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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
As it turns out initializing the Geology on a distributed grid result in wrong values for e.g. saturation. Therefore with this commit we resort to initializing the global geology and distribute it using communication.
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Copyright 2013 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/autodiff/GridHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/ErrorMacros.hpp>
//#include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/trans_tpfa.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/TransTpfa.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Grid/EclipseGrid.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/platform_dependent/disable_warnings.h>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
#include <dune/grid/CpGrid.hpp>
#include <dune/grid/common/mcmgmapper.hh>
#include <opm/core/utility/platform_dependent/reenable_warnings.h>
#include <cstddef>
namespace Opm
/// Class containing static geological properties that are
/// derived from grid and petrophysical properties:
/// - pore volume
/// - transmissibilities
/// - gravity potentials
class DerivedGeology
typedef Eigen::ArrayXd Vector;
/// Construct contained derived geological properties
/// from grid and property information.
template <class Props, class Grid>
DerivedGeology(const Grid& grid,
const Props& props ,
Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
const bool use_local_perm,
const double* grav = 0
: pvol_ (Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid))
, trans_(Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numFaces(grid))
, gpot_ (Vector::Zero(Opm::AutoDiffGrid::cell2Faces(grid).noEntries(), 1))
, z_(Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid))
int numCells = AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid);
int numFaces = AutoDiffGrid::numFaces(grid);
const int *cartDims = AutoDiffGrid::cartDims(grid);
int numCartesianCells =
* cartDims[1]
* cartDims[2];
// get the pore volume multipliers from the EclipseState
std::vector<double> multpv(numCartesianCells, 1.0);
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("MULTPV")) {
multpv = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("MULTPV")->getData();
// get the net-to-gross cell thickness from the EclipseState
std::vector<double> ntg(numCartesianCells, 1.0);
if (eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("NTG")) {
ntg = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("NTG")->getData();
// get grid from parser.
// Get original grid cell volume.
EclipseGridConstPtr eclgrid = eclState->getEclipseGrid();
// Pore volume.
// New keywords MINPVF will add some PV due to OPM cpgrid process algorithm.
// But the default behavior is to get the comparable pore volume with ECLIPSE.
for (int cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < numCells; ++cellIdx) {
int cartesianCellIdx = AutoDiffGrid::globalCell(grid)[cellIdx];
pvol_[cellIdx] =
* multpv[cartesianCellIdx]
* ntg[cartesianCellIdx];
if (eclgrid->getMinpvMode() == MinpvMode::ModeEnum::OpmFIL) {
pvol_[cellIdx] *= AutoDiffGrid::cellVolume(grid, cellIdx);
} else {
pvol_[cellIdx] *= eclgrid->getCellVolume(cartesianCellIdx);
// Use volume weighted arithmetic average of the NTG values for
// the cells effected by the current OPM cpgrid process algorithm
// for MINPV. Note that the change does not effect the pore volume calculations
// as the pore volume is currently defaulted to be comparable to ECLIPSE, but
// only the transmissibility calculations.
minPvFillProps_(grid, eclState,ntg);
// Transmissibility
Vector htrans(AutoDiffGrid::numCellFaces(grid));
Grid* ug = const_cast<Grid*>(& grid);
if (! use_local_perm) {
tpfa_htrans_compute(ug, props.permeability(), htrans.data());
else {
std::vector<double> mult;
multiplyHalfIntersections_(grid, eclState, ntg, htrans, mult);
// combine the half-face transmissibilites into the final face
// transmissibilites.
