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gdb on MacOS X does not seem to be very fond of "flat" dSYM files, but it can read the bundle variant fine. Thus we change that to enable debugging across several tools.
135 lines
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135 lines
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# - Generate debug symbols in a separate file
# (1) Include this file in your CMakeLists.txt; it will setup everything
# to compile WITH debug symbols in any case.
# (2) Run the strip_debug_symbols function on every target that you want
# to strip.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Uni Research AS
# This code is licensed under The GNU General Public License v3.0
include (AddOptions)
include (UseCompVer)
is_compiler_gcc_compatible ()
# only debugging using the GNU toolchain is supported for now
# default debug level, if not specified by the user
set_default_option (CXX _dbg_flag "-ggdb3" "(^|\ )-g")
# add debug symbols to *all* targets, regardless. there WILL come a
# time when you need to find a bug which only manifests itself in a
# release target on a production system!
if (_dbg_flag)
message (STATUS "Generating debug symbols: ${_dbg_flag}")
add_options (ALL_LANGUAGES ALL_BUILDS "${_dbg_flag}")
endif (_dbg_flag)
# extracting the debug info is done by a separate utility in the GNU
# toolchain. check that this is actually installed.
message (STATUS "Looking for strip utility")
if (APPLE)
# MacOS X has a duo of utilities; we need both
find_program (OBJCOPY strip)
find_program (DSYMUTIL dsymutil)
mark_as_advanced (DSYMUTIL)
set (OBJCOPY dsymutil-NOTFOUND)
else (APPLE)
find_program (OBJCOPY
${CYGWIN_INSTALL_PATH}/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin
endif (APPLE)
mark_as_advanced (OBJCOPY)
message (STATUS "Looking for strip utility - found")
else (OBJCOPY)
message (WARNING "Looking for strip utility - not found")
endif (OBJCOPY)
endif ()
# command to separate the debug information from the executable into
# its own file; this must be called for each target; optionally takes
# the name of a variable to receive the list of .debug files
function (strip_debug_symbols targets)
foreach (target IN LISTS targets)
# libraries must retain the symbols in order to link to them, but
# everything can be stripped in an executable
get_target_property (_kind ${target} TYPE)
# don't strip static libraries
return ()
endif ("${_kind}" STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY")
# don't strip public symbols in shared objects
if ("${_kind}" STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
set (_strip_args "--strip-all")
else ("${_kind}" STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
set (_strip_args "--strip-debug")
endif ("${_kind}" STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
# add_custom_command doesn't support generator expressions in the
# working_directory argument (sic; that's what you get when you do
# ad hoc programming all the time), so we need to extract the
# location up front (the location on the other hand should not be
# used for libraries as it does not include the soversion -- sic
# again)
get_target_property (_full ${target} LOCATION)
get_filename_component (_dir ${_full} PATH)
if (NOT (("${_dir}" STREQUAL "") OR ("${_dir}" MATCHES ".*/$")))
set (_dir "${_dir}/")
endif (NOT (("${_dir}" STREQUAL "") OR ("${_dir}" MATCHES ".*/$")))
get_filename_component (_name ${_full} NAME_WE)
get_filename_component (_ext ${_full} EXT)
# only libraries have soversion property attached
get_target_property (_target_soversion ${target} SOVERSION)
get_target_property (_target_version ${target} VERSION)
if (_target_soversion)
# MacOS X puts the version number before the extension
if (APPLE)
set (_target_file_name "${_name}.${_target_version}${_ext}")
else (APPLE)
set (_target_file_name "${_name}${_ext}.${_target_version}")
endif (APPLE)
else (_target_soversion)
set (_target_file_name "${_name}${_ext}")
endif (_target_soversion)
set (_target_file "${_dir}${_target_file_name}")
# do without generator expressions (which doesn't work everywhere)
if (APPLE)
set (_debug_ext ".dSYM")
add_custom_command (TARGET ${target}
COMMAND ${DSYMUTIL} ARGS --out=${_target_file}${_debug_ext} ${_target_file}
COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} ARGS -S ${_target_file}
else (APPLE)
set (_debug_ext ".debug")
add_custom_command (TARGET ${target}
COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} ARGS --only-keep-debug ${_target_file} ${_target_file}${_debug_ext}
COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} ARGS ${_strip_args} ${_target_file}
COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} ARGS --add-gnu-debuglink=${_target_file_name}${_debug_ext} ${_target_file}
endif (APPLE)
# add this .debug file to the list
file (RELATIVE_PATH _this_debug_file "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}" "${_target_file}${_debug_ext}")
set (_debug_files ${_debug_files} ${_this_debug_file})
endforeach (target)
# if optional debug list was requested, then copy to output parameter
if (ARGV1)
set (${ARGV1} ${_debug_files} PARENT_SCOPE)
endif (ARGV1)
endif ()
endfunction (strip_debug_symbols targets)