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Copyright 2015 IRIS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/autodiff/SolventPropsAdFromDeck.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/AutoDiffHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/extractPvtTableIndex.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/TableManager.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/PvdsTable.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/SsfnTable.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/Sof2Table.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/TlpmixpaTable.hpp>
namespace Opm
// Making these typedef to make the code more readable.
typedef SolventPropsAdFromDeck::ADB ADB;
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> S;
typedef Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic> D;
typedef SolventPropsAdFromDeck::V V;
typedef Eigen::Array<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> Block;
SolventPropsAdFromDeck::SolventPropsAdFromDeck(DeckConstPtr deck,
EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
const int number_of_cells,
const int* global_cell)
if (deck->hasKeyword("SOLVENT")) {
// retrieve the cell specific PVT table index from the deck
// and using the grid...
extractPvtTableIndex(cellPvtRegionIdx_, eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell);
extractTableIndex("SATNUM", eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell, cellSatNumRegionIdx_);
// surface densities
if (deck->hasKeyword("SDENSITY")) {
const auto& densityKeyword = deck->getKeyword("SDENSITY");
int numRegions = densityKeyword.size();
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
= densityKeyword.getRecord(regionIdx).getItem("SOLVENT_DENSITY").getSIDouble(0);
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SDENSITY must be specified in SOLVENT runs\n");
const auto& tables = eclState->getTableManager();
// pvt
const TableContainer& pvdsTables = tables.getPvdsTables();
if (!pvdsTables.empty()) {
int numRegions = pvdsTables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::PvdsTable& pvdsTable = pvdsTables.getTable<PvdsTable>(regionIdx);
const auto& press = pvdsTable.getPressureColumn();
const auto& b = pvdsTable.getFormationFactorColumn();
const auto& visc = pvdsTable.getViscosityColumn();
const int sz = b.size();
std::vector<double> inverseBmu(sz);
std::vector<double> inverseB(sz);
for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
inverseB[i] = 1.0 / b[i];
inverseBmu[i] = 1.0 / (b[i] * visc[i]);
b_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(press, inverseB);
viscosity_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(press, visc);
inverseBmu_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(press, inverseBmu);
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "PVDS must be specified in SOLVENT runs\n");
const TableContainer& ssfnTables = tables.getSsfnTables();
// relative permeabilty multiplier
if (!ssfnTables.empty()) {
int numRegions = ssfnTables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::SsfnTable& ssfnTable = ssfnTables.getTable<SsfnTable>(regionIdx);
// Copy data
const auto& solventFraction = ssfnTable.getSolventFractionColumn();
const auto& krg = ssfnTable.getGasRelPermMultiplierColumn();
const auto& krs = ssfnTable.getSolventRelPermMultiplierColumn();
krg_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(solventFraction, krg);
krs_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(solventFraction, krs);
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SSFN must be specified in SOLVENT runs\n");
if (deck->hasKeyword("MISCIBLE") ) {
// retrieve the cell specific Misc table index from the deck
// and using the grid...
extractTableIndex("MISCNUM", eclState, number_of_cells, global_cell, cellMiscRegionIdx_);
// misicible hydrocabon relative permeability wrt water
const TableContainer& sof2Tables = tables.getSof2Tables();
if (!sof2Tables.empty()) {
int numRegions = sof2Tables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::Sof2Table& sof2Table = sof2Tables.getTable<Sof2Table>(regionIdx);
// Copy data
// Sn = So + Sg + Ss;
const auto& sn = sof2Table.getSoColumn();
const auto& krn = sof2Table.getKroColumn();
krn_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(sn, krn);
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SOF2 must be specified in MISCIBLE (SOLVENT) runs\n");
const TableContainer& miscTables = tables.getMiscTables();
if (!miscTables.empty()) {
int numRegions = miscTables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::MiscTable& miscTable = miscTables.getTable<MiscTable>(regionIdx);
// Copy data
// solventFraction = Ss / (Ss + Sg);
const auto& solventFraction = miscTable.getSolventFractionColumn();
const auto& misc = miscTable.getMiscibilityColumn();
misc_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(solventFraction, misc);
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "MISC must be specified in MISCIBLE (SOLVENT) runs\n");
const TableContainer& pmiscTables = tables.getPmiscTables();
if (!pmiscTables.empty()) {
int numRegions = pmiscTables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::PmiscTable& pmiscTable = pmiscTables.getTable<PmiscTable>(regionIdx);
// Copy data
const auto& po = pmiscTable.getOilPhasePressureColumn();
const auto& pmisc = pmiscTable.getMiscibilityColumn();
pmisc_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(po, pmisc);
// miscible relative permeability multipleiers
const TableContainer& msfnTables = tables.getMsfnTables();
if (!msfnTables.empty()) {
int numRegions = msfnTables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::MsfnTable& msfnTable = msfnTables.getTable<MsfnTable>(regionIdx);
// Copy data
// Ssg = Ss + Sg;
const auto& Ssg = msfnTable.getGasPhaseFractionColumn();
