mirror of
synced 2024-12-30 11:06:55 -06:00
Add phaseIdx as input and return array of n density values for the phase. And adapt the usage accordingly.
685 lines
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685 lines
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Copyright 2015 IRIS AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilSolventModel.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/AutoDiffBlock.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/AutoDiffHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/GridHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilPropsAdInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/GeoProps.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/WellDensitySegmented.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/linalg/LinearSolverInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/core/linalg/ParallelIstlInformation.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/rock/RockCompressibility.hpp>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/common/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
#include <opm/core/well_controls.h>
#include <opm/core/utility/parameters/ParameterGroup.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
namespace Opm {
namespace detail {
template <class PU>
int solventPos(const PU& pu)
const int maxnp = Opm::BlackoilPhases::MaxNumPhases;
int pos = 0;
for (int phase = 0; phase < maxnp; ++phase) {
if (pu.phase_used[phase]) {
return pos;
} // namespace detail
template <class Grid>
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::BlackoilSolventModel(const typename Base::ModelParameters& param,
const Grid& grid,
const BlackoilPropsAdInterface& fluid,
const DerivedGeology& geo,
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props,
const SolventPropsAdFromDeck& solvent_props,
const Wells* wells_arg,
const NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface& linsolver,
const EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
const bool has_disgas,
const bool has_vapoil,
const bool terminal_output,
const bool has_solvent)
: Base(param, grid, fluid, geo, rock_comp_props, wells_arg, linsolver,
eclState, has_disgas, has_vapoil, terminal_output),
if (has_solvent_) {
// If deck has solvent, residual_ should contain solvent equation.
rq_.resize(fluid_.numPhases() + 1);
residual_.material_balance_eq.resize(fluid_.numPhases() + 1, ADB::null());
assert(solvent_pos_ == fluid_.numPhases());
if (has_vapoil_) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Solvent option only works with dead gas\n");
residual_.matbalscale.resize(fluid_.numPhases() + 1, 0.0031); // use the same as gas
template <class Grid>
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::makeConstantState(SolutionState& state) const
state.solvent_saturation = ADB::constant(state.solvent_saturation.value());
template <class Grid>
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::variableStateInitials(const ReservoirState& x,
const WellState& xw) const
std::vector<V> vars0 = Base::variableStateInitials(x, xw);
assert(int(vars0.size()) == fluid_.numPhases() + 2);
// Initial polymer concentration.
if (has_solvent_) {
assert (not x.solvent_saturation().empty());
const int nc = x.solvent_saturation().size();
const V ss = Eigen::Map<const V>(&x.solvent_saturation()[0], nc);
// Solvent belongs after other reservoir vars but before well vars.
auto solvent_pos = vars0.begin() + fluid_.numPhases();
assert(solvent_pos == vars0.end() - 2);
vars0.insert(solvent_pos, ss);
return vars0;
template <class Grid>
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::variableStateIndices() const
std::vector<int> ind = Base::variableStateIndices();
assert(ind.size() == 5);
if (has_solvent_) {
// Solvent belongs after other reservoir vars but before well vars.
ind[Solvent] = fluid_.numPhases();
// Solvent is pushing back the well vars.
return ind;
template <class Grid>
typename BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::SolutionState
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::variableStateExtractVars(const ReservoirState& x,
const std::vector<int>& indices,
std::vector<ADB>& vars) const
SolutionState state = Base::variableStateExtractVars(x, indices, vars);
if (has_solvent_) {
state.solvent_saturation = std::move(vars[indices[Solvent]]);
if (active_[ Oil ]) {
// Note that so is never a primary variable.
const Opm::PhaseUsage pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
state.saturation[pu.phase_pos[ Oil ]] -= state.solvent_saturation;
return state;
template <class Grid>
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::computeAccum(const SolutionState& state,
const int aix )
Base::computeAccum(state, aix);
// Compute accumulation of the solvent
if (has_solvent_) {
const ADB& press = state.pressure;
const ADB& ss = state.solvent_saturation;
const ADB pv_mult = poroMult(press); // also computed in Base::computeAccum, could be optimized.
