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Copyright 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/simulators/flow/SubDomain.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace Opm::Parameters {
template<class Scalar>
struct DbhpMaxRel { static constexpr Scalar value = 1.0; };
template<class Scalar>
struct DwellFractionMax { static constexpr Scalar value = 0.2; };
struct EclDeckFileName { static constexpr auto value = ""; };
template<class Scalar>
struct MaxResidualAllowed { static constexpr Scalar value = 1e7; };
template<class Scalar>
struct RelaxedMaxPvFraction { static constexpr Scalar value = 0.03; };
template<class Scalar>
struct ToleranceMb { static constexpr Scalar value = 1e-7; };
template<class Scalar>
struct ToleranceMbRelaxed { static constexpr Scalar value = 1e-6; };
template<class Scalar>
struct ToleranceCnv { static constexpr Scalar value = 1e-2; };
template<class Scalar>
struct ToleranceCnvRelaxed { static constexpr Scalar value = 1.0; };
template<class Scalar>
struct ToleranceWells { static constexpr Scalar value = 1e-4; };
template<class Scalar>
struct ToleranceWellControl { static constexpr Scalar value = 1e-7; };
struct MaxWelleqIter { static constexpr int value = 30; };
template<class Scalar>
struct MaxSinglePrecisionDays { static constexpr Scalar value = 20.0; };
struct MinStrictCnvIter { static constexpr int value = -1; };
struct MinStrictMbIter { static constexpr int value = -1; };
struct SolveWelleqInitially { static constexpr bool value = true; };
struct UpdateEquationsScaling { static constexpr bool value = false; };
struct UseUpdateStabilization { static constexpr bool value = true; };
struct MatrixAddWellContributions { static constexpr bool value = false; };
struct UseMultisegmentWell { static constexpr bool value = true; };
template<class Scalar>
struct TolerancePressureMsWells { static constexpr Scalar value = 0.01*1e5; };
template<class Scalar>
struct MaxPressureChangeMsWells { static constexpr Scalar value = 10*1e5; };
struct MaxNewtonIterationsWithInnerWellIterations { static constexpr int value = 8; };
struct MaxInnerIterMsWells { static constexpr int value = 100; };
struct MaxInnerIterWells { static constexpr int value = 50; };
struct ShutUnsolvableWells { static constexpr bool value = true; };
struct AlternativeWellRateInit { static constexpr bool value = true; };
struct StrictOuterIterWells { static constexpr int value = 6; };
struct StrictInnerIterWells { static constexpr int value = 40; };
template<class Scalar>
struct RegularizationFactorWells { static constexpr Scalar value = 100.0; };
struct EnableWellOperabilityCheck { static constexpr bool value = true; };
struct EnableWellOperabilityCheckIter { static constexpr bool value = false; };
struct DebugEmitCellPartition { static constexpr bool value = false; };
template<class Scalar>
struct RelaxedWellFlowTol { static constexpr Scalar value = 1e-3; };
template<class Scalar>
struct RelaxedPressureTolMsw { static constexpr Scalar value = 1e4; };
struct MaximumNumberOfWellSwitches { static constexpr int value = 3; };
struct UseAverageDensityMsWells { static constexpr bool value = false; };
struct LocalWellSolveControlSwitching { static constexpr bool value = true; };
struct UseImplicitIpr { static constexpr bool value = true; };
// Network solver parameters
struct NetworkMaxStrictIterations { static constexpr int value = 100; };
struct NetworkMaxIterations { static constexpr int value = 200; };
struct NonlinearSolver { static constexpr auto value = "newton"; };
struct LocalSolveApproach { static constexpr auto value = "gauss-seidel"; };
struct MaxLocalSolveIterations { static constexpr int value = 20; };
template<class Scalar>
struct LocalToleranceScalingMb { static constexpr Scalar value = 1.0; };
template<class Scalar>
struct LocalToleranceScalingCnv { static constexpr Scalar value = 0.1; };
struct NlddNumInitialNewtonIter { static constexpr int value = 1; };
struct NumLocalDomains { static constexpr int value = 0; };
template<class Scalar>
struct LocalDomainsPartitioningImbalance { static constexpr Scalar value = 1.03; };
struct LocalDomainsPartitioningMethod { static constexpr auto value = "zoltan"; };
struct LocalDomainsOrderingMeasure { static constexpr auto value = "maxpressure"; };
} // namespace Opm::Parameters
namespace Opm {
/// Solver parameters for the BlackoilModel.
template <class Scalar>
struct BlackoilModelParameters
/// Max relative change in bhp in single iteration.
Scalar dbhp_max_rel_;
/// Max absolute change in well volume fraction in single iteration.
