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Used to create a deep copy (clone) of an existing Wells object. While here, add test case for common Wells object operations.
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Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* \file
* Main OPM-Core well data structure along with functions
* to create, populate and destroy it.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Well type indicates desired/expected well behaviour. */
enum WellType { INJECTOR, PRODUCER };
/** Type of well control equation or inequality constraint.
* BHP -> Well constrained by bottom-hole pressure target.
* RESERVOIR_RATE -> Well constrained by reservoir volume flow rates.
* SURFACE_RATE -> Well constrained by surface volume flow rates.
/** Controls for a single well.
* Each control specifies a well rate or bottom-hole pressure. Only
* one control can be active at a time, indicated by current. The
* meaning of each control's target value depends on the control type:
* BHP -> target pressure in Pascal.
* RESERVOIR_RATE -> target reservoir volume rate in cubic(meter)/second
* SURFACE_RATE -> target surface volume rate in cubic(meter)/second
* The sign convention for RATE targets is as follows:
* (+) Fluid flowing into reservoir, i.e. injecting.
* (-) Fluid flowing out of reservoir, i.e. producing.
* For *_RATE controls, the distribution of phases used for the control
* is also needed. For example, a total rate control should have 1.0
* for each phase, whereas a control on oil rate should have 1.0 for
* the oil phase and 0.0 for the rest. For BHP controls, this is unused.
* The active control acts as an equality constraint, whereas the
* non-active controls should be interpreted as inequality
* constraints (upper or lower bounds). For instance, a PRODUCER's
* BHP constraint defines a minimum acceptable bottom-hole pressure
* value for the well.
struct WellControls
int num; /** Number of controls. */
enum WellControlType *type; /** Array of control types.*/
double *target; /** Array of control targets */
double *distr; /** Array of rate control distributions,
Wells::number_of_phases numbers per control */
int current; /** Index of current active control. */
void *data; /** Internal management structure. */
/** Data structure aggregating static information about all wells in a scenario. */
struct Wells
int number_of_wells; /** Number of wells. */
int number_of_phases; /** Number of phases. */
enum WellType *type; /** Array of well types. */
double *depth_ref; /** Array of well bhp reference depths. */
double *comp_frac; /** Component fractions for each well, size is (number_of_wells*number_of_phases).
* This is intended to be used for injection wells. For production wells
* the component fractions will vary and cannot be specified a priori.
int *well_connpos; /** Array of indices into well_cells (and WI).
* For a well w, well_connpos[w] and well_connpos[w+1] yield
* start and one-beyond-end indices into the well_cells array
* for accessing w's perforation cell indices.
int *well_cells; /** Array of perforation cell indices.
* Size is number of perforations (== well_connpos[number_of_wells]).
double *WI; /** Well productivity index, same size and structure as well_cells. */
struct WellControls **ctrls; /** Well controls, one set of controls for each well. */
char **name; /** Well names. One string for each well. */
void *data; /** Internal management structure. */
/** Data structure aggregating dynamic information about all wells in a scenario.
* All arrays in this structure contain data for each perforation,
* ordered the same as Wells::well_cells and Wells:WI. The array
* sizes are, respectively,
* gpot n*NP
* A n²*NP (matrix in column-major (i.e., Fortran) order).
* phasemob n*NP
* in which "n" denotes the number of active fluid phases (and
* constituent components) and "NP" is the total number of
* perforations, <CODE>well_connpos[ number_of_wells ]</CODE>.
struct CompletionData
double *gpot; /** Gravity potentials. */
double *A; /** Volumes to surface-components matrix, A = RB^{-1}. */
double *phasemob; /** Phase mobilities. */
* Construct a Wells object initially capable of managing a given
* number of wells and total number of well connections
* (perforations).
* Function add_well() is used to populate the Wells object. No
* reallocation occurs in function add_well() as long as the
* initially indicated capacities are sufficient. Call function
* destroy_wells() to dispose of the Wells object and its allocated
* memory resources.
* \param[in] nphases Number of active phases in simulation scenario.
* \param[in] nwells Expected number of wells in simulation scenario.
* Pass zero if the total number of wells is unknown.
* \param[in] nperf Expected total number of well connections
* (perforations) for all wells in simulation
* scenario. Pass zero if the total number of well
* connections is unknown.
* \return A valid Wells object with no wells if successful, and NULL
* otherwise.
struct Wells *
create_wells(int nphases, int nwells, int nperf);
* Append a new well to an existing Wells object.
* Increments W->number_of_wells by one if successful. The new well
* does not include operational constraints. Such information is
* specified using function append_well_controls(). The current
* control index is set to -1 (invalid).
* \param[in] type Type of well.
* \param[in] depth_ref Reference depth for well's BHP.
* \param[in] nperf Number of perforations.
* \param[in] comp_frac Injection fraction array (size equal to W->number_of_phases) or NULL.
* \param[in] cells Grid cells in which well is perforated. Should
* ideally be track ordered.
* \param[in] WI Well production index per perforation, or NULL.
* \param[in] name Name of new well. NULL if no name.
* \param[in,out] W Existing set of wells to which new well will
* be added.
* \return Non-zero (true) if successful and zero otherwise.
add_well(enum WellType type ,
double depth_ref,
int nperf ,
const double *comp_frac,
const int *cells ,
const double *WI ,
const char *name ,
struct Wells *W );
* Append operational constraint to an existing well.
* Increments ctrl->num by one if successful. Introducing a new
* operational constraint does not affect the well's notion of the
* currently active constraint represented by ctrl->current.
* Note that *_RATE controls now require a phase distribution array
* to be associated with the control, see WellControls.
* \param[in] type Control type.
* \param[in] target Target value for the control.
* \param[in] distr Array of size W->number_of_phases or NULL.
* \param[in] well_index Index of well to receive additional control.
* \param[in,out] W Existing set of well controls.
* \return Non-zero (true) if successful and zero (false) otherwise.
append_well_controls(enum WellControlType type ,
double target,
const double *distr,
int well_index,
struct Wells *W);
* Set the current control for a single well.
set_current_control(int well_index, int current_control, struct Wells *W);
* Clear all controls from a single well.
* Does not affect the control set capacity. */
clear_well_controls(int well_index, struct Wells *W);
* Wells object destructor.
* Disposes of all resources managed by the Wells object.
* The Wells object must be built using function create_wells() and
* subsequently populated using function add_well().
destroy_wells(struct Wells *W);
* Create a deep-copy (i.e., clone) of an existing Wells object, including its
* controls.
* @param[in] W Existing Wells object.
* @return Complete clone of the input object. Dispose of resources using
* function destroy_wells() when no longer needed. Returns @c NULL in case of
* allocation failure.
struct Wells *
clone_wells(const struct Wells *W);
#ifdef __cplusplus