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Copyright 2016 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilModelBase.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilModelParameters.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/DebugTimeReport.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/multiPhaseUpwind.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/transport/reorder/reordersequence.h>
#include <opm/core/simulator/BlackoilState.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilTransportModel.hpp>
namespace Opm {
namespace detail
template <typename Scalar>
struct CreateVariable
Scalar operator()(double value, int index)
return Scalar::createVariable(value, index);
template <>
struct CreateVariable<double>
double operator()(double value, int)
return value;
template <typename Scalar>
struct CreateConstant
Scalar operator()(double value)
return Scalar::createConstant(value);
template <>
struct CreateConstant<double>
double operator()(double value)
return value;
struct Connection
Connection(const int ind, const double s) : index(ind), sign(s) {}
int index;
double sign;
class Connections;
class ConnectivityGraph
explicit ConnectivityGraph(const HelperOps& ops)
: grad_(ops.grad)
, div_(ops.div)
grad_ia_ = grad_.outerIndexPtr();
grad_ja_ = grad_.innerIndexPtr();
grad_sign_ = grad_.valuePtr();
div_ia_ = div_.outerIndexPtr();
div_ja_ = div_.innerIndexPtr();
div_sign_ = div_.valuePtr();
Connections cellConnections(const int cell) const;
std::array<int, 2> connectionCells(const int connection) const
const int pos = div_ia_[connection];
assert(div_ia_[connection + 1] == pos + 2);
const double sign1 = div_sign_[pos];
assert(div_sign_[pos + 1] == -sign1);
if (sign1 > 0.0) {
return {{ div_ja_[pos], div_ja_[pos + 1] }};
} else {
return {{ div_ja_[pos + 1], div_ja_[pos] }};
friend class Connections;
typedef HelperOps::M M;
const M& grad_;
const M& div_;
const int* grad_ia_;
const int* grad_ja_;
const double* grad_sign_;
const int* div_ia_;
const int* div_ja_;
const double* div_sign_;
class Connections
Connections(const ConnectivityGraph& cg, const int cell) : cg_(cg), cell_(cell) {}
int size() const
return cg_.grad_ia_[cell_ + 1] - cg_.grad_ia_[cell_];
class Iterator
Iterator(const Connections& c, const int index) : c_(c), index_(index) {}
Iterator& operator++()
return *this;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other)
assert(&c_ == &other.c_);
return index_ != other.index_;
Connection operator*()
assert(index_ >= 0 && index_ < c_.size());
const int pos = c_.cg_.grad_ia_[c_.cell_] + index_;
return Connection(c_.cg_.grad_ja_[pos], -c_.cg_.grad_sign_[pos]); // Note the minus sign!
const Connections& c_;
int index_;
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(*this, 0); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(*this, size()); }
friend class Iterator;
const ConnectivityGraph& cg_;
const int cell_;
inline Connections ConnectivityGraph::cellConnections(const int cell) const
return Connections(*this, cell);
} // namespace detail
/// A model implementation for the transport equation in three-phase black oil.
template<class Grid, class WellModel>
class BlackoilReorderingTransportModel
: public BlackoilModelBase<Grid, WellModel, BlackoilReorderingTransportModel<Grid, WellModel> >
typedef BlackoilModelBase<Grid, WellModel, BlackoilReorderingTransportModel<Grid, WellModel> > Base;
friend Base;
typedef typename Base::ReservoirState ReservoirState;
typedef typename Base::WellState WellState;
typedef typename Base::SolutionState SolutionState;
typedef typename Base::V V;
/// Construct the model. It will retain references to the
/// arguments of this functions, and they are expected to
/// remain in scope for the lifetime of the solver.
/// \param[in] param parameters
/// \param[in] grid grid data structure
/// \param[in] fluid fluid properties
/// \param[in] geo rock properties
/// \param[in] rock_comp_props if non-null, rock compressibility properties
/// \param[in] wells_arg well structure
/// \param[in] linsolver linear solver
/// \param[in] eclState eclipse state
/// \param[in] has_disgas turn on dissolved gas
/// \param[in] has_vapoil turn on vaporized oil feature
/// \param[in] terminal_output request output to cout/cerr
BlackoilReorderingTransportModel(const typename Base::ModelParameters& param,
const Grid& grid,
const BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck& fluid,
const DerivedGeology& geo,
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props,
const StandardWells& std_wells,
const NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface& linsolver,
std::shared_ptr<const EclipseState> eclState,
const bool has_disgas,
const bool has_vapoil,
const bool terminal_output)
: Base(param, grid, fluid, geo, rock_comp_props, std_wells, linsolver,
eclState, has_disgas, has_vapoil, terminal_output)
, graph_(Base::ops_)
, props_(dynamic_cast<const BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck&>(fluid)) // TODO: remove the need for this cast.
