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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
When doing a private install of DUNE libraries, the dune.module file is put in the lib/ directory, regardless of architecture. This patch searches the lib/ directory as a catch-all after having searched the platform-specific directories. This should minimize the chance of hitting an accidentally unrelated dune.module.
153 lines
6.1 KiB
153 lines
6.1 KiB
# - Find version of a DUNE package
# Synopsis:
# find_dune_version (suite module)
# where:
# suite Name of the suite; this should always be "dune"
# module Name of the module, e.g. "common"
# from the installation.
# Add these variables to ${project}_CONFIG_IMPL_VARS in CMakeLists.txt
# if you need these in the code.
include (UseMultiArch)
function (find_dune_version suite module)
# the _ROOT variable may or may not be set, but the include
# variable should always be; get the prefix from the header path
# if we have a multilib installation where the package maintainer
# have installed it in e.g. /usr/include/dune-2.2/dune/istl, then
# stash this extra indirection and add it back later in lib/
set (_inc_path "${${suite}-${module}_INCLUDE_DIR}")
file (TO_CMAKE_PATH _inc_path "${_inc_path}")
set (_multilib_regexp "(.*)/include(/${suite}[^/]+)?")
if (_inc_path MATCHES "${_multilib_regexp}")
set (_orig_inc "${_inc_path}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_multilib_regexp}" "\\1" _inc_path "${_orig_inc}")
# only get the second group if it is really there (there is
# probably a better way to do this in CMake)
if ("${_inc_path}/include" STREQUAL "${_orig_inc}")
set (_multilib "")
else ()
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_multilib_regexp}" "\\2" _multilib "${_orig_inc}")
endif ()
else ()
set (_multilib "")
endif ()
# some modules does not have a library, use the directory of the
# header files to find what would be the library dir.
# note that when we refer to a build tree, then the libraries always
# go into lib/, but we don't care about that because in that case,
# dune.module isn't in the lib/ directory anyway but must be retrieved
# from the source. hence, we only have to worry about the library
# directory of a system installation here.
if (NOT ${suite}-${module}_LIBRARY)
# this suffix is gotten from UseMultiArch.cmake
set (_lib_path "${_inc_path}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}")
else ()
get_filename_component (_lib_path "${${suite}-${module}_LIBRARY}" PATH)
endif ()
# if we have a source tree, dune.module is available there
set (_dune_mod "${_inc_path}/dune.module")
if (NOT EXISTS "${_dune_mod}")
set (_last_dune_mod_src "${_dune_mod}")
set (_dune_mod "")
endif ()
if (NOT _dune_mod)
# look for the build tree; if we found the library, then the
# dune.module file should be in a sub-directory
get_filename_component (_immediate "${_lib_path}" NAME)
if ("${_immediate}" STREQUAL ".libs")
# remove autotools internal path
get_filename_component (_lib_path "${_lib_path}" PATH)
endif ()
get_filename_component (_immediate "${_lib_path}" NAME)
# remove multi-arch part of the library path to get parent
get_filename_component (_lib_path "${_lib_path}" PATH)
endif ()
get_filename_component (_immediate "${_lib_path}" NAME)
if (("${_immediate}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}")
OR ("${_immediate}" STREQUAL "lib")
# remove library part of the path; this also undo the suffix
# we added if we used the library as a standin
get_filename_component (_lib_path "${_lib_path}" PATH)
endif ()
# from this point on, _lib_path does not contain an architecture-
# specific component anymore; dune.module is always put in straight
# noarch lib/ since it does not contain any paths to binaries
set (_suffix "${_multilib}/dunecontrol/${suite}-${module}/dune.module")
set (_dune_mod "${_lib_path}/${LIBDIR_MULTIARCH_UNAWARE}${_suffix}")
if (NOT EXISTS "${_dune_mod}")
set (_last_dune_mod_bld "${_dune_mod}")
# one more try, if we have a private install, then it doesn't use
# e.g. lib64 but always lib (!)
set (_dune_mod "")
else ()
set (_dune_mod "${_lib_path}/lib${_suffix}")
if (NOT EXISTS "${_dune_mod}")
set (_last_dune_mod_pri "${_dune_mod}")
# use the name itself as a flag for whether it was found or not
set (_dune_mod "")
endif ()
endif ()
endif ()
endif ()
# if it is not available, it may make havoc having empty defines in the source
# code later, so we bail out early
if (NOT _dune_mod)
if (${suite}-${module}_FOUND)
set (_searched_paths "\"${_last_dune_mod_src}\"")
if (NOT ("${_last_dune_mod_bld}" STREQUAL ""))
set (_searched_paths "either ${_searched_paths} or \"${_last_dune_mod_bld}\"")
endif ()
if (NOT ("${_last_dune_mod_pri}" STREQUAL ""))
set (_searched_paths "${_searched_paths} or \"${_last_dune_mod_pri}\"")
endif ()
message (FATAL_ERROR "Failed to locate dune.module for ${suite}-${module} (looking for ${_searched_paths})")
else ()
return ()
endif ()
endif ()
# parse the file for the Version: field
set (_ver_regexp "[ ]*Version:[ ]*([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(.*)")
file (STRINGS "${_dune_mod}" _ver_field REGEX "${_ver_regexp}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_ver_regexp}" "\\1" _major "${_ver_field}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_ver_regexp}" "\\2" _minor "${_ver_field}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_ver_regexp}" "\\3" _revision "${_ver_field}")
# revision may or may not be there
set (_rev_regexp "\\.([0-9]+).*")
if (_revision MATCHES "${_rev_regexp}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "${_rev_regexp}" "\\1" _revision "${_revision}")
else ()
set (_revision "0")
endif ()
# generate variable for what we have found
string (TOUPPER "${suite}" _SUITE)
string (TOUPPER "${module}" _MODULE)
string (REPLACE "-" "_" _MODULE "${_MODULE}")
endif ()
# print the version number we detected in the configuration log
message (STATUS "Version ${_major}.${_minor}.${_revision} of ${suite}-${module} from ${_dune_mod}")
endfunction (find_dune_version suite module)