mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 16:25:38 -06:00
this has the nice side effect that non-uniform temperature fields also become supported as long as they are "impressed" externally...
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Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/polymer/TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/BlackoilPropertiesInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/transport/reorder/reordersequence.h>
#include <opm/core/utility/RootFinders.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/miscUtilities.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/miscUtilitiesBlackoil.hpp>
#include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/trans_tpfa.h>
#include <opm/core/utility/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
// Choose error policy for scalar solves here.
typedef Opm::RegulaFalsi<Opm::WarnAndContinueOnError> RootFinder;
class Opm::TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation
GradientMethod gradient_method;
int cell;
double s0;
double c0;
double cmax0;
double influx; // B_i sum_j b_j min(v_ij, 0)*f(s_j) - B_i q_w
double influx_polymer;
double outflux; // sum_j max(v_ij, 0) - B_i q
double porevolume0;
double porevolume;
double porosity0;
double porosity;
double B_cell0;
double B_cell;
double dtpv; // dt/pv(i)
double dps;
double rhor;
double ads0;
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer& tm;
ResidualEquation(TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer& tmodel, int cell_index);
void computeResidual(const double* x, double* res) const;
void computeResidual(const double* x, double* res, double& mc, double& ff) const;
double computeResidualS(const double* x) const;
double computeResidualC(const double* x) const;
void computeGradientResS(const double* x, double* res, double* gradient) const;
void computeGradientResC(const double* x, double* res, double* gradient) const;
void computeJacobiRes(const double* x, double* dres_s_dsdc, double* dres_c_dsdc) const;
void computeResAndJacobi(const double* x, const bool if_res_s, const bool if_res_c,
const bool if_dres_s_dsdc, const bool if_dres_c_dsdc,
double* res, double* dres_s_dsdc,
double* dres_c_dsdc, double& mc, double& ff) const;
class Opm::TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualCGrav {
const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer& tm;
const int cell;
const double s0;
const double c0;
const double cmax0;
const double porevolume;
const double porosity;
const double dtpv; // dt/pv(i)
const double dps;
const double rhor;
double c_ads0;
double gf[2];
int nbcell[2];
mutable double last_s;
ResidualCGrav(const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer& tmodel,
const std::vector<int>& cells,
const int pos,
const double* gravflux);
double operator()(double c) const;
double computeGravResidualS(double s, double c) const;
double computeGravResidualC(double s, double c) const;
double lastSaturation() const;
class Opm::TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualSGrav {
const ResidualCGrav& res_c_eq_;
double c;
ResidualSGrav(const ResidualCGrav& res_c_eq, const double c_init = 0.0);
double operator()(double s) const;
bool check_interval(const double* xmin, const double* xmax, double* x);
double norm(double* res)
return std::max(std::abs(res[0]), std::abs(res[1]));
// Define a piecewise linear curve along which we will look for zero of the "s" or "r" residual.
// The curve starts at "x", goes along the direction "direction" until it hits the boundary of the box of
// admissible values for "s" and "x" (which is given by "[x_min[0], x_max[0]]x[x_min[1], x_max[1]]").
// Then it joins in a straight line the point "end_point".
class CurveInSCPlane{
void setup(const double* x, const double* direction,
const double* end_point, const double* x_min,
const double* x_max, const double tol,
double& t_max_out, double& t_out_out);
void computeXOfT(double*, const double) const;
double direction_[2];
double end_point_[2];
double x_max_[2];
double x_min_[2];
double t_out_;
double t_max_; // t_max = t_out + 1
double x_out_[2];
double x_[2];
namespace Opm
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
const PolymerProperties& polyprops,
const SingleCellMethod method,
const double tol,
const int maxit)
: grid_(grid),
fractionalflow_(grid.number_of_cells, -1.0),
mc_(grid.number_of_cells, -1.0),
mob_(2*grid.number_of_cells, -1.0),
ia_upw_(grid.number_of_cells + 1, -1),
ja_upw_(grid.number_of_faces, -1),
ia_downw_(grid.number_of_cells + 1, -1),
ja_downw_(grid.number_of_faces, -1)
const int np = props.numPhases();
const int num_cells = grid.number_of_cells;
if (props.numPhases() != 2) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Property object must have 2 phases");
for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; ++i) {
allcells_[i] = i;
props.satRange(num_cells, &allcells_[0], &smin_[0], &smax_[0]);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::setPreferredMethod(SingleCellMethod method)
method_ = method;
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solve(const double* darcyflux,
const std::vector<double>& initial_pressure,
const std::vector<double>& pressure,
const std::vector<double>& temperature,
const double* porevolume0,
const double* porevolume,
const double* source,
const double* polymer_inflow_c,
const double dt,
std::vector<double>& saturation,
std::vector<double>& surfacevol,
std::vector<double>& concentration,
std::vector<double>& cmax)
darcyflux_ = darcyflux;
porevolume0_ = porevolume0;
porevolume_ = porevolume;
source_ = source;
dt_ = dt;
polymer_inflow_c_ = polymer_inflow_c;
toWaterSat(saturation, saturation_);
concentration_ = &concentration[0];
cmax_ = &cmax[0];
props_.viscosity(grid_.number_of_cells, &pressure[0], &temperature[0], NULL, &allcells_[0], &visc_[0], NULL);
props_.matrix(grid_.number_of_cells, &initial_pressure[0], &temperature[0], NULL, &allcells_[0], &A0_[0], NULL);
props_.matrix(grid_.number_of_cells, &pressure[0], &temperature[0], NULL, &allcells_[0], &A_[0], NULL);
// Check immiscibility requirement (only done for first cell).