, state0_{ ReservoirState(0, 0, 0), WellState(), V(), V() }
, state_{ ReservoirState(0, 0, 0), WellState(), V(), V() }
, tr_model_(param, grid, fluid, geo, rock_comp_props, std_wells, linsolver,
eclState, has_disgas, has_vapoil, terminal_output)
// Set up the common parts of the mass balance equations
// for each active phase.
const V transi = subset(geo_.transmissibility(), ops_.internal_faces);
const V trans_nnc = ops_.nnc_trans;
trans_all_ = V::Zero(transi.size() + trans_nnc.size());
trans_all_ << transi, trans_nnc;
gdz_ = geo_.gravity()[2] * (ops_.grad * geo_.z().matrix());
rhos_ = DataBlock::Zero(ops_.div.rows(), 3);
rhos_.col(Water) = props_.surfaceDensity(Water, Base::cells_);
rhos_.col(Oil) = props_.surfaceDensity(Oil, Base::cells_);
rhos_.col(Gas) = props_.surfaceDensity(Gas, Base::cells_);
void prepareStep(const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
const ReservoirState& reservoir_state,
const WellState& well_state)
tr_model_.prepareStep(timer, reservoir_state, well_state);
Base::prepareStep(timer, reservoir_state, well_state);
Base::param_.solve_welleq_initially_ = false;
state0_.reservoir_state = reservoir_state;
state0_.well_state = well_state;
// Since (reference) pressure is constant, porosity and transmissibility multipliers can
// be computed just once.
const std::vector<double>& p = reservoir_state.pressure();
state0_.tr_mult = Base::transMult(ADB::constant(Eigen::Map<const V>(p.data(), p.size()))).value();
state0_.pv_mult = Base::poroMult(ADB::constant(Eigen::Map<const V>(p.data(), p.size()))).value();
const int num_cells = p.size();
for (int cell = 0; cell < num_cells; ++cell) {
computeCellState(cell, state0_, cstate0_[cell]);
cstate_ = cstate0_;
template <class NonlinearSolverType>
SimulatorReport nonlinearIteration(const int iteration,
const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
NonlinearSolverType& nonlinear_solver,
ReservoirState& reservoir_state,
const WellState& well_state)
// Extract reservoir and well fluxes and state.
DebugTimeReport tr("Extracting fluxes");
extractFluxes(reservoir_state, well_state);
extractState(reservoir_state, well_state);
// Compute cell ordering based on total flux.
DebugTimeReport tr("Topological sort");
// Solve in every component (cell or block of cells), in order.
DebugTimeReport tr("Solving all components");
for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ++ii) {
DebugTimeReport tr2("Solving components single sweep.");
// Update states for output.
reservoir_state = state_.reservoir_state;
// Assemble with other model,
auto rs = reservoir_state;
auto ws = well_state;
tr_model_.nonlinearIteration(/*iteration*/ 0, timer, nonlinear_solver, rs, ws);
// Create report and exit.
SimulatorReport report;
report.converged = true;
return report;
void afterStep(const SimulatorTimerInterface& /* timer */,
const ReservoirState& /* reservoir_state */,
const WellState& /* well_state */)
// Does nothing in this model.
using Base::numPhases;
// ============ Types ============
using Vec2 = Dune::FieldVector<double, 2>;
using Mat22 = Dune::FieldMatrix<double, 2, 2>;
using Eval = DenseAd::Evaluation<double, 2>;
struct State
ReservoirState reservoir_state;
WellState well_state;
V tr_mult;
V pv_mult;
template <typename ScalarT>
struct CellState
using Scalar = ScalarT;
Scalar s[3];
Scalar rs;
Scalar rv;
Scalar p[3];
Scalar kr[3];
Scalar pc[3];
Scalar temperature;
Scalar mu[3];
Scalar b[3];
Scalar lambda[3];
Scalar rho[3];
Scalar rssat;
Scalar rvsat;
// Implement interface used for opm-material properties.
