Andreas Lauser 6e52a7bc3b set CMake policies CMP0026 and CMP0048 to OLD
this is required for CMake 3.0 to stop it complaining that we access
the LOCATION target property and set the *_VERSION_* variables ourselves.
2014-12-08 15:24:49 +01:00

295 lines
9.3 KiB

# -*- mode: cmake; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t; truncate-lines: t; compile-command: "cmake -Wdev" -*-
# vim: set filetype=cmake autoindent tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 noexpandtab softtabstop=2 nowrap:
# - Build an OPM library module
# This macro assumes that ${project} contains the name of the project,
# e.g. "opm-core", and that various variables that configures the module
# has been setup in advance.
# Customize the module configuration by defining these "callback" macros:
# prereqs_hook Do special processing before prerequisites are found
# fortran_hook Determine whether Fortran support is necessary or not
# sources_hook Do special processing before sources are compiled
# tests_hook Do special processing before tests are compiled
# files_hook Do special processing before final targets are added
# for CMake >= 3.0, we need to change a few policies:
# - CMP0026 to allow access to the LOCATION target property
# - CMP0048 to indicate that we want to deal with the *VERSION*
# variables ourselves
if (POLICY CMP0026)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0026 OLD)
if (POLICY CMP0048)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0048 OLD)
# include special
message (STATUS "Enabling compatibility modules for CMake 2.8.3")
list (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${OPM_MACROS_ROOT}/cmake/Modules/compat-2.8.3")
message (STATUS "Enabling compatibility modules for CMake 2.8.5")
list (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${OPM_MACROS_ROOT}/cmake/Modules/compat-2.8.5")
message (STATUS "Enabling compatibility modules for CMake 2.8.7")
list (APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${OPM_MACROS_ROOT}/cmake/Modules/compat-2.8.7")
# don't write default flags into the cache, preserve that for user set values
include (AddOptions)
no_default_options ()
# C++ project
project (${${project}_NAME})
enable_language (C)
enable_language (CXX)
# print system information to better pinpoint issues from log alone
include (UseSystemInfo)
system_info ()
# very early try to print repo id (to pinpoint version if something goes wrong)
include (UseVCSInfo)
vcs_info ()
# print toolchain information to identify compilers with potential bugs
include (UseCompVer)
compiler_info ()
linker_info ()
# default settings: build static debug library
include (OpmDefaults)
opm_defaults (${project})
message (STATUS "Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}")
# use tricks to do faster builds
include (UseFastBuilds)
# precompiled headers
include (UsePrecompHeaders)
# optimize full if we're not doing a debug build
include (UseOptimization)
# turn on all warnings; this must be done before adding any
# dependencies, in case they alter the list of warnings
include (UseWarnings)
# parallel computing must be explicitly enabled
option (USE_MPI "Use Message Passing Interface for parallel computing" OFF)
endif (NOT USE_MPI)
# parallel programming
include (UseOpenMP)
find_openmp (${project})
# callback hook to setup additional dependencies
if (COMMAND prereqs_hook)
prereqs_hook ()
endif (COMMAND prereqs_hook)
# macro to set standard variables (INCLUDE_DIRS, LIBRARIES etc.)
include (OpmFind)
find_and_append_package_list_to (${project} ${${project}_DEPS})
# set aliases to probed variables
include (OpmAliases)
# remove the dependency on the testing framework from the main library;
# it is not possible to query for Boost twice with different components.
# don't import more libraries than we need to
include (UseOnlyNeeded)
# put debug information into every executable
include (UseDebugSymbols)
# detect if Boost is in a shared library
include (UseDynamicBoost)
# needed for Debian installation scheme
include (UseMultiArch)
# Run conditional file hook
# this module contains code to figure out which files is where
include (OpmFiles)
opm_auto_dirs ()
# put libraries in lib/
opm_out_dirs ()
# identify the compilation units in the library; sources in opm/,
# tests files in tests/, examples in tutorials/ and examples/
opm_sources (${project})
# processing after base sources have been identified
if (COMMAND sources_hook)
sources_hook ()
endif (COMMAND sources_hook)
# convenience macro to add version of another suite, e.g. dune-common
macro (opm_need_version_of what)
string (TOUPPER "${what}" _WHAT)
string (REPLACE "-" "_" _WHAT "${_WHAT}")
list (APPEND ${project}_CONFIG_IMPL_VARS
endmacro (opm_need_version_of suite module)
# use this hook to add version macros before we write to config.h
if (COMMAND config_hook)
config_hook ()
endif (COMMAND config_hook)
# create configuration header which describes available features
# necessary to compile this library. singular version is the names that
# is required by this project alone, plural version transitively
# includes the necessary defines by the dependencies
include (ConfigVars)
list (APPEND ${project}_CONFIG_VARS ${${project}_CONFIG_VAR})
