Bård Skaflestad 6d3da3d2e0 Report Pressure Dependent Pore Volume in PRT File
This commit distinguishes the reference condition pore volume from
the dynamic, pressure (and/or temperature) dependent pore volume
value.  Previously we would report the latter as the 'PORV' value in
the "Field Totals" and "FIPNUM region" reports, but this commit
switches to reporting the former instead-mostly for compatibility.
We still report the dynamic pore volume value, but now we report
this on a line of its own, before the table, using one of the forms

Field total pressure dependent pore volume = 12345 RM3
FIPNUM report region 1 pressure dependent pore volume = 123 RM3
2021-06-22 12:00:56 +02:00

1647 lines
74 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
#include <config.h>
#include <ebos/eclgenericoutputblackoilmodule.hh>
#include <ebos/eclalternativeblackoilindices.hh>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/BlackOilFluidSystem.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/BlackOilDefaultIndexTraits.hpp>
#include <opm/output/data/Solution.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/SummaryState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Units/Units.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace {
std::string EclString(Opm::Inplace::Phase phase) {
switch(phase) {
case Opm::Inplace::Phase::WATER: return "WIP";
case Opm::Inplace::Phase::OIL: return "OIP";
case Opm::Inplace::Phase::GAS: return "GIP";
case Opm::Inplace::Phase::OilInLiquidPhase: return "OIPL";
case Opm::Inplace::Phase::OilInGasPhase: return "OIPG";
case Opm::Inplace::Phase::GasInLiquidPhase: return "GIPL";
case Opm::Inplace::Phase::GasInGasPhase: return "GIPG";
case Opm::Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume: return "RPV";
default: throw std::logic_error("Phase not recognized");
namespace Opm {
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule(const EclipseState& eclState,
const Schedule& schedule,
const SummaryConfig& summaryConfig,
const SummaryState& summaryState,
bool enableEnergy,
bool enableTemperature,
bool enableSolvent,
bool enablePolymer,
bool enableFoam,
bool enableBrine,
bool enableExtbo)
: eclState_(eclState)
, schedule_(schedule)
, summaryConfig_(summaryConfig)
, summaryState_(summaryState)
, enableEnergy_(enableEnergy)
, enableTemperature_(enableTemperature)
, enableSolvent_(enableSolvent)
, enablePolymer_(enablePolymer)
, enableFoam_(enableFoam)
, enableBrine_(enableBrine)
, enableExtbo_(enableExtbo)
const auto& fp = eclState_.fieldProps();
this->regions_["FIPNUM"] = fp.get_int("FIPNUM");
for (const auto& region : summaryConfig_.fip_regions())
this->regions_[region] = fp.get_int(region);
this->RPRNodes_ = summaryConfig_.keywords("RPR*");
this->RPRPNodes_ = summaryConfig_.keywords("RPRP*");
for (const auto& phase : Inplace::phases()) {
std::string key_pattern = "R" + EclString(phase) + "*";
this->regionNodes_[phase] = summaryConfig_.keywords(key_pattern);
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputCumLog(size_t reportStepNum, const bool substep, bool forceDisableCumOutput)
if (!substep) {
ScalarBuffer tmp_values(WellCumDataType::numWCValues, 0.0);
StringBuffer tmp_names(WellCumDataType::numWCNames, "");
outputCumulativeReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableCumOutput);
const auto& st = summaryState_;
for (const auto& gname: schedule_.groupNames()) {
auto gName = static_cast<std::string>(gname);
auto get = [&st, &gName](const std::string& vector)
const auto key = vector + ':' + gName;
return st.has(key) ? st.get(key) : 0.0;
tmp_names[0] = gname;
tmp_values[2] = get("GOPT"); //WellCumDataType::OilProd
tmp_values[3] = get("GWPT"); //WellCumDataType::WaterProd
tmp_values[4] = get("GGPT"); //WellCumDataType::GasProd
tmp_values[5] = get("GVPT");//WellCumDataType::FluidResVolProd
tmp_values[6] = get("GOIT"); //WellCumDataType::OilInj
tmp_values[7] = get("GWIT"); //WellCumDataType::WaterInj
tmp_values[8] = get("GGIT"); //WellCumDataType::GasInj
tmp_values[9] = get("GVIT");//WellCumDataType::FluidResVolInj
outputCumulativeReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableCumOutput);
for (const auto& wname : schedule_.wellNames(reportStepNum)) {
// don't bother with wells not on this process
if (isDefunctParallelWell(wname)) {
const auto& well = schedule_.getWell(wname, reportStepNum);
tmp_names[0] = wname; //WellCumDataType::WellName
auto wName = static_cast<std::string>(wname);
auto get = [&st, &wName](const std::string& vector)
const auto key = vector + ':' + wName;
return st.has(key) ? st.get(key) : 0.0;
if (well.isInjector()) {
const auto& controls = well.injectionControls(st);
const auto ctlMode = controls.cmode;
const auto injType = controls.injector_type;
using CMode = ::Opm::Well::InjectorCMode;
using WType = ::Opm::InjectorType;
auto ftype = [](const auto wtype) -> std::string
switch (wtype) {
case WType::OIL: return "Oil";
case WType::WATER: return "Wat";
case WType::GAS: return "Gas";
case WType::MULTI: return "Multi";
return "";
auto fctl = [](const auto wmctl) -> std::string
switch (wmctl) {
case CMode::RATE: return "RATE";
case CMode::RESV: return "RESV";
case CMode::THP: return "THP";
case CMode::BHP: return "BHP";
case CMode::GRUP: return "GRUP";
return "";
tmp_names[1] = "INJ"; //WellCumDataType::WellType
const auto flowctl = fctl(ctlMode);
if (flowctl == "RATE") //WellCumDataType::WellCTRL
const auto flowtype = ftype(injType);
if(flowtype == "Oil"){ tmp_names[2] = "ORAT"; }
else if(flowtype == "Wat"){ tmp_names[2] = "WRAT"; }
else if(flowtype == "Gas"){ tmp_names[2] = "GRAT"; }
tmp_names[2] = flowctl;
else if (well.isProducer()) {
const auto& controls = well.productionControls(st);
using CMode = ::Opm::Well::ProducerCMode;
auto fctl = [](const auto wmctl) -> std::string
switch (wmctl) {
case CMode::ORAT: return "ORAT";
case CMode::WRAT: return "WRAT";
case CMode::GRAT: return "GRAT";
case CMode::LRAT: return "LRAT";
case CMode::RESV: return "RESV";
case CMode::THP: return "THP";
case CMode::BHP: return "BHP";
case CMode::CRAT: return "CRAT";
case CMode::GRUP: return "GRUP";
return "none";
tmp_names[1] = "PROD"; //WellProdDataType::CTRLMode
tmp_names[2] = fctl(controls.cmode); //WellProdDataType::CTRLMode
tmp_values[0] = well.getHeadI() + 1; //WellCumDataType::wellLocationi
tmp_values[1] = well.getHeadJ() + 1; //WellCumDataType::wellLocationj
tmp_values[2] = get("WOPT"); //WellCumDataType::OilProd
tmp_values[3] = get("WWPT"); //WellCumDataType::WaterProd
tmp_values[4] = get("WGPT"); //WellCumDataType::GasProd
tmp_values[5] = get("WVPT");//WellCumDataType::FluidResVolProd
tmp_values[6] = get("WOIT"); //WellCumDataType::OilInj