const auto& krsg = msfnTable.getGasSolventRelpermMultiplierColumn();
const auto& kro = msfnTable.getOilRelpermMultiplierColumn();
mkrsg_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(Ssg, krsg);
mkro_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(Ssg, kro);
const TableContainer& sorwmisTables = tables.getSorwmisTables();
if (!sorwmisTables.empty()) {
int numRegions = sorwmisTables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::SorwmisTable& sorwmisTable = sorwmisTables.getTable<SorwmisTable>(regionIdx);
// Copy data
const auto& sw = sorwmisTable.getWaterSaturationColumn();
const auto& sorwmis = sorwmisTable.getMiscibleResidualOilColumn();
sorwmis_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(sw, sorwmis);
const TableContainer& sgcwmisTables = tables.getSgcwmisTables();
if (!sgcwmisTables.empty()) {
int numRegions = sgcwmisTables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::SgcwmisTable& sgcwmisTable = sgcwmisTables.getTable<SgcwmisTable>(regionIdx);
// Copy data
const auto& sw = sgcwmisTable.getWaterSaturationColumn();
const auto& sgcwmis = sgcwmisTable.getMiscibleResidualGasColumn();
sgcwmis_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(sw, sgcwmis);
if (deck->hasKeyword("TLMIXPAR")) {
const int numRegions = deck->getKeyword("TLMIXPAR").size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const auto& tlmixparRecord = deck->getKeyword("TLMIXPAR").getRecord(regionIdx);
const auto& mix_params_viscosity = tlmixparRecord.getItem("TL_VISCOSITY_PARAMETER").getSIDoubleData();
mix_param_viscosity_[regionIdx] = mix_params_viscosity[0];
const auto& mix_params_density = tlmixparRecord.getItem("TL_DENSITY_PARAMETER").getSIDoubleData();
const int numDensityItems = mix_params_density.size();
if (numDensityItems == 0) {
mix_param_density_[regionIdx] = mix_param_viscosity_[regionIdx];
} else if (numDensityItems == 1) {
mix_param_density_[regionIdx] = mix_params_density[0];
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Only one value can be entered for the TL parameter pr MISC region.");
if (deck->hasKeyword("TLPMIXPA")) {
const TableContainer& tlpmixparTables = tables.getTlpmixpaTables();
if (!tlpmixparTables.empty()) {
int numRegions = tlpmixparTables.size();
// resize the attributes of the object
for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
const Opm::TlpmixpaTable& tlpmixparTable = tlpmixparTables.getTable<TlpmixpaTable>(regionIdx);
// Copy data
const auto& po = tlpmixparTable.getOilPhasePressureColumn();
const auto& tlpmixpa = tlpmixparTable.getMiscibilityColumn();
tlpmix_param_[regionIdx] = NonuniformTableLinear<double>(po, tlpmixpa);
} else {
// if empty keyword. Try to use the pmisc table as default.
if (pmisc_.size() > 0) {
tlpmix_param_ = pmisc_;
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::invalid_argument, "If the pressure dependent TL values in TLPMIXPA is defaulted (no entries), then the PMISC tables must be specified.");
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::muSolvent(const ADB& pg,
const Cells& cells) const
const int n = cells.size();
assert(pg.value().size() == n);
V mu(n);
V dmudp(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const double& pg_i = pg.value()[i];
int regionIdx = cellPvtRegionIdx_[cells[i]];
double tempInvB = b_[regionIdx](pg_i);
double tempInvBmu = inverseBmu_[regionIdx](pg_i);
mu[i] = tempInvB / tempInvBmu;
dmudp[i] = (tempInvBmu * b_[regionIdx].derivative(pg_i)
- tempInvB * inverseBmu_[regionIdx].derivative(pg_i)) / (tempInvBmu * tempInvBmu);
ADB::M dmudp_diag(dmudp.matrix().asDiagonal());
const int num_blocks = pg.numBlocks();
std::vector<ADB::M> jacs(num_blocks);
for (int block = 0; block < num_blocks; ++block) {
jacs[block] = dmudp_diag * pg.derivative()[block];
return ADB::function(std::move(mu), std::move(jacs));
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::bSolvent(const ADB& pg,
const Cells& cells) const
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(pg, cells, cellPvtRegionIdx_, b_);
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::gasRelPermMultiplier(const ADB& solventFraction,
const Cells& cells) const
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(solventFraction, cells, cellSatNumRegionIdx_, krg_);
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::solventRelPermMultiplier(const ADB& solventFraction,
const Cells& cells) const
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(solventFraction, cells, cellSatNumRegionIdx_, krs_);
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::misicibleHydrocarbonWaterRelPerm(const ADB& Sn,
const Cells& cells) const
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(Sn, cells, cellSatNumRegionIdx_, krn_);
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::miscibleSolventGasRelPermMultiplier(const ADB& Ssg,
const Cells& cells) const
if (mkrsg_.size() > 0) {
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(Ssg, cells, cellSatNumRegionIdx_, mkrsg_);
// trivial function if not specified
return Ssg;
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::miscibleOilRelPermMultiplier(const ADB& So,
const Cells& cells) const
if (mkro_.size() > 0) {
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(So, cells, cellSatNumRegionIdx_, mkro_);
// trivial function if not specified
return So;
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::miscibilityFunction(const ADB& solventFraction,
const Cells& cells) const
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(solventFraction, cells, cellMiscRegionIdx_, misc_);
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::pressureMiscibilityFunction(const ADB& po,
const Cells& cells) const
if (pmisc_.size() > 0) {
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(po, cells, cellMiscRegionIdx_, pmisc_);
// return ones if not specified i.e. no effect.