const Scalar& saturation(int phaseIdx) const
return s[phaseIdx];
template <typename T>
CellState<T> flatten() const
return CellState<T>{
{ s[0].value(), s[1].value(), s[2].value() },
{ p[0].value(), p[1].value(), p[2].value() },
{ kr[0].value(), kr[1].value(), kr[2].value() },
{ pc[0].value(), pc[1].value(), pc[2].value() },
{ mu[0].value(), mu[1].value(), mu[2].value() },
{ b[0].value(), b[1].value(), b[2].value() },
{ lambda[0].value(), lambda[1].value(), lambda[2].value() },
{ rho[0].value(), rho[1].value(), rho[2].value() },
// ============ Data members ============
using Base::grid_;
using Base::geo_;
using Base::ops_;
const detail::ConnectivityGraph graph_;
const BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck& props_;
State state0_;
State state_;
std::vector<CellState<double>> cstate0_;
std::vector<CellState<double>> cstate_;
V total_flux_;
V total_wellperf_flux_;
DataBlock comp_wellperf_flux_;
V total_wellflux_cell_;
V oil_wellflux_cell_;
V gas_wellflux_cell_;
std::vector<int> sequence_;
std::vector<int> components_;
V trans_all_;
V gdz_;
DataBlock rhos_;
std::array<double, 2> max_abs_dx_;
std::array<int, 2> max_abs_dx_cell_;
// TODO: remove this, for debug only.
BlackoilTransportModel<Grid, WellModel> tr_model_;
// ============ Member functions ============
template <typename Scalar>
void computeCellState(const int cell, const State& state, CellState<Scalar>& cstate) const
assert(numPhases() == 3); // I apologize for this to my future self, that will have to fix it.
// Extract from state and props.
const auto hcstate = state.reservoir_state.hydroCarbonState()[cell];
const bool is_sg = (hcstate == HydroCarbonState::GasAndOil);
const bool is_rs = (hcstate == HydroCarbonState::OilOnly);
const bool is_rv = (hcstate == HydroCarbonState::GasOnly);
const double swval = state.reservoir_state.saturation()[3*cell + Water];
const double sgval = state.reservoir_state.saturation()[3*cell + Gas];
const double rsval = state.reservoir_state.gasoilratio()[cell];
const double rvval = state.reservoir_state.rv()[cell];
const double poval = state.reservoir_state.pressure()[cell];
const int pvt_region = props_.pvtRegions()[cell];
// Property functions.
const auto& waterpvt = props_.waterProps();
const auto& oilpvt = props_.oilProps();
const auto& gaspvt = props_.gasProps();
const auto& satfunc = props_.materialLaws();
// Create saturation and composition variables.
detail::CreateVariable<Scalar> variable;
detail::CreateConstant<Scalar> constant;
cstate.s[Water] = variable(swval, 0);
cstate.s[Gas] = is_sg ? variable(sgval, 1) : constant(sgval);
cstate.s[Oil] = 1.0 - cstate.s[Water] - cstate.s[Gas];
cstate.rs = is_rs ? variable(rsval, 1) : constant(rsval);
cstate.rv = is_rv ? variable(rvval, 1) : constant(rvval);
// Compute relative permeabilities amd capillary pressures.
const auto& params = satfunc.materialLawParams(cell);
typedef BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::MaterialLawManager::MaterialLaw MaterialLaw;
MaterialLaw::relativePermeabilities(cstate.kr, params, cstate);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(cstate.pc, params, cstate);
// Compute phase pressures.
cstate.p[Oil] = constant(poval);
cstate.p[Water] = cstate.p[Oil] + cstate.pc[Water]; // pcow = pw - po (!) [different from old convention]
cstate.p[Gas] = cstate.p[Oil] + cstate.pc[Gas]; // pcog = pg - po
// Compute PVT properties.
cstate.temperature = constant(0.0); // Temperature is not used.
