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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
* \file
* \copydoc Opm::Linear::OverlappingBlockVector
#include "overlaptypes.hh"
#include <opm/models/parallel/mpibuffer.hh>
#include <opm/material/common/Valgrind.hpp>
#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
namespace Opm {
namespace Linear {
* \brief An overlap aware block vector.
template <class FieldVector, class Overlap>
class OverlappingBlockVector : public Dune::BlockVector<FieldVector>
typedef Dune::BlockVector<FieldVector> ParentType;
typedef Dune::BlockVector<FieldVector> BlockVector;
* \brief Given a domestic overlap object, create an overlapping
* block vector coherent to it.
OverlappingBlockVector(const Overlap& overlap)
: ParentType(overlap.numDomestic()), overlap_(&overlap)
{ createBuffers_(); }
* \brief Copy constructor.
OverlappingBlockVector(const OverlappingBlockVector& obv)
: ParentType(obv)
, numIndicesSendBuff_(obv.numIndicesSendBuff_)
, indicesSendBuff_(obv.indicesSendBuff_)
, indicesRecvBuff_(obv.indicesRecvBuff_)
, valuesSendBuff_(obv.valuesSendBuff_)
, valuesRecvBuff_(obv.valuesRecvBuff_)
, overlap_(obv.overlap_)
* \brief Default constructor.
//! \cond SKIP
* \brief Recycle the assignment operators of Dune::BlockVector
using ParentType::operator=;
//! \endcond
* \brief Assignment operator.
OverlappingBlockVector& operator=(const OverlappingBlockVector& obv)
numIndicesSendBuff_ = obv.numIndicesSendBuff_;
indicesSendBuff_ = obv.indicesSendBuff_;
indicesRecvBuff_ = obv.indicesRecvBuff_;
valuesSendBuff_ = obv.valuesSendBuff_;
valuesRecvBuff_ = obv.valuesRecvBuff_;
overlap_ = obv.overlap_;
return *this;
* \brief Assign an overlapping block vector from a
* non-overlapping one, border entries are added.
template <class BlockVector>
void assignAddBorder(const BlockVector& nativeBlockVector)
size_t numDomestic = overlap_->numDomestic();
// assign the local rows from the non-overlapping block vector
for (unsigned domRowIdx = 0; domRowIdx < numDomestic; ++domRowIdx) {
Index nativeRowIdx = overlap_->domesticToNative(static_cast<Index>(domRowIdx));
if (nativeRowIdx < 0)
(*this)[domRowIdx] = 0.0;
(*this)[domRowIdx] = nativeBlockVector[nativeRowIdx];
// add up the contents of the overlapping rows. Since non-native rows are set to
// zero above, the addition is only different from an assignment if the row is
// shared amongst multiple ranks.
* \brief Assign an overlapping block vector from a non-overlapping one, border
* entries are assigned using their respective master ranks.
template <class NativeBlockVector>
void assign(const NativeBlockVector& nativeBlockVector)
Index numDomestic = overlap_->numDomestic();
// assign the local rows from the non-overlapping block vector
for (Index domRowIdx = 0; domRowIdx < numDomestic; ++domRowIdx) {
Index nativeRowIdx = overlap_->domesticToNative(domRowIdx);
if (nativeRowIdx < 0)
(*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domRowIdx)] = 0.0;
(*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domRowIdx)] = nativeBlockVector[static_cast<unsigned>(nativeRowIdx)];
// add up the contents of border rows, for the remaining rows,
// get the values from their respective master process.
* \brief Assign the local values to a non-overlapping block
* vector.
template <class NativeBlockVector>
void assignTo(NativeBlockVector& nativeBlockVector) const
// assign the local rows
size_t numNative = overlap_->numNative();
for (unsigned nativeRowIdx = 0; nativeRowIdx < numNative; ++nativeRowIdx) {
Index domRowIdx = overlap_->nativeToDomestic(static_cast<Index>(nativeRowIdx));
if (domRowIdx < 0)
nativeBlockVector[nativeRowIdx] = 0.0;
nativeBlockVector[nativeRowIdx] = (*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domRowIdx)];
* \brief Syncronize all values of the block vector from their
* master process.
void sync()
// send all entries to all peers
for (const auto peerRank: overlap_->peerSet())
// recieve all entries to the peers
for (const auto peerRank: overlap_->peerSet())
// wait until we have send everything
* \brief Syncronize all values of the block vector by adding up
* the values of all peer ranks.