if (A_[1] != 0.0 || A_[2] != 0.0) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "TransportCompressibleSolverTwophaseCompressibleTwophase requires a property object without miscibility.");
std::vector<int> seq(grid_.number_of_cells);
std::vector<int> comp(grid_.number_of_cells + 1);
int ncomp;
compute_sequence_graph(&grid_, darcyflux_,
&seq[0], &comp[0], &ncomp,
&ia_upw_[0], &ja_upw_[0]);
const int nf = grid_.number_of_faces;
std::vector<double> neg_darcyflux(nf);
std::transform(darcyflux, darcyflux + nf, neg_darcyflux.begin(), std::negate<double>());
compute_sequence_graph(&grid_, &neg_darcyflux[0],
&seq[0], &comp[0], &ncomp,
&ia_downw_[0], &ja_downw_[0]);
reorderAndTransport(grid_, darcyflux);
toBothSat(saturation_, saturation);
// Compute surface volume as a postprocessing step from saturation and A_
computeSurfacevol(grid_.number_of_cells, props_.numPhases(), &A_[0], &saturation[0], &surfacevol[0]);
// Residual for saturation equation, single-cell implicit Euler transport
// r(s) = s - s0 + dt/pv*( influx + outflux*f(s) )
// where influx is water influx, outflux is total outflux.
// Influxes are negative, outfluxes positive.
struct TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualS
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq_;
const double c_;
explicit ResidualS(TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq,
const double c)
: res_eq_(res_eq),
double operator()(double s) const
double x[2];
x[0] = s;
x[1] = c_;
return res_eq_.computeResidualS(x);
// Residual for concentration equation, single-cell implicit Euler transport
// \TODO doc me
// where ...
// Influxes are negative, outfluxes positive.
struct TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualC
mutable double s; // Mutable in order to change it with every operator() call to be the last computed s value.
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq_;
explicit ResidualC(TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq)
: res_eq_(res_eq)
void computeBothResiduals(const double s_arg, const double c_arg, double& res_s, double& res_c, double& mc, double& ff) const
double x[2];
double res[2];
x[0] = s_arg;
x[1] = c_arg;
res_eq_.computeResidual(x, res, mc, ff);
res_s = res[0];
res_c = res[1];
double operator()(double c) const
ResidualS res_s(res_eq_, c);
int iters_used;
// Solve for s first.
// s = modifiedRegulaFalsi(res_s, std::max(tm.smin_[2*cell], dps), tm.smax_[2*cell],
// tm.maxit_, tm.tol_, iters_used);
s = RootFinder::solve(res_s, res_eq_.s0, 0.0, 1.0,
res_eq_.tm.maxit_, res_eq_.tm.tol_, iters_used);
double x[2];
x[0] = s;
x[1] = c;
double res = res_eq_.computeResidualC(x);
std::cout << "c = " << c << " s = " << s << " c-residual = " << res << std::endl;
return res;
double lastSaturation() const
return s;
// ResidualEquation gathers parameters to construct the residual, computes its
// value and the values of its derivatives.
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::ResidualEquation(TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer& tmodel, int cell_index)
: tm(tmodel)
gradient_method = Analytic;
cell = cell_index;
const int np = tm.props_.numPhases();
s0 = tm.saturation_[cell];
c0 = tm.concentration_[cell];
cmax0 = tm.cmax_[cell];
double src_flux = -tm.source_[cell];
bool src_is_inflow = src_flux < 0.0;
B_cell0 = 1.0/tm.A0_[np*np*cell + 0];
B_cell = 1.0/tm.A_[np*np*cell + 0];
influx = src_is_inflow ? B_cell*src_flux : 0.0;
outflux = !src_is_inflow ? src_flux : 0.0;
porevolume0 = tm.porevolume0_[cell];
porevolume = tm.porevolume_[cell];
const double vol_cell = tm.grid_.cell_volumes[cell];
porosity0 = porevolume0/vol_cell;
porosity = porevolume/vol_cell;
dtpv = tm.dt_/porevolume;
dps = tm.polyprops_.deadPoreVol();
rhor = tm.polyprops_.rockDensity();
tm.polyprops_.adsorption(c0, cmax0, ads0);
double mc;
tm.computeMc(tm.polymer_inflow_c_[cell_index], mc);
influx_polymer = src_is_inflow ? src_flux*mc : 0.0;
for (int i = tm.grid_.cell_facepos[cell]; i < tm.grid_.cell_facepos[cell+1]; ++i) {
int f = tm.grid_.cell_faces[i];
double flux;
int other;
// Compute cell flux
if (cell == tm.grid_.face_cells[2*f]) {
flux = tm.darcyflux_[f];
other = tm.grid_.face_cells[2*f+1];
} else {
flux =-tm.darcyflux_[f];
other = tm.grid_.face_cells[2*f];
// Add flux to influx or outflux, if interior.
if (other != -1) {
if (flux < 0.0) {
const double b_face =tm.A_[np*np*other+ 0];
influx += B_cell*b_face*flux*tm.fractionalflow_[other];
influx_polymer += flux*tm.fractionalflow_[other]*tm.mc_[other];
} else {
outflux += flux; // Because B_cell*b_face = 1 for outflow faces
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::computeResidual(const double* x, double* res) const
double dres_s_dsdc[2];
double dres_c_dsdc[2];
double mc;
double ff;
computeResAndJacobi(x, true, true, false, false, res, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc, mc, ff);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::computeResidual(const double* x, double* res, double& mc, double& ff) const
double dres_s_dsdc[2];
double dres_c_dsdc[2];
computeResAndJacobi(x, true, true, false, false, res, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc, mc, ff);
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::computeResidualS(const double* x) const
double res[2];
double dres_s_dsdc[2];
double dres_c_dsdc[2];
double mc;
double ff;
computeResAndJacobi(x, true, false, false, false, res, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc, mc, ff);
return res[0];
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::computeResidualC(const double* x) const
double res[2];
double dres_s_dsdc[2];
double dres_c_dsdc[2];
double mc;
double ff;
computeResAndJacobi(x, false, true, false, false, res, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc, mc, ff);
return res[1];
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::computeGradientResS(const double* x, double* res, double* gradient) const
// If gradient_method == FinDif, use finite difference
// If gradient_method == Analytic, use analytic expresions
double dres_c_dsdc[2];
double mc;
double ff;
computeResAndJacobi(x, true, true, true, false, res, gradient, dres_c_dsdc, mc, ff);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::computeGradientResC(const double* x, double* res, double* gradient) const
// If gradient_method == FinDif, use finite difference
// If gradient_method == Analytic, use analytic expresions
double dres_s_dsdc[2];
double mc;
double ff;
computeResAndJacobi(x, true, true, false, true, res, dres_s_dsdc, gradient, mc, ff);
// Compute the Jacobian of the residual equations.
