Andreas Lauser 830c119362 Pass the async_output to core ebos
this was forgotten when moving the output writing code into the ebos
core. (this does not really matter for most people because
asynchronous output is wanted anyway and it was unconditionally
2018-06-15 11:44:07 +02:00

620 lines
25 KiB
Executable File

Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2014 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2015 IRIS AS
Copyright 2014 STATOIL ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <opm/simulators/ParallelFileMerger.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilModelEbos.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/NewtonIterationBlackoilSimple.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/NewtonIterationBlackoilCPR.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/NewtonIterationBlackoilInterleaved.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/MissingFeatures.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/moduleVersion.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/ExtractParallelGridInformationToISTL.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/RedistributeDataHandles.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoilEbos.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/satfunc/RelpermDiagnostics.hpp>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/EclipsePRTLog.hpp>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/LogUtil.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Deck/Deck.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Parser/Parser.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Parser/ParseContext.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/IOConfig/IOConfig.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/InitConfig/InitConfig.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/checkDeck.hpp>
#include <dune/fem/misc/mpimanager.hh>
#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
namespace Opm
// The FlowMain class is the ebos based black-oil simulator.
template <class TypeTag>
class FlowMainEbos
enum FileOutputValue{
//! \brief No output to files.
//! \brief Output only to log files, no eclipse output.
//! \brief Output to all files.
typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, MaterialLaw)::EclMaterialLawManager MaterialLawManager;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Simulator) EbosSimulator;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ThreadManager) EbosThreadManager;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Grid) Grid;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Problem) Problem;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
typedef Opm::SimulatorFullyImplicitBlackoilEbos<TypeTag> Simulator;
typedef typename Simulator::ReservoirState ReservoirState;
/// This is the main function of Flow.
/// It runs a complete simulation, with the given grid and
/// simulator classes, based on user command-line input. The
/// content of this function used to be in the main() function of
/// flow.cpp.
int execute(int argc, char** argv)
try {
const bool ok = setupParameters(argc, argv);
if (!ok) {
// Run.
auto ret = runSimulator();
return ret;
catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Program threw an exception: " << e.what();
if( output_cout_ )
// in some cases exceptions are thrown before the logging system is set
// up.
if (OpmLog::hasBackend("STREAMLOG")) {
else {
std::cout << message.str() << "\n";
void setupParallelism()
// determine the rank of the current process and the number of processes
// involved in the simulation. MPI must have already been initialized here.
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank_);
int mpi_size;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
mpi_rank_ = 0;
const int mpi_size = 1;
output_cout_ = ( mpi_rank_ == 0 );
must_distribute_ = ( mpi_size > 1 );
#ifdef _OPENMP
// OpenMP setup.
if (!getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS")) {
// Default to at most 4 threads, regardless of
// number of cores (unless ENV(OMP_NUM_THREADS) is defined)
int num_cores = omp_get_num_procs();
int num_threads = std::min(4, num_cores);
// omp_get_num_threads() only works as expected within a parallel region.
const int num_omp_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
if (mpi_size == 1) {
std::cout << "OpenMP using " << num_omp_threads << " threads." << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "OpenMP using " << num_omp_threads << " threads on MPI rank " << mpi_rank_ << "." << std::endl;
// Print startup message if on output rank.
void printStartupMessage()
if (output_cout_) {
const int lineLen = 70;
const std::string version = moduleVersionName();
const std::string banner = "This is flow "+version;
const int bannerPreLen = (lineLen - 2 - banner.size())/2;
const int bannerPostLen = bannerPreLen + (lineLen - 2 - banner.size())%2;
std::cout << "**********************************************************************\n";
std::cout << "* *\n";
std::cout << "*" << std::string(bannerPreLen, ' ') << banner << std::string(bannerPostLen, ' ') << "*\n";
std::cout << "* *\n";
std::cout << "* Flow is a simulator for fully implicit three-phase black-oil flow, *\n";
std::cout << "* including solvent and polymer capabilities. *\n";
std::cout << "* For more information, see https://opm-project.org *\n";
std::cout << "* *\n";
std::cout << "**********************************************************************\n\n";
// Read parameters, see if a deck was specified on the command line, and if
// it was, insert it into parameters.