cstate.mu[Water] = waterpvt.viscosity(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Water]);
cstate.mu[Oil] = is_sg
? oilpvt.saturatedViscosity(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Oil])
: oilpvt.viscosity(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Oil], cstate.rs);
cstate.mu[Gas] = is_sg
? gaspvt.saturatedViscosity(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Gas])
: gaspvt.viscosity(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Gas], cstate.rv);
cstate.b[Water] = waterpvt.inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Water]);
cstate.b[Oil] = is_sg
? oilpvt.saturatedInverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Oil])
: oilpvt.inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Oil], cstate.rs);
cstate.b[Gas] = is_sg
? gaspvt.saturatedInverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Gas])
: gaspvt.inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Gas], cstate.rv);
// Compute mobilities.
for (int phase = 0; phase < 3; ++phase) {
cstate.lambda[phase] = cstate.kr[phase] / cstate.mu[phase];
// Compute densities.
cstate.rho[Water] = rhos_(cell, Water) * cstate.b[Water];
cstate.rho[Oil] = (rhos_(cell, Oil) + cstate.rs*rhos_(cell, Gas)) * cstate.b[Oil]; // TODO: check that this is correct
cstate.rho[Gas] = (rhos_(cell, Gas) + cstate.rv*rhos_(cell, Oil)) * cstate.b[Gas];
// Compute saturated rs and rv factors.
cstate.rssat = oilpvt.saturatedGasDissolutionFactor(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Oil]);
cstate.rvsat = gaspvt.saturatedOilVaporizationFactor(pvt_region, cstate.temperature, cstate.p[Gas]);
// TODO: add vaporization controls such as in BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::applyVap().
void extractFluxes(const ReservoirState& reservoir_state,
const WellState& well_state)
// Input face fluxes are for interior faces + nncs.
total_flux_ = Eigen::Map<const V>(reservoir_state.faceflux().data(),
total_wellperf_flux_ = Eigen::Map<const V>(well_state.perfRates().data(),
comp_wellperf_flux_ = Eigen::Map<const DataBlock>(well_state.perfPhaseRates().data(),
const int num_cells = reservoir_state.pressure().size();
total_wellflux_cell_ = superset(total_wellperf_flux_, Base::wellModel().wellOps().well_cells, num_cells);
assert(Base::numPhases() == 3);
V oilflux = comp_wellperf_flux_.col(1);
V gasflux = comp_wellperf_flux_.col(2);
oil_wellflux_cell_ = superset(oilflux, Base::wellModel().wellOps().well_cells, num_cells);
gas_wellflux_cell_ = superset(gasflux, Base::wellModel().wellOps().well_cells, num_cells);
assert(numPhases() * well_state.perfRates().size() == well_state.perfPhaseRates().size());
void extractState(const ReservoirState& reservoir_state,
const WellState& well_state)
state_.reservoir_state = reservoir_state;
state_.well_state = well_state;
const std::vector<double>& p = reservoir_state.pressure();
state_.tr_mult = Base::transMult(ADB::constant(Eigen::Map<const V>(p.data(), p.size()))).value();
state_.pv_mult = Base::poroMult(ADB::constant(Eigen::Map<const V>(p.data(), p.size()))).value();
void computeOrdering()
assert(!geo_.nnc().hasNNC()); // TODO: support compute_sequence() with grid + nnc.
static_assert(std::is_same<Grid, UnstructuredGrid>::value,
"compute_sequence() is written in C and therefore requires an UnstructuredGrid, "
"it must be rewritten to use other grid classes such as CpGrid");
using namespace Opm::AutoDiffGrid;
const int num_cells = numCells(grid_);
components_.resize(num_cells + 1); // max possible size
int num_components = -1;
using namespace Opm::AutoDiffGrid;
const int num_faces = numFaces(grid_);
V flux_on_all_faces = superset(total_flux_, ops_.internal_faces, num_faces);
compute_sequence(&grid_, flux_on_all_faces.data(), sequence_.data(), components_.data(), &num_components);
OpmLog::debug(std::string("Number of components: ") + std::to_string(num_components));
components_.resize(num_components + 1); // resize to fit actually used part
void solveComponents()
// Zero the max changed.
max_abs_dx_[0] = 0.0;
max_abs_dx_[1] = 0.0;
max_abs_dx_cell_[0] = -1;
max_abs_dx_cell_[1] = -1;
// Solve the equations.
const int num_components = components_.size() - 1;
for (int comp = 0; comp < num_components; ++comp) {
const int comp_size = components_[comp + 1] - components_[comp];
if (comp_size == 1) {
} else {
solveMultiCell(comp_size, &sequence_[components_[comp]]);
// Log the max change.
