mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
This commit includes the fraction of pore-volume whose CNV targets are violated as a new per-iteration quantity in the INFOITER file (--output-extra-convergence-info=iteration), with the column header "CnvErrPvFrac". We collect the values which are already calculated in BlackoilModel<>::getReservoirConvergence() and store these as a pair of numerator and denominator in the ConvergenceReport class. Note that we need both the numerator and the denominator in order to aggregate contributions from multiple ranks. While here, also make a few more objects 'const' and calculate column widths directly instead of the maximum number of characters in writeConvergenceHeader().
977 lines
43 KiB
977 lines
43 KiB
Copyright 2013, 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2014, 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2014, 2015 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2015 NTNU
Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017 IRIS AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
#include <opm/grid/common/SubGridPart.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/aquifers/AquiferGridUtils.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/countGlobalCells.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/partitionCells.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/priVarsPacking.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/flow/SubDomain.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/extractMatrix.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/ISTLSolverBda.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/linalg/ISTLSolver.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/ConvergenceReport.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorReport.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimerInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/ComponentName.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ios>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm {
template<class TypeTag> class BlackoilModel;
/// A NLDD implementation for three-phase black oil.
template <class TypeTag>
class BlackoilModelNldd {
using ElementContext = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ElementContext>;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
using Grid = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Grid>;
using Indices = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Indices>;
using ModelParameters = BlackoilModelParameters<TypeTag>;
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using SolutionVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::SolutionVector>;
using BVector = typename BlackoilModel<TypeTag>::BVector;
using Domain = SubDomain<Grid>;
using ISTLSolverType = ISTLSolver<TypeTag>;
using Mat = typename BlackoilModel<TypeTag>::Mat;
static constexpr int numEq = Indices::numEq;
//! \brief The constructor sets up the subdomains.
//! \param model BlackOil model to solve for
//! \param param param Model parameters
//! \param compNames Names of the solution components
BlackoilModelNldd(BlackoilModel<TypeTag>& model)
: model_(model), rank_(model_.simulator().vanguard().grid().comm().rank())
// Create partitions.
const auto& [partition_vector, num_domains] = this->partitionCells();
// Scan through partitioning to get correct size for each.
std::vector<int> sizes(num_domains, 0);
for (const auto& p : partition_vector) {
// Set up correctly sized vectors of entity seeds and of indices for each partition.
using EntitySeed = typename Grid::template Codim<0>::EntitySeed;
std::vector<std::vector<EntitySeed>> seeds(num_domains);
std::vector<std::vector<int>> partitions(num_domains);
for (int domain = 0; domain < num_domains; ++domain) {
// Iterate through grid once, setting the seeds of all partitions.
// Note: owned cells only!
const auto& grid = model_.simulator().vanguard().grid();
std::vector<int> count(num_domains, 0);
const auto& gridView = grid.leafGridView();
const auto beg = gridView.template begin<0, Dune::Interior_Partition>();
const auto end = gridView.template end<0, Dune::Interior_Partition>();
int cell = 0;
for (auto it = beg; it != end; ++it, ++cell) {
const int p = partition_vector[cell];
seeds[p][count[p]] = it->seed();
partitions[p][count[p]] = cell;
assert(count == sizes);
// Create the domains.
for (int index = 0; index < num_domains; ++index) {
std::vector<bool> interior(partition_vector.size(), false);
for (int ix : partitions[index]) {
interior[ix] = true;
Dune::SubGridPart<Grid> view{grid, std::move(seeds[index])};
// Set up container for the local system matrices.
// Set up container for the local linear solvers.
for (int index = 0; index < num_domains; ++index) {
// TODO: The ISTLSolver constructor will make
// parallel structures appropriate for the full grid
// only. This must be addressed before going parallel.
const auto& eclState = model_.simulator().vanguard().eclState();
FlowLinearSolverParameters loc_param;
loc_param.template init<TypeTag>(eclState.getSimulationConfig().useCPR());
// Override solver type with umfpack if small domain.
// Otherwise hardcode to ILU0
if (domains_[index].cells.size() < 200) {
loc_param.linsolver_ = "umfpack";
} else {
loc_param.linsolver_ = "ilu0";
loc_param.linear_solver_reduction_ = 1e-2;
loc_param.linear_solver_print_json_definition_ = false;
const bool force_serial = true;
domain_linsolvers_.emplace_back(model_.simulator(), loc_param, force_serial);
assert(int(domains_.size()) == num_domains);
//! \brief Called before starting a time step.
void prepareStep()
// Setup domain->well mapping.
