Kai Bao 894bffd1b3 handling the injection mobility when mixing paramter not 1
The treatment with shear-thinning is not well tested yet.
2016-12-16 08:56:35 +01:00

160 lines
6.5 KiB

Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2014 STATOIL ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <opm/autodiff/AutoDiffBlock.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/AutoDiffHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/polymer/PolymerProperties.hpp>
namespace Opm {
class PolymerPropsAd
/// \return Reference rock density.
double rockDensity() const;
/// \return The value of dead pore volume.
double deadPoreVol() const;
/// \return The max concentration injected.
double cMax() const;
/// \ return The water velcoity or shear rate in the PLYSHLOG table
const std::vector<double>& shearWaterVelocity() const;
/// \ return The viscosity reducation factor in the PLYSHLOG table
const std::vector<double>& shearViscosityReductionFactor() const;
/// \ return The reference polymer concentration for PLYSHLOG table
double plyshlogRefConc() const;
/// \ return The flag indicating if reference salinity is specified in PLYSHLOG keyword
bool hasPlyshlogRefSalinity() const;
/// \ return The flag indicating if reference temperature is specified in PLYSHLOG keyword
bool hasPlyshlogRefTemp() const;
/// \ return The reference salinity in PLYSHLOG keyword
double plyshlogRefSalinity() const;
/// \ return The reference temperature in PLYSHLOG keyword
double plyshlogRefTemp() const;
/// \ return the value of SHRATE
double shrate() const;
double viscMult(double c) const; // multipler interpolated from PLYVISC table
typedef AutoDiffBlock<double> ADB;
typedef ADB::V V;
V viscMult(const V& c) const;
/// \param[in] c Array of n polymer concentraion values.
/// \return Array of n viscosity multiplier from PLVISC table.
ADB viscMult(const ADB& c) const;
/// Constructor wrapping a polymer props.
PolymerPropsAd(const PolymerProperties& polymer_props);
/// Destructor.
/// \param[in] c Array of n polymer concentraion values.
/// \param[in] mu_w Array of n water viscosity values.
/// \return Array of inverse effective water viscosity.
effectiveInvWaterVisc(const V& c, const V& mu_w) const;
/// \param[in] c ADB of polymer concentraion.
/// \param[in] mu_w Array of water viscosity value.
/// \return ADB of inverse effective water viscosity.
effectiveInvWaterVisc(const ADB& c,const V& mu_w) const;
/// \param[in] c ADB of polymer concentraion values.
/// \param[in] mu_w Array of water viscosity values
/// \return ADB of inverse effective polymer viscosity.
effectiveInvPolymerVisc(const ADB& c, const V& mu_w) const;
/// \param[in] c Array of n polymer concentraion values.
/// \return Array of n mc values, here mc means m(c) * c.
polymerWaterVelocityRatio(const V& c) const;
/// \param[in] c Array of n polymer concentraion values.
/// \return Array of n mc values, here mc means m(c) * c.
polymerWaterVelocityRatio(const ADB& c) const;
/// \param[in] c Array of n polymer concentraion values.
/// \param[in] cmax_cells Array of n polymer concentraion values
/// that the cell experienced.
/// \return Array of n adsorption values.
adsorption(const V& c, const V& cmax_cells) const;
/// \param[in] c Array of n polymer concentraion values.
/// \param[in] cmax_cells Array of n polymer concentraion values
/// that the cell experienced.
/// \return Array of n adsorption values.
adsorption(const ADB& c, const ADB& cmax_cells) const;
/// \param[in] c Array of n polymer concentraion values.
/// \param[in] cmax_cells Array of n polymer concentraion values
/// that the cell experienced.
/// \param[in] relperm Array of n relative water relperm values.
/// \return Array of n adsorption values.
effectiveRelPerm(const V& c, const V& cmax_cells, const V& relperm) const;
/// \param[in] c Array of n polymer concentraion values.
/// \param[in] cmax_cells Array of n polymer concentraion values
/// that the cell experienced.
/// \param[in] relperm Array of n relative water relperm values.
/// \return Array of n adsorption values.
effectiveRelPerm(const ADB& c, const ADB& cmax_cells, const ADB& krw) const;
/// \param[in] water_vel Array of the n values of water velocity or shear rate.
/// \param[in] visc_mult Array of the n values of the viscosity multiplier from PLYVISC table.
/// \parma[out] shear_mult Array of the n values of calculated shear multiplier with PLYSHLOG keyword.
/// \return TRUE if the calculation of shear multiplier is sucessful,
/// FALSE if the calculation of shear multplier is failed.
bool computeShearMultLog(std::vector<double>& water_vel, std::vector<double>& visc_mult, std::vector<double>& shear_mult) const;
const PolymerProperties& polymer_props_;
} //namespace Opm