// Writes to:
// param_
// Returns true if ok, false if not.
bool setupParameters(int argc, char** argv)
param_ = ParameterGroup(argc, argv, false, output_cout_);
// See if a deck was specified on the command line.
if (!param_.unhandledArguments().empty()) {
if (param_.unhandledArguments().size() != 1) {
std::cerr << "You can only specify a single input deck on the command line.\n";
return false;
} else {
const auto casename = this->simulationCaseName( param_.unhandledArguments()[ 0 ] );
param_.insertParameter("deck_filename", casename.string() );
// We must have an input deck. Grid and props will be read from that.
if (!param_.has("deck_filename")) {
std::cerr << "This program must be run with an input deck.\n"
"Specify the deck filename either\n"
" a) as a command line argument by itself\n"
" b) as a command line parameter with the syntax deck_filename=<path to your deck>, or\n"
" c) as a parameter in a parameter file (.param or .xml) passed to the program.\n";
return false;
return true;
// Set output_to_files_ and set/create output dir. Write parameter file.
// Writes to:
// output_to_files_
// output_dir_
// Throws std::runtime_error if failed to create (if requested) output dir.
void setupOutput()
const std::string output = param_.getDefault("output", std::string("all"));
static std::map<std::string, FileOutputValue> string2OutputEnum =
{ {"none", OUTPUT_NONE },
{"false", OUTPUT_LOG_ONLY },
{"log", OUTPUT_LOG_ONLY },
{"all" , OUTPUT_ALL },
{"true" , OUTPUT_ALL }};
auto converted = string2OutputEnum.find(output);
if ( converted != string2OutputEnum.end() )
output_ = string2OutputEnum[output];
std::cerr << "Value " << output <<
" passed to option output was invalid. Using \"all\" instead."
<< std::endl;
output_to_files_ = output_cout_ && (output_ != OUTPUT_NONE);
// Setup OpmLog backend with output_dir.
void setupLogging()
std::string deck_filename = param_.get<std::string>("deck_filename");
// create logFile
using boost::filesystem::path;
path fpath(deck_filename);
std::string baseName;
std::ostringstream debugFileStream;
std::ostringstream logFileStream;
if (boost::to_upper_copy(path(fpath.extension()).string()) == ".DATA") {
baseName = path(fpath.stem()).string();
} else {
baseName = path(fpath.filename()).string();
const std::string& output_dir = eclState().getIOConfig().getOutputDir();
logFileStream << output_dir << "/" << baseName;
debugFileStream << output_dir << "/" << "." << baseName;
if ( must_distribute_ && mpi_rank_ != 0 )
// Added rank to log file for non-zero ranks.
// This prevents message loss.
debugFileStream << "."<< mpi_rank_;
// If the following file appears then there is a bug.
logFileStream << "." << mpi_rank_;
logFileStream << ".PRT";
debugFileStream << ".DEBUG";
logFile_ = logFileStream.str();
if( output_ > OUTPUT_NONE)
std::shared_ptr<EclipsePRTLog> prtLog = std::make_shared<EclipsePRTLog>(logFile_ , Log::NoDebugMessageTypes, false, output_cout_);
OpmLog::addBackend( "ECLIPSEPRTLOG" , prtLog );
if( output_ >= OUTPUT_LOG_ONLY && !param_.getDefault("no_debug_log", false) )
std::string debugFile = debugFileStream.str();
std::shared_ptr<StreamLog> debugLog = std::make_shared<EclipsePRTLog>(debugFile, Log::DefaultMessageTypes, false, output_cout_);
OpmLog::addBackend( "DEBUGLOG" , debugLog);
std::shared_ptr<StreamLog> streamLog = std::make_shared<StreamLog>(std::cout, Log::StdoutMessageTypes);
OpmLog::addBackend( "STREAMLOG", streamLog);
const auto& msgLimits = schedule().getMessageLimits();
const std::map<int64_t, int> limits = {{Log::MessageType::Note, msgLimits.getCommentPrintLimit(0)},
{Log::MessageType::Info, msgLimits.getMessagePrintLimit(0)},
{Log::MessageType::Warning, msgLimits.getWarningPrintLimit(0)},
{Log::MessageType::Error, msgLimits.getErrorPrintLimit(0)},
{Log::MessageType::Problem, msgLimits.getProblemPrintLimit(0)},
{Log::MessageType::Bug, msgLimits.getBugPrintLimit(0)}};
streamLog->setMessageLimiter(std::make_shared<MessageLimiter>(10, limits));
if ( output_cout_ )
// Read Parameters.
