mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
The function name is now CamelCase and the old naming scheme is deprecated. Hence we use the new naming for 2.8 There was also a compilation problem due to header inclusion order for that function. The compiler did not find our version the correct version. With this change compilation succeeds again.
693 lines
26 KiB
693 lines
26 KiB
// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
* \file
* \copydoc Opm::Linear::OverlappingBCRSMatrix
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/domesticoverlapfrombcrsmatrix.hh>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/globalindices.hh>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/blacklist.hh>
#include <opm/models/parallel/mpibuffer.hh>
#include <opm/material/common/Valgrind.hpp>
#include <dune/istl/scalarproducts.hh>
#include <dune/istl/io.hh>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
namespace Opm {
namespace Linear {
* \brief An overlap aware block-compressed row storage (BCRS) matrix.
template <class BCRSMatrix>
class OverlappingBCRSMatrix : public BCRSMatrix
using ParentType = BCRSMatrix;
using Overlap = Opm::Linear::DomesticOverlapFromBCRSMatrix;
using Entries = std::vector<std::set<Index> >;
using ColIterator = typename ParentType::ColIterator;
using ConstColIterator = typename ParentType::ConstColIterator;
using block_type = typename ParentType::block_type;
using field_type = typename ParentType::field_type;
// no real copying done at the moment
OverlappingBCRSMatrix(const OverlappingBCRSMatrix& other)
: ParentType(other)
template <class NativeBCRSMatrix>
OverlappingBCRSMatrix(const NativeBCRSMatrix& nativeMatrix,
const BorderList& borderList,
const BlackList& blackList,
unsigned overlapSize)
overlap_ = std::make_shared<Overlap>(nativeMatrix, borderList, blackList, overlapSize);
myRank_ = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank_);
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// build the overlapping matrix from the non-overlapping
// matrix and the overlap
// this constructor is required to make the class compatible with the SeqILU class of
// Dune >= 2.7.
typename BCRSMatrix::BuildMode)
{ throw std::logic_error("OverlappingBCRSMatrix objects cannot be build from scratch!"); }
if (overlap_.use_count() == 0)
// delete all MPI buffers
const PeerSet& peerSet = overlap_->peerSet();
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerIt = peerSet.begin();
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerEndIt = peerSet.end();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
delete rowSizesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
delete rowIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
delete entryColIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
delete entryValuesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
delete numRowsSendBuff_[peerRank];
delete rowSizesSendBuff_[peerRank];
delete rowIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank];
delete entryColIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank];
delete entryValuesSendBuff_[peerRank];
ParentType& asParent()
{ return *this; }
const ParentType& asParent() const
{ return *this; }
* \brief Returns the domestic overlap for the process.
const Overlap& overlap() const
{ return *overlap_; }
* \brief Assign and syncronize the overlapping matrix from a non-overlapping one.
void assignAdd(const ParentType& nativeMatrix)
// copy the native entries
// communicate and add the contents of overlapping rows
* \brief Assign and syncronize the overlapping matrix from a
* non-overlapping one.
* The non-master entries are copied from the master
template <class NativeBCRSMatrix>
void assignCopy(const NativeBCRSMatrix& nativeMatrix)
// copy the native entries
// communicate and add the contents of overlapping rows
* \brief Set the identity matrix on the main diagonal of front indices.
void resetFront()
// create an identity matrix
block_type idMatrix(0.0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < idMatrix.size(); ++i)
idMatrix[i][i] = 1.0;
int numLocal = overlap_->numLocal();
int numDomestic = overlap_->numDomestic();
for (int domRowIdx = numLocal; domRowIdx < numDomestic; ++domRowIdx) {
if (overlap_->isFront(domRowIdx)) {
// set the front rows to a diagonal 1
(*this)[domRowIdx] = 0.0;
(*this)[domRowIdx][domRowIdx] = idMatrix;
void print() const
for (int i = 0; i < this->N(); ++i) {
if (overlap_->isLocal(i))
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << "*";
std::cout << "row " << i << " ";
using ColIt = typename BCRSMatrix::ConstColIterator;
ColIt colIt = (*this)[i].begin();
ColIt colEndIt = (*this)[i].end();
for (int j = 0; j < this->M(); ++j) {
if (colIt != colEndIt && j == colIt.index()) {
if (overlap_->isBorder(j))
std::cout << "|";
else if (overlap_->isLocal(j))
std::cout << "X";
std::cout << "*";
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << "\n" << std::flush;
*static_cast<const BCRSMatrix *>(this),
template <class NativeBCRSMatrix>
void assignFromNative(const NativeBCRSMatrix& nativeMatrix)
// first, set everything to 0,
// then copy the domestic entries of the native matrix to the overlapping matrix
for (unsigned nativeRowIdx = 0; nativeRowIdx < nativeMatrix.N(); ++nativeRowIdx) {
Index domesticRowIdx = overlap_->nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeRowIdx));
if (domesticRowIdx < 0) {
continue; // row corresponds to a black-listed entry
auto nativeColIt = nativeMatrix[nativeRowIdx].begin();
const auto& nativeColEndIt = nativeMatrix[nativeRowIdx].end();
for (; nativeColIt != nativeColEndIt; ++nativeColIt) {
Index domesticColIdx = overlap_->nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeColIt.index()));
// make sure to include all off-diagonal entries, even those which belong
// to DOFs which are managed by a peer process. For this, we have to
// re-map the column index of the black-listed index to a native one.
