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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Capillary pressure functions and contact depths have been modified to ensure a large overlap.
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484 lines
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Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
#include "config.h"
/* --- Boost.Test boilerplate --- */
#define NVERBOSE // Suppress own messages when throw()ing
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE UnitsTest
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/floating_point_comparison.hpp>
/* --- our own headers --- */
#include <opm/core/simulator/initStateEquil.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/grid/cart_grid.h>
#include <opm/core/grid/GridManager.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/BlackoilPropertiesBasic.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/BlackoilPhases.hpp>
#include <opm/core/pressure/msmfem/partition.h>
#include <opm/core/utility/parameters/ParameterGroup.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
typedef std::vector<double> PVal;
typedef std::vector<PVal> PPress;
G(create_grid_cart3d(10, 1, 10), destroy_grid);
Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param;
using Opm::unit::kilogram;
using Opm::unit::meter;
using Opm::unit::cubic;
std::stringstream dens; dens << 700*kilogram/cubic(meter);
param.insertParameter("rho2", dens.str());
typedef Opm::BlackoilPropertiesBasic Props;
Props props(param, G->dimensions, G->number_of_cells);
typedef Opm::equil::DensityCalculator<Opm::BlackoilPropertiesInterface> RhoCalc;
RhoCalc calc(props, 0);
Opm::equil::EquilRecord record =
{ 0 , 1e5 } , // Datum depth, pressure
{ 5 , 0 } , // Zwoc , Pcow_woc
{ 0 , 0 } // Zgoc , Pcgo_goc
region(record, calc,
std::vector<int> cells(G->number_of_cells);
std::iota(cells.begin(), cells.end(), 0);
const double grav = 10;
const PPress ppress = Opm::equil::phasePressures(*G, region, cells, grav);
const int first = 0, last = G->number_of_cells - 1;
const double reltol = 1.0e-8;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[0][first] , 90e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[0][last ] , 180e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[1][first] , 103.5e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[1][last ] , 166.5e3 , reltol);
typedef std::vector<double> PVal;
typedef std::vector<PVal> PPress;
G(create_grid_cart3d(10, 1, 10), destroy_grid);
Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param;
using Opm::unit::kilogram;
using Opm::unit::meter;
using Opm::unit::cubic;
std::stringstream dens; dens << 700*kilogram/cubic(meter);
param.insertParameter("rho2", dens.str());
typedef Opm::BlackoilPropertiesBasic Props;
Props props(param, G->dimensions, G->number_of_cells);
typedef Opm::equil::DensityCalculator<Opm::BlackoilPropertiesInterface> RhoCalc;
RhoCalc calc(props, 0);
Opm::equil::EquilRecord record[] =
{ 0 , 1e5 } , // Datum depth, pressure
{ 2.5 , -0.075e5 } , // Zwoc , Pcow_woc
{ 0 , 0 } // Zgoc , Pcgo_goc
{ 5 , 1.35e5 } , // Datum depth, pressure
{ 7.5 , -0.225e5 } , // Zwoc , Pcow_woc
{ 5 , 0 } // Zgoc , Pcgo_goc
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc> region[] =
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc>(record[0], calc,
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc>(record[0], calc,
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc>(record[1], calc,
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc>(record[1], calc,
const int cdim[] = { 2, 1, 2 };
int ncoarse = cdim[0];
for (std::size_t d = 1; d < 3; ++d) { ncoarse *= cdim[d]; }
std::vector< std::vector<int> > cells(ncoarse);
for (int c = 0; c < G->number_of_cells; ++c) {
int ci = c;
const int i = ci % G->cartdims[0]; ci /= G->cartdims[0];
const int j = ci % G->cartdims[1];
const int k = ci / G->cartdims[1];
const int ic = (i / (G->cartdims[0] / cdim[0]));
const int jc = (j / (G->cartdims[1] / cdim[1]));
const int kc = (k / (G->cartdims[2] / cdim[2]));
const int ix = ic + cdim[0]*(jc + cdim[1]*kc);
assert ((0 <= ix) && (ix < ncoarse));
PPress ppress(2, PVal(G->number_of_cells, 0));
for (std::vector< std::vector<int> >::const_iterator