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::computeJacobiRes(const double* x, double* dres_s_dsdc, double* dres_c_dsdc) const
double res[2];
double mc;
double ff;
computeResAndJacobi(x, false, false, true, true, res, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc, mc, ff);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation::computeResAndJacobi(const double* x, const bool if_res_s, const bool if_res_c,
const bool if_dres_s_dsdc, const bool if_dres_c_dsdc,
double* res, double* dres_s_dsdc,
double* dres_c_dsdc, double& mc, double& ff) const
if ((if_dres_s_dsdc || if_dres_c_dsdc) && gradient_method == Analytic) {
double s = x[0];
double c = x[1];
double dff_dsdc[2];
double mc_dc;
double ads_dc;
double ads;
tm.fracFlowWithDer(s, c, cmax0, cell, ff, dff_dsdc);
if (if_dres_c_dsdc) {
tm.polyprops_.adsorptionWithDer(c, cmax0, ads, ads_dc);
tm.computeMcWithDer(c, mc, mc_dc);
} else {
tm.polyprops_.adsorption(c, cmax0, ads);
tm.computeMc(c, mc);
if (if_res_s) {
res[0] = s - B_cell/B_cell0*porosity0/porosity*s0 + dtpv*(outflux*ff + influx);
tm.res_counts.push_back(Newton_Iter(true, cell, x[0], x[1]));
if (if_res_c) {
// Not clear if the rock compressibility should be
// considered as a constant in the adsorption term.
res[1] = (1 - dps)*s*c - (1 - dps)*B_cell/B_cell0*porosity0/porosity*s0*c0
+ rhor*B_cell/porosity*((1.0 - porosity)*ads - (1.0 - porosity0)*ads0)
+ dtpv*(outflux*ff*mc + influx_polymer);
tm.res_counts.push_back(Newton_Iter(false, cell, x[0], x[1]));
if (if_dres_s_dsdc) {
dres_s_dsdc[0] = 1 + dtpv*outflux*dff_dsdc[0];
dres_s_dsdc[1] = dtpv*outflux*dff_dsdc[1];
if (if_dres_c_dsdc) {
dres_c_dsdc[0] = (1.0 - dps)*c + dtpv*outflux*dff_dsdc[0]*mc;
dres_c_dsdc[1] = (1 - dps)*s + rhor*B_cell/porosity*(1.0 - porosity)*ads_dc
+ dtpv*outflux*(dff_dsdc[1]*mc + ff*mc_dc);
} else if (if_res_c || if_res_s) {
double s = x[0];
double c = x[1];
tm.fracFlow(s, c, cmax0, cell, ff);
if (if_res_s) {
res[0] = s - B_cell/B_cell0*porosity0/porosity*s0 + dtpv*(outflux*ff + influx);
tm.res_counts.push_back(Newton_Iter(true, cell, x[0], x[1]));
if (if_res_c) {
tm.computeMc(c, mc);
double ads;
tm.polyprops_.adsorption(c, cmax0, ads);
res[1] = (1 - dps)*s*c - (1 - dps)*B_cell/B_cell0*porosity0/porosity*s0*c0
+ rhor*B_cell/porosity*((1.0 - porosity)*ads - (1.0 - porosity0)*ads0)
+ dtpv*(outflux*ff*mc + influx_polymer);
tm.res_counts.push_back(Newton_Iter(false, cell, x[0], x[1]));
if ((if_dres_c_dsdc || if_dres_s_dsdc) && gradient_method == FinDif) {
double epsi = 1e-8;
double res_epsi[2];
double res_0[2];
double x_epsi[2];
computeResidual(x, res_0);
if (if_dres_s_dsdc) {
x_epsi[0] = x[0] + epsi;
x_epsi[1] = x[1];
computeResidual(x_epsi, res_epsi);
dres_s_dsdc[0] = (res_epsi[0] - res_0[0])/epsi;
x_epsi[0] = x[0];
x_epsi[1] = x[1] + epsi;
computeResidual(x_epsi, res_epsi);
dres_s_dsdc[1] = (res_epsi[0] - res_0[0])/epsi;
if (if_dres_c_dsdc) {
x_epsi[0] = x[0] + epsi;
x_epsi[1] = x[1];
computeResidual(x_epsi, res_epsi);
dres_c_dsdc[0] = (res_epsi[1] - res_0[1])/epsi;
x_epsi[0] = x[0];
x_epsi[1] = x[1] + epsi;
computeResidual(x_epsi, res_epsi);
dres_c_dsdc[1] = (res_epsi[1] - res_0[1])/epsi;
// Compute the "s" residual along the curve "curve" for a given residual equation "res_eq".
// The operator() is sent to a root solver.
class TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResSOnCurve
ResSOnCurve(const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq);
double operator()(const double t) const;
CurveInSCPlane curve;
const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq_;
// Compute the "c" residual along the curve "curve" for a given residual equation "res_eq".
