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The index type changed from int to long int with 2.7.
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Copyright 2020 Equinor ASA
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <vector>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <dune/istl/umfpack.hh>
#include <dune/common/version.hh>
namespace Opm
/// This class serves to duplicate the functionality of the MultisegmentWell
/// A MultisegmentWell uses C, D and B and performs y -= (C^T * (D^-1 * (B*x)))
/// B and C are matrices, with M rows and N columns, where N is the size of the matrix. They contain blocks of MultisegmentWell::numEq by MultisegmentWell::numWellEq.
/// D is a MxM matrix, the square blocks have size MultisegmentWell::numWellEq.
/// B*x and D*B*x are a vector with M*numWellEq doubles
/// C*D*B*x is a vector with N*numEq doubles.
class MultisegmentWellContribution
unsigned int dim; // size of blockvectors in vectors x and y, equal to MultisegmentWell::numEq
unsigned int dim_wells; // size of blocks in C, B and D, equal to MultisegmentWell::numWellEq
unsigned int N; // number of rows in vectors x and y, N == dim*Nb
unsigned int Nb; // number of blockrows in x and y
unsigned int M; // number of rows, M == dim_wells*Mb
unsigned int Mb; // number of blockrows in C, D and B
cudaStream_t stream; // not actually used yet, will be when MultisegmentWellContribution are applied on GPU
// C and B are stored in BCRS format, D is stored in CSC format (Dune::UMFPack)
// Sparsity pattern for C is not stored, since it is the same as B
unsigned int DnumBlocks; // number of blocks in D
unsigned int BnumBlocks; // number of blocks in C and B
std::vector<double> Cvals;
std::vector<double> Dvals;
std::vector<double> Bvals;
std::vector<int> Dcols; // Columnpointers, contains M+1 entries
std::vector<unsigned int> Bcols;
std::vector<int> Drows; // Rowindicies, contains DnumBlocks*dim*dim_wells entries
std::vector<unsigned int> Brows;
std::vector<double> z1; // z1 = B * x
std::vector<double> z2; // z2 = D^-1 * B * x
void *UMFPACK_Symbolic, *UMFPACK_Numeric;
int *toOrder = nullptr;
bool reorder = false;
/// Translate the columnIndex if needed
/// Some preconditioners reorder the rows of the matrix, this means the columnIndices of the wellcontributions need to be reordered as well
unsigned int getColIdx(unsigned int idx);
using UMFPackIndex =
typename Dune::UMFPack<Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<double,1,1>>>::UMFPackMatrix::Index;
using UMFPackIndex = int;
/// Set a cudaStream to be used
/// \param[in] stream the cudaStream that is used
void setCudaStream(cudaStream_t stream);
/// Create a new MultisegmentWellContribution
/// Matrices C and B are passed in Blocked CSR, matrix D in CSC
/// The variables representing C, B and D will go out of scope when MultisegmentWell::addWellContribution() ends
/// \param[in] dim size of blocks in blockvectors x and y, equal to MultisegmentWell::numEq
/// \param[in] dim_wells size of blocks of C, B and D, equal to MultisegmentWell::numWellEq
/// \param[in] Nb number of blocks in vectors x and y
/// \param[in] Mb number of blockrows in C, B and D
/// \param[in] BnumBlocks number of blocks in C and B
/// \param[in] Bvalues nonzero values of matrix B
/// \param[in] BcolIndices columnindices of blocks of matrix B
/// \param[in] BrowPointers rowpointers of matrix B
/// \param[in] DnumBlocks number of blocks in D
/// \param[in] Dvalues nonzero values of matrix D
/// \param[in] DcolPointers columnpointers of matrix D
/// \param[in] DrowIndices rowindices of matrix D
/// \param[in] Cvalues nonzero values of matrix C
MultisegmentWellContribution(unsigned int dim, unsigned int dim_wells,
unsigned int Nb, unsigned int Mb,
unsigned int BnumBlocks, std::vector<double> &Bvalues, std::vector<unsigned int> &BcolIndices, std::vector<unsigned int> &BrowPointers,
unsigned int DnumBlocks, double *Dvalues, UMFPackIndex *DcolPointers,
UMFPackIndex *DrowIndices, std::vector<double> &Cvalues);
/// Destroy a MultisegmentWellContribution, and free memory
/// Apply the MultisegmentWellContribution on CPU
/// performs y -= (C^T * (D^-1 * (B*x))) for MultisegmentWell
/// \param[in] h_x vector x, must be on CPU
/// \param[inout] h_y vector y, must be on CPU
void apply(double *h_x, double *h_y);
/// Since the rows of the matrix are reordered, the columnindices of the matrixdata is incorrect
/// Those indices need to be mapped via toOrder
/// \param[in] toOrder array with mappings
void setReordering(int *toOrder, bool reorder);
} //namespace Opm