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const ADB& pg = state.canonical_phase_pressures[pu.phase_pos[Gas]];
rq_[solvent_pos_].b = solvent_props_.bSolvent(pg,cells_);
rq_[solvent_pos_].accum[aix] = pv_mult * rq_[solvent_pos_].b * ss;
template <class Grid>
assembleMassBalanceEq(const SolutionState& state)
if (has_solvent_) {
residual_.material_balance_eq[ solvent_pos_ ] =
pvdt_ * (rq_[solvent_pos_].accum[1] - rq_[solvent_pos_].accum[0])
+ ops_.div*rq_[solvent_pos_].mflux;
template <class Grid>
assert(MaxNumPhases + 1 == residual_.matbalscale.size());
if (has_solvent_) {
const ADB& temp_b = rq_[solvent_pos_].b;
ADB::V B = 1. / temp_b.value();
if ( linsolver_.parallelInformation().type() == typeid(ParallelISTLInformation) )
const ParallelISTLInformation& real_info =
boost::any_cast<const ParallelISTLInformation&>(linsolver_.parallelInformation());
double B_global_sum = 0;
real_info.computeReduction(B, Reduction::makeGlobalSumFunctor<double>(), B_global_sum);
residual_.matbalscale[solvent_pos_] = B_global_sum / Base::global_nc_;
residual_.matbalscale[solvent_pos_] = B.mean();
template <class Grid>
void BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::addWellContributionToMassBalanceEq(const std::vector<ADB>& cq_s,
const SolutionState& state,
WellState& xw)
// Add well contributions to solvent mass balance equation
Base::addWellContributionToMassBalanceEq(cq_s, state, xw);
if (has_solvent_) {
const int nperf = wells().well_connpos[wells().number_of_wells];
const int nc = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_);
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const ADB zero = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nc));
const ADB& ss = state.solvent_saturation;
const ADB& sg = (active_[ Gas ]
? state.saturation[ pu.phase_pos[ Gas ] ]
: zero);
const std::vector<int> well_cells(wells().well_cells, wells().well_cells + nperf);
Selector<double> zero_selector(ss.value() + sg.value(), Selector<double>::Zero);
ADB F_solvent = subset(zero_selector.select(ss, ss / (ss + sg)),well_cells);
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
V injectedSolventFraction = Eigen::Map<const V>(&xw.solventFraction()[0], nperf);
V isProducer = V::Zero(nperf);
V ones = V::Constant(nperf,1.0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
if(wells().type[w] == PRODUCER) {
for (int perf = wells().well_connpos[w]; perf < wells().well_connpos[w+1]; ++perf) {
isProducer[perf] = 1;
const ADB& rs_perfcells = subset(state.rs, well_cells);
int gas_pos = fluid_.phaseUsage().phase_pos[Gas];
int oil_pos = fluid_.phaseUsage().phase_pos[Oil];
// remove contribution from the dissolved gas.
// TODO compensate for gas in the oil phase
const ADB cq_s_solvent = (isProducer * F_solvent + (ones - isProducer) * injectedSolventFraction) * (cq_s[gas_pos] - rs_perfcells * cq_s[oil_pos]);
// Solvent contribution to the mass balance equation is given as a fraction
// of the gas contribution.
residual_.material_balance_eq[solvent_pos_] -= superset(cq_s_solvent, well_cells, nc);
// The gas contribution must be reduced accordingly for the total contribution to be
// the same.
residual_.material_balance_eq[gas_pos] += superset(cq_s_solvent, well_cells, nc);
template <class Grid>
void BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::computeWellConnectionPressures(const SolutionState& state,
const WellState& xw)
if( ! Base::localWellsActive() ) return ;
using namespace Opm::AutoDiffGrid;
// 1. Compute properties required by computeConnectionPressureDelta().
// Note that some of the complexity of this part is due to the function
// taking std::vector<double> arguments, and not Eigen objects.
const int nperf = wells().well_connpos[wells().number_of_wells];
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
const std::vector<int> well_cells(wells().well_cells, wells().well_cells + nperf);
// Compute the average pressure in each well block
const V perf_press = Eigen::Map<const V>(xw.perfPress().data(), nperf);
V avg_press = perf_press*0;
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
for (int perf = wells().well_connpos[w]; perf < wells().well_connpos[w+1]; ++perf) {
const double p_above = perf == wells().well_connpos[w] ? state.bhp.value()[w] : perf_press[perf - 1];
const double p_avg = (perf_press[perf] + p_above)/2;
avg_press[perf] = p_avg;
// Use cell values for the temperature as the wells don't knows its temperature yet.
const ADB perf_temp = subset(state.temperature, well_cells);
// Compute b, rsmax, rvmax values for perforations.