std::ostringstream os;
os << "=== Max abs dx[0]: " << max_abs_dx_[0] << " (cell " << max_abs_dx_cell_[0]
<<") dx[1]: " << max_abs_dx_[1] << " (cell " << max_abs_dx_cell_[1] << ")";
void solveSingleCell(const int cell)
Vec2 res;
Mat22 jac;
assembleSingleCell(cell, res, jac);
// Newton loop.
int iter = 0;
const int max_iter = 100;
double relaxation = 1.0;
while (!getConvergence(cell, res) && iter < max_iter) {
Vec2 dx;
jac.solve(dx, res);
dx *= relaxation;
// const auto hcstate_old = state_.reservoir_state.hydroCarbonState()[cell];
updateState(cell, -dx);
// const auto hcstate = state_.reservoir_state.hydroCarbonState()[cell];
assembleSingleCell(cell, res, jac);
if (iter > 10) {
relaxation = 0.85;
if (iter > 15) {
relaxation = 0.70;
if (iter > 20) {
relaxation = 0.55;
if (iter > 25) {
relaxation = 0.40;
if (iter > 30) {
relaxation = 0.25;
// std::ostringstream os;
// os << "Iteration " << iter << " in cell " << cell << ", residual = " << res
// << ", cell values { s = ( " << cstate_[cell].s[Water] << ", " << cstate_[cell].s[Oil] << ", " << cstate_[cell].s[Gas]
// << " ), rs = " << cstate_[cell].rs << ", rv = " << cstate_[cell].rv << "}, dx = " << dx << ", hcstate: " << hcstate_old << " -> " << hcstate;
// OpmLog::debug(os.str());
if (iter == max_iter) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "Failed to converge in cell " << cell << ", residual = " << res
<< ", cell values { s = ( " << cstate_[cell].s[Water] << ", " << cstate_[cell].s[Oil] << ", " << cstate_[cell].s[Gas]
<< " ), rs = " << cstate_[cell].rs << ", rv = " << cstate_[cell].rv << " }";
void solveMultiCell(const int comp_size, const int* cell_array)
// OpmLog::warning("solveMultiCell", "solveMultiCell() called with component size " + std::to_string(comp_size));
for (int ii = 0; ii < comp_size; ++ii) {
template <typename Scalar>
Scalar oilAccumulation(const CellState<Scalar>& cs)
return cs.b[Oil]*cs.s[Oil] + cs.rv*cs.b[Gas]*cs.s[Gas];
template <typename Scalar>
Scalar gasAccumulation(const CellState<Scalar>& cs)
return cs.b[Gas]*cs.s[Gas] + cs.rs*cs.b[Oil]*cs.s[Oil];
void applyThresholdPressure(const int connection, Eval& dp)
const double thres_press = Base::threshold_pressures_by_connection_[connection];
if (std::fabs(dp.value()) < thres_press) {
} else {
dp -= dp.value() > 0.0 ? thres_press : -thres_press;
void assembleSingleCell(const int cell, Vec2& res, Mat22& jac)
assert(numPhases() == 3); // I apologize for this to my future self, that will have to fix it.
CellState<Eval> st;
computeCellState(cell, state_, st);
cstate_[cell] = st.template flatten<double>();
// Accumulation terms.
const double pvm0 = state0_.pv_mult[cell];
const double pvm = state_.pv_mult[cell];
const double ao0 = oilAccumulation(cstate0_[cell]) * pvm0;
const Eval ao = oilAccumulation(st) * pvm;
const double ag0 = gasAccumulation(cstate0_[cell]) * pvm0;
const Eval ag = gasAccumulation(st) * pvm;
// Flux terms.
Eval div_oilflux = Eval::createConstant(0.0);
Eval div_gasflux = Eval::createConstant(0.0);
for (auto conn : graph_.cellConnections(cell)) {
auto conn_cells = graph_.connectionCells(conn.index);
const int from = conn_cells[0];
const int to = conn_cells[1];
if (from < 0 || to < 0) {
continue; // Boundary.
assert((from == cell) == (conn.sign > 0.0));
const int other = from == cell ? to : from;
const double vt = conn.sign * total_flux_[conn.index];
const double gdz = conn.sign * gdz_[conn.index];
// From this point, we treat everything about this
// connection as going from 'cell' to 'other'. Since
// we don't want derivatives from the 'other' cell to
// participate in the solution, we use the constant
// values from cstate_[other].
