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#include <config.h>
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE TestGpuPvt
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <opm/material/common/MathToolbox.hpp>
#include <opm/material/densead/Evaluation.hpp>
#include <opm/material/densead/Math.hpp>
#include <opm/material/common/UniformTabulated2DFunction.hpp>
#include <opm/material/components/CO2Tables.hpp>
#include <opm/material/components/CO2.hpp>
#include <opm/material/components/SimpleHuDuanH2O.hpp>
#include <opm/material/components/BrineDynamic.hpp>
#include <opm/material/binarycoefficients/Brine_CO2.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/Co2GasPvt.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Co2StoreConfig.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/gpuistl/detail/gpu_safe_call.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/gpuistl/GpuBuffer.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/gpuistl/GpuView.hpp>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <cmath>
using Evaluation = Opm::DenseAd::Evaluation<double, 3>;
using GpuB = const Opm::gpuistl::GpuBuffer<double>;
using GpuV = Opm::gpuistl::GpuView<const double>;
using GpuTab = Opm::UniformTabulated2DFunction<double, GpuV>;
using GpuBufCo2Tables = Opm::CO2Tables<double, GpuB>;
using GpuViewCO2Tables = Opm::CO2Tables<double, GpuV>;
using GpuCO2 = Opm::CO2<double, GpuViewCO2Tables>;
using HuDuan = Opm::SimpleHuDuanH2O<double>;
using BrineDyn = Opm::BrineDynamic<double, HuDuan>;
using CpuBrine_CO2 = Opm::BinaryCoeff::Brine_CO2<double, HuDuan, Opm::CO2<double>>;
using GpuBrine_CO2 = Opm::BinaryCoeff::Brine_CO2<double, HuDuan, GpuCO2>;
using CpuCo2Pvt = Opm::Co2GasPvt<double>;
using GpuBufCo2Pvt = Opm::Co2GasPvt<double, GpuBufCo2Tables, GpuB>;
using GpuViewCo2Pvt = Opm::Co2GasPvt<double, GpuViewCO2Tables, GpuV>;
namespace {
This file contains unit tests for Pvt objects and function on the GPU, with additional helper classes
const double ABS_TOL = 1e-6;
struct Fixture {
temp = Evaluation(290.5);
pressure = Evaluation(200000.0);
gpuComputedResultOnCpu = 0.0;
// move pvt evaluations to gpu
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&gpuTemp, sizeof(Evaluation)));
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(gpuTemp, &temp, sizeof(Evaluation), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&gpuPressure, sizeof(Evaluation)));
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(gpuPressure, &pressure, sizeof(Evaluation), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
Evaluation temp; // [K]
Evaluation pressure; // [Pa]
Evaluation* gpuTemp; // [K]
Evaluation* gpuPressure; // [Pa]
double gpuComputedResultOnCpu;
Opm::CO2Tables<double, std::vector<double>> co2Tables;
// Kernel to evaluate a 2D function on the GPU
__global__ void gpuEvaluateUniformTabulated2DFunction(GpuTab gpuTab, Evaluation* inputX, Evaluation* inputY, double* result) {
*result = gpuTab.eval(*inputX, *inputY, true).value();
// Kernel using a CO2 object on the GPU
__global__ void gpuCO2GasViscosity(GpuViewCO2Tables gpuViewCo2Tables, Evaluation* temp, Evaluation* pressure, double* result) {
*result = GpuCO2::gasViscosity<Evaluation>(gpuViewCo2Tables, *temp, *pressure, true).value();
// Kernel using a SimpleHuDuanH20 object on a GPU
__global__ void huDuanLiquidDensity(Evaluation* temp, Evaluation* pressure, double* result) {
*result = HuDuan::liquidDensity<Evaluation>(*temp, *pressure, true).value();
// Kernel using a BrineDynamic object on a GPU
__global__ void brineDynamicLiquidEnthalpy(Evaluation* temp, Evaluation* pressure, Evaluation* salinity, double* result) {
*result = BrineDyn::liquidEnthalpy<Evaluation>(*temp, *pressure, *salinity).value();
