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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
This commit adds support for loading a three-column NLDD partitioning scheme of the form MPI_Rank Cartesian_Index NLDD_Domain_ID from a text file. In an MPI run it is assumed that the first column holds integers in the range 0..MPI_Size()-1, and typically that each such integer is listed at least once. In a sequential run, the MPI rank column is ignored. With this scheme we can load the same partition files that we write, for increased repeatability and determinism, and we can also experiment with externally generated NLDD partitions.
711 lines
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711 lines
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Copyright 2021 Total SE
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/partitionCells.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/countGlobalCells.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/compressPartition.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLogger.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLoggingErrorHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/gatherDeferredLogger.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/SetupZoltanParams.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/Connection.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/Well.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Well/WellConnections.hpp>
#include <opm/grid/CpGrid.hpp>
#include <opm/grid/polyhedralgrid.hh>
#include <dune/alugrid/grid.hh>
#include <opm/common/utility/CSRGraphFromCoordinates.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// ===========================================================================
// Zoltan-based partitioning if available in this build configuration.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
/// Partition rank's interior cells into non-overlapping domains using the
/// Zoltan graph partitioning software package.
class ZoltanPartitioner
/// Constructor.
/// \tparam GridView DUNE grid view type
/// \param[in] grid_view Current rank's reachable cells.
/// \param[in] local_to_global Callback for mapping rank's local cells
/// to globally unique cell IDs. May for instance return the
/// Cartesian cell ID of each local cell.
template <class GridView>
explicit ZoltanPartitioner(const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::GlobalCellID& local_to_global);
/// Form internal connectivity graph between rank's reachable, interior
/// cells.
/// \tparam GridView DUNE grid view type
/// \tparam Element Grid view's representation of a cell.
/// \param[in] grid_view Current rank's reachable cells.
/// \param[in] wells Collection of wells to which this rank's partition
/// vector must be adapted. Wells must not intersect multiple local
/// domains/blocks.
/// \param[in] zoltan_ctrl Control parameters for on-rank subdomain
/// partitioning.
template <class GridView, class Element>
void buildLocalGraph(const GridView& grid_view,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl);
/// Partition rank's interior cells into non-overlapping domains using
/// the Zoltan graph partitioning software package.
/// \tparam GridView DUNE grid view type
/// \tparam Element Grid view's representation of a cell.
/// \param[in] num_local_domains Target number of domains into which the
/// full model will be partitioned. Note: This number is treated as a
/// global parameter across all MPI ranks and is not used as a number
/// of domains per rank. The final number of model subdomains may
/// differ from this number when adapting to well constraints and if,
/// for whatever reason, Zoltan happens to generate a global
/// partitioning for which one domain/block happens to cross process
/// boundaries.
/// \param[in] grid_view Current rank's reachable cells.
/// \param[in] zoltan_ctrl Control parameters for on-rank subdomain
/// partitioning.
/// \return Partition vector for rank's interior cells and number of
/// unique domains across those interior cells.
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
partition(const int num_local_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl) const;
/// Zoltan partitioning backend.
Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan partitioner_;
/// Form internal connectivity graph between rank's reachable, interior
/// cells.
/// \tparam GridView DUNE grid view type
/// \tparam Element Grid view's representation of a cell.
/// \param[in] grid_view Current rank's reachable cells.
/// \param[in] zoltan_ctrl Control parameters for on-rank subdomain
/// partitioning.
/// \return Mapping from globally unique cell IDs to local, on-rank
/// active cell IDs. Effectively the cached result of \code
/// zoltan_ctrl.index() \endcode for each globally unique cell ID.
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::unordered_map<int, int>
connectElements(const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl);
/// Adapt internal connectivity graph to account for connections induced
/// by well reservoir connections.
/// \tparam Comm MPI communication type.
/// \param[in] comm MPI communication object. Needed to get a global
/// view of any exceptions thrown in the implementation.
/// \param[in] wells Collection of wells to which this rank's partition
/// vector must be adapted. Wells must not intersect multiple local
/// domains/blocks.
