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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
* See the file COPYING for full copying permissions. *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* \file
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Provides the magic behind the DuMuX property system.
* Properties allow to associate arbitrary data types to
* identifiers. A property is always defined on a pair (TypeTag,
* PropertyTag) where TypeTag is the identifier for the object the
* property is defined for and PropertyTag is an unique identifier of
* the property.
* Type tags are hierarchic and inherit properties defined on their
* ancesters. At each level, properties defined on lower levels can be
* overwritten or even made undefined. It is also possible to define
* defaults for properties if it makes sense.
* Properties may make use other properties for the respective type
* tag and these properties can also be defined on an arbitrary level
* of the hierarchy.
#warning "Property macros are deprecated and will be removed after release 3.2. \
If you are not using property macros you can disable this warning by \
setting OPM_ENABLE_OLD_PROPERTY_MACROS to 0 (false) when configuring DuMux. \
OPM_ENABLE_OLD_PROPERTY_MACROS defaults to 1 (true) until release 3.1. \
After release 3.1 it will default to 0 (false) so you will have to manually \
enable property macros in order to use them."
#include <opm/models/utils/propertysystem.hh>
namespace Opm {
namespace Properties {
namespace TTag {}
* \brief Makes a type out of a type tag name
#define TTAG(TypeTagName) ::Opm::Properties::TTag::TypeTagName
* \brief Makes a type out of a property tag name
//#define PTAG(PropTagName) PropTagName
* \brief Makes a type out of a property tag name
#define PTAG_(PropTagName) ::Opm::Properties::PropTagName
// in the old property system the order in inherit_from was the other way around
// this flips the order of a tuple to restore old behaviour when using the macro.
// when you are using non-macro version make sure to flip the order.
template<class Tuple, class IndexSequence>
struct ReverseTupleImpl;
template<class Tuple, size_t... I>
struct ReverseTupleImpl<Tuple, std::index_sequence<I...>>
using type = std::tuple<std::tuple_element_t<sizeof...(I) - 1 - I, Tuple>...>;
// revert tuple argument order
template<class Tuple>
using ReverseTuple = typename ReverseTupleImpl<Tuple, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>>::type;
// a temporary hack to make the macro still work, we set using InheritsFrom = void,
// which gets picked up by the new property as non inheritance, this can be removed
// once all macros are gone
namespace Detail {
template<class TypeTagTuple>
struct GetTypeTagInheritance;
template<class OneTypeTag>
struct GetTypeTagInheritance<std::tuple<OneTypeTag>>
using type = void;
template<class FirstTypeTag, class ...OtherTypeTags>
struct GetTypeTagInheritance<std::tuple<FirstTypeTag, OtherTypeTags...>>
// reverse order to restore old behaviour
using type = ReverseTuple<std::tuple<OtherTypeTags...>>;
} // end namespace Detail
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Define a new type tag.
* A type tag can inherit the properties defined on up to five parent
* type tags. Examples:
* \code
* // The type tag doesn't inherit any properties from other type tags
* NEW_TYPE_TAG(FooTypeTag);
* // BarTypeTag inherits all properties from FooTypeTag
* // FooBarTypeTag inherits the properties of FooTypeTag as well as
* // those of BarTypeTag. Properties defined on BarTypeTag have
* // preceedence over those defined for FooTypeTag:
* NEW_TYPE_TAG(FooBarTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(FooTypeTag, BarTypeTag));
* \endcode
#define OPM_GET_HEAD_(Arg1, ...) Arg1
#define NEW_TYPE_TAG(...) \
namespace TTag { \
struct OPM_GET_HEAD_(__VA_ARGS__) \
{ using InheritsFrom = Detail::GetTypeTagInheritance<std::tuple<__VA_ARGS__>>::type; }; \
} extern int semicolonHack_
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Syntactic sugar for NEW_TYPE_TAG.
* See the documentation for NEW_TYPE_TAG.
#define INHERITS_FROM(...) __VA_ARGS__
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Define a property tag.
* A property tag is the unique identifier for a property. It may only
* be declared once in your program. There is also no hierarchy of
* property tags as for type tags.
* Examples:
* \code
* NEW_PROP_TAG(blubbPropTag);
* NEW_PROP_TAG(blabbPropTag);
* \endcode
#define NEW_PROP_TAG(PTagName) \
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag> \
struct PTagName { using type = UndefinedProperty; }; \
extern int semicolonHack_
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Set a property for a specific type tag.
* After this macro, you must to specify a complete body of a class
* template, including the trailing semicolon. If you need to retrieve
* another property within the class body, you can use TypeTag as the
* argument for the type tag for the GET_PROP macro.
* Example:
* \code
* SET_PROP(FooTypeTag, blubbPropTag)
* {
* static int value = 10;
* static int calculate(int arg)
* { calculateInternal_(arg); }
* private:
* // retrieve the blabbProp property for the real TypeTag the
* // property is defined on. Note that blabbProb does not need to
* // be defined on FooTypeTag, but can also be defined for some
* // derived type tag.
* using blabb = typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, blabbProp);
* static int calculateInternal_(int arg)
* { return arg * blabb::value; };
* \endcode
* };
#define SET_PROP(EffTypeTagName, PropTagName) \
template <class TypeTag> \
struct PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)>
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Set a property to a simple constant integer value.
* The constant can be accessed by the 'value' attribute.
#define SET_INT_PROP(EffTypeTagName, PropTagName, /*Value*/...) \
template <class TypeTag> \
struct PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)> \
{ \
using type = int; \
static constexpr int value = __VA_ARGS__; \
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Set a property to a simple constant boolean value.