// Kernel using a Brine_CO2 object on a GPU
__global__ void brineCO2GasDiffCoeff(GpuViewCO2Tables co2tables, Evaluation* temp, Evaluation* pressure, double* result) {
*result = GpuBrine_CO2::gasDiffCoeff<Evaluation, GpuViewCO2Tables>(co2tables, *temp, *pressure, true).value();
// Kernel using a Co2GasPvt object on a GPU
__global__ void co2GasPvtInternalEnergy(GpuViewCo2Pvt gpuViewCo2Pvt, Evaluation* temp, Evaluation* pressure, double* result) {
*result = gpuViewCo2Pvt.internalEnergy<Evaluation>(1, *temp, *pressure, Evaluation(0.4), Evaluation(0.0)).value();
// Helper function to launch a kernel and retrieve the result on the CPU to reduce code duplicatoin
template <typename KernelFunc, typename... Args>
double launchKernelAndRetrieveResult(KernelFunc kernel, Args... args) {
double* resultOnGpu;
double gpuComputedResultOnCpu;
// Allocate memory for the result on the GPU
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&resultOnGpu, sizeof(double)));
// Launch the kernel
kernel<<<1, 1>>>(args..., resultOnGpu);
// Check for any errors in kernel launch
// Retrieve the result from the GPU to the CPU
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(&gpuComputedResultOnCpu, resultOnGpu, sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
// Free allocated GPU memory
return gpuComputedResultOnCpu;
bool compareSignificantDigits(double a, double b, int significantDigits) {
// Handle the case where both values are exactly equal
if (a == b) {
return true;
// Calculate the relative error
double relativeError = std::abs(a - b) / std::max(std::abs(a), std::abs(b));
// Compute the number of matching digits
double digitsMatched = -std::log10(relativeError);
// Return true if they match the required number of significant digits
return digitsMatched >= significantDigits;
// Test case for evaluating a tabulated 2D function on both CPU and GPU
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(TestEvaluateUniformTabulated2DFunctionOnGpu, Fixture) {
// Example tabulated data (2D)
std::vector<std::vector<double>> tabData = {{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}, {5.0, 6.0}};
// CPU-side function definition
Opm::UniformTabulated2DFunction<double> cpuTab(1.0, 6.0, 3, 1.0, 6.0, 2, tabData);
// Move data to GPU buffer and create a view for GPU operations
Opm::UniformTabulated2DFunction<double, GpuB> gpuBufTab = Opm::gpuistl::move_to_gpu<double, GpuB>(cpuTab);
GpuTab gpuViewTab = Opm::gpuistl::make_view<GpuV>(gpuBufTab);
// Evaluation points on the CPU
Evaluation a(2.3);
Evaluation b(4.5);
// Allocate GPU memory for the Evaluation inputs
Evaluation* gpuA = nullptr;
Evaluation* gpuB = nullptr;
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&gpuA, sizeof(Evaluation)));
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(gpuA, &a, sizeof(Evaluation), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&gpuB, sizeof(Evaluation)));
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(gpuB, &b, sizeof(Evaluation), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
gpuComputedResultOnCpu = launchKernelAndRetrieveResult(gpuEvaluateUniformTabulated2DFunction, gpuViewTab, gpuA, gpuB);
// Free allocated GPU memory
// Verify that the CPU and GPU results match within a reasonable tolerance
const double cpuComputedResult = cpuTab.eval(a, b, true).value();
BOOST_CHECK(std::fabs(gpuComputedResultOnCpu - cpuComputedResult) < ABS_TOL);
// Test case evaluating CO2 pvt properties on CPU and GPU
// use the CO2 tables to aquire the viscosity at 290[K] and 2e5[Pa]
double viscosityReference = Opm::CO2<double, Opm::CO2Tables<double, std::vector<double>>>::gasViscosity<Evaluation>(co2Tables, temp, pressure, true).value();
