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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
Assign a maximum ALQ value to each GLIFT producer when doing well testing in beginTimeStep(). This allows the well to be considered open. Then, later in the timestep, when assemble() is called, the full gas lift optimization procedure can adjust the ALQ to its correct value. It is also observed that in some cases when gas lift is switched off by setting ALQ to zero, and later in the schedule is switched back on again, it might not be possible to determine bhp from thp for low small ALQ values. Instead of aborting the gas lift optimization, we should try increasing ALQ until we get convergence or until the maximum ALQ for the well is reached.
1834 lines
66 KiB
1834 lines
66 KiB
Copyright 2020 Equinor ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <config.h>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GasLiftSingleWellGeneric.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/GasLiftOpt.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLogger.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GasLiftWellState.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellState.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/GroupState.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
namespace Opm
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger,
WellState& well_state,
const GroupState& group_state,
const Well& ecl_well,
const SummaryState& summary_state,
GasLiftGroupInfo& group_info,
const PhaseUsage& phase_usage,
const Schedule& schedule,
const int report_step_idx,
GLiftSyncGroups& sync_groups,
const Parallel::Communication& comm,
bool glift_debug
) :
GasLiftCommon(well_state, deferred_logger, comm, glift_debug)
, group_state_{group_state}
, ecl_well_{ecl_well}
, summary_state_{summary_state}
, group_info_{group_info}
, phase_usage_{phase_usage}
, sync_groups_{sync_groups}
, controls_{ecl_well_.productionControls(summary_state_)}
, debug_limit_increase_decrease_{false}
this->well_name_ = ecl_well_.name();
const GasLiftOpt& glo = schedule.glo(report_step_idx);
// NOTE: According to LIFTOPT, item 1:
// "Increment size for lift gas injection rate. Lift gas is
// allocated to individual wells in whole numbers of the increment
// size. If gas lift optimization is no longer required, it can be
// turned off by entering a zero or negative number."
// NOTE: This condition was checked in doGasLiftOptimize() in StandardWell
// so it can be assumed that increment_ > 0
this->increment_ = glo.gaslift_increment();
assert( this->increment_ > 0);
// NOTE: The manual (see LIFTOPT, item 2) does not mention
// any default value or restrictions on the economic gradient.
// TODO: The value of the gradient would most likely be a positive
// number. Should we warn or fail on a negative value?
// A negative value for the economic gradient would mean that
// the oil production is decreasing with increased liftgas
// injection (which seems strange)
this->eco_grad_ = glo.min_eco_gradient();
gl_well_ = &glo.well(this->well_name_);
* Public methods in alphabetical order
// NOTE: Used from GasLiftStage2
calcIncOrDecGradient(double oil_rate, double gas_rate, double alq, bool increase) const
auto [new_alq_opt, alq_is_limited] = addOrSubtractAlqIncrement_(alq, increase);
// TODO: What to do if ALQ is limited and new_alq != alq?
if (!new_alq_opt)
return std::nullopt;
double new_alq = *new_alq_opt;
if (auto bhp = computeBhpAtThpLimit_(new_alq)) {
auto [new_bhp, bhp_is_limited] = getBhpWithLimit_(*bhp);
// TODO: What to do if BHP is limited?
auto rates = computeWellRates_(new_bhp, bhp_is_limited);
double new_oil_rate, new_gas_rate, new_water_rate;
bool oil_is_limited, gas_is_limited, water_is_limited;
std::tie(new_oil_rate, oil_is_limited) = getOilRateWithLimit_(rates);
std::tie(new_gas_rate, gas_is_limited) = getGasRateWithLimit_(rates);
std::tie(new_water_rate, water_is_limited) = getWaterRateWithLimit_(rates);
if (!increase && new_oil_rate < 0 ) {
return std::nullopt;
auto grad = calcEcoGradient_(
oil_rate, new_oil_rate, gas_rate, new_gas_rate, increase);
return GradInfo(grad, new_oil_rate, oil_is_limited,
new_gas_rate, gas_is_limited, new_water_rate, water_is_limited,
new_alq, alq_is_limited);
else {
return std::nullopt;
runOptimize(const int iteration_idx)
std::unique_ptr<GasLiftWellState> state;
if (this->optimize_) {
if (this->debug_limit_increase_decrease_) {
state = runOptimize1_();
else {
state = runOptimize2_();
if (state) {
// NOTE: that state->increase() returns a std::optional<bool>, if
// this is std::nullopt it means that we was not able to change ALQ
// (either increase or decrease)
if (state->increase()) { // ALQ changed..