tmp_values[7] = get("WWIT"); //WellCumDataType::WaterInj
tmp_values[8] = get("WGIT"); //WellCumDataType::GasInj
tmp_values[9] = get("WVIT");//WellCumDataType::FluidResVolInj
outputCumulativeReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableCumOutput);
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputProdLog(size_t reportStepNum,
const bool substep,
bool forceDisableProdOutput)
if (!substep) {
ScalarBuffer tmp_values(WellProdDataType::numWPValues, 0.0);
StringBuffer tmp_names(WellProdDataType::numWPNames, "");
outputProductionReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableProdOutput);
const auto& st = summaryState_;
for (const auto& gname: schedule_.groupNames()) {
auto gName = static_cast<std::string>(gname);
auto get = [&st, &gName](const std::string& vector)
const auto key = vector + ':' + gName;
return st.has(key) ? st.get(key) : 0.0;
tmp_names[0] = gname;
tmp_values[2] = get("GOPR"); //WellProdDataType::OilRate
tmp_values[3] = get("GWPR"); //WellProdDataType::WaterRate
tmp_values[4] = get("GGPR"); //WellProdDataType::GasRate
tmp_values[5] = get("GVPR"); //WellProdDataType::FluidResVol
tmp_values[6] = get("GWCT"); //WellProdDataType::WaterCut
tmp_values[7] = get("GGOR"); //WellProdDataType::GasOilRatio
tmp_values[8] = get("GWPR")/get("GGPR"); //WellProdDataType::WaterGasRatio
outputProductionReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableProdOutput);
for (const auto& wname: schedule_.wellNames(reportStepNum)) {
// don't bother with wells not on this process
if (isDefunctParallelWell(wname)) {
const auto& well = schedule_.getWell(wname, reportStepNum);
// Ignore injector wells
if (well.isInjector()){
tmp_names[0] = wname;//WellProdDataType::WellName
auto wName = static_cast<std::string>(wname);
auto get = [&st, &wName](const std::string& vector)
const auto key = vector + ':' + wName;
return st.has(key) ? st.get(key) : 0.0;
const auto& controls = well.productionControls(st);
using CMode = Well::ProducerCMode;
auto fctl = [](const auto wmctl) -> std::string
switch (wmctl) {
case CMode::ORAT: return "ORAT";
case CMode::WRAT: return "WRAT";
case CMode::GRAT: return "GRAT";
case CMode::LRAT: return "LRAT";
case CMode::RESV: return "RESV";
case CMode::THP: return "THP";
case CMode::BHP: return "BHP";
case CMode::CRAT: return "CRate";
case CMode::GRUP: return "GRUP";
return "none";
tmp_names[1] = fctl(controls.cmode); //WellProdDataType::CTRLMode
tmp_values[0] = well.getHeadI() + 1;//WellProdDataType::WellLocationi
tmp_values[1] = well.getHeadJ() + 1;//WellProdDataType::WellLocationj
tmp_values[2] = get("WOPR"); //WellProdDataType::OilRate
tmp_values[3] = get("WWPR"); //WellProdDataType::WaterRate
tmp_values[4] = get("WGPR"); //WellProdDataType::GasRate
tmp_values[5] = get("WVPR"); //WellProdDataType::FluidResVol
tmp_values[6] = get("WWCT"); //WellProdDataType::WaterCut
tmp_values[7] = get("WGOR"); //WellProdDataType::GasOilRatio
tmp_values[8] = get("WWPR")/get("WGPR"); //WellProdDataType::WaterGasRatio
tmp_values[9] = get("WBHP"); //WellProdDataType::BHP
tmp_values[10] = get("WTHP"); //WellProdDataType::THP
//tmp_values[11] = 0; //WellProdDataType::SteadyStatePI //
outputProductionReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableProdOutput);
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputInjLog(size_t reportStepNum, const bool substep, bool forceDisableInjOutput)
if (!substep) {
ScalarBuffer tmp_values(WellInjDataType::numWIValues, 0.0);
StringBuffer tmp_names(WellInjDataType::numWINames, "");
outputInjectionReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableInjOutput);
const auto& st = summaryState_;
for (const auto& gname: schedule_.groupNames()) {
auto gName = static_cast<std::string>(gname);
auto get = [&st, &gName](const std::string& vector)
const auto key = vector + ':' + gName;
return st.has(key) ? st.get(key) : 0.0;
tmp_names[0] = gname;
tmp_values[2] = get("GOIR");//WellInjDataType::OilRate
tmp_values[3] = get("GWIR"); //WellInjDataType::WaterRate
tmp_values[4] = get("GGIR"); //WellInjDataType::GasRate
tmp_values[5] = get("GVIR");//WellInjDataType::FluidResVol
outputInjectionReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableInjOutput);
for (const auto& wname: schedule_.wellNames(reportStepNum)) {
// don't bother with wells not on this process
if (isDefunctParallelWell(wname)) {
const auto& well = schedule_.getWell(wname, reportStepNum);
// Ignore Producer wells
if (well.isProducer()){
tmp_names[0] = wname; //WellInjDataType::WellName
auto wName = static_cast<std::string>(wname);
auto get = [&st, &wName](const std::string& vector)
const auto key = vector + ':' + wName;
return st.has(key) ? st.get(key) : 0.0;
const auto& controls = well.injectionControls(st);
const auto ctlMode = controls.cmode;
const auto injType = controls.injector_type;
using CMode = Well::InjectorCMode;
using WType = InjectorType;
auto ftype = [](const auto wtype) -> std::string
switch (wtype) {
case WType::OIL: return "Oil";
case WType::WATER: return "Wat";
case WType::GAS: return "Gas";
case WType::MULTI: return "Multi";
return "";
auto fctl = [](const auto wmctl) -> std::string
switch (wmctl) {
case CMode::RATE: return "RATE";
case CMode::RESV: return "RESV";
case CMode::THP: return "THP";
case CMode::BHP: return "BHP";
case CMode::GRUP: return "GRUP";
return "";
const auto flowtype = ftype(injType);
const auto flowctl = fctl(ctlMode);
if(flowtype == "Oil") //WellInjDataType::CTRLModeOil
if (flowctl == "RATE"){ tmp_names[1] = "ORAT"; }
else { tmp_names[1] = flowctl; }
else if (flowtype == "Wat") //WellInjDataType::CTRLModeWat
if (flowctl == "RATE"){ tmp_names[3] = "WRAT"; }
else { tmp_names[2] = flowctl; }
else if (flowtype == "Gas") //WellInjDataType::CTRLModeGas
if (flowctl == "RATE"){ tmp_names[3] = "GRAT"; }
else { tmp_names[3] = flowctl; }
tmp_values[0] = well.getHeadI() + 1; //WellInjDataType::wellLocationi
tmp_values[1] = well.getHeadJ() + 1; //WellInjDataType::wellLocationj
tmp_values[2] = get("WOIR"); //WellInjDataType::OilRate
tmp_values[3] = get("WWIR"); //WellInjDataType::WaterRate
tmp_values[4] = get("WGIR"); //WellInjDataType::GasRate
tmp_values[5] = get("WVIR");//WellInjDataType::FluidResVol
tmp_values[6] = get("WBHP"); //WellInjDataType::BHP
tmp_values[7] = get("WTHP"); //WellInjDataType::THP
//tmp_values[8] = 0; //WellInjDataType::SteadyStateII
outputInjectionReport_(tmp_values, tmp_names, forceDisableInjOutput);
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
Inplace EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputFipLog(std::map<std::string, double>& miscSummaryData,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>& regionData,
const bool substep,