Scalar dwell_fraction_max_;
/// Absolute max limit for residuals.
Scalar max_residual_allowed_;
//// Max allowed pore volume faction where CNV is violated. Below the
//// relaxed tolerance tolerance_cnv_relaxed_ is used.
Scalar relaxed_max_pv_fraction_;
/// Relative mass balance tolerance (total mass balance error).
Scalar tolerance_mb_;
/// Relaxed mass balance tolerance (can be used when iter >= min_strict_mb_iter_).
Scalar tolerance_mb_relaxed_;
/// Local convergence tolerance (max of local saturation errors).
Scalar tolerance_cnv_;
/// Relaxed local convergence tolerance (can be used when iter >= min_strict_cnv_iter_ && cnvViolatedPV < relaxed_max_pv_fraction_).
Scalar tolerance_cnv_relaxed_;
/// Well convergence tolerance.
Scalar tolerance_wells_;
/// Tolerance for the well control equations
// TODO: it might need to distinguish between rate control and pressure control later
Scalar tolerance_well_control_;
/// Tolerance for the pressure equations for multisegment wells
Scalar tolerance_pressure_ms_wells_;
/// Relaxed tolerance for for the well flow residual
Scalar relaxed_tolerance_flow_well_;
/// Relaxed tolerance for the MSW pressure solution
Scalar relaxed_tolerance_pressure_ms_well_;
/// Maximum pressure change over an iteratio for ms wells
Scalar max_pressure_change_ms_wells_;
/// Maximum inner iteration number for ms wells
int max_inner_iter_ms_wells_;
/// Strict inner iteration number for wells
int strict_inner_iter_wells_;
/// Newton iteration where wells are stricly convergent
int strict_outer_iter_wells_;
/// Regularization factor for wells
Scalar regularization_factor_wells_;
/// Maximum newton iterations with inner well iterations
int max_niter_inner_well_iter_;
/// Whether to shut unsolvable well
bool shut_unsolvable_wells_;
/// Maximum inner iteration number for standard wells
int max_inner_iter_wells_;
/// Maximum iteration number of the well equation solution
int max_welleq_iter_;
/// Tolerance for time step in seconds where single precision can be used
/// for solving for the Jacobian
Scalar maxSinglePrecisionTimeStep_;
/// Minimum number of Newton iterations before we can use relaxed CNV convergence criterion
int min_strict_cnv_iter_;
/// Minimum number of Newton iterations before we can use relaxed MB convergence criterion
int min_strict_mb_iter_;
/// Solve well equation initially
bool solve_welleq_initially_;
/// Update scaling factors for mass balance equations
bool update_equations_scaling_;
/// Try to detect oscillation or stagnation.
bool use_update_stabilization_;
/// Whether to use MultisegmentWell to handle multisegment wells
/// it is something temporary before the multisegment well model is considered to be
/// well developed and tested.
/// if it is false, we will handle multisegment wells as standard wells, which will be
/// the default behavoir for the moment. Later, we might set it to be true by default if necessary
bool use_multisegment_well_;
/// The file name of the deck
std::string deck_file_name_;
/// Whether to add influences of wells between cells to the matrix and preconditioner matrix
bool matrix_add_well_contributions_;
/// Whether to check well operability
bool check_well_operability_;
/// Whether to check well operability during iterations
bool check_well_operability_iter_;
/// Maximum number of times a well can switch to the same controt
int max_number_of_well_switches_;
/// Whether to approximate segment densities by averaging over segment and its outlet
bool use_average_density_ms_wells_;
/// Whether to allow control switching during local well solutions
bool local_well_solver_control_switching_;
/// Whether to use implicit IPR for thp stability checks and solution search
bool use_implicit_ipr_;
/// Maximum number of iterations in the network solver before relaxing tolerance
int network_max_strict_iterations_;
/// Maximum number of iterations in the network solver before giving up
int network_max_iterations_;
/// Nonlinear solver type: newton or nldd.
std::string nonlinear_solver_;
/// 'jacobi' and 'gauss-seidel' supported.
DomainSolveApproach local_solve_approach_{DomainSolveApproach::Jacobi};
int max_local_solve_iterations_;
Scalar local_tolerance_scaling_mb_;
Scalar local_tolerance_scaling_cnv_;
int nldd_num_initial_newton_iter_{1};
int num_local_domains_{0};
Scalar local_domain_partition_imbalance_{1.03};
std::string local_domain_partition_method_;
DomainOrderingMeasure local_domain_ordering_{DomainOrderingMeasure::MaxPressure};
bool write_partitions_{false};
/// Construct from user parameters or defaults.
static void registerParameters();
} // namespace Opm