void syncAdd()
// send all entries to all peers
for (const auto peerRank: overlap_->peerSet())
// recieve all entries to the peers
for (const auto peerRank: overlap_->peerSet())
// wait until we have send everything
void print() const
for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->size(); ++i) {
std::cout << "row " << i << (overlap_->isLocal(i) ? " " : "*")
<< ": " << (*this)[i] << "\n" << std::flush;
void createBuffers_()
// create array for the front indices
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerIt;
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerEndIt = overlap_->peerSet().end();
// send all indices to the peers
peerIt = overlap_->peerSet().begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
size_t numEntries = overlap_->foreignOverlapSize(peerRank);
numIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank] = std::make_shared<MpiBuffer<unsigned> >(1);
indicesSendBuff_[peerRank] = std::make_shared<MpiBuffer<Index> >(numEntries);
valuesSendBuff_[peerRank] = std::make_shared<MpiBuffer<FieldVector> >(numEntries);
// fill the indices buffer with global indices
MpiBuffer<Index>& indicesSendBuff = *indicesSendBuff_[peerRank];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) {
Index domRowIdx = overlap_->foreignOverlapOffsetToDomesticIdx(peerRank, i);
indicesSendBuff[i] = overlap_->domesticToGlobal(domRowIdx);
// first, send the number of indices
(*numIndicesSendBuff_[peerRank])[0] = static_cast<unsigned>(numEntries);
// then, send the indices themselfs
// receive the indices from the peers
peerIt = overlap_->peerSet().begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// receive size of overlap to peer
MpiBuffer<unsigned> numRowsRecvBuff(1);
unsigned numRows = numRowsRecvBuff[0];
// then, create the MPI buffers
indicesRecvBuff_[peerRank] = std::shared_ptr<MpiBuffer<Index> >(
new MpiBuffer<Index>(numRows));
valuesRecvBuff_[peerRank] = std::shared_ptr<MpiBuffer<FieldVector> >(
new MpiBuffer<FieldVector>(numRows));
MpiBuffer<Index>& indicesRecvBuff = *indicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
// next, receive the actual indices
// finally, translate the global indices to domestic ones
for (unsigned i = 0; i != numRows; ++i) {
Index globalRowIdx = indicesRecvBuff[i];
Index domRowIdx = overlap_->globalToDomestic(globalRowIdx);
indicesRecvBuff[i] = domRowIdx;
// wait for all send operations to complete
peerIt = overlap_->peerSet().begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
// convert the global indices of the send buffer to
// domestic ones
MpiBuffer<Index>& indicesSendBuff = *indicesSendBuff_[peerRank];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < indicesSendBuff.size(); ++i) {
indicesSendBuff[i] = overlap_->globalToDomestic(indicesSendBuff[i]);
#endif // HAVE_MPI
void sendEntries_(ProcessRank peerRank)
// copy the values into the send buffer
const MpiBuffer<Index>& indices = *indicesSendBuff_[peerRank];
MpiBuffer<FieldVector>& values = *valuesSendBuff_[peerRank];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
values[i] = (*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(indices[i])];
void waitSendFinished_()
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerIt;
typename PeerSet::const_iterator peerEndIt = overlap_->peerSet().end();
// send all entries to all peers
peerIt = overlap_->peerSet().begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
void receiveFromMaster_(ProcessRank peerRank)
const MpiBuffer<Index>& indices = *indicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
MpiBuffer<FieldVector>& values = *valuesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
// receive the values from the peer
// copy them into the block vector
for (unsigned j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j) {
Index domRowIdx = indices[j];
if (overlap_->masterRank(domRowIdx) == peerRank) {
(*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domRowIdx)] = values[j];
void receiveAdd_(ProcessRank peerRank)
const MpiBuffer<Index>& indices = *indicesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
MpiBuffer<FieldVector>& values = *valuesRecvBuff_[peerRank];
// receive the values from the peer
// add up the values of rows on the shared boundary
for (unsigned j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j) {
Index domRowIdx = indices[j];
(*this)[static_cast<unsigned>(domRowIdx)] += values[j];
std::map<ProcessRank, std::shared_ptr<MpiBuffer<unsigned> > > numIndicesSendBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, std::shared_ptr<MpiBuffer<Index> > > indicesSendBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, std::shared_ptr<MpiBuffer<Index> > > indicesRecvBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, std::shared_ptr<MpiBuffer<FieldVector> > > valuesSendBuff_;
std::map<ProcessRank, std::shared_ptr<MpiBuffer<FieldVector> > > valuesRecvBuff_;
const Overlap *overlap_;
} // namespace Linear
} // namespace Opm