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// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
// NOTE: This file is a modified version of dune/istl/paamg/twolevelmethod.hh from
// dune-istl release 2.6.0. Modifications have been kept as minimal as possible.
#include <tuple>
//#include "amg.hh"
* @addtogroup ISTL_PAAMG
* @{
* @file
* @author Markus Blatt
* @brief Algebraic twolevel methods.
namespace Dune
namespace Amg
* @brief Abstract base class for transfer between levels and creation
* of the coarse level system.
* @tparam FO The type of the linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be
* derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
* @tparam CO The type of the linear operator of the coarse level system. Has to be
* derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
template<class FO, class CO>
class LevelTransferPolicyCpr
* @brief The linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be
* derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
typedef FO FineOperatorType;
* @brief The type of the range of the fine level operator.
typedef typename FineOperatorType::range_type FineRangeType;
* @brief The type of the domain of the fine level operator.
typedef typename FineOperatorType::domain_type FineDomainType;
* @brief The linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be
* derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
typedef CO CoarseOperatorType;
* @brief The type of the range of the coarse level operator.
typedef typename CoarseOperatorType::range_type CoarseRangeType;
* @brief The type of the domain of the coarse level operator.
typedef typename CoarseOperatorType::domain_type CoarseDomainType;
* @brief Get the coarse level operator.
* @return A shared pointer to the coarse level system.
std::shared_ptr<CoarseOperatorType>& getCoarseLevelOperator()
return operator_;
* @brief Get the coarse level right hand side.
* @return The coarse level right hand side.
CoarseRangeType& getCoarseLevelRhs()
return rhs_;
* @brief Get the coarse level left hand side.
* @return The coarse level leftt hand side.
CoarseDomainType& getCoarseLevelLhs()
return lhs_;
* @brief Transfers the data to the coarse level.
* Restricts the residual to the right hand side of the
* coarse level system and initialies the left hand side
* of the coarse level system. These can afterwards be accessed
* usinf getCoarseLevelRhs() and getCoarseLevelLhs().
* @param fineDefect The current residual of the fine level system.
virtual void moveToCoarseLevel(const FineRangeType& fineRhs)=0;
* @brief Updates the fine level linear system after the correction
* of the coarse levels system.
* After returning from this function the coarse level correction
* will have been added to fine level system.
* @param[inout] fineLhs The left hand side of the fine level to update
* with the coarse level correction.
virtual void moveToFineLevel(FineDomainType& fineLhs)=0;
* @brief Algebraically creates the coarse level system.
* After returning from this function the coarse level operator
* can be accessed using getCoarseLevelOperator().
* @param fineOperator The operator of the fine level system.
virtual void createCoarseLevelSystem(const FineOperatorType& fineOperator)=0;
* @brief ???.
virtual void calculateCoarseEntries(const FineOperatorType& fineOperator) = 0;
/** @brief Clone the current object. */
virtual LevelTransferPolicyCpr* clone() const =0;
/** @brief Destructor. */
virtual ~LevelTransferPolicyCpr(){}
/** @brief The coarse level rhs. */
CoarseRangeType rhs_;
/** @brief The coarse level lhs. */
CoarseDomainType lhs_;
/** @brief the coarse level linear operator. */
std::shared_ptr<CoarseOperatorType> operator_;
* @brief A LeveTransferPolicy that used aggregation to construct the coarse level system.
* @tparam O The type of the fine and coarse level operator.
* @tparam C The criterion that describes the aggregation procedure.
template<class O, class C>
class AggregationLevelTransferPolicyCpr
: public LevelTransferPolicyCpr<O,O>
typedef Dune::Amg::AggregatesMap<typename O::matrix_type::size_type> AggregatesMap;
typedef LevelTransferPolicyCpr<O,O> FatherType;
typedef C Criterion;
typedef SequentialInformation ParallelInformation;
AggregationLevelTransferPolicyCpr(const Criterion& crit)
: criterion_(crit)
void createCoarseLevelSystem(const O& fineOperator)
prolongDamp_ = criterion_.getProlongationDampingFactor();
GalerkinProduct<ParallelInformation> productBuilder;
typedef typename Dune::Amg::MatrixGraph<const typename O::matrix_type> MatrixGraph;
typedef typename Dune::Amg::PropertiesGraph<MatrixGraph,Dune::Amg::VertexProperties,
Dune::Amg::EdgeProperties,Dune::IdentityMap,Dune::IdentityMap> PropertiesGraph;
MatrixGraph mg(fineOperator.getmat());
PropertiesGraph pg(mg,Dune::IdentityMap(),Dune::IdentityMap());
typedef NegateSet<typename ParallelInformation::OwnerSet> OverlapFlags;
aggregatesMap_.reset(new AggregatesMap(pg.maxVertex()+1));
int noAggregates, isoAggregates, oneAggregates, skippedAggregates;
