProcessID(const std::vector<int>& rawInput,
const Communicator& comm)
auto groupedCells = std::vector<int>{};
auto startPtr = std::vector<int>(comm.size() + 1, 0);
if (comm.rank() == 0) {
// VertexID = std::vector<int>::size_type
// TrackCompressedIdx = false
// PermitSelfConnections = true (e.g., process 0 has row 0).
auto cellGroup = Opm::utility::CSRGraphFromCoordinates<
std::vector<int>::size_type, false, true
const auto numCells = rawInput.size() / 3;
for (auto cell = 0*numCells; cell < numCells; ++cell) {
cellGroup.addConnection(rawInput[3*cell + 0], cell);
const auto& inputIx = cellGroup.columnIndices();
groupedCells.reserve(2 * inputIx.size());
for (const auto& cell : inputIx) {
const auto* cellVal = &rawInput[3*cell + 0];
groupedCells.push_back(cellVal[1]); // Cartesian index
groupedCells.push_back(cellVal[2]); // Block ID
const auto& start = cellGroup.startPointers();
std::copy(start.begin(), start.end(), startPtr.begin());
comm.broadcast(startPtr.data(), comm.size() + 1, 0);
// We're scattering two ints per cell
for (auto& startIx : startPtr) {
startIx *= 2;
auto sendLength = std::vector<int>(comm.size());
std::adjacent_difference(startPtr.begin() + 1,
auto perProcessInput = std::vector<int>(sendLength[comm.rank()], 0);
return perProcessInput;
template <class GridView, class Element>
interiorLocalToGlobalIndexMap(const GridView& gridView,
const std::size_t numInterior,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltanCtrl)
auto g2l = std::unordered_map<int,int>{};
auto localCell = 0;
for (const auto& cell : elements(gridView, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
const auto globIx = zoltanCtrl.local_to_global(zoltanCtrl.index(cell));
g2l.insert_or_assign(globIx, localCell++);
if (g2l.size() != numInterior) {
throw std::invalid_argument {
fmt::format("Local-to-global mapping is not bijective on rank {}.",
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "scatterPartition()/UniqueL2G" },
return g2l;
template <class Communicator>
interiorPartitionInput(const std::vector<int>& rawInput,
const Communicator& comm,
const std::size_t numInterior)
auto myPartitionInput = groupInputByProcessID(rawInput, comm);
if (myPartitionInput.size() != 2*numInterior) {
throw std::out_of_range {
fmt::format("Input partition of size {} does not match "
"the number of interior cells ({}) on rank {}.",
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "scatterPartition()/InputSize" },
return myPartitionInput;
template <class GridView, class Element>
scatterPartition(const std::vector<int>& rawInput,
const GridView& gridView,
const std::size_t numInterior,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltanCtrl)
auto partition = std::vector<int>(numInterior, -1);
const auto g2l = interiorLocalToGlobalIndexMap(gridView, numInterior, zoltanCtrl);
const auto myPartitionInput =
interiorPartitionInput(rawInput, gridView.comm(), numInterior);
for (auto i = 0*numInterior; i < numInterior; ++i) {
auto cellPos = g2l.find(myPartitionInput[2*i + 0]);
if (cellPos != g2l.end()) {
partition[cellPos->second] = myPartitionInput[2*i + 1];
const auto allCovered =
std::all_of(partition.begin(), partition.end(),
[](const int d) { return d >= 0; });
if (! allCovered) {
throw std::out_of_range {
fmt::format("Input partition does not cover "
"all {} interior cells on rank {}.",
numInterior, gridView.comm().rank())
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "scatterPartition()/CellCoverage" },
return partition;
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
partitionCellsFromFileMPI(const std::filesystem::path& fileName,
const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
const auto input = (grid_view.comm().rank() == 0)
? integerVectorFromFile(fileName)
: std::vector<int>{};
const auto num_interior = Opm::detail::
const auto num_cells = grid_view.comm().sum(num_interior);
if ((grid_view.comm().rank() == 0) &&
(input.size() != 3 * num_cells))
throw std::out_of_range {
fmt::format("Number of partition file elements {} does not "
"match model's number of active cells ({})",
input.size(), num_cells)
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "partitionCellsFromFileMPI()" },
return Opm::util::compressAndCountPartitionIDs
(scatterPartition(input, grid_view, num_interior, zoltan_ctrl));
} // Anonymous namespace
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// ===========================================================================
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
Opm::partitionCells(const std::string& method,
