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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Currently, there are two abstract interface for the grids. One that usually returns pods and arrays of them that also can be used by C and is used also in opm-core, and one that returns Eigen datastructures needed within opm-autodiff. This commit adds a postfix ToEigen to those functions (faceCells, and cellCentroidsZ) one could imagine to also return pods and arrays of them. This should at least resolve the confusion about the two faceCells functions. The next step will be issue #192 Fixes #176
534 lines
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534 lines
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Copyright 2013 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/autodiff/AutoDiffBlock.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/GridHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/utility/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm
// -------------------- class HelperOps --------------------
/// Contains vectors and sparse matrices that represent subsets or
/// operations on (AD or regular) vectors of data.
struct HelperOps
typedef AutoDiffBlock<double>::M M;
typedef AutoDiffBlock<double>::V V;
/// A list of internal faces.
typedef Eigen::Array<int, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> IFaces;
IFaces internal_faces;
/// Extract for each internal face the difference of its adjacent cells' values (first - second).
M ngrad;
/// Extract for each face the difference of its adjacent cells' values (second - first).
M grad;
/// Extract for each face the average of its adjacent cells' values.
M caver;
/// Extract for each cell the sum of its adjacent interior faces' (signed) values.
M div;
/// Extract for each face the difference of its adjacent cells' values (first - second).
/// For boundary faces, one of the entries per row (corresponding to the outside) is zero.
M fullngrad;
/// Extract for each cell the sum of all its adjacent faces' (signed) values.
M fulldiv;
/// Constructs all helper vectors and matrices.
template<class Grid>
HelperOps(const Grid& grid)
using namespace AutoDiffGrid;
const int nc = numCells(grid);
const int nf = numFaces(grid);
// Define some neighbourhood-derived helper arrays.
typedef Eigen::Array<int, Eigen::Dynamic, 2, Eigen::RowMajor> TwoColInt;
TwoColInt nbi;
extractInternalFaces(grid, internal_faces, nbi);
int num_internal=internal_faces.size();
// std::cout << "nbi = \n" << nbi << std::endl;
// Create matrices.
ngrad.resize(num_internal, nc);
caver.resize(num_internal, nc);
typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> Tri;
std::vector<Tri> ngrad_tri;
std::vector<Tri> caver_tri;
for (int i = 0; i < num_internal; ++i) {
ngrad_tri.emplace_back(i, nbi(i,0), 1.0);
ngrad_tri.emplace_back(i, nbi(i,1), -1.0);
caver_tri.emplace_back(i, nbi(i,0), 0.5);
caver_tri.emplace_back(i, nbi(i,1), 0.5);
ngrad.setFromTriplets(ngrad_tri.begin(), ngrad_tri.end());
caver.setFromTriplets(caver_tri.begin(), caver_tri.end());
grad = -ngrad;
div = ngrad.transpose();
std::vector<Tri> fullngrad_tri;
typename ADFaceCellTraits<Grid>::Type nb=faceCellsToEigen(grid);
for (int i = 0; i < nf; ++i) {
if (nb(i,0) >= 0) {
fullngrad_tri.emplace_back(i, nb(i,0), 1.0);
if (nb(i,1) >= 0) {
fullngrad_tri.emplace_back(i, nb(i,1), -1.0);
fullngrad.resize(nf, nc);
fullngrad.setFromTriplets(fullngrad_tri.begin(), fullngrad_tri.end());
fulldiv = fullngrad.transpose();
// -------------------- upwinding helper class --------------------
/// Upwind selection in absence of counter-current flow (i.e.,
/// without effects of gravity and/or capillary pressure).
template <typename Scalar>
class UpwindSelector {
typedef AutoDiffBlock<Scalar> ADB;
template<class Grid>
UpwindSelector(const Grid& g,
const HelperOps& h,
const typename ADB::V& ifaceflux)
using namespace AutoDiffGrid;
typedef HelperOps::IFaces::Index IFIndex;
const IFIndex nif = h.internal_faces.size();
typename ADFaceCellTraits<Grid>::Type
face_cells = faceCellsToEigen(g);
assert(nif == ifaceflux.size());
// Define selector structure.