double alq = state->alq();
if (this->debug)
logSuccess_(alq, iteration_idx);
this->well_state_.setALQ(this->well_name_, alq);
const auto& pu = this->phase_usage_;
std::vector<double> well_pot(pu.num_phases, 0.0);
well_pot[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Liquid]] = state->oilRate();
well_pot[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Aqua]] = state->waterRate();
well_pot[pu.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::PhaseIndex::Vapour]] = state->gasRate();
this->well_state_[this->well_name_].well_potentials = well_pot;
return state;
* Protected methods in alphabetical order
std::pair<std::optional<double>, bool>
addOrSubtractAlqIncrement_(double alq, bool increase) const
bool limited = false;
double orig_alq = alq;
if (increase) {
alq += this->increment_;
// NOTE: if max_alq_ was defaulted in WLIFTOPT, item 3, it has
// already been set to the largest value in the VFP table in
// the contructor of GasLiftSingleWell
if (alq > this->max_alq_) {
alq = this->max_alq_;
limited = true;
else { // we are decreasing ALQ
alq -= this->increment_;
if (this->min_alq_ > 0) {
// According to WLIFTOPT item 5: If a positive value is
// specified (min_alq_), the well is allocated at least that amount
// of lift gas, unless the well is unable to flow with
// that rate of lift gas injection, or unless the well can
// already meet one of its own rate limits before
// receiving its minimum lift gas rate.
if (alq < this->min_alq_) {
alq = this->min_alq_;
limited = true;
else {
if (alq < 0) {
alq = 0.0;
limited = true;
std::optional<double> alq_opt {alq};
// If we were not able to change ALQ (to within rounding error), we
// return std::nullopt
if (limited && checkALQequal_(orig_alq,alq))
alq_opt = std::nullopt;
return {alq_opt, limited};
calcEcoGradient_(double oil_rate, double new_oil_rate, double gas_rate,
double new_gas_rate, bool increase) const
auto dqo = new_oil_rate - oil_rate;
auto dqg = new_gas_rate - gas_rate;
// TODO: Should the gas rate term in the denominator be subject to the constraint:
// alpha_g_ * dqg >= 0.0
// ?
auto gradient = (this->alpha_w_ * dqo) / (this->increment_ + this->alpha_g_*dqg);
// TODO: Should we do any error checks on the calculation of the
// gradient?
if (!increase) gradient = -gradient;
return gradient;
checkALQequal_(double alq1, double alq2) const
return std::fabs(alq1-alq2) < (this->increment_*ALQ_EPSILON);
const BasicRates& rates, const BasicRates& new_rates) const
const auto &pairs =
for (const auto &[group_name, efficiency] : pairs) {
for (const auto rate_type : {Rate::oil, Rate::gas, Rate::water, Rate::liquid}) {
auto target_opt = this->group_info_.getTarget(rate_type, group_name);
if (target_opt) {
auto delta_rate = new_rates[rate_type] - rates[rate_type];
auto new_group_rate = this->group_info_.getRate(rate_type, group_name)
+ efficiency * delta_rate;
if (new_group_rate > *target_opt) {
if (this->debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : {} rate {} exceeds target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, GasLiftGroupInfo::rateToString(rate_type),
new_group_rate, *target_opt);
return true;
return false;
checkInitialALQmodified_(double alq, double initial_alq) const
if (checkALQequal_(alq,initial_alq)) {
return false;
else {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("initial ALQ changed from {} "
"to {} before iteration starts..", initial_alq, alq);
return true;
checkThpControl_() const
const int well_index = this->well_state_.index(this->well_name_).value();
const Well::ProducerCMode& control_mode =
bool thp_control = control_mode == Well::ProducerCMode::THP;
if (this->debug) {
if (!thp_control) {
displayDebugMessage_("Well is not under THP control, skipping iteration..");
return thp_control;
computeConvergedBhpAtThpLimitByMaybeIncreasingALQ_() const
auto alq = this->orig_alq_;
double new_alq = alq;
std::optional<double> bhp;
while (alq <= (this->max_alq_ + this->increment_)) {
if (bhp = computeBhpAtThpLimit_(alq); bhp) {
new_alq = alq;
alq += this->increment_;
return {bhp, new_alq};
computeInitialWellRates_() const
std::optional<BasicRates> rates;