//! \brief Do one non-linear NLDD iteration.
template <class NonlinearSolverType>
SimulatorReportSingle nonlinearIterationNldd(const int iteration,
const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
NonlinearSolverType& nonlinear_solver)
// ----------- Set up reports and timer -----------
SimulatorReportSingle report;
Dune::Timer perfTimer;
model_.initialLinearization(report, iteration, nonlinear_solver.minIter(), nonlinear_solver.maxIter(), timer);
if (report.converged) {
return report;
// ----------- If not converged, do an NLDD iteration -----------
auto& solution = model_.simulator().model().solution(0);
auto initial_solution = solution;
auto locally_solved = initial_solution;
// ----------- Decide on an ordering for the domains -----------
const auto domain_order = this->getSubdomainOrder();
// ----------- Solve each domain separately -----------
DeferredLogger logger;
std::vector<SimulatorReportSingle> domain_reports(domains_.size());
for (const int domain_index : domain_order) {
const auto& domain = domains_[domain_index];
SimulatorReportSingle local_report;
try {
switch (model_.param().local_solve_approach_) {
case DomainSolveApproach::Jacobi:
solveDomainJacobi(solution, locally_solved, local_report, logger,
iteration, timer, domain);
case DomainSolveApproach::GaussSeidel:
solveDomainGaussSeidel(solution, locally_solved, local_report, logger,
iteration, timer, domain);
catch (...) {
// Something went wrong during local solves.
local_report.converged = false;
// This should have updated the global matrix to be
// dR_i/du_j evaluated at new local solutions for
// i == j, at old solution for i != j.
if (!local_report.converged) {
// TODO: more proper treatment, including in parallel.
logger.debug(fmt::format("Convergence failure in domain {} on rank {}." , domain.index, rank_));
domain_reports[domain.index] = local_report;
// Communicate and log all messages.
auto global_logger = gatherDeferredLogger(logger, model_.simulator().vanguard().grid().comm());
// Accumulate local solve data.
// Putting the counts in a single array to avoid multiple
// comm.sum() calls. Keeping the named vars for readability.
std::array<int, 4> counts{ 0, 0, 0, static_cast<int>(domain_reports.size()) };
int& num_converged = counts[0];
int& num_converged_already = counts[1];
int& num_local_newtons = counts[2];
int& num_domains = counts[3];
SimulatorReportSingle rep;
for (const auto& dr : domain_reports) {
if (dr.converged) {
if (dr.total_newton_iterations == 0) {
rep += dr;
num_local_newtons = rep.total_newton_iterations;
local_reports_accumulated_ += rep;
if (model_.param().local_solve_approach_ == DomainSolveApproach::Jacobi) {
solution = locally_solved;
// Communicate solutions:
// With multiple processes, this process' overlap (i.e. not
// owned) cells' solution values have been modified by local
// solves in the owning processes, and remain unchanged
// here. We must therefore receive the updated solution on the
// overlap cells and update their intensive quantities before
// we move on.
const auto& comm = model_.simulator().vanguard().grid().comm();
if (comm.size() > 1) {
const auto* ccomm = model_.simulator().model().newtonMethod().linearSolver().comm();
// Copy numerical values from primary vars.
ccomm->copyOwnerToAll(solution, solution);
// Copy flags from primary vars.
const std::size_t num = solution.size();
Dune::BlockVector<std::size_t> allmeanings(num);
for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < num; ++ii) {
allmeanings[ii] = PVUtil::pack(solution[ii]);
ccomm->copyOwnerToAll(allmeanings, allmeanings);
for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < num; ++ii) {
PVUtil::unPack(solution[ii], allmeanings[ii]);
// Update intensive quantities for our overlap values.
// Make total counts of domains converged.
comm.sum(counts.data(), counts.size());
#endif // HAVE_MPI
const bool is_iorank = this->rank_ == 0;
if (is_iorank) {
OpmLog::debug(fmt::format("Local solves finished. Converged for {}/{} domains. {} domains did no work. {} total local Newton iterations.\n",
num_converged, num_domains, num_converged_already, num_local_newtons));
// Finish with a Newton step.