typedef typename Eigen::Triplet<Scalar> Triplet;
std::vector<Triplet> s; s.reserve(nif);
for (IFIndex iface = 0; iface < nif; ++iface) {
const int f = h.internal_faces[iface];
const int c1 = face_cells(f,0);
const int c2 = face_cells(f,1);
assert ((c1 >= 0) && (c2 >= 0));
// Select upwind cell.
const int c = (ifaceflux[iface] >= 0) ? c1 : c2;
s.push_back(Triplet(iface, c, Scalar(1)));
// Assemble explicit selector operator.
select_.resize(nif, numCells(g));
select_.setFromTriplets(s.begin(), s.end());
/// Apply selector to multiple per-cell quantities.
select(const std::vector<ADB>& xc) const
// Absence of counter-current flow means that the same
// selector applies to all quantities, 'x', defined per
// cell.
std::vector<ADB> xf; xf.reserve(xc.size());
for (typename std::vector<ADB>::const_iterator
b = xc.begin(), e = xc.end(); b != e; ++b)
xf.push_back(select_ * (*b));
return xf;
/// Apply selector to single per-cell ADB quantity.
ADB select(const ADB& xc) const
return select_*xc;
/// Apply selector to single per-cell constant quantity.
typename ADB::V select(const typename ADB::V& xc) const
return (select_*xc.matrix()).array();
typename ADB::M select_;
namespace {
template <typename Scalar, class IntVec>
constructSubsetSparseMatrix(const int full_size, const IntVec& indices)
typedef Eigen::Triplet<Scalar> Tri;
const int subset_size = indices.size();
std::vector<Tri> triplets(subset_size);
for (int i = 0; i < subset_size; ++i) {
triplets[i] = Tri(i, indices[i], 1);
Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar> sub(subset_size, full_size);
sub.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());
return sub;
template <typename Scalar, class IntVec>
constructSupersetSparseMatrix(const int full_size, const IntVec& indices)
return constructSubsetSparseMatrix<Scalar>(full_size, indices).transpose();
} // anon namespace
/// Returns x(indices).
template <typename Scalar, class IntVec>
subset(const AutoDiffBlock<Scalar>& x,
const IntVec& indices)
return constructSubsetSparseMatrix<Scalar>(x.value().size(), indices) * x;
/// Returns x(indices).
template <typename Scalar, class IntVec>
Eigen::Array<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>
subset(const Eigen::Array<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& x,
const IntVec& indices)
return (constructSubsetSparseMatrix<Scalar>(x.size(), indices) * x.matrix()).array();
/// Returns v where v(indices) == x, v(!indices) == 0 and v.size() == n.
template <typename Scalar, class IntVec>
superset(const AutoDiffBlock<Scalar>& x,
const IntVec& indices,
const int n)
return constructSupersetSparseMatrix<Scalar>(n, indices) * x;
/// Returns v where v(indices) == x, v(!indices) == 0 and v.size() == n.
template <typename Scalar, class IntVec>
Eigen::Array<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>
superset(const Eigen::Array<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& x,
const IntVec& indices,
const int n)
return constructSupersetSparseMatrix<Scalar>(n, indices) * x.matrix();
/// Construct square sparse matrix with the
/// elements of d on the diagonal.
/// Need to mark this as inline since it is defined in a header and not a template.
spdiag(const AutoDiffBlock<double>::V& d)
typedef AutoDiffBlock<double>::M M;
const int n = d.size();
M mat(n, n);
mat.reserve(Eigen::ArrayXi::Ones(n, 1));
for (M::Index i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
mat.insert(i, i) = d[i];
return mat;
/// Selection. Choose first of two elements if selection basis element is nonnegative.
template <typename Scalar>
class Selector {
typedef AutoDiffBlock<Scalar> ADB;
enum CriterionForLeftElement { GreaterEqualZero, GreaterZero, Zero, NotEqualZero, LessZero, LessEqualZero };
Selector(const typename ADB::V& selection_basis,
CriterionForLeftElement crit = GreaterEqualZero)
// Define selector structure.
const int n = selection_basis.size();
// Over-reserving so we do not have to count.
