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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
This is a potentially expensive operation and so we should not run it unless such values are actually needed for output purposes (e.g., inter-region flow summary vectors).
384 lines
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384 lines
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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
Copyright 2022 Equinor AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/output/data/InterRegFlowMap.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
/// \file
/// MPI-aware facility for converting collection of tuples of region ID
/// pairs and associate flow rates into a sparse (CSR) adjacency matrix
/// representation of a graph. Supports O(nnz) compression.
namespace Opm {
class EclInterRegFlowMap;
/// Form CSR adjacency matrix representation of inter-region flow rate
/// graph provided as a list of connections between regions on local MPI
/// rank. Pertains to a single FIP definition array (e.g., FIPNUM).
class EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP
/// Minimal characteristics of a cell from a simulation grid.
struct Cell {
/// Cell's active index on local rank.
int activeIndex{-1};
/// Cell's global cell ID.
int cartesianIndex{-1};
/// Whether or not cell is interior to local rank.
bool isInterior{true};
friend class EclInterRegFlowMap;
/// Constructor
/// \param[in] region Local rank's FIP region definition array.
explicit EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP(const std::vector<int>& region);
/// Add flow rate connection between regions.
/// \param[in] source Cell from which the flow nominally originates.
/// \param[in] destination Cell into which flow nominally goes.
/// \param[in] rates Flow rates associated to single connection.
/// If both cells are in the same region, or if neither cell is
/// interior to this MPI rank, then this function does nothing. If
/// one cell is interior to this MPI rank and the other isn't, then
/// this function will include the flow rate contribution if and
/// only if the cell with the smallest associate region ID is
/// interior to this MPI rank.
void addConnection(const Cell& source,
const Cell& destination,
const data::InterRegFlowMap::FlowRates& rates);
/// Form CSR adjacency matrix representation of input graph from
/// connections established in previous calls to addConnection().
/// Number of rows in the CSR representation is the maximum FIP
/// region ID.
void compress();
/// Clear all internal buffers, but preserve allocated capacity.
void clear();
/// Get read-only access to the underlying CSR representation.
/// Mostly intended for summary output purposes.
const data::InterRegFlowMap& getInterRegFlows() const;
/// Retrieve maximum FIP region ID on local MPI rank.
std::size_t getLocalMaxRegionID() const;
/// Assign maximum FIP region ID across all MPI ranks.
/// Fails if global maximum is smaller than local maximum region ID.
/// \param[in] regID Global maximum FIP region ID for this FIP
/// definition array across all MPI ranks.
/// \return Whether or not assignment succeeded.
bool assignGlobalMaxRegionID(const std::size_t regID);
/// Serialise internal representation to MPI message buffer
/// \tparam MessageBufferType Linear MPI message buffer. API should
/// be similar to Dune::MessageBufferIF
/// \param[in,out] buffer Linear MPI message buffer instance.
/// Function appends a partially linearised representation of
/// \code *this \endcode to the buffer contents.
template <class MessageBufferType>
void write(MessageBufferType& buffer) const
// Note: this->region_ is *intentionally* omitted here.
/// Reconstitute internal object representation from MPI message
/// buffer
/// This object (\code *this \endcode) is not usable in subsequent
/// calls to \code addConnection() \endcode following a call to
/// member function \code read() \endcode.
/// \tparam MessageBufferType Linear MPI message buffer. API should
/// be similar to Dune::MessageBufferIF
/// \param[in,out] buffer Linear MPI message buffer instance.
/// Function reads a partially linearised representation of \code
/// *this \endcode from the buffer contents and advances the
/// buffer's read position.
template <class MessageBufferType>
void read(MessageBufferType& buffer)
auto otherMaxRegionID = 0 * this->maxGlobalRegionID_;
this->maxGlobalRegionID_ = std::max(this->maxGlobalRegionID_, otherMaxRegionID);
this->isReadFromStream_ = true;
/// Zero-based FIP region IDs on local MPI rank.
std::vector<int> region_{};
/// Maximum one-based FIP region ID on local MPI rank.
std::size_t maxLocalRegionID_{0};
/// Maximum one-based FIP region ID for this FIP region definition
/// array across all MPI ranks.
std::size_t maxGlobalRegionID_{0};
/// Rank-local inter-regional flow map.
data::InterRegFlowMap iregFlow_{};
/// Whether or not this object contains contributions deserialised
/// from a stream. For error detection.
bool isReadFromStream_{false};
/// Default constructor.
EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP() = default;
/// Inter-region flow accumulation maps for all region definition arrays
class EclInterRegFlowMap
/// Minimal representation of a single named region defintion.
/// Name is typically "FIPNUM" or any additional "FIP*" array names.
struct SingleRegion {
/// Region definition array name
std::string name;
/// Region definition array.
std::reference_wrapper<const std::vector<int>> definition;
/// Characteristics of a cell from a simulation grid.
using Cell = EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP::Cell;
/// Default constructor.
EclInterRegFlowMap() = default;
/// Special purpose constructor for global object being collected on
/// the I/O rank.
/// Only knows about the FIP region set names.