// The operator() is sent to a root solver.
class TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResCOnCurve
ResCOnCurve(const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq);
double operator()(const double t) const;
CurveInSCPlane curve;
const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq_;
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResSOnCurve::ResSOnCurve(const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq)
: res_eq_(res_eq)
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResSOnCurve::operator()(const double t) const
double x_of_t[2];
double x_c[2];
curve.computeXOfT(x_of_t, t);
res_eq_.tm.scToc(x_of_t, x_c);
return res_eq_.computeResidualS(x_c);
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResCOnCurve::ResCOnCurve(const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualEquation& res_eq)
: res_eq_(res_eq)
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResCOnCurve::operator()(const double t) const
double x_of_t[2];
double x_c[2];
curve.computeXOfT(x_of_t, t);
res_eq_.tm.scToc(x_of_t, x_c);
return res_eq_.computeResidualC(x_c);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solveSingleCell(const int cell)
switch (method_) {
case Bracketing:
case Newton:
solveSingleCellNewton(cell, true);
case NewtonC:
solveSingleCellNewton(cell, false);
case Gradient:
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown method " << method_);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solveSingleCellBracketing(int cell)
ResidualEquation res_eq(*this, cell);
ResidualC res(res_eq);
const double a = 0.0;
const double b = polyprops_.cMax()*adhoc_safety_; // Add 10% to account for possible non-monotonicity of hyperbolic system.
int iters_used;
// Check if current state is an acceptable solution.
double res_sc[2];
double mc, ff;
res.computeBothResiduals(saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell], res_sc[0], res_sc[1], mc, ff);
if (norm(res_sc) < tol_) {
fractionalflow_[cell] = ff;
mc_[cell] = mc;
concentration_[cell] = RootFinder::solve(res, a, b, maxit_, tol_, iters_used);
cmax_[cell] = std::max(cmax_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
saturation_[cell] = res.lastSaturation();
fracFlow(saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell], cmax_[cell], cell,
computeMc(concentration_[cell], mc_[cell]);
// Newton method, where we first try a Newton step. Then, if it does not work well, we look for
// the zero of either the residual in s or the residual in c along a specified piecewise linear
// curve. In these cases, we can use a robust 1d solver.
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solveSingleCellGradient(int cell)
int iters_used_falsi = 0;
const int max_iters_split = maxit_;
int iters_used_split = 0;
// Check if current state is an acceptable solution.
ResidualEquation res_eq(*this, cell);
double x[2] = {saturation_[cell], saturation_[cell]*concentration_[cell]};
double res[2];
double mc;
double ff;
double x_c[2];
scToc(x, x_c);
res_eq.computeResidual(x_c, res, mc, ff);
if (norm(res) <= tol_) {
cmax_[cell] = std::max(cmax_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
fractionalflow_[cell] = ff;
mc_[cell] = mc;
double x_min[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
double x_max[2] = { 1.0, polyprops_.cMax()*adhoc_safety_ };
double x_min_res_s[2] = { x_min[0], x_min[1] };
double x_max_res_s[2] = { x_max[0], x_min[0] };
double x_min_res_sc[2] = { x_min[0], x_min[1] };
double x_max_res_sc[2] = { x_max[0], x_max[1] };
double t;
double t_max;
double t_out;
double direction[2];
double end_point[2];
double gradient[2];
ResSOnCurve res_s_on_curve(res_eq);
ResCOnCurve res_c_on_curve(res_eq);
bool if_res_s;
while ((norm(res) > tol_) && (iters_used_split < max_iters_split)) {
if (std::abs(res[0]) < std::abs(res[1])) {
if (res[0] < -tol_) {
direction[0] = x_max_res_s[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_max_res_s[1] - x[1];
if_res_s = true;
} else if (res[0] > tol_) {
direction[0] = x_min_res_s[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_min_res_s[1] - x[1];
if_res_s = true;
} else {
scToc(x, x_c);
res_eq.computeGradientResS(x_c, res, gradient);
// dResS/d(s_) = dResS/ds - c/s*dResS/ds
// dResS/d(sc_) = -1/s*dResS/dc
if (x[0] > 1e-2*tol_) {
// With s,c variables, we should have
// direction[0] = -gradient[1];
// direction[1] = gradient[0];
// With s, sc variables, we get:
scToc(x, x_c);
direction[0] = 1.0/x[0]*gradient[1];
direction[1] = gradient[0] - x_c[1]/x[0]*gradient[1];
} else {
// acceptable approximation for nonlinear relative permeability.
direction[0] = 0.0;
direction[1] = gradient[0];
if_res_s = false;
} else {
if (res[1] < -tol_) {
direction[0] = x_max_res_sc[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_max_res_sc[1] - x[1];
if_res_s = false;
} else if (res[1] > tol_) {
direction[0] = x_min_res_sc[0] - x[0];
direction[1] = x_min_res_sc[1] - x[1];
if_res_s = false;
} else {
res_eq.computeGradientResC(x, res, gradient);
// dResC/d(s_) = dResC/ds - c/s*dResC/ds
// dResC/d(sc_) = -1/s*dResC/dc
if (x[0] > 1e-2*tol_) {
// With s,c variables, we should have
// direction[0] = -gradient[1];
// direction[1] = gradient[0];
// With s, sc variables, we get:
scToc(x, x_c);
direction[0] = 1.0/x[0]*gradient[1];
direction[1] = gradient[0] - x_c[1]/x[0]*gradient[1];
} else {
// We take 1.0/s*gradient[1]: wrong for linear permeability,
// acceptable for nonlinear relative permeability.
direction[0] = 1.0 - res_eq.dps;
direction[1] = gradient[0];
if_res_s = true;
if (if_res_s) {
if (res[0] < 0) {
end_point[0] = x_max_res_s[0];
end_point[1] = x_max_res_s[1];
res_s_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_s_on_curve(t_out) >= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
} else {
end_point[0] = x_min_res_s[0];
end_point[1] = x_min_res_s[1];
res_s_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_s_on_curve(t_out) <= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
// Note: In some experiments modifiedRegularFalsi does not yield a result under the given tolerance.