const Comm& comm)
auto inplace = this->accumulateRegionSums(comm);
if (comm.rank() != 0)
return inplace;
if (!substep)
return inplace;
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
addRftDataToWells(data::Wells& wellDatas, size_t reportStepNum)
const auto& rft_config = schedule_[reportStepNum].rft_config();
for (const auto& well: schedule_.getWells(reportStepNum)) {
// don't bother with wells not on this process
if (isDefunctParallelWell(well.name())) {
//add data infrastructure for shut wells
if (!wellDatas.count(well.name())) {
data::Well wellData;
if (!rft_config.active())
size_t count = 0;
for (const auto& connection: well.getConnections()) {
const size_t i = size_t(connection.getI());
const size_t j = size_t(connection.getJ());
const size_t k = size_t(connection.getK());
const size_t index = eclState_.gridDims().getGlobalIndex(i, j, k);
auto& connectionData = wellData.connections[count];
connectionData.index = index;
wellDatas.emplace(std::make_pair(well.name(), wellData));
data::Well& wellData = wellDatas.at(well.name());
for (auto& connectionData: wellData.connections) {
const auto index = connectionData.index;
if (oilConnectionPressures_.count(index) > 0)
connectionData.cell_pressure = oilConnectionPressures_.at(index);
if (waterConnectionSaturations_.count(index) > 0)
connectionData.cell_saturation_water = waterConnectionSaturations_.at(index);
if (gasConnectionSaturations_.count(index) > 0)
connectionData.cell_saturation_gas = gasConnectionSaturations_.at(index);
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
assignToSolution(data::Solution& sol)
if (!oilPressure_.empty()) {
sol.insert("PRESSURE", UnitSystem::measure::pressure, std::move(oilPressure_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!temperature_.empty()) {
if (enableEnergy_)
sol.insert("TEMP", UnitSystem::measure::temperature, std::move(temperature_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
else {
// Flow allows for initializing of non-constant initial temperature.
// For output of this temperature for visualization and restart set --enable-opm-restart=true
sol.insert("TEMP", UnitSystem::measure::temperature, std::move(temperature_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx) && !saturation_[waterPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("SWAT", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(saturation_[waterPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx) && !saturation_[gasPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("SGAS", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(saturation_[gasPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!ppcw_.empty()) {
sol.insert ("PPCW", UnitSystem::measure::pressure, std::move(ppcw_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!gasDissolutionFactor_.empty()) {
sol.insert("RSSAT", UnitSystem::measure::gas_oil_ratio, std::move(gasDissolutionFactor_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!oilVaporizationFactor_.empty()) {
sol.insert("RVSAT", UnitSystem::measure::oil_gas_ratio, std::move(oilVaporizationFactor_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!rs_.empty()) {
sol.insert("RS", UnitSystem::measure::gas_oil_ratio, std::move(rs_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!rv_.empty()) {
sol.insert("RV", UnitSystem::measure::oil_gas_ratio, std::move(rv_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!invB_[waterPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("1OVERBW", UnitSystem::measure::water_inverse_formation_volume_factor, std::move(invB_[waterPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!invB_[oilPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("1OVERBO", UnitSystem::measure::oil_inverse_formation_volume_factor, std::move(invB_[oilPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!invB_[gasPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("1OVERBG", UnitSystem::measure::gas_inverse_formation_volume_factor, std::move(invB_[gasPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!density_[waterPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("WAT_DEN", UnitSystem::measure::density, std::move(density_[waterPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!density_[oilPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("OIL_DEN", UnitSystem::measure::density, std::move(density_[oilPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!density_[gasPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("GAS_DEN", UnitSystem::measure::density, std::move(density_[gasPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!viscosity_[waterPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("WAT_VISC", UnitSystem::measure::viscosity, std::move(viscosity_[waterPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!viscosity_[oilPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("OIL_VISC", UnitSystem::measure::viscosity, std::move(viscosity_[oilPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!viscosity_[gasPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("GAS_VISC", UnitSystem::measure::viscosity, std::move(viscosity_[gasPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!relativePermeability_[waterPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("WATKR", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(relativePermeability_[waterPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!relativePermeability_[oilPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("OILKR", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(relativePermeability_[oilPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!relativePermeability_[gasPhaseIdx].empty()) {
sol.insert("GASKR", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(relativePermeability_[gasPhaseIdx]), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!pcSwMdcOw_.empty())
sol.insert ("PCSWM_OW", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(pcSwMdcOw_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!krnSwMdcOw_.empty())
sol.insert ("KRNSW_OW", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(krnSwMdcOw_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!pcSwMdcGo_.empty())
sol.insert ("PCSWM_GO", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(pcSwMdcGo_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!krnSwMdcGo_.empty())
sol.insert ("KRNSW_GO", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(krnSwMdcGo_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!soMax_.empty())
sol.insert ("SOMAX", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(soMax_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!sSol_.empty())