/// \param[in] names Sorted sequence of FIP region names.
static EclInterRegFlowMap
createMapFromNames(std::vector<std::string> names);
/// Constructor.
/// \param[in] numCells Number of cells on local MPI rank, including
/// overlap cells if applicable.
/// \param[in] regions All applicable region definition arrays.
explicit EclInterRegFlowMap(const std::size_t numCells,
const std::vector<SingleRegion>& regions);
EclInterRegFlowMap(const EclInterRegFlowMap& rhs) = default;
EclInterRegFlowMap(EclInterRegFlowMap&& rhs) noexcept = default;
EclInterRegFlowMap& operator=(const EclInterRegFlowMap& rhs) = default;
EclInterRegFlowMap& operator=(EclInterRegFlowMap&& rhs) noexcept = default;
/// Add flow rate connection between regions for all region
/// definitions.
/// \param[in] source Cell from which the flow nominally originates.
/// \param[in] destination Cell into which flow nominally goes.
/// \param[in] rates Flow rates associated to single connection.
/// If both cells are in the same region, or if neither cell is
/// interior to this MPI rank, then this function does nothing. If
/// one cell is interior to this MPI rank and the other isn't, then
/// this function will include the flow rate contribution if and
/// only if the cell with the smallest associate region ID is
/// interior to this MPI rank.
void addConnection(const Cell& source,
const Cell& destination,
const data::InterRegFlowMap::FlowRates& rates);
/// Form CSR adjacency matrix representation of input graph from
/// connections established in previous calls to addConnection().
/// Number of rows in the CSR representation is the maximum FIP
/// region ID.
void compress();
/// Clear all internal buffers, but preserve allocated capacity.
void clear();
/// Names of all applicable region definition arrays.
/// Mostly intended for summary output purposes.
const std::vector<std::string>& names() const;
/// Get read-only access to the underlying CSR representation.
/// Mostly intended for summary output purposes.
std::vector<data::InterRegFlowMap> getInterRegFlows() const;
/// Retrieve maximum FIP region ID on local MPI rank.
std::vector<std::size_t> getLocalMaxRegionID() const;
/// Assign maximum FIP region ID across all MPI ranks.
/// Fails if global maximum is smaller than local maximum region ID.
/// \param[in] regID Global maximum FIP region ID for this FIP
/// definition array across all MPI ranks.
/// \return Whether or not assignment succeeded.
bool assignGlobalMaxRegionID(const std::vector<std::size_t>& regID);
/// Whether or not previous read() operation succeeded.
bool readIsConsistent() const;
bool wantInterRegflowSummary() const
return !this->regionMaps_.empty();
/// Serialise internal representation to MPI message buffer
/// \tparam MessageBufferType Linear MPI message buffer. API should
/// be similar to Dune::MessageBufferIF
/// \param[in,out] buffer Linear MPI message buffer instance.
/// Function appends a partially linearised representation of
/// \code *this \endcode to the buffer contents.
template <class MessageBufferType>
void write(MessageBufferType& buffer) const
for (const auto& name : this->names_) {
for (const auto& map : this->regionMaps_) {
/// Reconstitute internal object representation from MPI message
/// buffer
/// This object (\code *this \endcode) is not usable in subsequent
/// calls to \code addConnection() \endcode following a call to
/// member function \code read() \endcode.
/// \tparam MessageBufferType Linear MPI message buffer. API should
/// be similar to Dune::MessageBufferIF
/// \param[in,out] buffer Linear MPI message buffer instance.
/// Function reads a partially linearised representation of \code
/// *this \endcode from the buffer contents and advances the
/// buffer's read position.
template <class MessageBufferType>
void read(MessageBufferType& buffer)
const auto names = this->readNames(buffer);
if (names == this->names_) {
// Input stream holds the maps in expected order (common
// case). Read the maps and merge with internal values.
for (auto& map : this->regionMaps_) {
else {
// Input stream does not hold the maps in expected order (or
// different number of maps). Unexpected. Read the values
// from the input stream, but do not merge with internal
// values.
auto map = EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP {
std::vector<int>(this->numCells_, 1)
const auto numMaps = names.size();
for (auto n = 0*numMaps; n < numMaps; ++n) {
this->readIsConsistent_ = false;
/// Inter-region flow accumulators. One accumulator map for each
/// region definition array.
std::vector<EclInterRegFlowMapSingleFIP> regionMaps_{};
/// Names of region definition arrays. Typically "FIPNUM" and other
/// "FIPXYZ" array names.
std::vector<std::string> names_;
/// Number of cells, including overlap, reachable from this MPI
/// rank.
std::size_t numCells_{0};
/// Wheter or not read() successfully updated this object from an
/// input stream.
bool readIsConsistent_{true};
/// Retrieve array names from an input stream.
/// Needed for consistency checks.
template <class MessageBufferType>
std::vector<std::string> readNames(MessageBufferType& buffer) const
auto numNames = 0 * this->names_.size();
auto names = std::vector<std::string>(numNames);
for (auto name = 0*numNames; name < numNames; ++name) {
return names;
} // namespace Opm