t = RootFinder::solve(res_s_on_curve, 0., t_max, maxit_, tol_, iters_used_falsi);
res_s_on_curve.curve.computeXOfT(x, t);
} else {
if (res[1] < 0) {
end_point[0] = x_max_res_sc[0];
end_point[1] = x_max_res_sc[1];
res_c_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_c_on_curve(t_out) >= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
} else {
end_point[0] = x_min_res_sc[0];
end_point[1] = x_min_res_sc[1];
res_c_on_curve.curve.setup(x, direction, end_point, x_min, x_max, tol_, t_max, t_out);
if (res_c_on_curve(t_out) <= 0) {
t_max = t_out;
t = RootFinder::solve(res_c_on_curve, 0., t_max, maxit_, tol_, iters_used_falsi);
res_c_on_curve.curve.computeXOfT(x, t);
scToc(x, x_c);
res_eq.computeResidual(x_c, res, mc, ff);
iters_used_split += 1;
if ((iters_used_split >= max_iters_split) && (norm(res) > tol_)) {
OPM_MESSAGE("Newton for single cell did not work in cell number " << cell);
} else {
scToc(x, x_c);
concentration_[cell] = x_c[1];
cmax_[cell] = std::max(cmax_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
saturation_[cell] = x[0];
fractionalflow_[cell] = ff;
mc_[cell] = mc;
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solveSingleCellNewton(int cell, bool use_sc,
bool use_explicit_step)
const int max_iters_split = maxit_;
int iters_used_split = 0;
// Check if current state is an acceptable solution.
ResidualEquation res_eq(*this, cell);
double x[2] = {saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell]};
double res[2];
double mc;
double ff;
res_eq.computeResidual(x, res, mc, ff);
if (norm(res) <= tol_) {
cmax_[cell] = std::max(cmax_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
fractionalflow_[cell] = ff;
mc_[cell] = mc;
if (use_explicit_step) {
// x is updated to an explicit step.
x[0] = saturation_[cell]-res[0];
if ((x[0]>1) || (x[0]<0)) {
// If we are outside the allowed domain for s, we
// reset s to 0.5, which should not far from the
// inflexion point of the residual, that is, the point
// where Newton's method performs best.
x[0] = 0.5;
x[1] = x[1];
if (x[0]>0) {
x[1] = concentration_[cell]*saturation_[cell]-res[1];
x[1] = x[1]/x[0];
if(x[1]> polyprops_.cMax()){
x[1]= polyprops_.cMax()/2.0;
} else {
res_eq.computeResidual(x, res, mc, ff);
const double x_min[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
const double x_max[2] = { 1.0, polyprops_.cMax()*adhoc_safety_ };
bool successfull_newton_step = true;
// initialize x_new to avoid warning
double x_new[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
double res_new[2];
if (use_sc) {
// We switch to variables x[0] = s, x[1] = sc.
x[1] = x[0]*x[1];
// x_c will contain the s-c variable when use_sc = true
double x_c[2];
// Variables to store the Jacobian.
double dFx_dx;
double dFx_dy;
double dFy_dx;
double dFy_dy;
while ((norm(res) > tol_) &&
(iters_used_split < max_iters_split) &&
successfull_newton_step) {
double dres_s_dsdc[2];
double dres_c_dsdc[2];
if (use_sc) {
// Convert from (s, c) to (s, sc) variables.
scToc(x, x_c);
double x_c_app[2];
// The computation of the Jacobi fails for s=0 (we have an undetermined fraction 0/0).
// When s is close to zero we replace x_c with x_c_app as defined now.
x_c_app[1] = x_c[1];
if (x_c[0] < 1e-2*tol_) {
x_c_app[0] = 1e-2*tol_;
} else {
x_c_app[0] = x_c[0];
res_eq.computeJacobiRes(x_c_app, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc);
dFx_dx = (dres_s_dsdc[0]-x_c_app[1]*dres_s_dsdc[1]);
dFx_dy = (dres_s_dsdc[1]/x_c_app[0]);
dFy_dx = (dres_c_dsdc[0]-x_c_app[1]*dres_c_dsdc[1]);
dFy_dy = (dres_c_dsdc[1]/x_c_app[0]);
} else {
res_eq.computeJacobiRes(x, dres_s_dsdc, dres_c_dsdc);
dFx_dx= dres_s_dsdc[0];
dFx_dy= dres_s_dsdc[1];
dFy_dx= dres_c_dsdc[0];
dFy_dy= dres_c_dsdc[1];
double det = dFx_dx*dFy_dy - dFy_dx*dFx_dy;
double alpha = 1.0;
int max_lin_it = 100;
int lin_it = 0;
res_new[0] = res[0]*2;
res_new[1] = res[1]*2;
while((norm(res_new)>norm(res)) && (lin_it<max_lin_it)) {
x_new[0] = x[0] - alpha*(res[0]*dFy_dy - res[1]*dFx_dy)/det;
x_new[1] = x[1] - alpha*(res[1]*dFx_dx - res[0]*dFy_dx)/det;
if (use_sc) {
scToc(x_new, x_c);
check_interval(x_min, x_max, x_c);
res_eq.computeResidual(x_c, res_new, mc, ff);
} else {
check_interval(x_min, x_max, x);
res_eq.computeResidual(x, res_new, mc, ff);
alpha = alpha/2.0;
lin_it = lin_it + 1;
if (lin_it>=max_lin_it) {
successfull_newton_step = false;
} else {
if (use_sc) {
scToc(x_new, x);
} else {
x[0] = x_new[0];
x[1] = x_new[1];
res[0] = res_new[0];
res[1] = res_new[1];
iters_used_split += 1;
successfull_newton_step = true;;
if ((iters_used_split >= max_iters_split) && (norm(res) > tol_)) {
OPM_MESSAGE("Newton for single cell did not work in cell number " << cell);
} else {
concentration_[cell] = x[1];
cmax_[cell] = std::max(cmax_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
saturation_[cell] = x[0];
fractionalflow_[cell] = ff;
mc_[cell] = mc;
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solveMultiCell(const int num_cells, const int* cells)
double max_s_change = 0.0;
double max_c_change = 0.0;
int num_iters = 0;
// Must store state variables before we start.
std::vector<double> s0(num_cells);
std::vector<double> c0(num_cells);
std::vector<double> cmax0(num_cells);
// Must set initial fractional flows etc. before we start.