# write configuration variables to this file. note that it is a temporary.
# _CONFIG_IMPL_VARS are defines that are only written to config.h internal
# to this project; they are not exported to any installed files.
# TESTING_CONFIG_VARS is what's required by the unit tests, and is therefore
# added in an ad-hoc manner to avoid putting dependencies to it in the module
# requirement file. (it should be added if there is .h code that needs it)
message (STATUS "Writing config file \"${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h\"...")
set (CONFIG_H "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.tmp")
configure_vars (
WRITE ${${project}_CONFIG_VARS}
# call this hook to let it setup necessary conditions for Fortran support
if (COMMAND fortran_hook)
fortran_hook ()
endif (COMMAND fortran_hook)
if (${project}_FORTRAN_IF)
include (UseFortranWrappers)
define_fc_func (
IF ${${project}_FORTRAN_IF}
endif (${project}_FORTRAN_IF)
# overwrite the config.h that is used by the code only if we have some
# real changes. thus, we don't have to recompile if a reconfigure is run
# due to some files being added, for instance
execute_process (COMMAND
${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${CONFIG_H} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h
# compile main library; pull in all required includes and libraries
include (OpmCompile)
opm_compile (${project})
# installation target: copy the library together with debug and
# configuration files to system directories
include (OpmInstall)
if (COMMAND install_hook)
install_hook ()
endif (COMMAND install_hook)
opm_install (${project})
message (STATUS "This build defaults to installing in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
# installation of CMake modules to help user programs locate the library
include (OpmProject)
opm_cmake_config (${project})
# routines to build satellites such as tests, tutorials and samples
include (OpmSatellites)
# example programs are found in the tutorials/ and examples/ directory
option (BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build the examples/ tree" ON)
opm_compile_satellites (${project} examples "" "")
# attic are programs which are not quite abandoned yet; however, they
# are not actively maintained, so they should not be a part of the
# default compile
opm_compile_satellites (${project} attic EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL "")
# infrastructure for testing
enable_testing ()
include (CTest)
# conditionally disable tests when features aren't available
macro (cond_disable_test name)
if ((NOT DEFINED HAVE_${name}) OR (NOT HAVE_${name}))
message (STATUS "${name} test disabled, since ${name} is not found.")
string (TOLOWER "${name}" name_lower)
get_filename_component (test_${name}_FILE "tests/test_${name_lower}.cpp" ABSOLUTE)
list (REMOVE_ITEM tests_SOURCES "${test_${name}_FILE}")
endif ((NOT DEFINED HAVE_${name}) OR (NOT HAVE_${name}))
endmacro (cond_disable_test name)
# special processing for tests
if (COMMAND tests_hook)
tests_hook ()
endif (COMMAND tests_hook)
# make datafiles necessary for tests available in output directory
opm_data (tests datafiles "${tests_DIR}")
opm_compile_satellites (${project} tests "" "${tests_REGEXP}")
# use this target to run all tests
add_custom_target (check
COMMENT "Checking if library is functional"
# generate documentation from source code with Doxygen;
# setup install target for this documentation
include (OpmDoc)
opm_doc (${project} ${doxy_dir})
# provide compatibility with using this build in dunecontrol
include (DuneCompat)
include (LibtoolArchives)
if (${project}_TARGET)
configure_la (${project} ${${project}_TARGET} ${project}_LIBTOOL_ARCHIVE)
endif ()
### clean in-source builds ###
include (OpmDistClean)
opm_dist_clean (${project})
### emulate the with-xxx feature of autotools;
include (OpmKnown)
# make sure we rebuild if dune.module changes
configure_file (
# make sure updated version information is available in the source code
include (UseVersion)
# update the cache for next run
write_back_options ()