tpfa_trans_compute(ug, htrans.data(), trans_.data());
// multiply the face transmissibilities with their appropriate
// transmissibility multipliers
for (int faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < numFaces; faceIdx++) {
trans_[faceIdx] *= mult[faceIdx];
// Compute z coordinates
for (int c = 0; c<numCells; ++c){
z_[c] = Opm::UgGridHelpers::cellCentroidCoordinate(grid, c, 2);
// Gravity potential
std::fill(gravity_, gravity_ + 3, 0.0);
if (grav != 0) {
const typename Vector::Index nd = AutoDiffGrid::dimensions(grid);
typedef typename AutoDiffGrid::ADCell2FacesTraits<Grid>::Type Cell2Faces;
Cell2Faces c2f=AutoDiffGrid::cell2Faces(grid);
std::size_t i = 0;
for (typename Vector::Index c = 0; c < numCells; ++c) {
const double* const cc = AutoDiffGrid::cellCentroid(grid, c);
typename Cell2Faces::row_type faces=c2f[c];
typedef typename Cell2Faces::row_type::iterator Iter;
for (Iter f=faces.begin(), end=faces.end(); f!=end; ++f, ++i) {
auto fc = AutoDiffGrid::faceCentroid(grid, *f);
for (typename Vector::Index d = 0; d < nd; ++d) {
gpot_[i] += grav[d] * (fc[d] - cc[d]);
std::copy(grav, grav + nd, gravity_);
const Vector& poreVolume() const { return pvol_ ;}
const Vector& transmissibility() const { return trans_ ;}
const Vector& gravityPotential() const { return gpot_ ;}
const Vector& z() const { return z_ ;}
const double* gravity() const { return gravity_;}
Vector& poreVolume() { return pvol_ ;}
Vector& transmissibility() { return trans_ ;}
template <class Grid>
void multiplyHalfIntersections_(const Grid &grid,
Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
const std::vector<double> &ntg,
Vector &halfIntersectTransmissibility,
std::vector<double> &intersectionTransMult);
template <class Grid>
void tpfa_loc_trans_compute_(const Grid &grid,
const double* perm,
Vector &hTrans);
template <class Grid>
void minPvFillProps_(const Grid &grid,
Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
std::vector<double> &ntg);
Vector pvol_ ;
Vector trans_;
Vector gpot_ ;
Vector z_;
double gravity_[3]; // Size 3 even if grid is 2-dim.
template <class GridType>
inline void DerivedGeology::minPvFillProps_(const GridType &grid,
Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
std::vector<double> &ntg)
int numCells = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid);
const int* global_cell = Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell(grid);
const int* cartdims = Opm::UgGridHelpers::cartDims(grid);
EclipseGridConstPtr eclgrid = eclState->getEclipseGrid();
std::vector<double> porv = eclState->getDoubleGridProperty("PORV")->getData();
for (int cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < numCells; ++cellIdx) {
const int nx = cartdims[0];
const int ny = cartdims[1];
const int cartesianCellIdx = global_cell[cellIdx];
const double cellVolume = eclgrid->getCellVolume(cartesianCellIdx);
ntg[cartesianCellIdx] *= cellVolume;
double totalCellVolume = cellVolume;
// Average properties as long as there exist cells above
// that has pore volume less than the MINPV threshold
int cartesianCellIdxAbove = cartesianCellIdx - nx*ny;
while ( cartesianCellIdxAbove >= 0 &&
porv[cartesianCellIdxAbove] > 0 &&
porv[cartesianCellIdxAbove] < eclgrid->getMinpvValue() ) {
// Volume weighted arithmetic average of NTG
const double cellAboveVolume = eclgrid->getCellVolume(cartesianCellIdxAbove);
totalCellVolume += cellAboveVolume;
ntg[cartesianCellIdx] += ntg[cartesianCellIdxAbove]*cellAboveVolume;
cartesianCellIdxAbove -= nx*ny;
ntg[cartesianCellIdx] /= totalCellVolume;
template <class GridType>
inline void DerivedGeology::multiplyHalfIntersections_(const GridType &grid,
Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
const std::vector<double> &ntg,
Vector &halfIntersectTransmissibility,
std::vector<double> &intersectionTransMult)
int numCells = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid);
int numIntersections = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numFaces(grid);
std::fill(intersectionTransMult.begin(), intersectionTransMult.end(), 1.0);
std::shared_ptr<const Opm::TransMult> multipliers = eclState->getTransMult();
auto cell2Faces = Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces(grid);
auto faceCells = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::faceCells(grid);
const int* global_cell = Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell(grid);
int cellFaceIdx = 0;
for (int cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < numCells; ++cellIdx) {
// loop over all logically-Cartesian faces of the current cell
auto cellFacesRange = cell2Faces[cellIdx];
for(auto cellFaceIter = cellFacesRange.begin(), cellFaceEnd = cellFacesRange.end();