for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; ++i) {
const int cell = cells[i];
fracFlow(saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell], cmax_[cell],
cell, fractionalflow_[cell]);
computeMc(concentration_[cell], mc_[cell]);
s0[i] = saturation_[cell];
c0[i] = concentration_[cell];
cmax0[i] = cmax_[i];
do {
// int max_s_change_cell = -1;
// int max_c_change_cell = -1;
max_s_change = 0.0;
max_c_change = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; ++i) {
const int cell = cells[i];
const double old_s = saturation_[cell];
const double old_c = concentration_[cell];
saturation_[cell] = s0[i];
concentration_[cell] = c0[i];
cmax_[cell] = cmax0[i];
// std::cout << "cell = " << cell << " delta s = " << saturation_[cell] - old_s << std::endl;
// if (max_s_change < std::fabs(saturation_[cell] - old_s)) {
// max_s_change_cell = cell;
// }
// if (max_c_change < std::fabs(concentration_[cell] - old_c)) {
// max_c_change_cell = cell;
// }
max_s_change = std::max(max_s_change, std::fabs(saturation_[cell] - old_s));
max_c_change = std::max(max_c_change, std::fabs(concentration_[cell] - old_c));
// std::cout << "Iter = " << num_iters << " max_s_change = " << max_s_change
// << " in cell " << max_change_cell << std::endl;
} while (((max_s_change > tol_) || (max_c_change > tol_)) && ++num_iters < maxit_);
if (max_s_change > tol_) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "In solveMultiCell(), we did not converge after "
<< num_iters << " iterations. Delta s = " << max_s_change);
if (max_c_change > tol_) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "In solveMultiCell(), we did not converge after "
<< num_iters << " iterations. Delta c = " << max_c_change);
// std::cout << "Solved " << num_cells << " cell multicell problem in "
// << num_iters << " iterations." << std::endl;
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::fracFlow(double s, double c, double cmax,
int cell, double& ff) const
double dummy[2];
fracFlowBoth(s, c, cmax, cell, ff, dummy, false);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::fracFlowWithDer(double s, double c, double cmax,
int cell, double& ff,
double* dff_dsdc) const
fracFlowBoth(s, c, cmax, cell, ff, dff_dsdc, true);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::fracFlowBoth(double s, double c, double cmax, int cell,
double& ff, double* dff_dsdc,
bool if_with_der) const
double relperm[2];
double drelperm_ds[4];
double sat[2] = {s, 1 - s};
if (if_with_der) {
props_.relperm(1, sat, &cell, relperm, drelperm_ds);
} else {
props_.relperm(1, sat, &cell, relperm, 0);
double mob[2];
double dmob_ds[4];
double dmob_dc[2];
double dmobwat_dc;
const int np = props_.numPhases();
polyprops_.effectiveMobilitiesBoth(c, cmax, &visc_[np*cell], relperm, drelperm_ds,
mob, dmob_ds, dmobwat_dc, if_with_der);
ff = mob[0]/(mob[0] + mob[1]);
if (if_with_der) {
dmob_dc[0] = dmobwat_dc;
dmob_dc[1] = 0.;
//dff_dsdc[0] = (dmob_ds[0]*mob[1] + dmob_ds[3]*mob[0])/((mob[0] + mob[1])*(mob[0] + mob[1])); // derivative with respect to s
// at the moment the dmob_ds only have diagonal elements since the saturation is derivated out in effectiveMobilitiesBoth
dff_dsdc[0] = ((dmob_ds[0]-dmob_ds[2])*mob[1] - (dmob_ds[1]-dmob_ds[3])*mob[0])/((mob[0] + mob[1])*(mob[0] + mob[1])); // derivative with respect to s
dff_dsdc[1] = (dmob_dc[0]*mob[1] - dmob_dc[1]*mob[0])/((mob[0] + mob[1])*(mob[0] + mob[1])); // derivative with respect to c
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::computeMc(double c, double& mc) const
polyprops_.computeMc(c, mc);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::computeMcWithDer(double c, double& mc,
double &dmc_dc) const
polyprops_.computeMcWithDer(c, mc, dmc_dc);
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualSGrav::ResidualSGrav(const ResidualCGrav& res_c_eq,
const double c_init)
: res_c_eq_(res_c_eq),
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualSGrav::operator()(double s) const
return res_c_eq_.computeGravResidualS(s, c);
// Residual for concentration equation for gravity segregation
// res_c = s*(1 - dps)*c - s0*( - dps)*c0
// + dtpv*sum_{j adj i}( mc * gravmod_ij * gf_ij ).
// \TODO doc me
// where ...
// Influxes are negative, outfluxes positive.
TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualCGrav::ResidualCGrav(const TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer& tmodel,
const std::vector<int>& cells,
const int pos,
const double* gravflux) // Always oriented towards next in column. Size = colsize - 1.