sol.insert ("SSOLVENT", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(sSol_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!extboX_.empty())
sol.insert ("SS_X", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(extboX_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!extboY_.empty())
sol.insert ("SS_Y", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(extboY_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!extboZ_.empty())
sol.insert ("SS_Z", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(extboZ_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!mFracOil_.empty())
sol.insert ("STD_OIL", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(mFracOil_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!mFracGas_.empty())
sol.insert ("STD_GAS", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(mFracGas_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!mFracCo2_.empty())
sol.insert ("STD_CO2", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(mFracCo2_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!cPolymer_.empty())
sol.insert ("POLYMER", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(cPolymer_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!cFoam_.empty())
sol.insert ("FOAM", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(cFoam_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!cSalt_.empty())
sol.insert ("SALT", UnitSystem::measure::salinity, std::move(cSalt_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!dewPointPressure_.empty())
sol.insert ("PDEW", UnitSystem::measure::pressure, std::move(dewPointPressure_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!bubblePointPressure_.empty())
sol.insert ("PBUB", UnitSystem::measure::pressure, std::move(bubblePointPressure_), data::TargetType::RESTART_AUXILIARY);
if (!swMax_.empty())
sol.insert ("SWMAX", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(swMax_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!minimumOilPressure_.empty())
sol.insert ("PRESROCC", UnitSystem::measure::pressure, std::move(minimumOilPressure_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!overburdenPressure_.empty())
sol.insert ("PRES_OVB", UnitSystem::measure::pressure, std::move(overburdenPressure_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!rockCompPorvMultiplier_.empty())
sol.insert ("PORV_RC", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(rockCompPorvMultiplier_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
if (!rockCompTransMultiplier_.empty())
sol.insert ("TMULT_RC", UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(rockCompTransMultiplier_), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
// Fluid in place
for (const auto& phase : Inplace::phases()) {
if (outputFipRestart_ && !fip_[phase].empty()) {
// tracers
if (!tracerConcentrations_.empty()) {
const auto& tracers = eclState_.tracer();
size_t tracerIdx = 0;
for (const auto& tracer : tracers) {
std::string tmp = tracer.name + "F";
sol.insert(tmp, UnitSystem::measure::identity, std::move(tracerConcentrations_[tracerIdx++]), data::TargetType::RESTART_SOLUTION);
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
setRestart(const data::Solution& sol,
unsigned elemIdx,
unsigned globalDofIndex)
Scalar so = 1.0;
if (!saturation_[waterPhaseIdx].empty() && sol.has("SWAT")) {
saturation_[waterPhaseIdx][elemIdx] = sol.data("SWAT")[globalDofIndex];
so -= sol.data("SWAT")[globalDofIndex];
if (!saturation_[gasPhaseIdx].empty() && sol.has("SGAS")) {
saturation_[gasPhaseIdx][elemIdx] = sol.data("SGAS")[globalDofIndex];
so -= sol.data("SGAS")[globalDofIndex];
if (!sSol_.empty()) {
// keep the SSOL option for backward compatibility
// should be removed after 10.2018 release
if (sol.has("SSOL"))
sSol_[elemIdx] = sol.data("SSOL")[globalDofIndex];
else if (sol.has("SSOLVENT"))
sSol_[elemIdx] = sol.data("SSOLVENT")[globalDofIndex];
so -= sSol_[elemIdx];
saturation_[oilPhaseIdx][elemIdx] = so;
if (!oilPressure_.empty() && sol.has("PRESSURE"))
oilPressure_[elemIdx] = sol.data("PRESSURE")[globalDofIndex];
if (!temperature_.empty() && sol.has("TEMP"))
temperature_[elemIdx] = sol.data("TEMP")[globalDofIndex];
if (!rs_.empty() && sol.has("RS"))
rs_[elemIdx] = sol.data("RS")[globalDofIndex];
if (!rv_.empty() && sol.has("RV"))
rv_[elemIdx] = sol.data("RV")[globalDofIndex];
if (!cPolymer_.empty() && sol.has("POLYMER"))
cPolymer_[elemIdx] = sol.data("POLYMER")[globalDofIndex];
if (!cFoam_.empty() && sol.has("FOAM"))
cFoam_[elemIdx] = sol.data("FOAM")[globalDofIndex];
if (!cSalt_.empty() && sol.has("SALT"))
cSalt_[elemIdx] = sol.data("SALT")[globalDofIndex];
if (!soMax_.empty() && sol.has("SOMAX"))
soMax_[elemIdx] = sol.data("SOMAX")[globalDofIndex];
if (!pcSwMdcOw_.empty() &&sol.has("PCSWM_OW"))
pcSwMdcOw_[elemIdx] = sol.data("PCSWM_OW")[globalDofIndex];
if (!krnSwMdcOw_.empty() && sol.has("KRNSW_OW"))
krnSwMdcOw_[elemIdx] = sol.data("KRNSW_OW")[globalDofIndex];
if (!pcSwMdcGo_.empty() && sol.has("PCSWM_GO"))
pcSwMdcGo_[elemIdx] = sol.data("PCSWM_GO")[globalDofIndex];
if (!krnSwMdcGo_.empty() && sol.has("KRNSW_GO"))
krnSwMdcGo_[elemIdx] = sol.data("KRNSW_GO")[globalDofIndex];
if (!ppcw_.empty() && sol.has("PPCW"))
ppcw_[elemIdx] = sol.data("PPCW")[globalDofIndex];
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
typename EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::ScalarBuffer
regionSum(const ScalarBuffer& property,
const std::vector<int>& regionId,
size_t maxNumberOfRegions,
const Comm& comm)
ScalarBuffer totals(maxNumberOfRegions, 0.0);
if (property.empty())
return totals;
assert(regionId.size() == property.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < regionId.size(); ++j) {
const int regionIdx = regionId[j] - 1;
// the cell is not attributed to any region. ignore it!
if (regionIdx < 0)
assert(regionIdx < static_cast<int>(maxNumberOfRegions));
totals[regionIdx] += property[j];
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxNumberOfRegions; ++i)
totals[i] = comm.sum(totals[i]);
return totals;
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
doAllocBuffers(unsigned bufferSize,
unsigned reportStepNum,
const bool substep,
const bool log,
const bool isRestart,
const bool vapparsActive,
const bool enableHysteresis,
unsigned numTracers)
// Only output RESTART_AUXILIARY asked for by the user.
std::map<std::string, int> rstKeywords = schedule_.rst_keywords(reportStepNum);
for (auto& [keyword, should_write] : rstKeywords) {
if (this->isOutputCreationDirective_(keyword)) {
// 'BASIC', 'FREQ' and similar. Don't attempt to create
// cell-based output for these keywords and don't warn about
// not being able to create such cell-based result vectors.
