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Copyright 2016 IRIS AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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#include <opm/simulators/linalg/ISTLSolverEbos.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/BlackoilAmgCpr.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
namespace Opm
// Implementation for ISTL-matrix based operator
/// This class solves the fully implicit black-oil system by
/// solving the reduced system (after eliminating well variables)
/// as a block-structured matrix (one block for all cell variables) for a fixed
/// number of cell variables np .
/// \tparam MatrixBlockType The type of the matrix block used.
/// \tparam VectorBlockType The type of the vector block used.
/// \tparam pressureIndex The index of the pressure component in the vector
/// vector block. It is used to guide the AMG coarsening.
/// Default is zero.
template <class TypeTag>
class ISTLSolverEbosCpr : public ISTLSolverEbos<TypeTag>
// Types and indices from superclass.
using SuperClass = ISTLSolverEbos<TypeTag>;
using Matrix = typename SuperClass::Matrix;
using Vector = typename SuperClass::Vector;
using WellModel = typename SuperClass::WellModel;
using Simulator = typename SuperClass::Simulator;
using SparseMatrixAdapter = typename SuperClass::SparseMatrixAdapter;
enum { pressureEqnIndex = SuperClass::pressureEqnIndex };
enum { pressureVarIndex = SuperClass::pressureVarIndex };
// New properties in this subclass.
using Preconditioner = Dune::Preconditioner<Vector, Vector>;
using MatrixAdapter = Dune::MatrixAdapter<Matrix,Vector, Vector>;
using CouplingMetric = Opm::Amg::Element<pressureEqnIndex,pressureVarIndex>;
using CritBase = Dune::Amg::SymmetricCriterion<Matrix, CouplingMetric>;
using Criterion = Dune::Amg::CoarsenCriterion<CritBase>;
using CprSmootherFine = Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0<Matrix, Vector, Vector, Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation>;
using CprSmootherCoarse = CprSmootherFine;
using BlackoilAmgType = BlackoilAmgCpr<MatrixAdapter,CprSmootherFine, CprSmootherCoarse, Criterion, Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation,
pressureEqnIndex, pressureVarIndex>;
using OperatorSerial = WellModelMatrixAdapter< Matrix, Vector, Vector, WellModel, false>;
using POrComm = Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication<int,int>;
using ParallelMatrixAdapter = Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator<Matrix, Vector, Vector, POrComm >;
using ParallelCprSmootherFine = Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0<Matrix, Vector, Vector, POrComm >;
using ParallelCprSmootherCoarse = ParallelCprSmootherFine;
using ParallelBlackoilAmgType = BlackoilAmgCpr<ParallelMatrixAdapter, ParallelCprSmootherFine, ParallelCprSmootherCoarse, Criterion,
POrComm, pressureEqnIndex, pressureVarIndex>;
using OperatorParallel = WellModelMatrixAdapter< Matrix, Vector, Vector, WellModel, true>;
using ParallelScalarProduct = Dune::OverlappingSchwarzScalarProduct<Vector, POrComm>;
using POrComm = Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation;
using ParallelBlackoilAmgType = BlackoilAmgType;
using ParallelScalarProduct = Dune::SeqScalarProduct<Vector>;
using ParallelMatrixAdapter = MatrixAdapter;
using OperatorParallel = OperatorSerial;
static void registerParameters()
/// Construct a system solver.
/// \param[in] parallelInformation In the case of a parallel run
/// with dune-istl the information about the parallelization.
explicit ISTLSolverEbosCpr(const Simulator& simulator)
: SuperClass(simulator), oldMat()
extractParallelGridInformationToISTL(this->simulator_.vanguard().grid(), this->parallelInformation_);
detail::findOverlapAndInterior(this->simulator_.vanguard().grid(), this->overlapRows_, this->interiorRows_);
void prepare(const SparseMatrixAdapter& M, Vector& b)
if (oldMat != nullptr)
std::cout << "old was "<<oldMat<<" new is "<<&M.istlMatrix()<<std::endl;
oldMat = &M.istlMatrix();
int newton_iteration = this->simulator_.model().newtonMethod().numIterations();
if (newton_iteration < 1 or not(this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_)) {
SuperClass::matrix_.reset(new Matrix(M.istlMatrix()));
} else {
*SuperClass::matrix_ = M.istlMatrix();
SuperClass::rhs_ = &b;
const WellModel& wellModel = this->simulator_.problem().wellModel();
if( this->isParallel() ) {
//remove ghost rows in local matrix without doing a copy.