* The constant can be accessed by the 'value' attribute.
#define SET_BOOL_PROP(EffTypeTagName, PropTagName, /*Value*/...) \
template <class TypeTag> \
struct PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)> \
{ \
using type = bool; \
static constexpr bool value = __VA_ARGS__; \
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Set a property which defines a type.
* The type can be accessed by the 'type' attribute.
#define SET_TYPE_PROP(EffTypeTagName, PropTagName, /*Value*/...) \
template <class TypeTag> \
struct PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)> \
{ \
using type = __VA_ARGS__; \
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Set a property to a simple constant scalar value.
* The constant can be accessed by the 'value' attribute. In order to
* use this macro, the property tag "Scalar" needs to be defined for
* the real type tag.
#define SET_SCALAR_PROP(EffTypeTagName, PropTagName, ...) \
template <class TypeTag> \
struct PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)> \
{ \
using Scalar = Opm::GetPropType<TypeTag, Scalar>; \
public: \
using type = Scalar; \
static const Scalar value; \
}; \
template <class TypeTag> \
const typename PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)>::type \
PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)>::value(__VA_ARGS__)
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Set a property to a simple constant string value.
* The constant can be accessed by the 'value' attribute and is of
* type std::string.
#define SET_STRING_PROP(EffTypeTagName, PropTagName, ...) \
template <class TypeTag> \
struct PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)> \
{ \
public: \
using type = std::string; \
static const std::string value; \
}; \
template <class TypeTag> \
const typename PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)>::type \
PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)>::value(__VA_ARGS__)
// getters
#define GET_PROP(TypeTag, PropTagName) ::Opm::Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl<TypeTag, PTAG_(PropTagName)>::type
#define GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PropTagName) ::Opm::Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl<TypeTag, PTAG_(PropTagName)>::type::value
#define GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PropTagName) ::Opm::Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl<TypeTag, PTAG_(PropTagName)>::type::type
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Define splices for a given type tag.
* Splices can be seen as children which can be overridden lower in
* the hierarchy. It can thus be seen as a "deferred inheritance"
* mechanism. Example:
* \code
* // First, define type tags for two different linear solvers:
* // BiCGStab and SuperLU. The first needs the "MaxIterations"
* // property, the second defines the "UsePivoting" property.
* NEW_TYPE_TAG(BiCGStabSolver);
* NEW_PROP_TAG(MaxIterations);
* SET_INT_PROP(BiCGStabSolver, MaxIterations, 100);
* NEW_TYPE_TAG(SuperLUSolver);
* NEW_PROP_TAG(UsePivoting);
* SET_BOOL_PROP(SuperLUSolver, UsePivoting, true);
* // The model type tag defines the splice 'LinearSolver' and sets it
* // to the 'BiCGStabSolver' type tag.
* NEW_TYPE_TAG(ModelTypeTag);
* NEW_PROP_TAG(LinearSolver);
* SET_SPLICES(ModelTypeTag, LinearSolver);
* SET_TAG_PROP(ModelTypeTag, LinearSolver, BiCGStabSolver);
* // The problem type tag is derived from the model type tag, but uses
* // the SuperLU solver. Since this is done using a splice, all properties
* // defined for the "SuperLUSolver" are inherited and the ones for the
* // BiCGStabSolver type tag are undefined
* NEW_TYPE_TAG(ProblemTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(ModelTypeTag));
* SET_TAG_PROP(ProblemTypeTag, LinearSolver, SuperLUSolver);
* \endcode
// template class to revert the order or a std::tuple's arguments. This is required to
// make the properties of children defined on the right overwrite the properties of the
// children on the left. See https://sydius.me/2011/07/reverse-tuple-in-c/
template<typename... Args>
class RevertedTuple
template<unsigned int N, typename... All>
struct RevertedTupleOuter
template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct RevertedTupleInner: RevertedTupleOuter<N-1, Head, All...>::template RevertedTupleInner<Tail...> { };
template<typename... All>
struct RevertedTupleOuter<0, All...>
template<typename... Tail>
struct RevertedTupleInner {
typedef std::tuple<All...> type;
typedef typename RevertedTupleOuter<sizeof...(Args)>::template RevertedTupleInner<Args...>::type type;
#define SET_SPLICE(TypeTagName, SpliceName) \
template<class TypeTag> \
struct Splices<TypeTag, TTag::TypeTagName> \
{ \
using type = std::tuple<GetSplicePropType<TypeTag, TTag::TypeTagName, Properties::SpliceName>>; \
}; \
extern int semicolonHack_
#define SET_SPLICES(TypeTagName, SpliceName1, SpliceName2) \
template<class TypeTag> \
struct Splices<TypeTag, TTag::TypeTagName> \
{ \
using type = std::tuple<GetSplicePropType<TypeTag, TTag::TypeTagName, Properties::SpliceName1>, \
GetSplicePropType<TypeTag, TTag::TypeTagName, Properties::SpliceName2>>; \
}; \
extern int semicolonHack_
#define SET_PROP_(EffTypeTagName, PropKind, PropTagName, ...) \
template <class TypeTag> \
struct PropTagName<TypeTag, TTAG(EffTypeTagName)>
* \ingroup Properties
* \brief Define a property containing a type tag.
* This is convenient for splices.
#define SET_TAG_PROP(EffTypeTagName, PropTagName, ValueTypeTagName) \
SET_PROP_(EffTypeTagName, \
/*kind=*/"tag ", \
PropTagName, \
/*value=*/TTAG(ValueTypeTagName)) \
{ \
typedef TTAG(ValueTypeTagName) type; \
} // namespace Properties
} // namespace Opm