// Evaluate the properties using average well block pressures
// and cell values for rs, rv, phase condition and temperature.
const ADB avg_press_ad = ADB::constant(avg_press);
std::vector<PhasePresence> perf_cond(nperf);
const std::vector<PhasePresence>& pc = phaseCondition();
for (int perf = 0; perf < nperf; ++perf) {
perf_cond[perf] = pc[well_cells[perf]];
const PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
DataBlock b(nperf, pu.num_phases);
std::vector<double> rsmax_perf(nperf, 0.0);
std::vector<double> rvmax_perf(nperf, 0.0);
if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
const V bw = fluid_.bWat(avg_press_ad, perf_temp, well_cells).value();
b.col(pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) = bw;
const V perf_so = subset(state.saturation[pu.phase_pos[Oil]].value(), well_cells);
if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]) {
const ADB perf_rs = subset(state.rs, well_cells);
const V bo = fluid_.bOil(avg_press_ad, perf_temp, perf_rs, perf_cond, well_cells).value();
b.col(pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]) = bo;
const V rssat = fluidRsSat(avg_press, perf_so, well_cells);
rsmax_perf.assign(rssat.data(), rssat.data() + nperf);
V surf_dens_copy = superset(fluid_.surfaceDensity(0, well_cells), Span(nperf, pu.num_phases, 0), nperf*pu.num_phases);
for (int phase = 1; phase < pu.num_phases; ++phase) {
if ( phase != pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) {
continue; // the gas surface density is added after the solvent is accounted for.
surf_dens_copy += superset(fluid_.surfaceDensity(phase, well_cells), Span(nperf, pu.num_phases, phase), nperf*pu.num_phases);
if (pu.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) {
const ADB perf_rv = subset(state.rv, well_cells);
V bg = fluid_.bGas(avg_press_ad, perf_temp, perf_rv, perf_cond, well_cells).value();
V rhog = fluid_.surfaceDensity(pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour], well_cells);
if (has_solvent_) {
const V bs = solvent_props_.bSolvent(avg_press_ad,well_cells).value();
// A weighted sum of the b-factors of gas and solvent are used.
const int nc = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_);
const ADB zero = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nc));
const ADB& ss = state.solvent_saturation;
const ADB& sg = (active_[ Gas ]
? state.saturation[ pu.phase_pos[ Gas ] ]
: zero);
Selector<double> zero_selector(ss.value() + sg.value(), Selector<double>::Zero);
V F_solvent = subset(zero_selector.select(ss, ss / (ss + sg)),well_cells).value();
V injectedSolventFraction = Eigen::Map<const V>(&xw.solventFraction()[0], nperf);
V isProducer = V::Zero(nperf);
V ones = V::Constant(nperf,1.0);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
if(wells().type[w] == PRODUCER) {
for (int perf = wells().well_connpos[w]; perf < wells().well_connpos[w+1]; ++perf) {
isProducer[perf] = 1;
F_solvent = isProducer * F_solvent + (ones - isProducer) * injectedSolventFraction;
bg = bg * (ones - F_solvent);
bg = bg + F_solvent * bs;
const V& rhos = solvent_props_.solventSurfaceDensity(well_cells);
rhog = ( (ones - F_solvent) * rhog ) + (F_solvent * rhos);
b.col(pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) = bg;
surf_dens_copy += superset(rhog, Span(nperf, pu.num_phases, pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]), nperf*pu.num_phases);
const V rvsat = fluidRvSat(avg_press, perf_so, well_cells);
rvmax_perf.assign(rvsat.data(), rvsat.data() + nperf);
// b and surf_dens_perf is row major, so can just copy data.
std::vector<double> b_perf(b.data(), b.data() + nperf * pu.num_phases);
std::vector<double> surf_dens_perf(surf_dens_copy.data(), surf_dens_copy.data() + nperf * pu.num_phases);
// Extract well connection depths.