if (newton_iteration < 1 or not(this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_)) {
//Not sure what actual_mat_for_prec is, so put ebosJacIgnoreOverlap as both variables
//to be certain that correct matrix is used for preconditioning.
if( ! comm_ )
opAParallel_.reset(new OperatorParallel(*(this->matrix_), *(this->matrix_), wellModel,
this->parallelInformation_ ));
comm_ = opAParallel_->comm();
const size_t size = opAParallel_->getmat().N();
const ParallelISTLInformation& info =
boost::any_cast<const ParallelISTLInformation&>( this->parallelInformation_);
// As we use a dune-istl with block size np the number of components
// per parallel is only one.
info.copyValuesTo(comm_->indexSet(), comm_->remoteIndices(),
size, 1);
opAParallel_.reset(new OperatorParallel(*(this->matrix_), *(this->matrix_), wellModel,
comm_ ));
constexpr Dune::SolverCategory::Category category=Dune::SolverCategory::overlapping;
auto sp = Dune::createScalarProduct<Vector,POrComm>(*comm_, category);
sp_ = std::move(sp);
constexpr int category = Dune::SolverCategory::overlapping;
typedef Dune::ScalarProductChooser<Vector, POrComm, category> ScalarProductChooser;
typedef std::unique_ptr<typename ScalarProductChooser::ScalarProduct> SPPointer;
SPPointer sp(ScalarProductChooser::construct(*comm_));
sp_ = std::move(sp);
using AMGOperator = Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator<Matrix, Vector, Vector, POrComm>;
// If clause is always execute as as Linearoperator is WellModelMatrixAdapter< Matrix, Vector, Vector, WellModel, false|true>;
if( ! std::is_same< OperatorParallel, AMGOperator > :: value &&
( newton_iteration < 1 or not(this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_) ) ) {
// create new operator in case linear operator and matrix operator differ
opA_.reset( new AMGOperator( opAParallel_->getmat(), *comm_ ));
prepareSolver(*opAParallel_, *comm_);
} else
if (newton_iteration < 1 or not(this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_)) {
opASerial_.reset(new OperatorSerial(*(this->matrix_), *(this->matrix_), wellModel));
using POrCommType = Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation;
POrCommType parallelInformation_arg;
typedef OperatorSerial LinearOperator;
constexpr Dune::SolverCategory::Category category=Dune::SolverCategory::sequential;
auto sp = Dune::createScalarProduct<Vector,POrComm>(parallelInformation_arg, category);
sp_ = std::move(sp);
constexpr int category = Dune::SolverCategory::sequential;
typedef Dune::ScalarProductChooser<Vector, POrCommType, category> ScalarProductChooser;
typedef std::unique_ptr<typename ScalarProductChooser::ScalarProduct> SPPointer;
SPPointer sp(ScalarProductChooser::construct(parallelInformation_arg));
sp_ = std::move(sp);
// If clause is always execute as as Linearoperator is WellModelMatrixAdapter< Matrix, Vector, Vector, WellModel, false|true>;
if( ! std::is_same< LinearOperator, MatrixAdapter > :: value &&
( newton_iteration < 1 or not(this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_) ) ) {
// create new operator in case linear operator and matrix operator differ
opA_.reset( new MatrixAdapter( opASerial_->getmat()));//, parallelInformation_arg ) );
prepareSolver(*opASerial_, parallelInformation_arg);
template<typename Operator, typename Comm>
void prepareSolver(Operator& wellOpA, Comm& comm)
Vector& istlb = *(this->rhs_);
comm.copyOwnerToAll(istlb, istlb);
const double relax = this->parameters_.ilu_relaxation_;
const MILU_VARIANT ilu_milu = this->parameters_.ilu_milu_;
