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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
This commit switches the current implementation of 'partitionCellsZoltan()', i.e., 'partitionCells("zoltan", ...)' into using the MPI-aware ParallelNLDDPartitioningZoltan utility. In doing so we make 'partitionCellsZoltan()' private since its availability is not guaranteed. We also slightly reorder the parameters and switch from passing a "Grid" into passing a "GridView" as an argument to partitionCells(), and specialise this function for the known grid views in OPM Flow. We extract the Zoltan-related parameters out to an Entity-dependent helper structure and move the complexity of forming this type to a new helper function, BlackoilModelEbosNldd::partitionCells().
108 lines
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108 lines
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Copyright 2021 Total SE
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm {
class Well;
} // namespace Opm
namespace Opm {
/// Control parameters for on-rank subdomain partitioning using Zoltan library.
/// \tparam Element Grid view entity type
template <typename Element>
struct ZoltanPartitioningControl
/// Partition imbalance, percentage units. Assumed to be the run's
/// value of ZoltanImbalanceTol.
double domain_imbalance{1.03};
/// Compute a locally unique, for this MPI process, ID of a local
/// cell/element/entity.
std::function<int(const Element&)> index;
/// Compute a globally unique, across all MPI processes, ID for a local
/// cell/element/entity. Might for instance return the cell's
/// linearised index
/// i + nx*(j + ny*k)
/// of the Cartesian cell (i,j,k).
std::function<int(int)> local_to_global;
/// Partition rank's interior cells.
/// \param[in] method Partitioning method. Supported values are \c
/// "zoltan", \c "simple", or a filename with the extension \c
/// ".partition". The \c "zoltan" method invokes the Zoltan graph
/// partitioning package and requires both MPI and an active Zoltan
/// library. The \c "simple" method uses a one-dimensional load-balanced
/// approach, and the filename method will read a precomputed partition
/// vector from the named file.
/// \param[in] num_local_domains Number of subdomains. Not used when
/// explicit partitioning is input from a file.
/// \param[in] comm MPI Communication object for exchanging globally unique
/// cell IDs and for communication within the Zoltan library. Not used
/// unless \code method == "zoltan" \endcode.
/// \param[in] grid_view View of rank's cells, both interior and overlap
/// cells. Not used unless \code method == "zoltan" \endcode.
/// \param[in] wells Collection of simulation model wells. Not used unless
/// \code method == "zoltan" \endcode.
/// \param[in] zoltan_ctrl Control parameters for local Zoltan-based
/// partitioning. Not used unless \code method == "zoltan" \endcode.
/// \return Partition vector--subdomain ID for each cell in \p grid_view
/// traversal order for its interior cells--and the number of subdomains
/// on current rank.
template <class GridView, class Element>
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int>
partitionCells(const std::string& method,
const int num_local_domains,
const GridView& grid_view,
const std::vector<Well>& wells,
const ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>& zoltan_ctrl);
/// Read a partitioning from file, assumed to contain one number per cell, its partition number.
/// \return pair containing a partition vector (partition number for each cell), and the number of partitions.
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int> partitionCellsFromFile(const std::string& filename, const int num_cells);
/// Trivially simple partitioner assigning partitions en bloc, consecutively by cell index.
/// \return pair containing a partition vector (partition number for each cell), and the number of partitions.
std::pair<std::vector<int>, int> partitionCellsSimple(const int num_cells, const int num_domains);
} // namespace Opm