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
bool chooseleft = false;
switch (crit) {
case GreaterEqualZero:
chooseleft = selection_basis[i] >= 0.0;
case GreaterZero:
chooseleft = selection_basis[i] > 0.0;
case Zero:
chooseleft = selection_basis[i] == 0.0;
case NotEqualZero:
chooseleft = selection_basis[i] != 0.0;
case LessZero:
chooseleft = selection_basis[i] < 0.0;
case LessEqualZero:
chooseleft = selection_basis[i] <= 0.0;
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "No such criterion: " << crit);
if (chooseleft) {
} else {
/// Apply selector to ADB quantities.
ADB select(const ADB& x1, const ADB& x2) const
if (right_elems_.empty()) {
return x1;
} else if (left_elems_.empty()) {
return x2;
} else {
return superset(subset(x1, left_elems_), left_elems_, x1.size())
+ superset(subset(x2, right_elems_), right_elems_, x2.size());
/// Apply selector to ADB quantities.
typename ADB::V select(const typename ADB::V& x1, const typename ADB::V& x2) const
if (right_elems_.empty()) {
return x1;
} else if (left_elems_.empty()) {
return x2;
} else {
return superset(subset(x1, left_elems_), left_elems_, x1.size())
+ superset(subset(x2, right_elems_), right_elems_, x2.size());
std::vector<int> left_elems_;
std::vector<int> right_elems_;
/// Returns the input expression, but with all Jacobians collapsed to one.
collapseJacs(const AutoDiffBlock<double>& x)
typedef AutoDiffBlock<double> ADB;
const int nb = x.numBlocks();
typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> Tri;
int nnz = 0;
for (int block = 0; block < nb; ++block) {
nnz += x.derivative()[block].nonZeros();
std::vector<Tri> t;
int block_col_start = 0;
for (int block = 0; block < nb; ++block) {
const ADB::M& jac = x.derivative()[block];
for (ADB::M::Index k = 0; k < jac.outerSize(); ++k) {
for (ADB::M::InnerIterator i(jac, k); i ; ++i) {
i.col() + block_col_start,
block_col_start += jac.cols();
// Build final jacobian.
std::vector<ADB::M> jacs(1);
jacs[0].resize(x.size(), block_col_start);
jacs[0].setFromTriplets(t.begin(), t.end());
return ADB::function(x.value(), jacs);
/// Returns the vertical concatenation [ x; y ] of the inputs.
vertcat(const AutoDiffBlock<double>& x,
const AutoDiffBlock<double>& y)
const int nx = x.size();
const int ny = y.size();
const int n = nx + ny;
std::vector<int> xind(nx);
for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
xind[i] = i;
std::vector<int> yind(ny);
for (int i = 0; i < ny; ++i) {
yind[i] = nx + i;
return superset(x, xind, n) + superset(y, yind, n);
class Span
explicit Span(const int num)
: num_(num),
Span(const int num, const int stride, const int start)
: num_(num),
int operator[](const int i) const
assert(i >= 0 && i < num_);
return start_ + i*stride_;
int size() const
return num_;
class SpanIterator
SpanIterator(const Span* span, const int index)
: span_(span),
SpanIterator operator++()
return *this;
SpanIterator operator++(int)
SpanIterator before_increment(*this);
return before_increment;
bool operator<(const SpanIterator& rhs) const
assert(span_ == rhs.span_);
return index_ < rhs.index_;
bool operator==(const SpanIterator& rhs) const
assert(span_ == rhs.span_);
return index_ == rhs.index_;
bool operator!=(const SpanIterator& rhs) const
assert(span_ == rhs.span_);
return index_ != rhs.index_;
int operator*()
return (*span_)[index_];
const Span* span_;
int index_;
typedef SpanIterator iterator;
typedef SpanIterator const_iterator;
SpanIterator begin() const
return SpanIterator(this, 0);
SpanIterator end() const
return SpanIterator(this, num_);
bool operator==(const Span& rhs)
return num_ == rhs.num_ && start_ == rhs.start_ && stride_ == rhs.stride_;
const int num_;
const int stride_;
const int start_;
/// Return a vector of (-1.0, 0.0 or 1.0), depending on sign per element.
inline Eigen::ArrayXd sign (const Eigen::ArrayXd& x)
const int n = x.size();
Eigen::ArrayXd retval(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
retval[i] = x[i] < 0.0 ? -1.0 : (x[i] > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0);
return retval;
} // namespace Opm