OpmLog::debug("\n--------------- Reading parameters ---------------\n");
void printPRTHeader()
// Print header for PRT file.
if ( output_cout_ ) {
const std::string version = moduleVersionName();
const double megabyte = 1024 * 1024;
unsigned num_cpu = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
struct utsname arch;
const char* user = getlogin();
time_t now = std::time(0);
struct tm tstruct;
char tmstr[80];
tstruct = *localtime(&now);
strftime(tmstr, sizeof(tmstr), "%d-%m-%Y at %X", &tstruct);
const double mem_size = getTotalSystemMemory() / megabyte;
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "\n\n\n";
ss << " ######## # ###### # #\n";
ss << " # # # # # # \n";
ss << " ##### # # # # # # \n";
ss << " # # # # # # # # \n";
ss << " # ####### ###### # # \n\n";
ss << "Flow is a simulator for fully implicit three-phase black-oil flow,";
ss << " and is part of OPM.\nFor more information visit: https://opm-project.org \n\n";
ss << "Flow Version = " + version + "\n";
if (uname(&arch) == 0) {
ss << "System = " << arch.nodename << " (Number of cores: " << num_cpu;
ss << ", RAM: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision (2) << mem_size << " MB) \n";
ss << "Architecture = " << arch.sysname << " " << arch.machine << " (Release: " << arch.release;
ss << ", Version: " << arch.version << " )\n";
if (user) {
ss << "User = " << user << std::endl;
ss << "Simulation started on " << tmstr << " hrs\n";
void mergeParallelLogFiles()
// force closing of all log files.
if( mpi_rank_ != 0 || !must_distribute_ || !output_to_files_ )
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
fs::path output_path(".");
const std::string& output_dir = eclState().getIOConfig().getOutputDir();
if ( param_.has("output_dir") )
output_path = fs::path(output_dir);
fs::path deck_filename(param_.get<std::string>("deck_filename"));
detail::ParallelFileMerger(output_path, deck_filename.stem().string()));
void setupEbosSimulator()
std::vector<const char*> argv;
std::string deckFileParam("--ecl-deck-file-name=");
const std::string& deckFileName = param_.get<std::string>("deck_filename");
deckFileParam += deckFileName;
std::string outputDirParam("--ecl-output-dir=");
if (param_.has("output_dir")) {
const std::string& output_dir = param_.get<std::string>("output_dir");
outputDirParam += output_dir;
std::string asyncOutputParam("--enable-async-ecl-output=");
if (param_.has("async_output")) {
const std::string& value = param_.get<std::string>("async_output");
asyncOutputParam += value;
std::string outputDoublePrecisionParam("--ecl-output-double-precision=");
if (param_.has("restart_double_si")) {
const std::string& value = param_.get<std::string>("restart_double_si");
outputDoublePrecisionParam += value;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
std::string numThreadsParam("--threads-per-process=");
int numThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
numThreadsParam += std::to_string(numThreads);
#endif // defined(_OPENMP)
Ewoms::setupParameters_<TypeTag>(argv.size(), &argv[0]);
ebosSimulator_.reset(new EbosSimulator(/*verbose=*/false));
try {
if (output_cout_) {
// Possible to force initialization only behavior (NOSIM).