should_write = 0;
this->outputFipRestart_ = false;
this->computeFip_ = false;
// Fluid in place
for (const auto& phase : Inplace::phases()) {
if (!substep || summaryConfig_.require3DField(EclString(phase))) {
if (rstKeywords["FIP"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["FIP"] = 0;
this->outputFipRestart_ = true;
this->fip_[phase].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
this->computeFip_ = true;
else {
if (!substep ||
this->summaryConfig_.hasKeyword("FPR") ||
this->summaryConfig_.hasKeyword("FPRP") ||
this->fip_[Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
this->dynamicPoreVolume_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
this->hydrocarbonPoreVolume_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
this->pressureTimesPoreVolume_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
this->pressureTimesHydrocarbonVolume_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
else {
// Well RFT data
if (!substep) {
const auto& rft_config = schedule_[reportStepNum].rft_config();
for (const auto& well: schedule_.getWells(reportStepNum)) {
// don't bother with wells not on this process
if (isDefunctParallelWell(well.name())) {
if (!rft_config.active())
for (const auto& connection: well.getConnections()) {
const size_t i = size_t(connection.getI());
const size_t j = size_t(connection.getJ());
const size_t k = size_t(connection.getK());
const size_t index = eclState_.gridDims().getGlobalIndex(i, j, k);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx))
oilConnectionPressures_.emplace(std::make_pair(index, 0.0));
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx))
waterConnectionSaturations_.emplace(std::make_pair(index, 0.0));
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx))
gasConnectionSaturations_.emplace(std::make_pair(index, 0.0));
// field data should be allocated
// 1) when we want to restart
// 2) when it is ask for by the user via restartConfig
// 3) when it is not a substep
if (!isRestart && (!schedule_.write_rst_file(reportStepNum, log) || substep))
// always output saturation of active phases
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++ phaseIdx) {
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx))
saturation_[phaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
// and oil pressure
oilPressure_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
rstKeywords["PRES"] = 0;
rstKeywords["PRESSURE"] = 0;
// allocate memory for temperature
if (enableEnergy_ || enableTemperature_) {
temperature_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
rstKeywords["TEMP"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx))
rstKeywords["SOIL"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx))
rstKeywords["SGAS"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx))
rstKeywords["SWAT"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas()) {
rs_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
rstKeywords["RS"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil()) {
rv_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
rstKeywords["RV"] = 0;
if (enableSolvent_)
sSol_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (enablePolymer_)
cPolymer_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (enableFoam_)
cFoam_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (enableBrine_)
cSalt_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (enableExtbo_) {
extboX_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
extboY_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
extboZ_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
mFracOil_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
mFracGas_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
mFracCo2_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (vapparsActive)
soMax_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (enableHysteresis) {
pcSwMdcOw_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
krnSwMdcOw_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
pcSwMdcGo_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
krnSwMdcGo_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (eclState_.fieldProps().has_double("SWATINIT")) {
ppcw_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
rstKeywords["PPCW"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas() && rstKeywords["RSSAT"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["RSSAT"] = 0;
gasDissolutionFactor_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil() && rstKeywords["RVSAT"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["RVSAT"] = 0;
oilVaporizationFactor_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx) && rstKeywords["BW"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["BW"] = 0;
invB_[waterPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx) && rstKeywords["BO"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["BO"] = 0;
invB_[oilPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx) && rstKeywords["BG"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["BG"] = 0;
invB_[gasPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (rstKeywords["DEN"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["DEN"] = 0;
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++ phaseIdx) {
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx))
density_[phaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
const bool hasVWAT = (rstKeywords["VISC"] > 0) || (rstKeywords["VWAT"] > 0);
const bool hasVOIL = (rstKeywords["VISC"] > 0) || (rstKeywords["VOIL"] > 0);
const bool hasVGAS = (rstKeywords["VISC"] > 0) || (rstKeywords["VGAS"] > 0);
rstKeywords["VISC"] = 0;
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx) && hasVWAT) {
rstKeywords["VWAT"] = 0;
viscosity_[waterPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx) && hasVOIL > 0) {
rstKeywords["VOIL"] = 0;
viscosity_[oilPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx) && hasVGAS > 0) {
rstKeywords["VGAS"] = 0;
viscosity_[gasPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx) && rstKeywords["KRW"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["KRW"] = 0;
relativePermeability_[waterPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx) && rstKeywords["KRO"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["KRO"] = 0;
relativePermeability_[oilPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx) && rstKeywords["KRG"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["KRG"] = 0;
relativePermeability_[gasPhaseIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (rstKeywords["PBPD"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["PBPD"] = 0;
bubblePointPressure_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
dewPointPressure_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
// tracers
if (numTracers > 0) {
for (unsigned tracerIdx = 0; tracerIdx < numTracers; ++tracerIdx)
tracerConcentrations_[tracerIdx].resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (rstKeywords["ROCKC"] > 0) {
rstKeywords["ROCKC"] = 0;
rockCompPorvMultiplier_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
rockCompTransMultiplier_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
swMax_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
minimumOilPressure_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
overburdenPressure_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
//Warn for any unhandled keyword
if (log) {
for (auto& keyValue: rstKeywords) {
if (keyValue.second > 0) {
std::string logstring = "Keyword '";
logstring.append("' is unhandled for output to file.");
OpmLog::warning("Unhandled output keyword", logstring);
// Not supported in flow legacy
if (false)
saturatedOilFormationVolumeFactor_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
if (false)
oilSaturationPressure_.resize(bufferSize, 0.0);
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
fipUnitConvert_(std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar>& fip) const
const UnitSystem& units = eclState_.getUnits();
using M = UnitSystem::measure;
const auto unit_map = std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, M> {
{Inplace::Phase::WATER, M::liquid_surface_volume},
{Inplace::Phase::OIL, M::liquid_surface_volume},
{Inplace::Phase::OilInLiquidPhase, M::liquid_surface_volume},
{Inplace::Phase::OilInGasPhase, M::liquid_surface_volume},
{Inplace::Phase::GAS, M::gas_surface_volume},
{Inplace::Phase::GasInLiquidPhase, M::gas_surface_volume},
{Inplace::Phase::GasInGasPhase, M::gas_surface_volume},
{Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume, M::volume},
{Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume, M::volume},
for (auto& [phase, value] : fip) {
auto unitPos = unit_map.find(phase);
if (unitPos != unit_map.end()) {
value = units.from_si(unitPos->second, value);
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
pressureUnitConvert_(Scalar& pav) const
pav = this->eclState_.getUnits()
.from_si(UnitSystem::measure::pressure, pav);
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputRegionFluidInPlace_(std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar> oip,
std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar> cip,
const Scalar& pav, const int reg) const
if (forceDisableFipOutput_)
// don't output FIPNUM report if the region has no porv.