const V depth = cellCentroidsZToEigen(grid_);
const V pdepth = subset(depth, well_cells);
std::vector<double> perf_depth(pdepth.data(), pdepth.data() + nperf);
// Gravity
double grav = detail::getGravity(geo_.gravity(), dimensions(grid_));
// 2. Compute densities
std::vector<double> cd =
wells(), xw, fluid_.phaseUsage(),
b_perf, rsmax_perf, rvmax_perf, surf_dens_perf);
// 3. Compute pressure deltas
std::vector<double> cdp =
wells(), perf_depth, cd, grav);
// 4. Store the results
Base::well_perforation_densities_ = Eigen::Map<const V>(cd.data(), nperf);
Base::well_perforation_pressure_diffs_ = Eigen::Map<const V>(cdp.data(), nperf);
template <class Grid>
void BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::updateState(const V& dx,
ReservoirState& reservoir_state,
WellState& well_state)
if (has_solvent_) {
// Extract solvent change.
const int np = fluid_.numPhases();
const int nc = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_);
const V zero = V::Zero(nc);
const int solvent_start = nc * np;
const V dss = subset(dx, Span(nc, 1, solvent_start));
// Create new dx with the dss part deleted.
V modified_dx = V::Zero(dx.size() - nc);
modified_dx.head(solvent_start) = dx.head(solvent_start);
const int tail_len = dx.size() - solvent_start - nc;
modified_dx.tail(tail_len) = dx.tail(tail_len);
// Call base version.
Base::updateState(modified_dx, reservoir_state, well_state);
// Update solvent.
const V ss_old = Eigen::Map<const V>(&reservoir_state.solvent_saturation()[0], nc, 1);
const V ss = (ss_old - dss).max(zero);
std::copy(&ss[0], &ss[0] + nc, reservoir_state.solvent_saturation().begin());
// adjust oil saturation
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const int oilpos = pu.phase_pos[ Oil ];
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
reservoir_state.saturation()[c*np + oilpos] = 1 - ss[c];
if (pu.phase_used[ Gas ]) {
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[ Gas ];
reservoir_state.saturation()[c*np + oilpos] -= reservoir_state.saturation()[c*np + gaspos];
if (pu.phase_used[ Water ]) {
const int waterpos = pu.phase_pos[ Water ];
reservoir_state.saturation()[c*np + oilpos] -= reservoir_state.saturation()[c*np + waterpos];
} else {
// Just forward call to base version.
Base::updateState(dx, reservoir_state, well_state);
template <class Grid>
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::computeMassFlux(const int actph ,
const V& transi,
const ADB& kr ,
const ADB& phasePressure,
const SolutionState& state)
Base::computeMassFlux(actph, transi, kr, phasePressure, state);
const int canonicalPhaseIdx = canph_[ actph ];
if (canonicalPhaseIdx == Gas) {
if (has_solvent_) {
const int nc = Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCells(grid_);
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const ADB zero = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nc));
const ADB& ss = state.solvent_saturation;
const ADB& sg = (active_[ Gas ]
? state.saturation[ pu.phase_pos[ Gas ] ]
: zero);
Selector<double> zero_selector(ss.value() + sg.value(), Selector<double>::Zero);
ADB F_solvent = zero_selector.select(ss, ss / (ss + sg));
V ones = V::Constant(nc, 1.0);
const ADB tr_mult = transMult(state.pressure);
const ADB mu = solvent_props_.muSolvent(phasePressure,cells_);
rq_[solvent_pos_].mob = solvent_props_.solventRelPermMultiplier(F_solvent, cells_) * tr_mult * kr / mu;
const ADB rho_solvent = solvent_props_.solventSurfaceDensity(cells_) * rq_[solvent_pos_].b;
const ADB rhoavg_solvent = ops_.caver * rho_solvent;
rq_[ solvent_pos_ ].dh = ops_.ngrad * phasePressure - geo_.gravity()[2] * (rhoavg_solvent * (ops_.ngrad * geo_.z().matrix()));
UpwindSelector<double> upwind_solvent(grid_, ops_, rq_[solvent_pos_].dh.value());
// Compute solvent flux.