r = cells.begin(), e = cells.end();
r != e; ++r)
const int rno = int(r - cells.begin());
const double grav = 10;
const PPress p =
Opm::equil::phasePressures(*G, region[rno], *r, grav);
PVal::size_type i = 0;
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator
c = r->begin(), ce = r->end();
c != ce; ++c, ++i)
assert (i < p[0].size());
ppress[0][*c] = p[0][i];
ppress[1][*c] = p[1][i];
const int first = 0, last = G->number_of_cells - 1;
const double reltol = 1.0e-8;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[0][first] , 105e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[0][last ] , 195e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[1][first] , 103.5e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[1][last ] , 166.5e3 , reltol);
typedef std::vector<double> PVal;
typedef std::vector<PVal> PPress;
G(create_grid_cart3d(10, 1, 10), destroy_grid);
Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup param;
using Opm::unit::kilogram;
using Opm::unit::meter;
using Opm::unit::cubic;
std::stringstream dens; dens << 700*kilogram/cubic(meter);
param.insertParameter("rho2", dens.str());
typedef Opm::BlackoilPropertiesBasic Props;
Props props(param, G->dimensions, G->number_of_cells);
typedef Opm::equil::DensityCalculator<Opm::BlackoilPropertiesInterface> RhoCalc;
RhoCalc calc(props, 0);
Opm::equil::EquilRecord record[] =
{ 0 , 1e5 } , // Datum depth, pressure
{ 2.5 , -0.075e5 } , // Zwoc , Pcow_woc
{ 0 , 0 } // Zgoc , Pcgo_goc
{ 5 , 1.35e5 } , // Datum depth, pressure
{ 7.5 , -0.225e5 } , // Zwoc , Pcow_woc
{ 5 , 0 } // Zgoc , Pcgo_goc
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc> region[] =
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc>(record[0], calc,
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc>(record[0], calc,
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc>(record[1], calc,
Opm::equil::EquilReg<RhoCalc>(record[1], calc,
std::vector<int> eqlnum(G->number_of_cells);
std::vector<int> cells(G->number_of_cells);
std::iota(cells.begin(), cells.end(), 0);
const int cdim[] = { 2, 1, 2 };
int ncoarse = cdim[0];
for (std::size_t d = 1; d < 3; ++d) { ncoarse *= cdim[d]; }
partition_unif_idx(G->dimensions, G->number_of_cells,
G->cartdims, cdim,
&cells[0], &eqlnum[0]);
Opm::equil::RegionMapping<> eqlmap(eqlnum);
PPress ppress(2, PVal(G->number_of_cells, 0));
for (int r = 0, e = eqlmap.numRegions(); r != e; ++r)
const Opm::equil::RegionMapping<>::CellRange&
rng = eqlmap.cells(r);
const int rno = r;
const double grav = 10;
const PPress p =
Opm::equil::phasePressures(*G, region[rno], rng, grav);
PVal::size_type i = 0;
for (Opm::equil::RegionMapping<>::CellRange::const_iterator
c = rng.begin(), ce = rng.end();
c != ce; ++c, ++i)
assert (i < p[0].size());
ppress[0][*c] = p[0][i];
ppress[1][*c] = p[1][i];
const int first = 0, last = G->number_of_cells - 1;
const double reltol = 1.0e-8;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[0][first] , 105e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[0][last ] , 195e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[1][first] , 103.5e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ppress[1][last ] , 166.5e3 , reltol);
grid(create_grid_cart3d(1, 1, 10), destroy_grid);
Opm::EclipseGridParser deck("deadfluids.DATA");
Opm::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck props(deck, *grid, false);
Opm::equil::DeckDependent::PhasePressureSaturationComputer<Opm::EclipseGridParser> comp(props, deck, *grid, 10.0);
const auto& pressures = comp.press();
BOOST_REQUIRE(pressures.size() == 3);
BOOST_REQUIRE(int(pressures[0].size()) == grid->number_of_cells);
const int first = 0, last = grid->number_of_cells - 1;
// The relative tolerance is too loose to be very useful,
// but the answer we are checking is the result of an ODE
// solver, and it is unclear if we should check it against
// the true answer or something else.
const double reltol = 1.0e-3;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[0][first] , 14955e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[0][last ] , 15045e3 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[1][last] , 1.50473e7 , reltol);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (CapillaryInversion)
// Test setup.