/// \param[in] g2l Mapping from globally unique cell IDs to local,
/// on-rank active cell IDs. Return value from \c connectElements().
template <typename Comm>
void connectWells(const Comm comm,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
const std::unordered_map<int, int>& g2l);
// Note: "grid_view.size(0)" is intentional here. It is not an error. The
// ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan type will internally enumerate interior
// cells in a consecutive sequence, regardless of the ordering in the
// grid_view object.
template <class GridView>
ZoltanPartitioner::ZoltanPartitioner(const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan::GlobalCellID& local_to_global)
: partitioner_(grid_view.comm(), grid_view.size(0), local_to_global)
template <class GridView, class Element>
void ZoltanPartitioner::buildLocalGraph(const GridView& grid_view,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
this->connectWells(grid_view.comm(), wells, this->connectElements(grid_view, zoltan_ctrl));
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
ZoltanPartitioner::partition(const int num_local_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl) const
auto partition = std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>{};
auto param = Opm::setupZoltanParams("graph");
param.insert_or_assign("NUM_GLOBAL_PARTS", fmt::format("{}", num_local_domains));
param.insert_or_assign("IMBALANCE_TOL" , fmt::format("{}", zoltan_ctrl.domain_imbalance));
const auto domainsAll = this->partitioner_.partitionElements(param);
auto& [domains, num_domains] = partition;
num_domains = 0;
for (const auto& cell : elements(grid_view, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
const auto domainId = domains.emplace_back(domainsAll[zoltan_ctrl.index(cell)]);
if (domainId >= num_domains) {
num_domains = domainId + 1;
// Fix-up for an extreme case: Interior cells whose neighbours are all
// on a different rank--i.e., interior cells which do not have on-rank
// neighbours. Make each such cell be a separate domain on this rank.
// Don't remove this code unless you've taken remedial action elsewhere
// to ensure the situation doesn't happen. For what it's worth, we've
// seen this case occur in practice when testing on field cases.
for (auto& domainId : domains) {
if (domainId < 0) {
domainId = num_domains++;
return partition;
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::unordered_map<int, int>
ZoltanPartitioner::connectElements(const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
auto g2l = std::unordered_map<int, int>{};
for (const auto& element : elements(grid_view, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
const auto c = zoltan_ctrl.index(element);
g2l.insert_or_assign(zoltan_ctrl.local_to_global(c), c);
for (const auto& is : intersections(grid_view, element)) {
if (! is.neighbor()) {
const auto& in = is.inside();
const auto& out = is.outside();
if ((in .partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity) ||
(out.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity))
// Connect cells in interior only.
const auto c1 = zoltan_ctrl.index(in);
const auto c2 = zoltan_ctrl.index(out);
this->partitioner_.registerConnection(c1, c2);
this->partitioner_.registerConnection(c2, c1);
return g2l;
template <typename Comm>
void ZoltanPartitioner::connectWells(const Comm comm,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
const std::unordered_map<int, int>& g2l)
auto distributedWells = 0;
for (const auto& well : wells) {
auto cellIx = std::vector<int>{};
auto otherProc = 0;
for (const auto& conn : well.getConnections()) {
auto locPos = g2l.find(conn.global_index());
if (locPos == g2l.end()) {
if ((otherProc > 0) && !cellIx.empty()) {
const auto nc = cellIx.size();
for (auto ic1 = 0*nc; ic1 < nc; ++ic1) {
for (auto ic2 = ic1 + 1; ic2 < nc; ++ic2) {
this->partitioner_.registerConnection(cellIx[ic1], cellIx[ic2]);
this->partitioner_.registerConnection(cellIx[ic2], cellIx[ic1]);
if (! cellIx.empty()) {
// All cells intersected by a single well go in the same domain.
if (distributedWells > 0) {
const auto* pl = (distributedWells == 1) ? "" : "s";
throw std::invalid_argument {
fmt::format(R"({} distributed well{} detected on rank {}.