rq_[solvent_pos_].mflux = upwind_solvent.select(rq_[solvent_pos_].b * rq_[solvent_pos_].mob) * (transi * rq_[solvent_pos_].dh);
// Update gas mobility and flux
rq_[actph].mob = solvent_props_.gasRelPermMultiplier( (ones - F_solvent) , cells_) * rq_[actph].mob;
const ADB& b = rq_[ actph ].b;
const ADB& mob = rq_[ actph ].mob;
const ADB& dh = rq_[ actph ].dh;
UpwindSelector<double> upwind_gas(grid_, ops_, dh.value());
rq_[ actph ].mflux = upwind_gas.select(b * mob) * (transi * dh);
template <class Grid>
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::computeRelPerm(const SolutionState& state) const
using namespace Opm::AutoDiffGrid;
const int nc = numCells(grid_);
const ADB zero = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nc));
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const ADB& sw = (active_[ Water ]
? state.saturation[ pu.phase_pos[ Water ] ]
: zero);
const ADB& so = (active_[ Oil ]
? state.saturation[ pu.phase_pos[ Oil ] ]
: zero);
const ADB& sg = (active_[ Gas ]
? state.saturation[ pu.phase_pos[ Gas ] ]
: zero);
if (has_solvent_) {
const ADB& ss = state.solvent_saturation;
return fluid_.relperm(sw, so, sg+ss, cells_);
} else {
return fluid_.relperm(sw, so, sg, cells_);
template <class Grid>
BlackoilSolventModel<Grid>::assemble(const ReservoirState& reservoir_state,
WellState& well_state,
const bool initial_assembly)
using namespace Opm::AutoDiffGrid;
// Possibly switch well controls and updating well state to
// get reasonable initial conditions for the wells
// Create the primary variables.
SolutionState state = variableState(reservoir_state, well_state);
if (initial_assembly) {
// Create the (constant, derivativeless) initial state.
SolutionState state0 = state;
// Compute initial accumulation contributions
// and well connection pressures.
computeAccum(state0, 0);
computeWellConnectionPressures(state0, well_state);
// -------- Mass balance equations --------
// -------- Well equations ----------
if ( ! wellsActive() ) {
V aliveWells;
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
std::vector<ADB> cq_s(np, ADB::null());
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
const int nperf = wells().well_connpos[nw];
const std::vector<int> well_cells(wells().well_cells, wells().well_cells + nperf);
std::vector<ADB> mob_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
std::vector<ADB> b_perfcells(np, ADB::null());
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
mob_perfcells[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].mob, well_cells);
b_perfcells[phase] = subset(rq_[phase].b, well_cells);
if (has_solvent_) {
int gas_pos = fluid_.phaseUsage().phase_pos[Gas];
// Gas and solvent is combinded and solved together
// The input in the well equation is then the
// total gas phase = hydro carbon gas + solvent gas
// The total mobility is the sum of the solvent and gas mobiliy
mob_perfcells[gas_pos] += subset(rq_[solvent_pos_].mob, well_cells);
// A weighted sum of the b-factors of gas and solvent are used.
const int nc = Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_);
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = fluid_.phaseUsage();
const ADB zero = ADB::constant(V::Zero(nc));
const ADB& ss = state.solvent_saturation;
const ADB& sg = (active_[ Gas ]
? state.saturation[ pu.phase_pos[ Gas ] ]
: zero);
Selector<double> zero_selector(ss.value() + sg.value(), Selector<double>::Zero);
ADB F_solvent = subset(zero_selector.select(ss, ss / (ss + sg)),well_cells);
V ones = V::Constant(nperf,1.0);
b_perfcells[gas_pos] = (ones - F_solvent) * b_perfcells[gas_pos];
b_perfcells[gas_pos] += (F_solvent * subset(rq_[solvent_pos_].b, well_cells));
if (param_.solve_welleq_initially_ && initial_assembly) {
// solve the well equations as a pre-processing step
Base::solveWellEq(mob_perfcells, b_perfcells, state, well_state);
Base::computeWellFlux(state, mob_perfcells, b_perfcells, aliveWells, cq_s);
Base::updatePerfPhaseRatesAndPressures(cq_s, state, well_state);
Base::addWellFluxEq(cq_s, state);
addWellContributionToMassBalanceEq(cq_s, state, well_state);
Base::addWellControlEq(state, well_state, aliveWells);