if (domesticColIdx < 0)
domesticColIdx = overlap_->blackList().nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeColIt.index()));
if (domesticColIdx < 0)
// there is no domestic index which corresponds to a black-listed
// one. this can happen if the grid overlap is larger than the
// algebraic one...
// we need to copy the block matrices manually since it seems that (at
// least some versions of) Dune have an endless recursion bug when
// assigning dense matrices of different field type
const auto& src = *nativeColIt;
auto& dest = (*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domesticRowIdx)][static_cast<unsigned>(domesticColIdx)];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < src.rows; ++i) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < src.cols; ++j) {
dest[i][j] = static_cast<field_type>(src[i][j]);
// communicates and adds up the contents of overlapping rows
void syncAdd()
// first, send all entries to the peers
const PeerSet& peerSet = overlap_->peerSet();
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerIt = peerSet.begin();
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerEndIt = peerSet.end();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// then, receive entries from the peers
peerIt = peerSet.begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// finally, make sure that everything which we send was
// received by the peers
peerIt = peerSet.begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// communicates and copies the contents of overlapping rows from
// the master
void syncCopy()
// first, send all entries to the peers
const PeerSet& peerSet = overlap_->peerSet();
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerIt = peerSet.begin();
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerEndIt = peerSet.end();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// then, receive entries from the peers
peerIt = peerSet.begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// finally, make sure that everything which we send was
// received by the peers
peerIt = peerSet.begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
template <class NativeBCRSMatrix>
void build_(const NativeBCRSMatrix& nativeMatrix)
size_t numDomestic = overlap_->numDomestic();
// allocate the rows
this->setSize(numDomestic, numDomestic);
// communicate the entries
template <class NativeBCRSMatrix>
void buildIndices_(const NativeBCRSMatrix& nativeMatrix)
// first, add all local matrix entries
for (unsigned nativeRowIdx = 0; nativeRowIdx < nativeMatrix.N(); ++nativeRowIdx) {
int domesticRowIdx = overlap_->nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeRowIdx));
if (domesticRowIdx < 0)
auto nativeColIt = nativeMatrix[nativeRowIdx].begin();
const auto& nativeColEndIt = nativeMatrix[nativeRowIdx].end();
for (; nativeColIt != nativeColEndIt; ++nativeColIt) {
int domesticColIdx = overlap_->nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeColIt.index()));
// make sure to include all off-diagonal entries, even those which belong
// to DOFs which are managed by a peer process. For this, we have to
// re-map the column index of the black-listed index to a native one.