const int num_local_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
[[maybe_unused]] const std::vector<Well>& wells,
[[maybe_unused]] const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<int>>& possibleFutureConnections,
[[maybe_unused]] const ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
if (method == "zoltan") {
return partitionCellsZoltan(num_local_domains, grid_view, wells, possibleFutureConnections, zoltan_ctrl);
#else // !HAVE_MPI || !HAVE_ZOLTAN
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Zoltan requested for local domain partitioning, "
"but is not available in the current build configuration.");
else if (method == "simple") {
const int num_cells = detail::countLocalInteriorCellsGridView(grid_view);
return partitionCellsSimple(num_cells, num_local_domains);
else if (const auto ext = std::string_view { ".partition" };
method.rfind(ext) == method.size() - ext.size())
if (grid_view.comm().size() > 1) {
return partitionCellsFromFileMPI(method, grid_view, zoltan_ctrl);
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// Method string ends with ".partition", interpret as filename for partitioning.
const int num_cells = detail::countLocalInteriorCellsGridView(grid_view);
return partitionCellsFromFile(method, num_cells);
else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown local domain partitioning method requested: " + method);
// Read from file, containing one or three numbers per cell.
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
Opm::partitionCellsFromFile(const std::string& filename, const int num_cells)
// Read file into single vector.
auto cellpart = integerVectorFromFile(filename);
if (cellpart.size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(num_cells)) {
return util::compressAndCountPartitionIDs(std::move(cellpart));
if (cellpart.size() == 3 * static_cast<std::size_t>(num_cells)) {
auto p = std::vector<int>(num_cells);
for (auto c = 0*num_cells; c < num_cells; ++c) {
p[c] = cellpart[3*c + 2];
return util::compressAndCountPartitionIDs(std::move(p));
throw std::runtime_error {
fmt::format("Partition file contains {} entries, "
"but there are {} cells.",
cellpart.size(), num_cells)
// Trivially simple partitioner
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
Opm::partitionCellsSimple(const int num_cells, const int num_domains)
// Build the partitions.
const int dom_sz = num_cells / num_domains;
std::vector<int> bounds(num_domains + 1, dom_sz);
bounds[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cells % num_domains; ++i) {
++bounds[i + 1];
std::partial_sum(bounds.begin(), bounds.end(), bounds.begin());
assert(bounds[num_domains] == num_cells);
std::vector<int> part(num_cells);
for (int i = 0; i < num_domains; ++i) {
std::fill(part.begin() + bounds[i], part.begin() + bounds[i + 1], i);
return { part, num_domains };
// ===========================================================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Explicit specialisations/instantiations of partitionCells template.
// Deliberately placed at end of file. No other code beyond this separator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define InstantiatePartitionCells(Grid) \
template std::pair<std::vector<int>, int> \
Opm::partitionCells(const std::string&, \
const int, \
const std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t< \
decltype(std::declval<Grid>().leafGridView())>>&, \
const std::vector<Opm::Well>&, \
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<int>>&, \
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl< \
typename std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t< \
decltype(std::declval<Grid>().leafGridView())>>::template Codim<0>::Entity>&)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Grid types built into Flow.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using PolyGrid = Dune::PolyhedralGrid<3, 3, double>;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ALUGrid, if available.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using ALUGridComm = Dune::ALUGridMPIComm;
using ALUGridComm = Dune::ALUGridNoComm;
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base case.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using BaseALUGrid = Dune::ALUGrid<3, 3, Dune::cube, Dune::nonconforming, ALUGridComm>;
// ===========================================================================
#undef InstantiatePartitionCells
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of file. No statements below this separator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------