if (! (cip[Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume] > Scalar{0}))
const UnitSystem& units = eclState_.getUnits();
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << '\n';
if (reg == 0) {
ss << "Field total";
else {
ss << "FIPNUM report region " << reg;
ss << " pressure dependent pore volume = "
<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(0)
<< cip[Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume] << ' '
<< units.name(UnitSystem::measure::volume) << "\n\n";
if (reg == 0) {
ss << " ===================================================\n"
<< " : Field Totals :\n";
else {
ss << " ===================================================\n"
<< " : FIPNUM report region "
<< std::setw(2) << reg << " :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_METRIC) {
ss << " : PAV =" << std::setw(14) << pav << " BARSA :\n"
<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(0)
<< " : PORV =" << std::setw(14) << cip[Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume] << " RM3 :\n";
if (!reg) {
ss << " : Pressure is weighted by hydrocarbon pore volume :\n"
<< " : Porv volumes are taken at reference conditions :\n";
ss << " :--------------- Oil SM3 ---------------:-- Wat SM3 --:--------------- Gas SM3 ---------------:\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_FIELD) {
ss << " : PAV =" << std::setw(14) << pav << " PSIA :\n"
<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(0)
<< " : PORV =" << std::setw(14) << cip[Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume] << " RB :\n";
if (!reg) {
ss << " : Pressure is weighted by hydrocarbon pore volume :\n"
<< " : Pore volumes are taken at reference conditions :\n";
ss << " :--------------- Oil STB ---------------:-- Wat STB --:--------------- Gas MSCF ---------------:\n";
ss << " : Liquid Vapour Total : Total : Free Dissolved Total :" << "\n"
<< ":------------------------:------------------------------------------:----------------:------------------------------------------:" << "\n"
<< ":Currently in place :" << std::setw(14) << cip[Inplace::Phase::OilInLiquidPhase] << std::setw(14) << cip[Inplace::Phase::OilInGasPhase] << std::setw(14) << cip[Inplace::Phase::OIL] << ":"
<< std::setw(13) << cip[Inplace::Phase::WATER] << " :" << std::setw(14) << (cip[Inplace::Phase::GasInGasPhase]) << std::setw(14) << cip[Inplace::Phase::GasInLiquidPhase] << std::setw(14) << cip[Inplace::Phase::GAS] << ":\n"
<< ":------------------------:------------------------------------------:----------------:------------------------------------------:\n"
<< ":Originally in place :" << std::setw(14) << oip[Inplace::Phase::OilInLiquidPhase] << std::setw(14) << oip[Inplace::Phase::OilInGasPhase] << std::setw(14) << oip[Inplace::Phase::OIL] << ":"
<< std::setw(13) << oip[Inplace::Phase::WATER] << " :" << std::setw(14) << oip[Inplace::Phase::GasInGasPhase] << std::setw(14) << oip[Inplace::Phase::GasInLiquidPhase] << std::setw(14) << oip[Inplace::Phase::GAS] << ":\n"
<< ":========================:==========================================:================:==========================================:\n";
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputProductionReport_(const ScalarBuffer& wellProd,
const StringBuffer& wellProdNames,
const bool forceDisableProdOutput)
if (forceDisableProdOutput)
const UnitSystem& units = eclState_.getUnits();
std::ostringstream ss;
if (wellProdNames[WellProdDataType::WellName].empty()) {
ss << "======================================================= PRODUCTION REPORT =======================================================\n"//=================== \n"
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_METRIC) {
ss << ": : : : SCM/DAY : SCM/DAY : SCM/DAY : RCM/DAY : SCM/SCM : SCM/SCM : SCM/SCM : BARSA : BARSA :\n";// :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_FIELD) {
ss << ": : : : STB/DAY : STB/DAY : MSCF/DAY : RB/DAY : : MSCF/STB : STB/MSCF : PSIA : PSIA :\n";// :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_LAB) {
ss << ": : : : SCC/HR : SCC/HR : SCC/HR : RCC : SCC/SCC : SCC/SCC : SCC/SCC : ATMA : ATMA :\n";// :\n";
ss << "=================================================================================================================================\n";//=================== \n";
else {
if (wellProd[WellProdDataType::WellLocationi] < 1) {
ss << std::right << std::fixed << ":" << std::setw (8) << wellProdNames[WellProdDataType::WellName] << ":" << std::setprecision(0) << std::setw(11) << "" << ":" << std::setw(4) << wellProdNames[WellProdDataType::CTRLMode] << ":" << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(11) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::OilRate] << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::WaterRate] << ":" << std::setw(11)<< wellProd[WellProdDataType::GasRate] << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::FluidResVol] << std::setprecision(3) << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::WaterCut] << std::setprecision(2) << ":" << std::setw(10) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::GasOilRatio] << std::setprecision(4) << ":" << std::setw(12) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::WatGasRatio] << std::setprecision(1) << ":" << std::setw(8) << "" << ":" << std::setw(8) << "" << ": \n";//wellProd[WellProdDataType::SteadyStatePI] << std::setw(10) << "\n"
else {
ss << std::right << std::fixed << ":" << std::setw (8) << wellProdNames[WellProdDataType::WellName] << ":" << std::setprecision(0) << std::setw(5) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::WellLocationi] << "," << std::setw(5) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::WellLocationj] << ":" << std::setw(4) << wellProdNames[WellProdDataType::CTRLMode] << ":" << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(11) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::OilRate] << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::WaterRate] << ":" << std::setw(11)<< wellProd[WellProdDataType::GasRate] << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::FluidResVol] << std::setprecision(3) << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::WaterCut] << std::setprecision(2) << ":" << std::setw(10) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::GasOilRatio] << std::setprecision(4) << ":" << std::setw(12) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::WatGasRatio] << std::setprecision(1) << ":" << std::setw(8) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::BHP] << ":" << std::setw(8) << wellProd[WellProdDataType::THP] << ": \n";//wellProd[WellProdDataType::SteadyStatePI] << std::setw(10) << "\n"
ss << ":"<< std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (9) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (12) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (5) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (12) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (12) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (12) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (12) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (12) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (11) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (13) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (9) << ":" << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw (9) << ":" << "\n";
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputInjectionReport_(const ScalarBuffer& wellInj,
const StringBuffer& wellInjNames,
const bool forceDisableInjOutput)
if (forceDisableInjOutput)
const UnitSystem& units = eclState_.getUnits();
std::ostringstream ss;
if (wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::WellName].empty()) {
ss << "=================================================== INJECTION REPORT ========================================\n"//===================== \n"