// Note that the "iteration + 100" is a simple way to avoid entering
// "if (iteration == 0)" and similar blocks, and also makes it a little
// easier to spot the iteration residuals in the DBG file. A more sophisticated
// approach can be done later.
auto rep = model_.nonlinearIterationNewton(iteration + 100, timer, nonlinear_solver);
report += rep;
if (rep.converged) {
report.converged = true;
return report;
/// return the statistics if the nonlinearIteration() method failed
const SimulatorReportSingle& localAccumulatedReports() const
return local_reports_accumulated_;
void writePartitions(const std::filesystem::path& odir) const
const auto& elementMapper = this->model_.simulator().model().elementMapper();
const auto& cartMapper = this->model_.simulator().vanguard().cartesianIndexMapper();
const auto& grid = this->model_.simulator().vanguard().grid();
const auto& comm = grid.comm();
const auto nDigit = 1 + static_cast<int>(std::floor(std::log10(comm.size())));
std::ofstream pfile { odir / fmt::format("{1:0>{0}}", nDigit, comm.rank()) };
const auto p = this->reconstitutePartitionVector();
auto i = 0;
for (const auto& cell : elements(grid.leafGridView(), Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
pfile << comm.rank() << ' '
<< cartMapper.cartesianIndex(elementMapper.index(cell)) << ' '
<< p[i++] << '\n';
//! \brief Solve the equation system for a single domain.
std::pair<SimulatorReportSingle, ConvergenceReport>
solveDomain(const Domain& domain,
const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
DeferredLogger& logger,
[[maybe_unused]] const int global_iteration,
const bool initial_assembly_required)
auto& modelSimulator = model_.simulator();
SimulatorReportSingle report;
Dune::Timer solveTimer;
Dune::Timer detailTimer;
// When called, if assembly has already been performed
// with the initial values, we only need to check
// for local convergence. Otherwise, we must do a local
// assembly.
int iter = 0;
if (initial_assembly_required) {
// TODO: we should have a beginIterationLocal function()
// only handling the well model for now
// Assemble reservoir locally.
report += this->assembleReservoirDomain(domain);
report.assemble_time += detailTimer.stop();
std::vector<double> resnorms;
auto convreport = this->getDomainConvergence(domain, timer, 0, logger, resnorms);
if (convreport.converged()) {
// TODO: set more info, timing etc.
report.converged = true;
return { report, convreport };
// We have already assembled for the first iteration,
// but not done the Schur complement for the wells yet.
const double tt1 = detailTimer.stop();
report.assemble_time += tt1;
report.assemble_time_well += tt1;
// Local Newton loop.
const int max_iter = model_.param().max_local_solve_iterations_;
const auto& grid = modelSimulator.vanguard().grid();
do {
// Solve local linear system.
// Note that x has full size, we expect it to be nonzero only for in-domain cells.
const int nc = grid.size(0);
BVector x(nc);
this->solveJacobianSystemDomain(domain, x);
model_.wellModel().postSolveDomain(x, domain);
report.linear_solve_time += detailTimer.stop();
report.linear_solve_setup_time += model_.linearSolveSetupTime();
report.total_linear_iterations = model_.linearIterationsLastSolve();
// Update local solution. // TODO: x is still full size, should we optimize it?
this->updateDomainSolution(domain, x);
report.update_time += detailTimer.stop();
// Assemble well and reservoir.
// TODO: we should have a beginIterationLocal function()
// only handling the well model for now
// Assemble reservoir locally.
report += this->assembleReservoirDomain(domain);
report.assemble_time += detailTimer.stop();
// Check for local convergence.
convreport = this->getDomainConvergence(domain, timer, iter, logger, resnorms);
// apply the Schur complement of the well model to the
// reservoir linearized equations
const double tt2 = detailTimer.stop();
report.assemble_time += tt2;
report.assemble_time_well += tt2;
} while (!convreport.converged() && iter <= max_iter);
report.converged = convreport.converged();
report.total_newton_iterations = iter;
report.total_linearizations = iter;
report.total_time = solveTimer.stop();
// TODO: set more info, timing etc.
return { report, convreport };
/// Assemble the residual and Jacobian of the nonlinear system.