// TODO: revise choice of parameters
// int coarsenTarget = 4000;
int coarsenTarget = 1200;
Criterion criterion(15, coarsenTarget);
criterion.setDebugLevel( this->parameters_.cpr_solver_verbose_ ); // no debug information, 1 for printing hierarchy information
criterion.setNoPostSmoothSteps( 1 );
criterion.setNoPreSmoothSteps( 1 );
//new guesses by hmbn
//criterion.setAlpha(0.01); // criterion for connection strong 1/3 is default
//criterion.setMaxLevel(2); //
//criterion.setGamma(1); // //1 V cycle 2 WW
// Since DUNE 2.2 we also need to pass the smoother args instead of steps directly
using AmgType = typename std::conditional<std::is_same<Comm, Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation>::value,
BlackoilAmgType, ParallelBlackoilAmgType>::type;
using SpType = typename std::conditional<std::is_same<Comm, Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation>::value,
ParallelScalarProduct >::type;
using OperatorType = typename std::conditional<std::is_same<Comm, Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation>::value,
MatrixAdapter, ParallelMatrixAdapter>::type;
typedef typename AmgType::Smoother Smoother;
typedef typename Dune::Amg::SmootherTraits<Smoother>::Arguments SmootherArgs;
SmootherArgs smootherArgs;
smootherArgs.iterations = 1;
smootherArgs.relaxationFactor = relax;
const Opm::CPRParameter& params(this->parameters_); // strange conversion
ISTLUtility::setILUParameters(smootherArgs, ilu_milu);
auto& opARef = reinterpret_cast<OperatorType&>(*opA_);
int newton_iteration = this->simulator_.model().newtonMethod().numIterations();
bool update_preconditioner = false;
if (this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_ < 1) {
update_preconditioner = true;
if (this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_ < 2) {
if (newton_iteration < 1) {
update_preconditioner = true;
if (this->parameters_.cpr_reuse_setup_ < 3) {
if (this->iterations() > 10) {
update_preconditioner = true;
if ( update_preconditioner or (amg_== 0) ) {
amg_.reset( new AmgType( params, this->weights_, opARef, criterion, smootherArgs, comm ) );
} else {
if (this->parameters_.cpr_solver_verbose_) {
std::cout << " Only update amg solver " << std::endl;
reinterpret_cast<AmgType*>(amg_.get())->updatePreconditioner(opARef, smootherArgs, comm);
// Solve.
//SuperClass::solve(linearOperator, x, istlb, *sp, *amg, result);
//references seems to do something els than refering
int verbosity_linsolve = 0;
if (comm.communicator().rank() == 0) {
verbosity_linsolve = this->parameters_.linear_solver_verbosity_;
linsolve_.reset(new Dune::BiCGSTABSolver<Vector>(wellOpA, reinterpret_cast<SpType&>(*sp_), reinterpret_cast<AmgType&>(*amg_),
bool solve(Vector& x)
// Solve system.
Dune::InverseOperatorResult result;
Vector& istlb = *(this->rhs_);
linsolve_->apply(x, istlb, result);
if (this->parameters_.scale_linear_system_) {
return this->converged_;
///! \brief The dune-istl operator (either serial or parallel
std::unique_ptr< Dune::LinearOperator<Vector, Vector> > opA_;
///! \brief Serial well matrix adapter
std::unique_ptr< OperatorSerial > opASerial_;
///! \brief Parallel well matrix adapter
std::unique_ptr< OperatorParallel > opAParallel_;
///! \brief The preconditoner to use (either serial or parallel CPR with AMG)
std::unique_ptr< Preconditioner > amg_;
using SPPointer = std::shared_ptr< Dune::ScalarProduct<Vector> >;
SPPointer sp_;
std::shared_ptr< Dune::BiCGSTABSolver<Vector> > linsolve_;
const void* oldMat;
std::shared_ptr<POrComm> comm_;
}; // end ISTLSolver
} // namespace Opm