Eval dh[3];
Eval dh_sat[3];
const Eval grad_oil_press = cstate_[other].p[Oil] - st.p[Oil];
for (int phase : { Water, Oil, Gas }) {
const Eval gradp = cstate_[other].p[phase] - st.p[phase];
const Eval rhoavg = 0.5 * (st.rho[phase] + cstate_[other].rho[phase]);
dh[phase] = gradp - rhoavg * gdz;
if (Base::use_threshold_pressure_) {
applyThresholdPressure(conn.index, dh[phase]);
dh_sat[phase] = grad_oil_press - dh[phase];
const double tran = trans_all_[conn.index]; // TODO: include tr_mult effect.
const auto& m1 = st.lambda;
const auto& m2 = cstate_[other].lambda;
const auto upw = connectionMultiPhaseUpwind({{ dh_sat[Water].value(), dh_sat[Oil].value(), dh_sat[Gas].value() }},
{{ m1[Water].value(), m1[Oil].value(), m1[Gas].value() }},
{{ m2[Water], m2[Oil], m2[Gas] }},
tran, vt);
// if (upw[0] != upw[1] || upw[1] != upw[2]) {
// OpmLog::debug("Detected countercurrent flow between cells " + std::to_string(from) + " and " + std::to_string(to));
// }
Eval b[3];
Eval mob[3];
Eval tot_mob = Eval::createConstant(0.0);
for (int phase : { Water, Oil, Gas }) {
b[phase] = upw[phase] > 0.0 ? st.b[phase] : cstate_[other].b[phase];
mob[phase] = upw[phase] > 0.0 ? m1[phase] : m2[phase];
tot_mob += mob[phase];
Eval rs = upw[Oil] > 0.0 ? st.rs : cstate_[other].rs;
Eval rv = upw[Gas] > 0.0 ? st.rv : cstate_[other].rv;
Eval flux[3];
for (int phase : { Oil, Gas }) {
Eval gflux = Eval::createConstant(0.0);
for (int other_phase : { Water, Oil, Gas }) {
if (phase != other_phase) {
gflux += mob[other_phase] * (dh_sat[phase] - dh_sat[other_phase]);
flux[phase] = b[phase] * (mob[phase] / tot_mob) * (vt + tran*gflux);
div_oilflux += flux[Oil] + rv*flux[Gas];
div_gasflux += flux[Gas] + rs*flux[Oil];
// Well fluxes.
if (total_wellflux_cell_[cell] > 0.0) {
// Injecting perforation. Use given phase rates.
assert(oil_wellflux_cell_[cell] >= 0.0);
assert(gas_wellflux_cell_[cell] >= 0.0);
div_oilflux -= oil_wellflux_cell_[cell];
div_gasflux -= gas_wellflux_cell_[cell];
} else if (total_wellflux_cell_[cell] < 0.0) {
// Producing perforation. Use total rate and fractional flow.
Eval totmob = st.lambda[Water] + st.lambda[Oil] + st.lambda[Gas];
Eval oilflux = st.b[Oil] * (st.lambda[Oil]/totmob) * total_wellflux_cell_[cell];
Eval gasflux = st.b[Gas] * (st.lambda[Gas]/totmob) * total_wellflux_cell_[cell];
div_oilflux -= (oilflux + st.rv * gasflux);
div_gasflux -= (gasflux + st.rs * oilflux);
const Eval oileq = Base::pvdt_[cell]*(ao - ao0) + div_oilflux;
const Eval gaseq = Base::pvdt_[cell]*(ag - ag0) + div_gasflux;
res[0] = oileq.value();
res[1] = gaseq.value();
jac[0][0] = oileq.derivative(0);
jac[0][1] = oileq.derivative(1);
jac[1][0] = gaseq.derivative(0);
jac[1][1] = gaseq.derivative(1);
bool getConvergence(const int cell, const Vec2& res)
const double tol = 1e-7;
// Compute scaled residuals (scaled like saturations).