This is not supported in the current NLDD implementation.)",
distributedWells, pl, comm.rank())
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "ZoltanPartitioner::connectWells()" }, comm)
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
partitionCellsZoltan(const int num_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& wells,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
if (num_domains <= 1) { // No partitioning => every cell in domain zero.
const auto num_interior_cells =
return {
std::forward_as_tuple(num_interior_cells, 0),
auto partitioner = ZoltanPartitioner { grid_view, zoltan_ctrl.local_to_global };
partitioner.buildLocalGraph(grid_view, wells, zoltan_ctrl);
return partitioner.partition(num_domains, grid_view, zoltan_ctrl);
} // Anonymous namespace
namespace {
std::vector<int> integerVectorFromFile(const std::filesystem::path& fileName)
std::ifstream is(fileName);
return { std::istream_iterator<int>(is), std::istream_iterator<int>{} };
} // Anonymous namespace
namespace {
template <class Communicator>
groupInputByProcessID(const std::vector<int>& rawInput,
const Communicator& comm)
auto groupedCells = std::vector<int>{};
auto startPtr = std::vector<int>(comm.size() + 1, 0);
if (comm.rank() == 0) {
// VertexID = std::vector<int>::size_type
// TrackCompressedIdx = false
// PermitSelfConnections = true (e.g., process 0 has row 0).
auto cellGroup = Opm::utility::CSRGraphFromCoordinates<
std::vector<int>::size_type, false, true
const auto numCells = rawInput.size() / 3;
for (auto cell = 0*numCells; cell < numCells; ++cell) {
cellGroup.addConnection(rawInput[3*cell + 0], cell);
const auto& inputIx = cellGroup.columnIndices();
groupedCells.reserve(2 * inputIx.size());
for (const auto& cell : inputIx) {
const auto* cellVal = &rawInput[3*cell + 0];
groupedCells.push_back(cellVal[1]); // Cartesian index
groupedCells.push_back(cellVal[2]); // Block ID
const auto& start = cellGroup.startPointers();
std::copy(start.begin(), start.end(), startPtr.begin());
comm.broadcast(startPtr.data(), comm.size() + 1, 0);
// We're scattering two ints per cell
for (auto& startIx : startPtr) {
startIx *= 2;
auto sendLength = std::vector<int>(comm.size());
std::adjacent_difference(startPtr.begin() + 1,
auto perProcessInput = std::vector<int>(sendLength[comm.rank()], 0);
return perProcessInput;
template <class GridView, class Element>
interiorLocalToGlobalIndexMap(const GridView& gridView,
const std::size_t numInterior,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltanCtrl)
auto g2l = std::unordered_map<int,int>{};
auto localCell = 0;
for (const auto& cell : elements(gridView, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
const auto globIx = zoltanCtrl.local_to_global(zoltanCtrl.index(cell));
g2l.insert_or_assign(globIx, localCell++);
if (g2l.size() != numInterior) {
throw std::invalid_argument {
fmt::format("Local-to-global mapping is not bijective on rank {}.",
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "scatterPartition()/UniqueL2G" },
return g2l;
template <class Communicator>
interiorPartitionInput(const std::vector<int>& rawInput,
const Communicator& comm,
const std::size_t numInterior)
auto myPartitionInput = groupInputByProcessID(rawInput, comm);
if (myPartitionInput.size() != 2*numInterior) {
throw std::out_of_range {
fmt::format("Input partition of size {} does not match "
"the number of interior cells ({}) on rank {}.",
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "scatterPartition()/InputSize" },
return myPartitionInput;
template <class GridView, class Element>
scatterPartition(const std::vector<int>& rawInput,
const GridView& gridView,
const std::size_t numInterior,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltanCtrl)
auto partition = std::vector<int>(numInterior, -1);
const auto g2l = interiorLocalToGlobalIndexMap(gridView, numInterior, zoltanCtrl);
const auto myPartitionInput =
interiorPartitionInput(rawInput, gridView.comm(), numInterior);
for (auto i = 0*numInterior; i < numInterior; ++i) {
auto cellPos = g2l.find(myPartitionInput[2*i + 0]);
if (cellPos != g2l.end()) {
partition[cellPos->second] = myPartitionInput[2*i + 1];
const auto allCovered =
std::all_of(partition.begin(), partition.end(),
[](const int d) { return d >= 0; });
if (! allCovered) {
throw std::out_of_range {
fmt::format("Input partition does not cover "
"all {} interior cells on rank {}.",
numInterior, gridView.comm().rank())
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "scatterPartition()/CellCoverage" },
return partition;
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
partitionCellsFromFileMPI(const std::filesystem::path& fileName,
const GridView& grid_view,
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
const auto input = (grid_view.comm().rank() == 0)
? integerVectorFromFile(fileName)
: std::vector<int>{};
const auto num_interior = Opm::detail::
const auto num_cells = grid_view.comm().sum(num_interior);
if ((grid_view.comm().rank() == 0) &&