Opm::GridManager gm(1, 1, 40, 1.0, 1.0, 2.5);
const UnstructuredGrid& grid = *(gm.c_grid());
Opm::EclipseGridParser deck("capillary.DATA");
Opm::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck props(deck, grid, false);
// Test the capillary inversion for oil-water.
const int cell = 0;
const double reltol = 1.0e-7;
const int phase = 0;
const bool increasing = false;
const std::vector<double> pc = { 10.0e5, 0.5e5, 0.4e5, 0.3e5, 0.2e5, 0.1e5, 0.099e5, 0.0e5, -10.0e5 };
const std::vector<double> s = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.466666666666, 0.733333333333, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
BOOST_REQUIRE(pc.size() == s.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < pc.size(); ++i) {
const double s_computed = Opm::equil::satFromPc(props, phase, cell, pc[i], increasing);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(s_computed, s[i], reltol);
// Test the capillary inversion for gas-oil.
const int phase = 2;
const bool increasing = true;
const std::vector<double> pc = { 10.0e5, 0.6e5, 0.5e5, 0.4e5, 0.3e5, 0.2e5, 0.1e5, 0.0e5, -10.0e5 };
const std::vector<double> s = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.533333333333, 0.266666666666, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
BOOST_REQUIRE(pc.size() == s.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < pc.size(); ++i) {
const double s_computed = Opm::equil::satFromPc(props, phase, cell, pc[i], increasing);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(s_computed, s[i], reltol);
// Test the capillary inversion for gas-water.
const int water = 0;
const int gas = 2;
const std::vector<double> pc = { 0.9e5, 0.8e5, 0.6e5, 0.4e5, 0.3e5 };
const std::vector<double> s = { 0.2, 0.333333333333, 0.6, 0.866666666666, 1.0 };
BOOST_REQUIRE(pc.size() == s.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < pc.size(); ++i) {
const double s_computed = Opm::equil::satFromSumOfPcs(props, water, gas, cell, pc[i]);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(s_computed, s[i], reltol);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (DeckWithCapillary)
Opm::GridManager gm(1, 1, 20, 1.0, 1.0, 5.0);
const UnstructuredGrid& grid = *(gm.c_grid());
Opm::EclipseGridParser deck("capillary.DATA");
Opm::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck props(deck, grid, false);
Opm::equil::DeckDependent::PhasePressureSaturationComputer<Opm::EclipseGridParser> comp(props, deck, grid, 10.0);
const auto& pressures = comp.press();
BOOST_REQUIRE(pressures.size() == 3);
BOOST_REQUIRE(int(pressures[0].size()) == grid.number_of_cells);
const int first = 0, last = grid.number_of_cells - 1;
// The relative tolerance is too loose to be very useful,
// but the answer we are checking is the result of an ODE
// solver, and it is unclear if we should check it against
// the true answer or something else.
const double reltol = 1.0e-6;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[0][first] , 1.45e7 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[0][last ] , 1.545e7 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[1][last] , 1.5351621345e7 , reltol);
const auto& sats = comp.saturation();
const std::vector<double> s[3]{
{ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.425893333333, 0.774026666666, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0.00736, 0.792746666666, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.574106666666, 0.225973333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.79264, 0.007253333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
for (int phase = 0; phase < 3; ++phase) {
BOOST_REQUIRE(sats[phase].size() == s[phase].size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < s[phase].size(); ++i) {
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(sats[phase][i], s[phase][i], reltol);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (DeckWithCapillaryOverlap)
Opm::GridManager gm(1, 1, 20, 1.0, 1.0, 5.0);
const UnstructuredGrid& grid = *(gm.c_grid());
Opm::EclipseGridParser deck("capillary_overlap.DATA");
Opm::BlackoilPropertiesFromDeck props(deck, grid, false);
Opm::equil::DeckDependent::PhasePressureSaturationComputer<Opm::EclipseGridParser> comp(props, deck, grid, 10.0);
const auto& pressures = comp.press();
BOOST_REQUIRE(pressures.size() == 3);
BOOST_REQUIRE(int(pressures[0].size()) == grid.number_of_cells);
const int first = 0, last = grid.number_of_cells - 1;
// The relative tolerance is too loose to be very useful,
// but the answer we are checking is the result of an ODE
// solver, and it is unclear if we should check it against
// the true answer or something else.
const double reltol = 1.0e-6;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[0][first] , 1.45e7 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[0][last ] , 1.545e7 , reltol);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(pressures[1][last] , 1.5351621345e7 , reltol);
const auto& sats = comp.saturation();
// std::cout << "Saturations:\n";
// for (const auto& sat : sats) {
// for (const double s : sat) {
// std::cout << s << ' ';
// }
// std::cout << std::endl;
// }
const std::vector<double> s[3]{
{ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.223141818182, 0.532269090909, 0.78471, 0.91526, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.207743333333, 0.08474, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.776858181818, 0.467730909091, 0.0075466666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
for (int phase = 0; phase < 3; ++phase) {
BOOST_REQUIRE(sats[phase].size() == s[phase].size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < s[phase].size(); ++i) {
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(sats[phase][i], s[phase][i], reltol);