if (domesticColIdx < 0) {
domesticColIdx = overlap_->blackList().nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeColIt.index()));
if (domesticColIdx < 0)
// add the indices for all additional entries
// first, send all our indices to all peers
const PeerSet& peerSet = overlap_->peerSet();
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerIt = peerSet.begin();
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerEndIt = peerSet.end();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
sendIndices_(nativeMatrix, peerRank);
// then recieve all indices from the peers
peerIt = peerSet.begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// wait until all send operations are completed
peerIt = peerSet.begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// convert the global indices in the send buffers to domestic
// ones
// actually initialize the BCRS matrix structure
// set the row sizes
size_t numDomestic = overlap_->numDomestic();
for (unsigned rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < numDomestic; ++rowIdx) {
unsigned numCols = 0;
const auto& colIndices = entries_[rowIdx];
auto colIdxIt = colIndices.begin();
const auto& colIdxEndIt = colIndices.end();
for (; colIdxIt != colIdxEndIt; ++colIdxIt) {
if (*colIdxIt < 0)
// the matrix for the local process does not know about this DOF
this->setrowsize(rowIdx, numCols);
// set the indices
for (unsigned rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < numDomestic; ++rowIdx) {
const auto& colIndices = entries_[rowIdx];
auto colIdxIt = colIndices.begin();
const auto& colIdxEndIt = colIndices.end();
for (; colIdxIt != colIdxEndIt; ++colIdxIt) {
if (*colIdxIt < 0)
// the matrix for the local process does not know about this DOF
this->addindex(rowIdx, static_cast<unsigned>(*colIdxIt));
// free the memory occupied by the array of the matrix entries
// send the overlap indices to a peer
template <class NativeBCRSMatrix>
void sendIndices_([[maybe_unused]] const NativeBCRSMatrix& nativeMatrix,
[[maybe_unused]] ProcessRank peerRank)
// send size of foreign overlap to peer
size_t numOverlapRows = overlap_->foreignOverlapSize(peerRank);
numRowsSendBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<unsigned>(1);
(*numRowsSendBuff_[peerRank])[0] = static_cast<unsigned>(numOverlapRows);
// allocate the buffers which hold the global indices of each row and the number
// of entries which need to be communicated by the respective row
rowIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<Index>(numOverlapRows);
rowSizesSendBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<unsigned>(numOverlapRows);
// compute the sets of the indices of the entries which need to be send to the peer
using ColumnIndexSet = std::set<int>;
using EntryTuples = std::map<int, ColumnIndexSet>;
EntryTuples entryIndices;
unsigned numEntries = 0; // <- total number of matrix entries to be send to the peer
for (unsigned overlapOffset = 0; overlapOffset < numOverlapRows; ++overlapOffset) {
Index domesticRowIdx = overlap_->foreignOverlapOffsetToDomesticIdx(peerRank, overlapOffset);
Index nativeRowIdx = overlap_->domesticToNative(domesticRowIdx);
Index globalRowIdx = overlap_->domesticToGlobal(domesticRowIdx);
ColumnIndexSet& colIndices = entryIndices[globalRowIdx];
auto nativeColIt = nativeMatrix[static_cast<unsigned>(nativeRowIdx)].begin();
const auto& nativeColEndIt = nativeMatrix[static_cast<unsigned>(nativeRowIdx)].end();
for (; nativeColIt != nativeColEndIt; ++nativeColIt) {
unsigned nativeColIdx = static_cast<unsigned>(nativeColIt.index());
Index domesticColIdx = overlap_->nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeColIdx));
if (domesticColIdx < 0)
// the native column index may be blacklisted, use the corresponding
// index in the domestic overlap.
domesticColIdx = overlap_->blackList().nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeColIdx));
if (domesticColIdx < 0)
// the column may still not be known locally, i.e. the corresponding
// DOF of the row is at the process's front. we don't need this
// entry.
Index globalColIdx = overlap_->domesticToGlobal(domesticColIdx);
// fill the send buffers
entryColIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<Index>(numEntries);
Index overlapEntryIdx = 0;
for (unsigned overlapOffset = 0; overlapOffset < numOverlapRows; ++overlapOffset) {
Index domesticRowIdx = overlap_->foreignOverlapOffsetToDomesticIdx(peerRank, overlapOffset);
Index globalRowIdx = overlap_->domesticToGlobal(domesticRowIdx);
(*rowIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank])[overlapOffset] = globalRowIdx;
const ColumnIndexSet& colIndexSet = entryIndices[globalRowIdx];
auto* rssb = rowSizesSendBuff_[peerRank];
(*rssb)[overlapOffset] = static_cast<unsigned>(colIndexSet.size());
for (auto it = colIndexSet.begin(); it != colIndexSet.end(); ++it) {
int globalColIdx = *it;
(*entryColIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank])[static_cast<unsigned>(overlapEntryIdx)] = globalColIdx;
++ overlapEntryIdx;
// actually communicate with the peer
// create the send buffers for the values of the matrix
// entries
entryValuesSendBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<block_type>(numEntries);
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// receive the overlap indices to a peer