return ADB::constant(V::Constant(po.size(), 1.0));
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::miscibleCriticalGasSaturationFunction (const ADB& Sw,
const Cells& cells) const {
if (sgcwmis_.size()>0) {
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(Sw, cells, cellMiscRegionIdx_, sgcwmis_);
// return zeros if not specified
return ADB::constant(V::Zero(Sw.size()));
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::miscibleResidualOilSaturationFunction (const ADB& Sw,
const Cells& cells) const {
if (sorwmis_.size()>0) {
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(Sw, cells, cellMiscRegionIdx_, sorwmis_);
// return zeros if not specified
return ADB::constant(V::Zero(Sw.size()));
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(const ADB& X_AD,
const Cells& cells,
const std::vector<int>& regionIdx,
const std::vector<NonuniformTableLinear<double>>& tables) const {
const int n = cells.size();
assert(X_AD.value().size() == n);
V x(n);
V dx(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const double& X_i = X_AD.value()[i];
x[i] = tables[regionIdx[cells[i]]](X_i);
dx[i] = tables[regionIdx[cells[i]]].derivative(X_i);
ADB::M dx_diag(dx.matrix().asDiagonal());
const int num_blocks = X_AD.numBlocks();
std::vector<ADB::M> jacs(num_blocks);
for (int block = 0; block < num_blocks; ++block) {
fastSparseProduct(dx_diag, X_AD.derivative()[block], jacs[block]);
return ADB::function(std::move(x), std::move(jacs));
V SolventPropsAdFromDeck::solventSurfaceDensity(const Cells& cells) const {
const int n = cells.size();
V density(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int regionIdx = cellPvtRegionIdx_[cells[i]];
density[i] = solvent_surface_densities_[regionIdx];
return density;
V SolventPropsAdFromDeck::mixingParameterViscosity(const Cells& cells) const {
const int n = cells.size();
if (mix_param_viscosity_.size() > 0) {
V mix_param(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int regionIdx = cellMiscRegionIdx_[cells[i]];
mix_param[i] = mix_param_viscosity_[regionIdx];
return mix_param;
// return zeros if not specified
return V::Zero(n);
V SolventPropsAdFromDeck::mixingParameterDensity(const Cells& cells) const {
const int n = cells.size();
if (mix_param_viscosity_.size() > 0) {
V mix_param(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int regionIdx = cellMiscRegionIdx_[cells[i]];
mix_param[i] = mix_param_density_[regionIdx];
return mix_param;
// return zeros if not specified
return V::Zero(n);
ADB SolventPropsAdFromDeck::pressureMixingParameter(const ADB& po,
const Cells& cells) const {
if (tlpmix_param_.size() > 0) {
return SolventPropsAdFromDeck::makeADBfromTables(po, cells, cellMiscRegionIdx_, tlpmix_param_);
// return ones if not specified i.e. no pressure effects.
return ADB::constant(V::Constant(po.size(), 1.0));
void SolventPropsAdFromDeck::extractTableIndex(const std::string& keyword,
Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
size_t numCompressed,
const int* compressedToCartesianCellIdx,
std::vector<int>& tableIdx) const {
//Get the Region data
const auto& regionData = eclState->get3DProperties().getIntGridProperty(keyword).getData();
// Convert this into an array of compressed cells
// Eclipse uses Fortran-style indices which start at 1
// instead of 0, we subtract 1.
for (size_t cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < numCompressed; ++ cellIdx) {
size_t cartesianCellIdx = compressedToCartesianCellIdx ? compressedToCartesianCellIdx[cellIdx]:cellIdx;
assert(cartesianCellIdx < regionData.size());
tableIdx[cellIdx] = regionData[cartesianCellIdx] - 1;
} //namespace OPM