SimulatorReportSingle assembleReservoirDomain(const Domain& domain)
// -------- Mass balance equations --------
return model_.wellModel().lastReport();
//! \brief Solve the linearized system for a domain.
void solveJacobianSystemDomain(const Domain& domain, BVector& global_x)
const auto& modelSimulator = model_.simulator();
Dune::Timer perfTimer;
const Mat& main_matrix = modelSimulator.model().linearizer().jacobian().istlMatrix();
if (domain_matrices_[domain.index]) {
Details::copySubMatrix(main_matrix, domain.cells, *domain_matrices_[domain.index]);
} else {
domain_matrices_[domain.index] = std::make_unique<Mat>(Details::extractMatrix(main_matrix, domain.cells));
auto& jac = *domain_matrices_[domain.index];
auto res = Details::extractVector(modelSimulator.model().linearizer().residual(),
auto x = res;
// set initial guess
global_x = 0.0;
x = 0.0;
auto& linsolver = domain_linsolvers_[domain.index];
linsolver.prepare(jac, res);
model_.linearSolveSetupTime() = perfTimer.stop();
Details::setGlobal(x, domain.cells, global_x);
/// Apply an update to the primary variables.
void updateDomainSolution(const Domain& domain, const BVector& dx)
auto& simulator = model_.simulator();
auto& newtonMethod = simulator.model().newtonMethod();
SolutionVector& solution = simulator.model().solution(/*timeIdx=*/0);
domain.cells); // the update routines of the black
// oil model do not care about the
// residual
// if the solution is updated, the intensive quantities need to be recalculated
simulator.model().invalidateAndUpdateIntensiveQuantities(/*timeIdx=*/0, domain);
//! \brief Get reservoir quantities on this process needed for convergence calculations.
std::pair<double, double> localDomainConvergenceData(const Domain& domain,
std::vector<Scalar>& R_sum,
std::vector<Scalar>& maxCoeff,
std::vector<Scalar>& B_avg,
std::vector<int>& maxCoeffCell)
const auto& modelSimulator = model_.simulator();
double pvSumLocal = 0.0;
double numAquiferPvSumLocal = 0.0;
const auto& model = modelSimulator.model();
const auto& problem = modelSimulator.problem();
const auto& modelResid = modelSimulator.model().linearizer().residual();
ElementContext elemCtx(modelSimulator);
const auto& gridView = domain.view;
const auto& elemEndIt = gridView.template end</*codim=*/0>();
IsNumericalAquiferCell isNumericalAquiferCell(gridView.grid());
for (auto elemIt = gridView.template begin</*codim=*/0>();
elemIt != elemEndIt;
if (elemIt->partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity) {
const auto& elem = *elemIt;
const unsigned cell_idx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
const auto& intQuants = elemCtx.intensiveQuantities(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
const auto& fs = intQuants.fluidState();
const auto pvValue = problem.referencePorosity(cell_idx, /*timeIdx=*/0) *
pvSumLocal += pvValue;
if (isNumericalAquiferCell(elem))
numAquiferPvSumLocal += pvValue;
model_.getMaxCoeff(cell_idx, intQuants, fs, modelResid, pvValue,
B_avg, R_sum, maxCoeff, maxCoeffCell);
// compute local average in terms of global number of elements
const int bSize = B_avg.size();
for ( int i = 0; i<bSize; ++i )
B_avg[ i ] /= Scalar(domain.cells.size());
return {pvSumLocal, numAquiferPvSumLocal};
ConvergenceReport getDomainReservoirConvergence(const double reportTime,
const double dt,
const int iteration,
const Domain& domain,
DeferredLogger& logger,
std::vector<Scalar>& B_avg,
std::vector<Scalar>& residual_norms)
using Vector = std::vector<Scalar>;
const int numComp = numEq;
Vector R_sum(numComp, 0.0 );
Vector maxCoeff(numComp, std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::lowest() );
std::vector<int> maxCoeffCell(numComp, -1);
const auto [ pvSum, numAquiferPvSum]
= this->localDomainConvergenceData(domain, R_sum, maxCoeff, B_avg, maxCoeffCell);
auto cnvErrorPvFraction = computeCnvErrorPvLocal(domain, B_avg, dt);
cnvErrorPvFraction /= (pvSum - numAquiferPvSum);
// Default value of relaxed_max_pv_fraction_ is 0.03 and min_strict_cnv_iter_ is 0.
// For each iteration, we need to determine whether to use the relaxed CNV tolerance.