double sres[] = { res[0] / (cstate_[cell].b[Oil] * Base::pvdt_[cell]),
res[1] / (cstate_[cell].b[Gas] * Base::pvdt_[cell]) };
return std::fabs(sres[0]) < tol && std::fabs(sres[1]) < tol;
void updateState(const int cell,
const Vec2& dx)
if (std::fabs(dx[0]) > max_abs_dx_[0]) {
max_abs_dx_cell_[0] = cell;
if (std::fabs(dx[1]) > max_abs_dx_[1]) {
max_abs_dx_cell_[1] = cell;
max_abs_dx_[0] = std::max(max_abs_dx_[0], std::fabs(dx[0]));
max_abs_dx_[1] = std::max(max_abs_dx_[1], std::fabs(dx[1]));
// Get saturation updates.
const double dsw = dx[0];
double dsg = 0.0;
auto& hcstate = state_.reservoir_state.hydroCarbonState()[cell];
if (hcstate == HydroCarbonState::GasAndOil) {
dsg = dx[1];
} else if (hcstate == HydroCarbonState::GasOnly) {
dsg = -dsw;
const double dso = -(dsw + dsg);
// Handle too large saturation changes.
const double maxval = std::max(std::fabs(dsw), std::max(std::fabs(dso), std::fabs(dsg)));
const double sfactor = std::min(1.0, Base::dsMax() / maxval);
double* s = state_.reservoir_state.saturation().data() + 3*cell;
s[Water] += sfactor*dsw;
s[Gas] += sfactor*dsg;
s[Oil] = 1.0 - s[Water] - s[Gas];
// Handle < 0 saturations.
for (int phase : { Gas, Oil, Water }) { // TODO: check if ordering here is significant
if (s[phase] < 0.0) {
for (int other_phase : { Water, Oil, Gas }) {
if (phase != other_phase) {
s[other_phase] /= (1.0 - s[phase]);
s[phase] = 0.0;
// Update rs.
double& rs = state_.reservoir_state.gasoilratio()[cell];
const double rs_old = rs;
if (hcstate == HydroCarbonState::OilOnly) {
// const double max_allowed_change = std::fabs(rs_old) * Base::drMaxRel();
const double drs = dx[1];
// const double factor = std::min(1.0, max_allowed_change / std::fabs(drs));
// rs += factor*drs;
rs += drs;
rs = std::max(rs, 0.0);
// Update rv.
double& rv = state_.reservoir_state.rv()[cell];
const double rv_old = rv;
if (hcstate == HydroCarbonState::GasOnly) {
// const double max_allowed_change = std::fabs(rv_old) * Base::drMaxRel();
const double drv = dx[1];
// const double factor = std::min(1.0, max_allowed_change / std::fabs(drv));
// rv += factor*drv;
rv += drv;
rv = std::max(rv, 0.0);
const double epsilon = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
const bool water_only = s[Water] > (1 - epsilon);
const auto old_hcstate = hcstate;
hcstate = HydroCarbonState::GasAndOil;
// sg <-> rs transition.
const double rssat_old = cstate_[cell].rssat;
const double rssat = rssat_old; // TODO: This is no longer true with vaporization controls
const bool is_rs = old_hcstate == HydroCarbonState::OilOnly;
const bool has_gas = (s[Gas] > 0.0 && !is_rs);
const bool gas_vaporized = ( (rs > rssat * (1+epsilon) && is_rs ) && (rs_old > rssat_old * (1-epsilon)) );
if (water_only || has_gas || gas_vaporized) {
rs = rssat;
} else {
hcstate = HydroCarbonState::OilOnly;
// sg <-> rv transition.
const double rvsat_old = cstate_[cell].rvsat;
const double rvsat = rvsat_old; // TODO: This is no longer true with vaporization controls
const bool is_rv = old_hcstate == HydroCarbonState::GasOnly;
const bool has_oil = (s[Oil] > 0.0 && !is_rv);
const bool oil_condensed = ( (rv > rvsat * (1+epsilon) && is_rv) && (rv_old > rvsat_old * (1-epsilon)) );
if (water_only || has_oil || oil_condensed) {
rv = rvsat;
} else {
hcstate = HydroCarbonState::GasOnly;
/// Providing types by template specialisation of ModelTraits for BlackoilReorderingTransportModel.
template <class Grid, class WellModel>
struct ModelTraits< BlackoilReorderingTransportModel<Grid, WellModel> >
typedef BlackoilState ReservoirState;
typedef WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil WellState;
typedef BlackoilModelParameters ModelParameters;
typedef DefaultBlackoilSolutionState SolutionState;
} // namespace Opm