(input.size() != 3 * num_cells))
throw std::out_of_range {
fmt::format("Number of partition file elements {} does not "
"match model's number of active cells ({})",
input.size(), num_cells)
OPM_END_PARALLEL_TRY_CATCH(std::string { "partitionCellsFromFileMPI()" },
return Opm::util::compressAndCountPartitionIDs
(scatterPartition(input, grid_view, num_interior, zoltan_ctrl));
} // Anonymous namespace
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// ===========================================================================
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
Opm::partitionCells(const std::string& method,
const int num_local_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
[[maybe_unused]] const std::vector<Well>& wells,
[[maybe_unused]] const ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl)
if (method == "zoltan") {
return partitionCellsZoltan(num_local_domains, grid_view, wells, zoltan_ctrl);
#else // !HAVE_MPI || !HAVE_ZOLTAN
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Zoltan requested for local domain partitioning, "
"but is not available in the current build configuration.");
else if (method == "simple") {
const int num_cells = detail::countLocalInteriorCellsGridView(grid_view);
return partitionCellsSimple(num_cells, num_local_domains);
else if (const auto ext = std::string_view { ".partition" };
method.rfind(ext) == method.size() - ext.size())
if (grid_view.comm().size() > 1) {
return partitionCellsFromFileMPI(method, grid_view, zoltan_ctrl);
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// Method string ends with ".partition", interpret as filename for partitioning.
const int num_cells = detail::countLocalInteriorCellsGridView(grid_view);
return partitionCellsFromFile(method, num_cells);
else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown local domain partitioning method requested: " + method);
// Read from file, containing one or three numbers per cell.
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
Opm::partitionCellsFromFile(const std::string& filename, const int num_cells)
// Read file into single vector.
auto cellpart = integerVectorFromFile(filename);
if (cellpart.size() == static_cast<std::size_t>(num_cells)) {
return util::compressAndCountPartitionIDs(std::move(cellpart));
if (cellpart.size() == 3 * static_cast<std::size_t>(num_cells)) {
auto p = std::vector<int>(num_cells);
for (auto c = 0*num_cells; c < num_cells; ++c) {
p[c] = cellpart[3*c + 2];
return util::compressAndCountPartitionIDs(std::move(p));
throw std::runtime_error {
fmt::format("Partition file contains {} entries, "
"but there are {} cells.",
cellpart.size(), num_cells)
// Trivially simple partitioner
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
Opm::partitionCellsSimple(const int num_cells, const int num_domains)
// Build the partitions.
const int dom_sz = num_cells / num_domains;
std::vector<int> bounds(num_domains + 1, dom_sz);
bounds[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cells % num_domains; ++i) {
++bounds[i + 1];
std::partial_sum(bounds.begin(), bounds.end(), bounds.begin());
assert(bounds[num_domains] == num_cells);
std::vector<int> part(num_cells);
for (int i = 0; i < num_domains; ++i) {
std::fill(part.begin() + bounds[i], part.begin() + bounds[i + 1], i);
return { part, num_domains };
// ===========================================================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Explicit specialisations/instantiations of partitionCells template.
// Deliberately placed at end of file. No other code beyond this separator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define InstantiatePartitionCells(Grid) \
template std::pair<std::vector<int>, int> \
Opm::partitionCells(const std::string&, \
const int, \
const std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t< \
decltype(std::declval<Grid>().leafGridView())>>&, \
const std::vector<Opm::Well>&, \
const Opm::ZoltanPartitioningControl< \
typename std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t< \
decltype(std::declval<Grid>().leafGridView())>>::template Codim<0>::Entity>&)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Grid types built into Flow.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using PolyGrid = Dune::PolyhedralGrid<3, 3, double>;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ALUGrid, if available.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using ALUGridComm = Dune::ALUGridMPIComm;
using ALUGridComm = Dune::ALUGridNoComm;
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base case.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using BaseALUGrid = Dune::ALUGrid<3, 3, Dune::cube, Dune::nonconforming, ALUGridComm>;
// ===========================================================================
#undef InstantiatePartitionCells
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End of file. No statements below this separator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------