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Copyright 2017 SINTEF Digital, Mathematics and Cybernetics.
Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellEquations.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellGeneric.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/MultisegmentWellSegments.hpp>
#include <opm/material/densead/Evaluation.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm {
class ConvergenceReport;
class Schedule;
class SummaryState;
template<class FluidSystem, class Indices> class WellInterfaceIndices;
template<class Scalar> class WellState;
template<typename FluidSystem, typename Indices>
class MultisegmentWellEval : public MultisegmentWellGeneric<typename FluidSystem::Scalar>
using Scalar = typename FluidSystem::Scalar;
using PrimaryVariables = MultisegmentWellPrimaryVariables<FluidSystem,Indices>;
static constexpr int numWellEq = PrimaryVariables::numWellEq;
static constexpr int SPres = PrimaryVariables::SPres;
static constexpr int WQTotal = PrimaryVariables::WQTotal;
using Equations = MultisegmentWellEquations<Scalar,numWellEq,Indices::numEq>;
using MSWSegments = MultisegmentWellSegments<FluidSystem,Indices>;
using BVector = typename Equations::BVector;
using BVectorWell = typename Equations::BVectorWell;
// TODO: for more efficient implementation, we should have EvalReservoir, EvalWell, and EvalRerservoirAndWell
// EvalR (Eval), EvalW, EvalRW
// TODO: for now, we only use one type to save some implementation efforts, while improve later.
using EvalWell = typename PrimaryVariables::EvalWell;
using Eval = DenseAd::Evaluation<Scalar, /*size=*/Indices::numEq>;
//! \brief Returns a const reference to equation system.
const Equations& linSys() const
{ return linSys_; }
MultisegmentWellEval(WellInterfaceIndices<FluidSystem,Indices>& baseif);
void initMatrixAndVectors(const int num_cells);
void assembleDefaultPressureEq(const int seg,
WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const bool use_average_density);
// assemble pressure equation for ICD segments
void assembleICDPressureEq(const int seg,
const UnitSystem& unit_system,
WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const SummaryState& summary_state,
const bool use_average_density,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
void assembleAccelerationAndHydroPressureLosses(const int seg,
WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const bool use_average_density);
void assemblePressureEq(const int seg,
const UnitSystem& unit_system,
WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const SummaryState& summary_state,
const bool use_average_density,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
/// check whether the well equations get converged for this well
ConvergenceReport getWellConvergence(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const std::vector<Scalar>& B_avg,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger,
const Scalar max_residual_allowed,
const Scalar tolerance_wells,
const Scalar relaxed_inner_tolerance_flow_ms_well,
const Scalar tolerance_pressure_ms_wells,
const Scalar relaxed_inner_tolerance_pressure_ms_well,
const bool relax_tolerance,
const bool well_is_stopped) const;
std::pair<bool, std::vector<Scalar> >
getFiniteWellResiduals(const std::vector<Scalar>& B_avg,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const;
Scalar getControlTolerance(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const Scalar tolerance_wells,
const Scalar tolerance_pressure_ms_wells,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const;
Scalar getResidualMeasureValue(const WellState<Scalar>& well_state,
const std::vector<Scalar>& residuals,
const Scalar tolerance_wells,
const Scalar tolerance_pressure_ms_wells,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const;
void assembleAccelerationPressureLoss(const int seg,
WellState<Scalar>& well_state);
EvalWell pressureDropAutoICD(const int seg,
const UnitSystem& unit_system) const;
// convert a Eval from reservoir to contain the derivative related to wells
EvalWell extendEval(const Eval& in) const;
const WellInterfaceIndices<FluidSystem,Indices>& baseif_;
Equations linSys_; //!< The equation system
PrimaryVariables primary_variables_; //!< The primary variables
MSWSegments segments_; //!< Segment properties
// depth difference between perforations and the perforated grid cells
std::vector<Scalar> cell_perforation_depth_diffs_;
// pressure correction due to the different depth of the perforation and
// center depth of the grid block
std::vector<Scalar> cell_perforation_pressure_diffs_;