: tm(tmodel),
last_s = s0;
nbcell[0] = -1;
gf[0] = 0.0;
if (pos > 0) {
nbcell[0] = cells[pos - 1];
gf[0] = -gravflux[pos - 1];
nbcell[1] = -1;
gf[1] = 0.0;
if (pos < int(cells.size() - 1)) {
nbcell[1] = cells[pos + 1];
gf[1] = gravflux[pos];
tm.polyprops_.adsorption(c0, cmax0, c_ads0);
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualCGrav::operator()(double c) const
ResidualSGrav res_s(*this);
res_s.c = c;
int iters_used;
last_s = RootFinder::solve(res_s, last_s, 0.0, 1.0,
tm.maxit_, tm.tol_,
return computeGravResidualC(last_s, c);
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualCGrav::computeGravResidualS(double s, double c) const
double mobcell[2];
tm.mobility(s, c, cell, mobcell);
double res = s - s0;
for (int nb = 0; nb < 2; ++nb) {
if (nbcell[nb] != -1) {
double m[2];
if (gf[nb] < 0.0) {
m[0] = mobcell[0];
m[1] = tm.mob_[2*nbcell[nb] + 1];
} else {
m[0] = tm.mob_[2*nbcell[nb]];
m[1] = mobcell[1];
if (m[0] + m[1] > 0.0) {
res += -dtpv*gf[nb]*m[0]*m[1]/(m[0] + m[1]);
return res;
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualCGrav::computeGravResidualC(double s, double c) const
double mobcell[2];
tm.mobility(s, c, cell, mobcell);
double c_ads;
tm.polyprops_.adsorption(c, cmax0, c_ads);
double res = (1 - dps)*s*c - (1 - dps)*s0*c0
+ rhor*((1.0 - porosity)/porosity)*(c_ads - c_ads0);
for (int nb = 0; nb < 2; ++nb) {
if (nbcell[nb] != -1) {
double m[2];
double mc;
if (gf[nb] < 0.0) {
m[0] = mobcell[0];
tm.computeMc(c, mc);
m[1] = tm.mob_[2*nbcell[nb] + 1];
} else {
m[0] = tm.mob_[2*nbcell[nb]];
mc = tm.mc_[nbcell[nb]];
m[1] = mobcell[1];
if (m[0] + m[1] > 0.0) {
res += -dtpv*gf[nb]*mc*m[0]*m[1]/(m[0] + m[1]);
return res;
double TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::ResidualCGrav::lastSaturation() const
return last_s;
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::mobility(double s, double c, int cell, double* mob) const
double sat[2] = { s, 1.0 - s };
double relperm[2];
const int np = props_.numPhases();
props_.relperm(1, sat, &cell, relperm, 0);
polyprops_.effectiveMobilities(c, cmax0_[cell], &visc_[np*cell], relperm, mob);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::initGravity(const double* grav)
// Set up transmissibilities.
std::vector<double> htrans(grid_.cell_facepos[grid_.number_of_cells]);
const int nf = grid_.number_of_faces;
tpfa_htrans_compute(const_cast<UnstructuredGrid*>(&grid_), props_.permeability(), &htrans[0]);
tpfa_trans_compute(const_cast<UnstructuredGrid*>(&grid_), &htrans[0], &trans_[0]);
// Remember gravity vector.
gravity_ = grav;
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::initGravityDynamic()
// Set up gravflux_ = T_ij g [ (b_w,i rho_w,S - b_o,i rho_o,S) (z_i - z_f)
// + (b_w,j rho_w,S - b_o,j rho_o,S) (z_f - z_j) ]
// But b_w,i * rho_w,S = rho_w,i, which we compute with a call to props_.density().
// We assume that we already have stored T_ij in trans_.
// We also assume that the A_ matrices are updated from an earlier call to solve().
const int nc = grid_.number_of_cells;
const int nf = grid_.number_of_faces;
const int np = props_.numPhases();
assert(np == 2);
const int dim = grid_.dimensions;
props_.density(grid_.number_of_cells, &A_[0], grid_.global_cell, &density_[0]);
std::fill(gravflux_.begin(), gravflux_.end(), 0.0);
for (int f = 0; f < nf; ++f) {
const int* c = &grid_.face_cells[2*f];
const double signs[2] = { 1.0, -1.0 };
if (c[0] != -1 && c[1] != -1) {
for (int ci = 0; ci < 2; ++ci) {
double gdz = 0.0;
for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
gdz += gravity_[d]*(grid_.cell_centroids[dim*c[ci] + d] - grid_.face_centroids[dim*f + d]);
gravflux_[f] += signs[ci]*trans_[f]*gdz*(density_[2*c[ci]] - density_[2*c[ci] + 1]);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solveSingleCellGravity(const std::vector<int>& cells,
const int pos,
const double* gravflux)
const int cell = cells[pos];
ResidualCGrav res_c(*this, cells, pos, gravflux);
// Check if current state is an acceptable solution.
double res_sc[2];
res_sc[0]=res_c.computeGravResidualS(saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
res_sc[1]=res_c.computeGravResidualC(saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
if (norm(res_sc) < tol_) {
const double a = 0.0;
const double b = polyprops_.cMax()*adhoc_safety_; // Add 10% to account for possible non-monotonicity of hyperbolic system.
int iters_used;
concentration_[cell] = RootFinder::solve(res_c, concentration_[cell],
a, b, maxit_, tol_, iters_used);
saturation_[cell] = res_c.lastSaturation();
cmax_[cell] = std::max(cmax0_[cell], concentration_[cell]);
computeMc(concentration_[cell], mc_[cell]);
mobility(saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell], cell, &mob_[2*cell]);
int TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solveGravityColumn(const std::vector<int>& cells)
// Set up column gravflux.
const int nc = cells.size();
std::vector<double> col_gravflux(nc - 1);
for (int ci = 0; ci < nc - 1; ++ci) {
const int cell = cells[ci];
const int next_cell = cells[ci + 1];
for (int j = grid_.cell_facepos[cell]; j < grid_.cell_facepos[cell+1]; ++j) {
const int face = grid_.cell_faces[j];
const int c1 = grid_.face_cells[2*face + 0];
const int c2 = grid_.face_cells[2*face + 1];
if (c1 == next_cell || c2 == next_cell) {
const double gf = gravflux_[face];
col_gravflux[ci] = (c1 == cell) ? gf : -gf;
// Store initial saturation s0
for (int ci = 0; ci < nc; ++ci) {
s0_[ci] = saturation_[cells[ci]];
c0_[ci] = concentration_[cells[ci]];
// Solve single cell problems, repeating if necessary.