// To disable the usage of relaxed CNV tolerance, you can set the relaxed_max_pv_fraction_ to be 0.
const bool use_relaxed_cnv = cnvErrorPvFraction < model_.param().relaxed_max_pv_fraction_ &&
iteration >= model_.param().min_strict_cnv_iter_;
// Tighter bound for local convergence should increase the
// likelyhood of: local convergence => global convergence
const double tol_cnv = model_.param().local_tolerance_scaling_cnv_
* (use_relaxed_cnv ? model_.param().tolerance_cnv_relaxed_
: model_.param().tolerance_cnv_);
const bool use_relaxed_mb = iteration >= model_.param().min_strict_mb_iter_;
const double tol_mb = model_.param().local_tolerance_scaling_mb_
* (use_relaxed_mb ? model_.param().tolerance_mb_relaxed_ : model_.param().tolerance_mb_);
// Finish computation
std::vector<Scalar> CNV(numComp);
std::vector<Scalar> mass_balance_residual(numComp);
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx )
CNV[compIdx] = B_avg[compIdx] * dt * maxCoeff[compIdx];
mass_balance_residual[compIdx] = std::abs(B_avg[compIdx]*R_sum[compIdx]) * dt / pvSum;
// Create convergence report.
ConvergenceReport report{reportTime};
using CR = ConvergenceReport;
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
double res[2] = { mass_balance_residual[compIdx], CNV[compIdx] };
CR::ReservoirFailure::Type types[2] = { CR::ReservoirFailure::Type::MassBalance,
CR::ReservoirFailure::Type::Cnv };
double tol[2] = { tol_mb, tol_cnv };
for (int ii : {0, 1}) {
if (std::isnan(res[ii])) {
report.setReservoirFailed({types[ii], CR::Severity::NotANumber, compIdx});
logger.debug("NaN residual for " + model_.compNames().name(compIdx) + " equation.");
} else if (res[ii] > model_.param().max_residual_allowed_) {
report.setReservoirFailed({types[ii], CR::Severity::TooLarge, compIdx});
logger.debug("Too large residual for " + model_.compNames().name(compIdx) + " equation.");
} else if (res[ii] < 0.0) {
report.setReservoirFailed({types[ii], CR::Severity::Normal, compIdx});
logger.debug("Negative residual for " + model_.compNames().name(compIdx) + " equation.");
} else if (res[ii] > tol[ii]) {
report.setReservoirFailed({types[ii], CR::Severity::Normal, compIdx});
report.setReservoirConvergenceMetric(types[ii], compIdx, res[ii]);
// Output of residuals. If converged at initial state, log nothing.
const bool converged_at_initial_state = (report.converged() && iteration == 0);
if (!converged_at_initial_state) {
if (iteration == 0) {
// Log header.
std::string msg = fmt::format("Domain {} on rank {}, size {}, containing cell {}\n| Iter",
domain.index, this->rank_, domain.cells.size(), domain.cells[0]);
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
msg += " MB(";
msg += model_.compNames().name(compIdx)[0];
msg += ") ";
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
msg += " CNV(";
msg += model_.compNames().name(compIdx)[0];
msg += ") ";
// Log convergence data.
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "| ";
const std::streamsize oprec = ss.precision(3);
const std::ios::fmtflags oflags = ss.setf(std::ios::scientific);
ss << std::setw(4) << iteration;
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
ss << std::setw(11) << mass_balance_residual[compIdx];
for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; ++compIdx) {
ss << std::setw(11) << CNV[compIdx];
return report;
ConvergenceReport getDomainConvergence(const Domain& domain,
const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
const int iteration,
DeferredLogger& logger,
std::vector<double>& residual_norms)
std::vector<Scalar> B_avg(numEq, 0.0);
auto report = this->getDomainReservoirConvergence(timer.simulationTimeElapsed(),
report += model_.wellModel().getDomainWellConvergence(domain, B_avg, logger);
return report;
//! \brief Returns subdomain ordered according to method and ordering measure.
std::vector<int> getSubdomainOrder()
const auto& modelSimulator = model_.simulator();
const auto& solution = modelSimulator.model().solution(0);
std::vector<int> domain_order(domains_.size());
std::iota(domain_order.begin(), domain_order.end(), 0);
if (model_.param().local_solve_approach_ == DomainSolveApproach::Jacobi) {
// Do nothing, 0..n-1 order is fine.
return domain_order;
} else if (model_.param().local_solve_approach_ == DomainSolveApproach::GaussSeidel) {
// Calculate the measure used to order the domains.