std::tie(noAggregates, isoAggregates, oneAggregates, skippedAggregates) =
aggregatesMap_->buildAggregates(fineOperator.getmat(), pg, criterion_, true);
std::cout<<"no aggregates="<<noAggregates<<" iso="<<isoAggregates<<" one="<<oneAggregates<<" skipped="<<skippedAggregates<<std::endl;
// misuse coarsener to renumber aggregates
Dune::Amg::IndicesCoarsener<Dune::Amg::SequentialInformation,int> renumberer;
typedef std::vector<bool>::iterator Iterator;
typedef Dune::IteratorPropertyMap<Iterator, Dune::IdentityMap> VisitedMap;
std::vector<bool> excluded(fineOperator.getmat().N(), false);
VisitedMap vm(excluded.begin(), Dune::IdentityMap());
ParallelInformation pinfo;
std::size_t aggregates = renumberer.coarsen(pinfo, pg, vm,
*aggregatesMap_, pinfo,
std::vector<bool>& visited=excluded;
typedef std::vector<bool>::iterator Iterator;
for(Iterator iter= visited.begin(), end=visited.end();
iter != end; ++iter)
matrix_.reset(productBuilder.build(mg, vm,
productBuilder.calculate(fineOperator.getmat(), *aggregatesMap_, *matrix_, pinfo, OverlapFlags());
this->operator_.reset(new O(*matrix_));
void moveToCoarseLevel(const typename FatherType::FineRangeType& fineRhs)
Transfer<std::size_t,typename FatherType::FineRangeType,ParallelInformation>
::restrictVector(*aggregatesMap_, this->rhs_, fineRhs, ParallelInformation());
void moveToFineLevel(typename FatherType::FineDomainType& fineLhs)
Transfer<std::size_t,typename FatherType::FineRangeType,ParallelInformation>
::prolongateVector(*aggregatesMap_, this->lhs_, fineLhs,
prolongDamp_, ParallelInformation());
AggregationLevelTransferPolicyCpr* clone() const
return new AggregationLevelTransferPolicyCpr(*this);
typename O::matrix_type::field_type prolongDamp_;
std::shared_ptr<AggregatesMap> aggregatesMap_;
Criterion criterion_;
std::shared_ptr<typename O::matrix_type> matrix_;
* @brief A policy class for solving the coarse level system using one step of AMG.
* @tparam O The type of the linear operator used.
* @tparam S The type of the smoother used in AMG.
* @tparam C The type of the crition used for the aggregation within AMG.
template<class O, class S, class C>
class OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicyCpr
/** @brief The type of the linear operator used. */
typedef O Operator;
/** @brief The type of the range and domain of the operator. */
typedef typename O::range_type X;
/** @brief The type of the crition used for the aggregation within AMG.*/
typedef C Criterion;
/** @brief The type of the smoother used in AMG. */
typedef S Smoother;
/** @brief The type of the arguments used for constructing the smoother. */
typedef typename Dune::Amg::SmootherTraits<S>::Arguments SmootherArgs;
/** @brief The type of the AMG construct on the coarse level.*/
typedef AMG<Operator,X,Smoother> AMGType;
* @brief Constructs the coarse solver policy.
* @param args The arguments used for constructing the smoother.
* @param c The crition used for the aggregation within AMG.
OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicyCpr(const SmootherArgs& args, const Criterion& c)
: smootherArgs_(args), criterion_(c)
/** @brief Copy constructor. */
OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicyCpr(const OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicyCpr& other)
: coarseOperator_(other.coarseOperator_), smootherArgs_(other.smootherArgs_),
* @brief A wrapper that makes an inverse operator out of AMG.
* The operator will use one step of AMG to approximately solve
* the coarse level system.
struct AMGInverseOperator : public InverseOperator<X,X>
AMGInverseOperator(const typename AMGType::Operator& op,
const Criterion& crit,
const typename AMGType::SmootherArgs& args)
: amg_(op, crit,args), first_(true)
void apply(X& x, X& b, double reduction, InverseOperatorResult& res)
void apply(X& x, X& b, InverseOperatorResult& res)
return apply(x,b,1e-8,res);
virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
return amg_.category();
AMGInverseOperator(const AMGInverseOperator& other)
: x_(other.x_), amg_(other.amg_), first_(other.first_)
X x_;
AMGType amg_;
bool first_;
/** @brief The type of solver constructed for the coarse level. */
typedef AMGInverseOperator CoarseLevelSolver;
* @brief Constructs a coarse level solver.
* @param transferPolicy The policy describing the transfer between levels.
* @return A pointer to the constructed coarse level solver.
* @tparam P The type of the level transfer policy.
template<class P>
CoarseLevelSolver* createCoarseLevelSolver(P& transferPolicy)
AMGInverseOperator* inv = new AMGInverseOperator(*coarseOperator_,
return inv; //std::shared_ptr<InverseOperator<X,X> >(inv);
/** @brief The coarse level operator. */
std::shared_ptr<Operator> coarseOperator_;
/** @brief The arguments used to construct the smoother. */
SmootherArgs smootherArgs_;
/** @brief The coarsening criterion. */
Criterion criterion_;
* @tparam FO The type of the fine level linear operator.
* @tparam CSP The type of the coarse level solver policy.