void receiveIndices_([[maybe_unused]] ProcessRank peerRank)
// receive size of foreign overlap to peer
unsigned numOverlapRows;
auto& numRowsRecvBuff = numRowsRecvBuff_[peerRank];
numOverlapRows = numRowsRecvBuff[0];
// create receive buffer for the row sizes and receive them
// from the peer
rowSizesRecvBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<unsigned>(numOverlapRows);
rowIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<Index>(numOverlapRows);
// calculate the total number of indices which are send by the
// peer
unsigned totalIndices = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numOverlapRows; ++i)
totalIndices += (*rowSizesRecvBuff_[peerRank])[i];
// create the buffer to store the column indices of the matrix entries
entryColIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<Index>(totalIndices);
entryValuesRecvBuff_[peerRank] = new MpiBuffer<block_type>(totalIndices);
// communicate with the peer
// convert the global indices in the receive buffers to
// domestic ones
// add the entries to the global entry map
unsigned k = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numOverlapRows; ++i) {
Index domRowIdx = (*rowIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank])[i];
for (unsigned j = 0; j < (*rowSizesRecvBuff_[peerRank])[i]; ++j) {
Index domColIdx = (*entryColIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank])[k];
#endif // HAVE_MPI
void sendEntries_([[maybe_unused]] ProcessRank peerRank)
auto &mpiSendBuff = *entryValuesSendBuff_[peerRank];
auto &mpiRowIndicesSendBuff = *rowIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank];
auto &mpiRowSizesSendBuff = *rowSizesSendBuff_[peerRank];
auto &mpiColIndicesSendBuff = *entryColIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank];
// fill the send buffer
unsigned k = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mpiRowIndicesSendBuff.size(); ++i) {
Index domRowIdx = mpiRowIndicesSendBuff[i];
for (Index j = 0; j < static_cast<Index>(mpiRowSizesSendBuff[i]); ++j)
// move to the next column which is in the overlap
Index domColIdx = mpiColIndicesSendBuff[k];
// add the values of this column to the send buffer
mpiSendBuff[k] = (*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domRowIdx)][static_cast<unsigned>(domColIdx)];
#endif // HAVE_MPI
void receiveAddEntries_([[maybe_unused]] ProcessRank peerRank)
auto &mpiRecvBuff = *entryValuesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
auto &mpiRowIndicesRecvBuff = *rowIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
auto &mpiRowSizesRecvBuff = *rowSizesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
auto &mpiColIndicesRecvBuff = *entryColIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
// retrieve the values from the receive buffer
unsigned k = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mpiRowIndicesRecvBuff.size(); ++i) {
Index domRowIdx = mpiRowIndicesRecvBuff[i];
for (unsigned j = 0; j < mpiRowSizesRecvBuff[i]; ++j, ++k) {
Index domColIdx = mpiColIndicesRecvBuff[k];
if (domColIdx < 0)
// the matrix for the current process does not know about this DOF
(*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domRowIdx)][static_cast<unsigned>(domColIdx)] += mpiRecvBuff[k];
#endif // HAVE_MPI
void receiveCopyEntries_([[maybe_unused]] int peerRank)
MpiBuffer<block_type> &mpiRecvBuff = *entryValuesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
MpiBuffer<Index> &mpiRowIndicesRecvBuff = *rowIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
MpiBuffer<unsigned> &mpiRowSizesRecvBuff = *rowSizesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
MpiBuffer<Index> &mpiColIndicesRecvBuff = *entryColIndicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
// retrieve the values from the receive buffer
unsigned k = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mpiRowIndicesRecvBuff.size(); ++i) {
Index domRowIdx = mpiRowIndicesRecvBuff[i];
for (unsigned j = 0; j < mpiRowSizesRecvBuff[i]; ++j, ++k) {
Index domColIdx = mpiColIndicesRecvBuff[k];
if (domColIdx < 0)
// the matrix for the current process does not know about this DOF
(*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domRowIdx)][static_cast<unsigned>(domColIdx)] = mpiRecvBuff[k];
#endif // HAVE_MPI
void globalToDomesticBuff_(MpiBuffer<Index>& idxBuff)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < idxBuff.size(); ++i)
idxBuff[i] = overlap_->globalToDomestic(idxBuff[i]);
int myRank_;
Entries entries_;
std::shared_ptr<Overlap> overlap_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<unsigned> *> numRowsSendBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<unsigned> *> rowSizesSendBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<Index> *> rowIndicesSendBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<Index> *> entryColIndicesSendBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<block_type> *> entryValuesSendBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<unsigned> > numRowsRecvBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<unsigned> *> rowSizesRecvBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<Index> *> rowIndicesRecvBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<Index> *> entryColIndicesRecvBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<block_type> *> entryValuesRecvBuff_;
} // namespace Linear
} // namespace Opm