<< ": NAME : (I,J,K) : MODE : MODE : MODE : RATE : RATE : RATE : RES.VOL. : CON.PR.: BLK.PR.:\n";// OR POTENTIAL :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_METRIC) {
ss << ": : : OIL : WAT : GAS : SCM/DAY : SCM/DAY : SCM/DAY : RCM/DAY : BARSA : BARSA :\n";// :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_FIELD) {
ss << ": : : OIL : WAT : GAS : STB/DAY : STB/DAY : MSCF/DAY : RB/DAY : PSIA : PSIA :\n";// :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_LAB) {
ss << ": : : OIL : WAT : GAS : SCC/HR : SCC/HR : SCC/HR : RCC/HR : ATMA : ATMA :\n";// :\n";
ss << "==============================================================================================================\n";//===================== \n";
else {
if (wellInj[WellInjDataType::WellLocationi] < 1) {
ss << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << ":" << std::setw (8) << wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::WellName] << ":" << std::setw(11) << "" << ":" << std::setw(6) << wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::CTRLModeOil] << ":" << std::setw(6) << wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::CTRLModeWat] << ":" << std::setw(6) << wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::CTRLModeGas] << ":" << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(11) << wellInj[WellInjDataType::OilRate] << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellInj[WellInjDataType::WaterRate] << ":" << std::setw(11)<< wellInj[WellInjDataType::GasRate] << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellInj[WellInjDataType::FluidResVol] << ":" << std::setw(8)<< "" << ":" << std::setw(8)<< "" << ": \n";//wellInj[WellInjDataType::SteadyStateII] << std::setw(10) << "\n"
else {
ss << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << ":" << std::setw (8) << wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::WellName] << ":" << std::setw(5) << wellInj[WellInjDataType::WellLocationi] << "," << std::setw(5) << wellInj[WellInjDataType::WellLocationj] << ":" << std::setw(6) << wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::CTRLModeOil] << ":" << std::setw(6) << wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::CTRLModeWat] << ":" << std::setw(6) << wellInjNames[WellInjDataType::CTRLModeGas] << ":" << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(11) << wellInj[WellInjDataType::OilRate] << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellInj[WellInjDataType::WaterRate] << ":" << std::setw(11)<< wellInj[WellInjDataType::GasRate] << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellInj[WellInjDataType::FluidResVol] << ":" << std::setw(8)<< wellInj[WellInjDataType::BHP] << ":" << std::setw(8)<< wellInj[WellInjDataType::THP] << ": \n";//wellInj[WellInjDataType::SteadyStateII] << std::setw(10) << "\n"
ss << ":--------:-----------:------:------:------:------------:----------:-----------:-----------:--------:--------: \n";//--------------------:\n";
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputCumulativeReport_(const ScalarBuffer& wellCum,
const StringBuffer& wellCumNames,
const bool forceDisableCumOutput)
if (forceDisableCumOutput)
const UnitSystem& units = eclState_.getUnits();
std::ostringstream ss;
if (wellCumNames[WellCumDataType::WellName].empty()) {
ss << "=================================================== CUMULATIVE PRODUCTION/INJECTION REPORT =========================================\n"
<< ": NAME : (I,J,K) : TYPE :MODE: PROD : PROD : PROD : RES.VOL. : INJ : INJ : INJ : RES.VOL. :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_METRIC) {
ss << ": : : : : MSCM : MSCM : MMSCM : MRCM : MSCM : MSCM : MMSCM : MRCM :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_FIELD) {
ss << ": : : : : MSTB : MSTB : MMSCF : MRB : MSTB : MSTB : MMSCF : MRB :\n";
if (units.getType() == UnitSystem::UnitType::UNIT_TYPE_LAB) {
ss << ": : : : : MSCC : MSCC : MMSCC : MRCC : MSCC : MSCC : MMSCC : MRCC :\n";
ss << "====================================================================================================================================\n";
else {
if (wellCum[WellCumDataType::WellLocationi] < 1) {
ss << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << ":" << std::setw (8) << wellCumNames[WellCumDataType::WellName] << ":" << std::setw(11) << "" << ":" << std::setw(8) << wellCumNames[WellCumDataType::WellType] << ":" << std::setw(4) << wellCumNames[WellCumDataType::WellCTRL] << ":" << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::OilProd]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::WaterProd]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11)<< wellCum[WellCumDataType::GasProd]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::FluidResVolProd]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::OilInj]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::WaterInj]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::GasInj]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::FluidResVolInj]/1000 << ": \n";
else {
ss << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << ":" << std::setw (8) << wellCumNames[WellCumDataType::WellName] << ":" << std::setw(5) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::WellLocationi] << "," << std::setw(5) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::WellLocationj] << ":" << std::setw(8) << wellCumNames[WellCumDataType::WellType] << ":" << std::setw(4) << wellCumNames[WellCumDataType::WellCTRL] << ":" << std::setprecision(1) << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::OilProd]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::WaterProd]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11)<< wellCum[WellCumDataType::GasProd]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::FluidResVolProd]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::OilInj]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::WaterInj]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::GasInj]/1000 << ":" << std::setw(11) << wellCum[WellCumDataType::FluidResVolInj]/1000 << ": \n";
ss << ":--------:-----------:--------:----:------------:----------:-----------:-----------:------------:----------:-----------:-----------: \n";
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
bool EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
isOutputCreationDirective_(const std::string& keyword)
return (keyword == "BASIC") || (keyword == "FREQ")
|| (keyword == "RESTART") // From RPTSCHED
|| (keyword == "SAVE") || (keyword == "SFREQ"); // Not really supported
template<class FluidSystem, class Scalar>
Scalar EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
pressureAverage_(const Scalar& pressurePvHydrocarbon,
const Scalar& pvHydrocarbon,
const Scalar& pressurePv,
const Scalar& pv,
const bool hydrocarbon)
if (hydrocarbon && (pvHydrocarbon > 1e-10))
return pressurePvHydrocarbon / pvHydrocarbon;
return pressurePv / pv;
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
typename EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::ScalarBuffer
pressureAverage_(const ScalarBuffer& pressurePvHydrocarbon,
const ScalarBuffer& pvHydrocarbon,
const ScalarBuffer& pressurePv,
const ScalarBuffer& pv,
const bool hydrocarbon)
const std::size_t size = pressurePvHydrocarbon.size();
assert(pvHydrocarbon.size() == size);
assert(pressurePv.size() == size);
assert(pv.size() == size);
ScalarBuffer fraction(size, 0.0);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
fraction[i] = pressureAverage_(pressurePvHydrocarbon[i],
return fraction;
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputErrorLog(const Comm& comm) const
const size_t maxNumCellsFaillog = 20;
int pbSize = failedCellsPb_.size(), pdSize = failedCellsPd_.size();
std::vector<int> displPb, displPd, recvLenPb, recvLenPd;
if (comm.rank() == 0) {