std::vector<double> measure_per_domain(domains_.size());
switch (model_.param().local_domain_ordering_) {
case DomainOrderingMeasure::AveragePressure: {
// Use average pressures to order domains.
for (const auto& domain : domains_) {
double press_sum = 0.0;
for (const int c : domain.cells) {
press_sum += solution[c][Indices::pressureSwitchIdx];
const double avgpress = press_sum / domain.cells.size();
measure_per_domain[domain.index] = avgpress;
case DomainOrderingMeasure::MaxPressure: {
// Use max pressures to order domains.
for (const auto& domain : domains_) {
double maxpress = 0.0;
for (const int c : domain.cells) {
maxpress = std::max(maxpress, solution[c][Indices::pressureSwitchIdx]);
measure_per_domain[domain.index] = maxpress;
case DomainOrderingMeasure::Residual: {
// Use maximum residual to order domains.
const auto& residual = modelSimulator.model().linearizer().residual();
const int num_vars = residual[0].size();
for (const auto& domain : domains_) {
double maxres = 0.0;
for (const int c : domain.cells) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < num_vars; ++ii) {
maxres = std::max(maxres, std::fabs(residual[c][ii]));
measure_per_domain[domain.index] = maxres;
} // end of switch (model_.param().local_domain_ordering_)
// Sort by largest measure, keeping index order if equal.
const auto& m = measure_per_domain;
std::stable_sort(domain_order.begin(), domain_order.end(),
[&m](const int i1, const int i2){ return m[i1] > m[i2]; });
return domain_order;
} else {
throw std::logic_error("Domain solve approach must be Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel");
template<class GlobalEqVector>
void solveDomainJacobi(GlobalEqVector& solution,
GlobalEqVector& locally_solved,
SimulatorReportSingle& local_report,
DeferredLogger& logger,
const int iteration,
const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
const Domain& domain)
auto initial_local_well_primary_vars = model_.wellModel().getPrimaryVarsDomain(domain);
auto initial_local_solution = Details::extractVector(solution, domain.cells);
auto res = solveDomain(domain, timer, logger, iteration, false);
local_report = res.first;
if (local_report.converged) {
auto local_solution = Details::extractVector(solution, domain.cells);
Details::setGlobal(local_solution, domain.cells, locally_solved);
Details::setGlobal(initial_local_solution, domain.cells, solution);
model_.simulator().model().invalidateAndUpdateIntensiveQuantities(/*timeIdx=*/0, domain);
} else {
model_.wellModel().setPrimaryVarsDomain(domain, initial_local_well_primary_vars);
Details::setGlobal(initial_local_solution, domain.cells, solution);
model_.simulator().model().invalidateAndUpdateIntensiveQuantities(/*timeIdx=*/0, domain);
template<class GlobalEqVector>
void solveDomainGaussSeidel(GlobalEqVector& solution,
GlobalEqVector& locally_solved,
SimulatorReportSingle& local_report,
DeferredLogger& logger,
const int iteration,
const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
const Domain& domain)
auto initial_local_well_primary_vars = model_.wellModel().getPrimaryVarsDomain(domain);
auto initial_local_solution = Details::extractVector(solution, domain.cells);
auto res = solveDomain(domain, timer, logger, iteration, true);
local_report = res.first;
if (!local_report.converged) {
// We look at the detailed convergence report to evaluate
// if we should accept the unconverged solution.
const auto& convrep = res.second;
// We do not accept a solution if the wells are unconverged.
if (!convrep.wellFailed()) {
// Calculare the sums of the mb and cnv failures.
double mb_sum = 0.0;
double cnv_sum = 0.0;
for (const auto& rc : convrep.reservoirConvergence()) {
if (rc.type() == ConvergenceReport::ReservoirFailure::Type::MassBalance) {
mb_sum += rc.value();
} else if (rc.type() == ConvergenceReport::ReservoirFailure::Type::Cnv) {
cnv_sum += rc.value();
// If not too high, we overrule the convergence failure.