if (param_.has("nosim")) {
const bool nosim = param_.get<bool>("nosim");
auto& ioConfig = eclState().getIOConfig();
ioConfig.overrideNOSIM( nosim );
catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
std::cerr << "Failed to create valid EclipseState object. See logfile: " << logFile_ << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Exception caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;
// Possibly override IOConfig setting (from deck) for how often RESTART files should get written to disk (every N report step)
if (param_.has("output_interval")) {
const int output_interval = param_.get<int>("output_interval");
eclState().getRestartConfig().overrideRestartWriteInterval( size_t( output_interval ) );
const Deck& deck() const
{ return ebosSimulator_->vanguard().deck(); }
Deck& deck()
{ return ebosSimulator_->vanguard().deck(); }
const EclipseState& eclState() const
{ return ebosSimulator_->vanguard().eclState(); }
EclipseState& eclState()
{ return ebosSimulator_->vanguard().eclState(); }
const Schedule& schedule() const
{ return ebosSimulator_->vanguard().schedule(); }
// Run diagnostics.
// Writes to:
// OpmLog singleton.
void runDiagnostics()
if( ! output_cout_ )
// Run relperm diagnostics
RelpermDiagnostics diagnostic;
diagnostic.diagnosis(eclState(), deck(), this->grid());
// Run the simulator.
// Returns EXIT_SUCCESS if it does not throw.
int runSimulator()
const auto& schedule = this->schedule();
const auto& timeMap = schedule.getTimeMap();
auto& ioConfig = eclState().getIOConfig();
SimulatorTimer simtimer;
// initialize variables
const auto& initConfig = eclState().getInitConfig();
simtimer.init(timeMap, (size_t)initConfig.getRestartStep());
if (!ioConfig.initOnly()) {
if (output_cout_) {
std::string msg;
msg = "\n\n================ Starting main simulation loop ===============\n";
SimulatorReport successReport = simulator_->run(simtimer);
SimulatorReport failureReport = simulator_->failureReport();
if (output_cout_) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "\n\n================ End of simulation ===============\n\n";
successReport.reportFullyImplicit(ss, &failureReport);
if (param_.anyUnused()) {
// This allows a user to catch typos and misunderstandings in the
// use of simulator parameters.
std::cout << "-------------------- Unused parameters: --------------------\n";
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
} else {
if (output_cout_) {
std::cout << "\n\n================ Simulation turned off ===============\n" << std::flush;
// Setup linear solver.
// Writes to:
// fis_solver_
void setupLinearSolver()
typedef typename BlackoilModelEbos<TypeTag> :: ISTLSolverType ISTLSolverType;
const std::string cprSolver = "cpr";
if (!param_.has("solver_approach") )
if ( eclState().getSimulationConfig().useCPR() )
param_.insertParameter("solver_approach", cprSolver);
extractParallelGridInformationToISTL(grid(), parallel_information_);
fis_solver_.reset( new ISTLSolverType( param_, parallel_information_ ) );
/// This is the main function of Flow.
// Create simulator instance.
// Writes to:
// simulator_
void createSimulator()
// Create the simulator instance.
simulator_.reset(new Simulator(*ebosSimulator_,
boost::filesystem::path simulationCaseName( const std::string& casename ) {
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
const auto exists = []( const fs::path& f ) -> bool {
if( !fs::exists( f ) ) return false;
if( fs::is_regular_file( f ) ) return true;
return fs::is_symlink( f )
&& fs::is_regular_file( fs::read_symlink( f ) );
auto simcase = fs::path( casename );
if( exists( simcase ) ) {
return simcase;
for( const auto& ext : { std::string("data"), std::string("DATA") } ) {
if( exists( simcase.replace_extension( ext ) ) ) {
return simcase;
throw std::invalid_argument( "Cannot find input case " + casename );
unsigned long long getTotalSystemMemory()
long pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
return pages * page_size;
Grid& grid()
{ return ebosSimulator_->vanguard().grid(); }
std::unique_ptr<EbosSimulator> ebosSimulator_;
int mpi_rank_ = 0;
bool output_cout_ = false;
FileOutputValue output_ = OUTPUT_ALL;
bool must_distribute_ = false;
ParameterGroup param_;
bool output_to_files_ = false;
boost::any parallel_information_;
std::unique_ptr<NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface> fis_solver_;
std::unique_ptr<Simulator> simulator_;
std::string logFile_;
} // namespace Opm