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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Clang aims to be compatible with GCC when it comes to command-line parameters. Where we enable functionality based on the presence of a GCC-compiler, we can use the same functionality with Clang. This patch introduces a new variable CXX_COMPAT_GCC which is true if the compiler handles the same options as GCC, and this variable is subsequently used in tests instead of CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX (which remains if we need to test if we really have GCC, e.g. for version)
172 lines
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172 lines
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# - Use precompiled headers
# precompile_header takes these parameters
# language Language in which the header is written; C or CXX.
# type Type of target being build, SHARED_LIBRARY, STATIC_LIBRARY
# header Relative path within the source tree to the header
# that contains the list of includes to be precompiled.
# This header should not be added to the installation,
# as it will be specific for this project.
# target Name of target to be created. All targets that
# use the precompiled header should depend on this target
# so that it is built before them. A variable with this
# name will also be created which contains the file name.
# flags_name Name of variable to receive the flags that should be
# added to the command-line.
# Example:
# get_target_property (type opmcore TYPE)
# precompile_header (CXX ${type}
# HEADER "opm/core/opm-core-pch.hpp"
# TARGET opmcore_CXX_pch
# )
# set_source_files_properties (${opmcore_CXX_SOURCES} PROPERTIES
# OBJECT_DEPENDS "${opmcore_CXX_pch}"
# )
# get compiler version
include (UseCompVer)
is_compiler_gcc_compatible ()
# reconstruct the compiler command line; this does NOT include the
# DEFINE_SYMBOL that is added for shared libraries. type is the TYPE
# target property.
# see larsch's PrecompiledHeader.cmake: <https://gist.github.com/573926>
# and <https://github.com/loaden/qtcreator/blob/wip/cmake/cmake/PrecompiledHeader.cmake>
function (compiler_cmdline language type cmd_name args_name)
# get the compiler for this particular language
set (${cmd_name} "${CMAKE_${language}_COMPILER}" PARENT_SCOPE)
# in case someone has overridden the compiler (e.g. ccache)
set (_args "${CMAKE_${language}_COMPILER_ARG1}")
# macro definitions
get_directory_property (_defs DEFINITIONS)
list (APPEND _args "${_defs}")
# global flags (such as -std=c++11); notice that there are both
# release-dependent and non-release-dependent ones
string (TOUPPER "CMAKE_${language}_FLAGS" _flags)
list (APPEND _args "${${_flags}}")
string (TOUPPER "CMAKE_${language}_FLAGS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" _flags)
list (APPEND _args "${${_flags}}")
# assume that we are always generating position-independent code
# when compiling for a shared library
list (APPEND _args "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_${language}_FLAGS}")
# directories included
get_directory_property (_dirs INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
foreach (_dir ${_dirs})
list (APPEND _args "-I${_dir}")
endforeach (_dir)
# make arguments a real list, and write to output variable
separate_arguments (_args)
set (${args_name} "${_args}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction (compiler_cmdline language type cmd_name args_name)
function (precompile_header
language type hdr_kw header tgt_kw target flgs_kw flags_name)
# check "syntax"
message (FATAL "Third token to precompile_header shoulde be \"HEADER\"")
endif (NOT hdr_kw STREQUAL "HEADER")
message (FATAL "Fifth token to precompile_header should be \"TARGET\"")
endif (NOT tgt_kw STREQUAL "TARGET")
if (NOT flgs_kw STREQUAL "FLAGS")
message (FATAL "Seventh token to precompile_header should be \"FLAGS\"")
endif (NOT flgs_kw STREQUAL "FLAGS")
# check language
if (language STREQUAL "CXX")
set (gcc_lang "c++-header")
elseif (language STREQUAL "C")
set (gcc_lang "c-header")
else (language STREQUAL "CXX")
message (FATAL "Only C or C++ can have precompiled headers")
endif (language STREQUAL "CXX")
# if no precompiled header was found, then we shouldn't do anything here
if (NOT header)
return ()
endif (NOT header)
# only support precompiled headers if the compiler is gcc >= 3.4 or clang
# genuine GCC; must test version
get_gcc_version (${language} GCC_VERSION)
set (_do_pch TRUE)
else ()
set (_do_pch FALSE)
endif ()
# any Clang version that is new enough to compile us can do this
set (_do_pch TRUE)
else ()
set (_do_pch FALSE)
endif ()
if (_do_pch)
# command-line used to compile modules in this kind of target
compiler_cmdline (${language} ${type} _cmd _args)
# gcc will include any configurations which are in a directory
# with the same name as the header included
set (_pch_dir "CMakeFiles/pch")
set (_pch_file "${_pch_dir}/${header}.gch/${target}")
# make sure that output directory exists
get_filename_component (_outdir "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_pch_file}" PATH)
file (MAKE_DIRECTORY ${_outdir})
# we need to generate the precompiled header in the output tree, but
# at the same time prevent the compiler to pick up the header from the
# source tree. getting the order of the include paths right is fragile
# in CMake. by copying the header, we can put the precompile dump
# right next to it and have the compiler pick it up there
add_custom_command (
OUTPUT "${_pch_dir}/${header}"
ARGS -E copy "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${header}" "${_pch_dir}/${header}"
# add a makefile rule to create the precompiled header
add_custom_command (
COMMAND ${_cmd}
ARGS ${_args} "-o" "${_pch_file}" "-x" "${gcc_lang}" "-c" "${_pch_dir}/${header}"
DEPENDS "${_pch_dir}/${header}"
COMMENT "Precompiling headers ${_pch_file}"
# create a phony target that is always built, but which only checks
# if the header file is OK (i.e. the header only gets rebuilt if
# necessary)
add_custom_target (${target} ALL
# these flags need to be added to the target
set (${target} "${_pch_file}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set (${flags_name} "-Winvalid-pch -include ${_pch_dir}/${header}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endif ()
endif ()
endfunction (precompile_header
language type header tgt_kw target flgs_kw flags_name)