* @tparam S The type of the fine level smoother used.
template<class FO, class CSP, class S>
class TwoLevelMethodCpr :
public Preconditioner<typename FO::domain_type, typename FO::range_type>
/** @brief The type of the policy for constructing the coarse level solver. */
typedef CSP CoarseLevelSolverPolicy;
/** @brief The type of the coarse level solver. */
typedef typename CoarseLevelSolverPolicy::CoarseLevelSolver CoarseLevelSolver;
* @brief The linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be
* derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
typedef FO FineOperatorType;
* @brief The type of the range of the fine level operator.
typedef typename FineOperatorType::range_type FineRangeType;
* @brief The type of the domain of the fine level operator.
typedef typename FineOperatorType::domain_type FineDomainType;
* @brief The linear operator of the finel level system. Has to be
* derived from AssembledLinearOperator.
typedef typename CSP::Operator CoarseOperatorType;
* @brief The type of the range of the coarse level operator.
typedef typename CoarseOperatorType::range_type CoarseRangeType;
* @brief The type of the domain of the coarse level operator.
typedef typename CoarseOperatorType::domain_type CoarseDomainType;
* @brief The type of the fine level smoother.
typedef S SmootherType;
* @brief Constructs a two level method.
* @tparam CoarseSolverPolicy The policy for constructing the coarse
* solver, e.g. OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicy
* @param op The fine level operator.
* @param smoother The fine level smoother.
* @param policy The level transfer policy.
* @param coarsePolicy The policy for constructing the coarse level solver.
* @param preSteps The number of smoothing steps to apply before the coarse
* level correction.
* @param preSteps The number of smoothing steps to apply after the coarse
* level correction.
TwoLevelMethodCpr(const FineOperatorType& op,
std::shared_ptr<SmootherType> smoother,
const LevelTransferPolicyCpr<FineOperatorType,
CoarseOperatorType>& policy,
CoarseLevelSolverPolicy& coarsePolicy,
std::size_t preSteps=1, std::size_t postSteps=1)
: operator_(&op), smoother_(smoother),
preSteps_(preSteps), postSteps_(postSteps)
policy_ = policy.clone();
TwoLevelMethodCpr(const TwoLevelMethodCpr& other)
: operator_(other.operator_), coarseSolver_(new CoarseLevelSolver(*other.coarseSolver_)),
smoother_(other.smoother_), policy_(other.policy_->clone()),
preSteps_(other.preSteps_), postSteps_(other.postSteps_)
// Each instance has its own policy.
delete policy_;
delete coarseSolver_;
void updatePreconditioner(FineOperatorType& /* op */,
std::shared_ptr<SmootherType> smoother,
CoarseLevelSolverPolicy& coarsePolicy)
updatePreconditioner(smoother, coarsePolicy);
void updatePreconditioner(std::shared_ptr<SmootherType> smoother,
CoarseLevelSolverPolicy& coarsePolicy)
//assume new matrix is not reallocated the new precondition should anyway be made
smoother_ = smoother;
if (coarseSolver_) {
} else {
// we should probably not be heere
coarseSolver_ = coarsePolicy.createCoarseLevelSolver(*policy_);
void pre(FineDomainType& x, FineRangeType& b)
void post(FineDomainType& x)
void apply(FineDomainType& v, const FineRangeType& d)
FineDomainType u(v);
FineRangeType rhs(d);
LevelContext context;
SequentialInformation info;
// Presmoothing
presmooth(context, preSteps_);
//Coarse grid correction
InverseOperatorResult res;
coarseSolver_->apply(policy_->getCoarseLevelLhs(), policy_->getCoarseLevelRhs(), res);
*context.update += *context.lhs;
// Postsmoothing
postsmooth(context, postSteps_);
// //! Category of the preconditioner (see SolverCategory::Category)
virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
return SolverCategory::sequential;
* @brief Struct containing the level information.
struct LevelContext
/** @brief The type of the smoother used. */
typedef S SmootherType;
/** @brief A pointer to the smoother. */
std::shared_ptr<SmootherType> smoother;
/** @brief The left hand side passed to the and returned by the smoother. */
FineDomainType* lhs;
* @brief The right hand side holding the current residual.
* This is passed to the smoother as the right hand side.
FineRangeType* rhs;
* @brief The total update calculated by the preconditioner.
* I.e. all update from smoothing and coarse grid correction summed up.
FineDomainType* update;
/** @parallel information */
SequentialInformation* pinfo;
* @brief The matrix that we are solving.
* Needed to update the residual.
const FineOperatorType* matrix;
const FineOperatorType* operator_;
/** @brief The coarse level solver. */
CoarseLevelSolver* coarseSolver_;
/** @brief The fine level smoother. */
std::shared_ptr<S> smoother_;
/** @brief Policy for prolongation, restriction, and coarse level system creation. */
LevelTransferPolicyCpr<FO,typename CSP::Operator>* policy_;
/** @brief The number of presmoothing steps to apply. */
std::size_t preSteps_;
/** @brief The number of postsmoothing steps to apply. */
std::size_t postSteps_;
}// end namespace Amg
}// end namespace Dune
/** @} */