GpuBufCo2Tables gpuBufCo2Table = Opm::gpuistl::move_to_gpu<double, std::vector<double>, GpuB>(co2Tables);
GpuViewCO2Tables gpuViewCo2Table = Opm::gpuistl::make_view<GpuV>(gpuBufCo2Table);
gpuComputedResultOnCpu = launchKernelAndRetrieveResult(gpuCO2GasViscosity, gpuViewCo2Table, gpuTemp, gpuPressure);
// Verify that the CPU and GPU results match within a reasonable tolerance
BOOST_CHECK(std::fabs(gpuComputedResultOnCpu - viscosityReference) < ABS_TOL);
// Test case evaluating pvt values for SimpleHuDuanH20 on a GPU and CPU
// use the CO2 tables to aquire the densityReference at 290[K] and 2e5[Pa]
double densityReference = HuDuan::liquidDensity<Evaluation>(temp, pressure, true).value();
gpuComputedResultOnCpu = launchKernelAndRetrieveResult(huDuanLiquidDensity, gpuTemp, gpuPressure);
// Verify that the CPU and GPU results match within a reasonable tolerance
BOOST_CHECK(std::fabs(gpuComputedResultOnCpu - densityReference) < ABS_TOL);
// Test case evaluating pvt values for BrineDynamic on a GPU and CPU
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(TestUseBrineDynamicOnGpu, Fixture) {
Evaluation salinity(0.1); // [g/Kg]
// use the CO2 tables to aquire the enthalpyReference at 290[K] and 2e5[Pa]
double enthalpyReference = BrineDyn::liquidEnthalpy<Evaluation>(temp, pressure, salinity).value();
// Allocate GPU memory for the Evaluation inputs
Evaluation* gpuSalinity = nullptr;
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&gpuSalinity, sizeof(Evaluation)));
OPM_GPU_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(gpuSalinity, &salinity, sizeof(Evaluation), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
gpuComputedResultOnCpu = launchKernelAndRetrieveResult(brineDynamicLiquidEnthalpy, gpuTemp, gpuPressure, gpuSalinity);
// Verify that the CPU and GPU results match within a reasonable tolerance
BOOST_CHECK(std::fabs(gpuComputedResultOnCpu - enthalpyReference) < ABS_TOL);
// Test case evaluating pvt values for BrineDynamic on a GPU and CPU
// use the CO2 tables to aquire the gasDiffCoeffReference at 290[K] and 2e5[Pa]
double gasDiffCoeffReference = CpuBrine_CO2::gasDiffCoeff<Evaluation>(co2Tables, temp, pressure, true).value();
// use the CO2 tables to aquire the viscosity at 290[K] and 2e5[Pa]
double viscosity = Opm::CO2<double, Opm::CO2Tables<double, std::vector<double>>>::gasViscosity<Evaluation>(co2Tables, temp, pressure, true).value();
GpuBufCo2Tables gpuBufCo2Table = Opm::gpuistl::move_to_gpu<double, std::vector<double>, GpuB>(co2Tables);
GpuViewCO2Tables gpuViewCo2Table = Opm::gpuistl::make_view<GpuV>(gpuBufCo2Table);
gpuComputedResultOnCpu = launchKernelAndRetrieveResult(brineCO2GasDiffCoeff, gpuViewCo2Table, gpuTemp, gpuPressure);
// Verify that the CPU and GPU results match within a reasonable tolerance
BOOST_CHECK(std::fabs(gpuComputedResultOnCpu - gasDiffCoeffReference) < ABS_TOL);
// Test case evaluating pvt values for BrineDynamic on a GPU and CPU
std::vector<double> salinities = {0.2, 0.3, 0.4};
CpuCo2Pvt cpuCo2Pvt(salinities);
double internalEnergyReference = cpuCo2Pvt.internalEnergy<Evaluation>(1, temp, pressure, Evaluation(0.4), Evaluation(0.0)).value();
const GpuBufCo2Pvt gpuBufCo2Pvt = Opm::gpuistl::move_to_gpu<double, GpuBufCo2Tables, GpuB>(cpuCo2Pvt);
const auto brineReferenceDensityCPUCopy = gpuBufCo2Pvt.getBrineReferenceDensity().asStdVector();
const GpuViewCo2Pvt gpuViewCo2Pvt = Opm::gpuistl::make_view<GpuV, GpuViewCO2Tables>(gpuBufCo2Pvt);
gpuComputedResultOnCpu = launchKernelAndRetrieveResult(co2GasPvtInternalEnergy, gpuViewCo2Pvt, gpuTemp, gpuPressure);
// Verify that the CPU and GPU results match within a reasonable tolerance
BOOST_CHECK(compareSignificantDigits(gpuComputedResultOnCpu, internalEnergyReference, 6));