const double acceptable_local_mb_sum = 1e-3;
const double acceptable_local_cnv_sum = 1.0;
if (mb_sum < acceptable_local_mb_sum && cnv_sum < acceptable_local_cnv_sum) {
local_report.converged = true;
logger.debug(fmt::format("Accepting solution in unconverged domain {} on rank {}.", domain.index, rank_));
logger.debug(fmt::format("Value of mb_sum: {} cnv_sum: {}", mb_sum, cnv_sum));
} else {
logger.debug("Unconverged local solution.");
} else {
logger.debug("Unconverged local solution with well convergence failures:");
for (const auto& wf : convrep.wellFailures()) {
if (local_report.converged) {
auto local_solution = Details::extractVector(solution, domain.cells);
Details::setGlobal(local_solution, domain.cells, locally_solved);
} else {
model_.wellModel().setPrimaryVarsDomain(domain, initial_local_well_primary_vars);
Details::setGlobal(initial_local_solution, domain.cells, solution);
model_.simulator().model().invalidateAndUpdateIntensiveQuantities(/*timeIdx=*/0, domain);
double computeCnvErrorPvLocal(const Domain& domain,
const std::vector<Scalar>& B_avg, double dt) const
double errorPV{};
const auto& simulator = model_.simulator();
const auto& model = simulator.model();
const auto& problem = simulator.problem();
const auto& residual = simulator.model().linearizer().residual();
for (const int cell_idx : domain.cells) {
const double pvValue = problem.referencePorosity(cell_idx, /*timeIdx=*/0) *
const auto& cellResidual = residual[cell_idx];
bool cnvViolated = false;
for (unsigned eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < cellResidual.size(); ++eqIdx) {
using std::fabs;
Scalar CNV = cellResidual[eqIdx] * dt * B_avg[eqIdx] / pvValue;
cnvViolated = cnvViolated || (fabs(CNV) > model_.param().tolerance_cnv_);
if (cnvViolated) {
errorPV += pvValue;
return errorPV;
decltype(auto) partitionCells() const
const auto& grid = this->model_.simulator().vanguard().grid();
using GridView = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(grid.leafGridView())>>;
using Element = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity>>;
const auto& param = this->model_.param();
auto zoltan_ctrl = ZoltanPartitioningControl<Element>{};
zoltan_ctrl.domain_imbalance = param.local_domain_partition_imbalance_;
zoltan_ctrl.index =
[elementMapper = &this->model_.simulator().model().elementMapper()]
(const Element& element)
return elementMapper->index(element);
zoltan_ctrl.local_to_global =
[cartMapper = &this->model_.simulator().vanguard().cartesianIndexMapper()]
(const int elemIdx)
return cartMapper->cartesianIndex(elemIdx);
// Forming the list of wells is expensive, so do this only if needed.
const auto need_wells = param.local_domain_partition_method_ == "zoltan";
const auto wells = need_wells
? this->model_.simulator().vanguard().schedule().getWellsatEnd()
: std::vector<Well>{};
// If defaulted parameter for number of domains, choose a reasonable default.
constexpr int default_cells_per_domain = 1000;
const int num_cells = Opm::detail::countGlobalCells(grid);
const int num_domains = param.num_local_domains_ > 0
? param.num_local_domains_
: num_cells / default_cells_per_domain;
return ::Opm::partitionCells(param.local_domain_partition_method_,
grid.leafGridView(), wells, zoltan_ctrl);
std::vector<int> reconstitutePartitionVector() const
const auto& grid = this->model_.simulator().vanguard().grid();
auto numD = std::vector<int>(grid.comm().size() + 1, 0);
numD[grid.comm().rank() + 1] = static_cast<int>(this->domains_.size());
grid.comm().sum(numD.data(), numD.size());
std::partial_sum(numD.begin(), numD.end(), numD.begin());
auto p = std::vector<int>(grid.size(0));
auto maxCellIdx = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
auto d = numD[grid.comm().rank()];
for (const auto& domain : this->domains_) {
for (const auto& cell : domain.cells) {
p[cell] = d;
if (cell > maxCellIdx) {
maxCellIdx = cell;
p.erase(p.begin() + maxCellIdx + 1, p.end());
return p;
BlackoilModel<TypeTag>& model_; //!< Reference to model
std::vector<Domain> domains_; //!< Vector of subdomains
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mat>> domain_matrices_; //!< Vector of matrix operator for each subdomain
std::vector<ISTLSolverType> domain_linsolvers_; //!< Vector of linear solvers for each domain
SimulatorReportSingle local_reports_accumulated_; //!< Accumulated convergence report for subdomain solvers
int rank_ = 0; //!< MPI rank of this process
} // namespace Opm