cellFaceIter != cellFaceEnd; ++cellFaceIter, ++cellFaceIdx)
// the index of the current cell in arrays for the logically-Cartesian grid
int cartesianCellIdx = global_cell[cellIdx];
// The index of the face in the compressed grid
int faceIdx = *cellFaceIter;
// the logically-Cartesian direction of the face
int faceTag = Opm::UgGridHelpers::faceTag(grid, cellFaceIter);
// Translate the C face tag into the enum used by opm-parser's TransMult class
Opm::FaceDir::DirEnum faceDirection;
if (faceTag == 0) // left
faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::XMinus;
else if (faceTag == 1) // right
faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::XPlus;
else if (faceTag == 2) // back
faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::YMinus;
else if (faceTag == 3) // front
faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::YPlus;
else if (faceTag == 4) // bottom
faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::ZMinus;
else if (faceTag == 5) // top
faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::ZPlus;
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Unhandled face direction: " << faceTag);
// Account for NTG in horizontal one-sided transmissibilities
switch (faceDirection) {
case Opm::FaceDir::XMinus:
case Opm::FaceDir::XPlus:
case Opm::FaceDir::YMinus:
case Opm::FaceDir::YPlus:
halfIntersectTransmissibility[cellFaceIdx] *= ntg[cartesianCellIdx];
// do nothing for the top and bottom faces
// Multiplier contribution on this face for MULT[XYZ] logical cartesian multipliers
intersectionTransMult[faceIdx] *=
multipliers->getMultiplier(cartesianCellIdx, faceDirection);
// Multiplier contribution on this fase for region multipliers
const int cellIdxInside = faceCells(faceIdx, 0);
const int cellIdxOutside = faceCells(faceIdx, 1);
// Do not apply region multipliers in the case of boundary connections
if (cellIdxInside < 0 || cellIdxOutside < 0) {
const int cartesianCellIdxInside = global_cell[cellIdxInside];
const int cartesianCellIdxOutside = global_cell[cellIdxOutside];
// Only apply the region multipliers from the inside
if (cartesianCellIdx == cartesianCellIdxInside) {
intersectionTransMult[faceIdx] *= multipliers->getRegionMultiplier(cartesianCellIdxInside,cartesianCellIdxOutside,faceDirection);
template <class GridType>
inline void DerivedGeology::tpfa_loc_trans_compute_(const GridType& grid,
const double* perm,
Vector& hTrans){
// Using Local coordinate system for the transmissibility calculations
// hTrans(cellFaceIdx) = K(cellNo,j) * sum( C(:,i) .* N(:,j), 2) / sum(C.*C, 2)
// where K is a diagonal permeability tensor, C is the distance from cell centroid
// to face centroid and N is the normal vector pointing outwards with norm equal to the face area.
// Off-diagonal permeability values are ignored without warning
int numCells = AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid);
int cellFaceIdx = 0;
auto cell2Faces = Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces(grid);
auto faceCells = Opm::UgGridHelpers::faceCells(grid);
for (int cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < numCells; ++cellIdx) {
// loop over all logically-Cartesian faces of the current cell
auto cellFacesRange = cell2Faces[cellIdx];
for(auto cellFaceIter = cellFacesRange.begin(), cellFaceEnd = cellFacesRange.end();
cellFaceIter != cellFaceEnd; ++cellFaceIter, ++cellFaceIdx)
// The index of the face in the compressed grid
const int faceIdx = *cellFaceIter;
// the logically-Cartesian direction of the face
const int faceTag = Opm::UgGridHelpers::faceTag(grid, cellFaceIter);
// d = 0: XPERM d = 4: YPERM d = 8: ZPERM ignores off-diagonal permeability values.
const int d = std::floor(faceTag/2) * 4;
// compute the half transmissibility
double dist = 0.0;
double cn = 0.0;
double sgn = 2.0 * (faceCells(faceIdx, 0) == cellIdx) - 1;
const int dim = Opm::UgGridHelpers::dimensions(grid);
for (int indx = 0; indx < dim; ++indx) {
const double Ci = Opm::UgGridHelpers::faceCentroid(grid, faceIdx)[indx] -
Opm::UgGridHelpers::cellCentroidCoordinate(grid, cellIdx, indx);
dist += Ci*Ci;
cn += sgn * Ci * Opm::UgGridHelpers::faceNormal(grid, faceIdx)[indx];
if (cn < 0){
switch (d) {
case 0:
OPM_MESSAGE("Warning: negative X-transmissibility value in cell: " << cellIdx << " replace by absolute value") ;
case 4:
OPM_MESSAGE("Warning: negative Y-transmissibility value in cell: " << cellIdx << " replace by absolute value") ;
case 8:
OPM_MESSAGE("Warning: negative Z-transmissibility value in cell: " << cellIdx << " replace by absolute value") ;
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Inconsistency in the faceTag in cell: " << cellIdx);
cn = -cn;
hTrans[cellFaceIdx] = perm[cellIdx*dim*dim + d] * cn / dist;