displPb.resize(comm.size()+1, 0);
displPd.resize(comm.size()+1, 0);
comm.gather(&pbSize, recvLenPb.data(), 1, 0);
comm.gather(&pdSize, recvLenPd.data(), 1, 0);
std::partial_sum(recvLenPb.begin(), recvLenPb.end(), displPb.begin()+1);
std::partial_sum(recvLenPd.begin(), recvLenPd.end(), displPd.begin()+1);
std::vector<int> globalFailedCellsPb, globalFailedCellsPd;
if (comm.rank() == 0) {
comm.gatherv(failedCellsPb_.data(), static_cast<int>(failedCellsPb_.size()),
globalFailedCellsPb.data(), recvLenPb.data(),
displPb.data(), 0);
comm.gatherv(failedCellsPd_.data(), static_cast<int>(failedCellsPd_.size()),
globalFailedCellsPd.data(), recvLenPd.data(),
displPd.data(), 0);
std::sort(globalFailedCellsPb.begin(), globalFailedCellsPb.end());
std::sort(globalFailedCellsPd.begin(), globalFailedCellsPd.end());
if (!globalFailedCellsPb.empty()) {
std::stringstream errlog;
errlog << "Finding the bubble point pressure failed for " << globalFailedCellsPb.size() << " cells [";
errlog << globalFailedCellsPb[0];
const size_t maxElems = std::min(maxNumCellsFaillog, globalFailedCellsPb.size());
for (size_t i = 1; i < maxElems; ++i) {
errlog << ", " << globalFailedCellsPb[i];
if (globalFailedCellsPb.size() > maxNumCellsFaillog) {
errlog << ", ...";
errlog << "]";
OpmLog::warning("Bubble point numerical problem", errlog.str());
if (!globalFailedCellsPd.empty()) {
std::stringstream errlog;
errlog << "Finding the dew point pressure failed for " << globalFailedCellsPd.size() << " cells [";
errlog << globalFailedCellsPd[0];
const size_t maxElems = std::min(maxNumCellsFaillog, globalFailedCellsPd.size());
for (size_t i = 1; i < maxElems; ++i) {
errlog << ", " << globalFailedCellsPd[i];
if (globalFailedCellsPd.size() > maxNumCellsFaillog) {
errlog << ", ...";
errlog << "]";
OpmLog::warning("Dew point numerical problem", errlog.str());
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
outputFipLogImpl(const Inplace& inplace) const
Scalar fieldHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure = pressureAverage_(inplace.get(Inplace::Phase::PressureHydroCarbonPV),
std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar> initial_values;
std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar> current_values;
for (const auto& phase : Inplace::phases()) {
initial_values[phase] = this->initialInplace_->get(phase);
current_values[phase] = inplace.get(phase);
current_values[Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume] =
for (size_t reg = 1; reg <= inplace.max_region("FIPNUM"); ++reg) {
std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar> initial_values;
std::unordered_map<Inplace::Phase, Scalar> current_values;
for (const auto& phase : Inplace::phases()) {
initial_values[phase] = this->initialInplace_->get("FIPNUM", phase, reg);
current_values[phase] = inplace.get("FIPNUM", phase, reg);
current_values[Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume] =
inplace.get("FIPNUM", Inplace::Phase::DynamicPoreVolume, reg);
Scalar regHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure
= pressureAverage_(inplace.get("FIPNUM", Inplace::Phase::PressureHydroCarbonPV, reg),
inplace.get("FIPNUM", Inplace::Phase::HydroCarbonPV, reg),
inplace.get("FIPNUM", Inplace::Phase::PressurePV, reg),
inplace.get("FIPNUM", Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume, reg),
regHydroCarbonPoreVolumeAveragedPressure, reg);
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
int EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
regionMax(const std::vector<int>& region,
const Comm& comm)
const auto max_value = region.empty() ? 0 : *std::max_element(region.begin(), region.end());
return comm.max(max_value);
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
update(Inplace& inplace,
const std::string& region_name,
const Inplace::Phase phase,
const std::size_t ntFip,
const ScalarBuffer& values)
double sum = 0.0;
for (std::size_t region_number = 0; region_number < ntFip; ++region_number) {
const auto rval = static_cast<double>(values[region_number]);
inplace.add(region_name, phase, region_number + 1, rval);
sum += rval;
inplace.add(phase, sum);
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
makeRegionSum(Inplace& inplace,
const std::string& region_name,
const Comm& comm) const
const auto& region = this->regions_.at(region_name);
const std::size_t ntFip = this->regionMax(region, comm);
auto update_inplace =
[&inplace, &region, &region_name, &comm, ntFip, this]
(const Inplace::Phase phase,
const std::vector<Scalar>& value)
update(inplace, region_name, phase, ntFip,
this->regionSum(value, region, ntFip, comm));
for (const auto& phase : Inplace::phases()) {
auto fipPos = this->fip_.find(phase);
if (fipPos != this->fip_.end()) {
update_inplace(phase, fipPos->second);
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
Inplace EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
accumulateRegionSums(const Comm& comm)
Inplace inplace;
for (const auto& region : this->regions_) {
makeRegionSum(inplace, region.first, comm);
// The first time the outputFipLog function is run we store the inplace values in
// the initialInplace_ member. This has at least two problems:
// o We really want the *initial* value - now we get the value after
// the first timestep.
// o For restarted runs this is obviously wrong.
// Finally it is of course not desirable to mutate state in an output
// routine.
if (!this->initialInplace_.has_value())
this->initialInplace_ = inplace;
return inplace;
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
Scalar EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
sum(const ScalarBuffer& v)
return std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), Scalar{0});
template<class FluidSystem,class Scalar>
void EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<FluidSystem,Scalar>::
updateSummaryRegionValues(const Inplace& inplace,
std::map<std::string, double>& miscSummaryData,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>& regionData) const
// The field summary vectors should only use the FIPNUM based region sum.
for (const auto& phase : Inplace::phases()) {
const std::string key = "F" + EclString(phase);
if (this->summaryConfig_.hasKeyword(key)) {
miscSummaryData[key] = inplace.get(phase);
if (this->summaryConfig_.hasKeyword("FOE") && this->initialInplace_) {
miscSummaryData["FOE"] = inplace.get(Inplace::Phase::OIL)
/ this->initialInplace_.value().get(Inplace::Phase::OIL);
if (this->summaryConfig_.hasKeyword("FPR")) {
miscSummaryData["FPR"] =
if (this->summaryConfig_.hasKeyword("FPRP")) {
miscSummaryData["FPRP"] =
// The region summary vectors should loop through the FIPxxx regions to
// support the RPR__xxx summary keywords.
auto get_vector = [&inplace]
(const auto& node,
const Inplace::Phase phase)
return inplace.get_vector(node.fip_region(), phase);
for (const auto& phase : Inplace::phases()) {
for (const auto& node : this->regionNodes_.at(phase))
regionData[node.keyword()] = get_vector(node, phase);
for (const auto& node : this->RPRNodes_) {
regionData[node.keyword()] =
pressureAverage_(get_vector(node, Inplace::Phase::PressureHydroCarbonPV),
get_vector(node, Inplace::Phase::HydroCarbonPV),
get_vector(node, Inplace::Phase::PressurePV),
get_vector(node, Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume),
for (const auto& node : this->RPRPNodes_) {
regionData[node.keyword()] =
pressureAverage_(get_vector(node, Inplace::Phase::PressureHydroCarbonPV),
get_vector(node, Inplace::Phase::HydroCarbonPV),
get_vector(node, Inplace::Phase::PressurePV),
get_vector(node, Inplace::Phase::PoreVolume),
template class EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<BlackOilFluidSystem<double,BlackOilDefaultIndexTraits>,double>;
template class EclGenericOutputBlackoilModule<BlackOilFluidSystem<double,EclAlternativeBlackOilIndexTraits>,double>;
} // namespace Opm