double max_sc_change = 0.0;
int num_iters = 0;
do {
max_sc_change = 0.0;
for (int ci = 0; ci < nc; ++ci) {
const int ci2 = nc - ci - 1;
double old_s[2] = { saturation_[cells[ci]],
saturation_[cells[ci2]] };
double old_c[2] = { concentration_[cells[ci]],
concentration_[cells[ci2]] };
saturation_[cells[ci]] = s0_[ci];
concentration_[cells[ci]] = c0_[ci];
solveSingleCellGravity(cells, ci, &col_gravflux[0]);
saturation_[cells[ci2]] = s0_[ci2];
concentration_[cells[ci2]] = c0_[ci2];
solveSingleCellGravity(cells, ci2, &col_gravflux[0]);
max_sc_change = std::max(max_sc_change, 0.25*(std::fabs(saturation_[cells[ci]] - old_s[0]) +
std::fabs(concentration_[cells[ci]] - old_c[0]) +
std::fabs(saturation_[cells[ci2]] - old_s[1]) +
std::fabs(concentration_[cells[ci2]] - old_c[1])));
// std::cout << "Iter = " << num_iters << " max_s_change = " << max_s_change << std::endl;
} while (max_sc_change > tol_ && ++num_iters < maxit_);
if (max_sc_change > tol_) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "In solveGravityColumn(), we did not converge after "
<< num_iters << " iterations. Delta s = " << max_sc_change);
return num_iters + 1;
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::solveGravity(const std::vector<std::vector<int> >& columns,
const double dt,
std::vector<double>& saturation,
std::vector<double>& surfacevol,
std::vector<double>& concentration,
std::vector<double>& cmax)
// Assume that solve() has already been called, so that A_ and
// porosity_ are current.
// initialize variables.
dt_ = dt;
toWaterSat(saturation, saturation_);
concentration_ = &concentration[0];
cmax_ = &cmax[0];
const int nc = grid_.number_of_cells;
std::copy(cmax.begin(), cmax.end(), &cmax0_[0]);
// Initialize mobilities.
const int np = props_.numPhases();
for (int cell = 0; cell < nc; ++cell) {
mobility(saturation_[cell], concentration_[cell], cell, &mob_[np*cell]);
// Solve on all columns.
int num_iters = 0;
// std::cout << "Gauss-Seidel column solver # columns: " << columns.size() << std::endl;
for (std::vector<std::vector<int> >::size_type i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
// std::cout << "==== new column" << std::endl;
num_iters += solveGravityColumn(columns[i]);
std::cout << "Gauss-Seidel column solver average iterations: "
<< double(num_iters)/double(columns.size()) << std::endl;
toBothSat(saturation_, saturation);
// Compute surface volume as a postprocessing step from saturation and A_
computeSurfacevol(grid_.number_of_cells, props_.numPhases(), &A_[0], &saturation[0], &surfacevol[0]);
void TransportSolverTwophaseCompressiblePolymer::scToc(const double* x, double* x_c) const {
x_c[0] = x[0];
if (x[0] < 1e-2*tol_) {
x_c[1] = 0.5*polyprops_.cMax();
} else {
x_c[1] = x[1]/x[0];
} // namespace Opm
bool check_interval(const double* xmin, const double* xmax, double* x) {
bool test = false;
if (x[0] < xmin[0]) {
test = true;
x[0] = xmin[0];
} else if (x[0] > xmax[0]) {
test = true;
x[0] = xmax[0];
if (x[1] < xmin[1]) {
test = true;
x[1] = xmin[1];
} else if (x[1] > xmax[1]) {
test = true;
x[1] = xmax[1];
return test;
// Setup the curve (see comment above).
// The curve is parametrized by t in [0, t_max], t_out is equal to t when the curve hits the bounding
// rectangle. x_out=(s_out, c_out) denotes the values of s and c at that point.
void CurveInSCPlane::setup(const double* x, const double* direction,
const double* end_point, const double* x_min,
const double* x_max, const double tol,
double& t_max_out, double& t_out_out)
x_[0] = x[0];
x_[1] = x[1];
x_max_[0] = x_max[0];
x_max_[1] = x_max[1];
x_min_[0] = x_min[0];
x_min_[1] = x_min[1];
direction_[0] = direction[0];
direction_[1] = direction[1];
end_point_[0] = end_point[0];
end_point_[1] = end_point[1];
const double size_direction = std::abs(direction_[0]) + std::abs(direction_[1]);
if (size_direction < tol) {
direction_[0] = end_point_[0]-x_[0];
direction_[1] = end_point_[1]-x_[1];
} else if ((end_point_[0]-x_[0])*direction_[0] + (end_point_[1]-x_[1])*direction_[1] < 0) {
direction_[0] *= -1.0;
direction_[1] *= -1.0;
bool t0_exists = true;
double t0 = 0; // dummy default value (so that compiler does not complain).
if (direction_[0] > 0) {
t0 = (x_max_[0] - x_[0])/direction_[0];
} else if (direction_[0] < 0) {
t0 = (x_min_[0] - x_[0])/direction_[0];
} else {
t0_exists = false;
bool t1_exists = true;
double t1 = 0; // dummy default value.
if (direction_[1] > 0) {
t1 = (x_max_[1] - x_[1])/direction_[1];
} else if (direction_[1] < 0) {
t1 = (x_min_[1] - x_[1])/direction_[1];
} else {
t1_exists = false;
if (t0_exists) {
if (t1_exists) {
t_out_ = std::min(t0, t1);
} else {
t_out_ = t0;
} else if (t1_exists) {
t_out_ = t1;
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Direction illegal: is a zero vector.");
x_out_[0] = x_[0] + t_out_*direction_[0];
x_out_[1] = x_[1] + t_out_*direction_[1];
t_max_ = t_out_ + 1;
t_max_out = t_max_;
t_out_out = t_out_;
// Compute x=(s,c) for a given t (t is the parameter for the piecewise linear curve)
void CurveInSCPlane::computeXOfT(double* x_of_t, const double t) const {
if (t <= t_out_) {
x_of_t[0] = x_[0] + t*direction_[0];
x_of_t[1] = x_[1] + t*direction_[1];
} else {
x_of_t[0] = 1/(t_max_-t_out_)*((t_max_ - t)*x_out_[0] + end_point_[0]*(t - t_out_));
x_of_t[1] = 1/(t_max_-t_out_)*((t_max_ - t)*x_out_[1] + end_point_[1]*(t - t_out_));
} // Anonymous namespace
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