double initial_alq = this->orig_alq_;
//auto alq = initial_alq;
//if (auto bhp = computeBhpAtThpLimit_(this->orig_alq_); bhp) {
if (auto [bhp, alq] = computeConvergedBhpAtThpLimitByMaybeIncreasingALQ_(); bhp) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"computed initial bhp {} given thp limit and given alq {}", *bhp, alq);
initial_alq = alq;
auto [new_bhp, bhp_is_limited] = getBhpWithLimit_(*bhp);
rates = computeWellRates_(new_bhp, bhp_is_limited);
if (rates) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"computed initial well potentials given bhp, "
"oil: {}, gas: {}, water: {}",
rates->oil, rates->gas, rates->water);
else {
displayDebugMessage_("Aborting optimization.");
return {rates, initial_alq};
computeLimitedWellRatesWithALQ_(double alq) const
std::optional<LimitedRates> limited_rates;
if (auto rates = computeWellRatesWithALQ_(alq); rates) {
limited_rates = getLimitedRatesFromRates_(*rates);
return limited_rates;
computeWellRatesWithALQ_(double alq) const
std::optional<BasicRates> rates;
auto bhp_opt = computeBhpAtThpLimit_(alq);
if (bhp_opt) {
auto [bhp, bhp_is_limited] = getBhpWithLimit_(*bhp_opt);
rates = computeWellRates_(bhp, bhp_is_limited);
return rates;
debugCheckNegativeGradient_(double grad, double alq, double new_alq,
double oil_rate, double new_oil_rate,
double gas_rate, double new_gas_rate, bool increase) const
const std::string msg = fmt::format("calculating gradient: "
"new_oil_rate = {}, oil_rate = {}, grad = {}", new_oil_rate, oil_rate, grad);
if (grad < 0 ) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("negative {} gradient detected ({}) : "
"alq: {}, new_alq: {}, "
"oil_rate: {}, new_oil_rate: {}, gas_rate: {}, new_gas_rate: {}",
(increase ? "incremental" : "decremental"),
grad, alq, new_alq, oil_rate, new_oil_rate, gas_rate, new_gas_rate);
auto inc_count = this->well_state_.gliftGetAlqIncreaseCount(this->well_name_);
auto dec_count = this->well_state_.gliftGetAlqDecreaseCount(this->well_name_);
const std::string msg =
fmt::format("ALQ increase/decrease count : {}/{}", inc_count, dec_count);
double alq = 0.0;
const std::string fmt_fmt1 {"{:^12s} {:^12s} {:^12s} {:^12s}"};
const std::string fmt_fmt2 {"{:>12.5g} {:>12.5g} {:>12.5g} {:>12.5g}"};
const std::string header = fmt::format(fmt_fmt1, "ALQ", "BHP", "oil", "gas");
auto max_it = 50;
auto it = 1;
while (alq <= (this->max_alq_+this->increment_)) {
auto bhp_at_thp_limit = computeBhpAtThpLimit_(alq);
if (!bhp_at_thp_limit) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("Failed to get converged potentials "
"for ALQ = {}. Skipping.", alq );
else {
auto [bhp, bhp_is_limited] = getBhpWithLimit_(*bhp_at_thp_limit);
auto rates = computeWellRates_(bhp, bhp_is_limited, /*debug_out=*/false);
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
fmt_fmt2, alq, bhp, rates.oil, rates.gas);
alq += this->increment_;
if (it > max_it) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"ALQ table : max iterations {} reached. Stopping iteration.", max_it);
debugShowLimitingTargets_(const LimitedRates& rates) const
if (rates.limited()) {
if (rates.oil_is_limited) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"oil rate {} is limited by {} target",
if (rates.gas_is_limited) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"gas rate {} is limited by GRAT target",
if (rates.water_is_limited) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"water rate {} is limited by {} target",
else {
displayDebugMessage_("no rates are currently limited by a target");
debugShowProducerControlMode() const
const int well_index = this->well_state_.index(this->well_name_).value();
const Well::ProducerCMode& control_mode =
const std::string msg = fmt::format("Current control mode is: {}",
debugShowStartIteration_(double alq, bool increase, double oil_rate)
const std::string msg =
fmt::format("starting {} iteration, ALQ = {}, oilrate = {}",
(increase ? "increase" : "decrease"),
alq, oil_rate);
if (this->controls_.hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::ORAT)) {
auto target = this->controls_.oil_rate;
const std::string msg = fmt::format("has ORAT control with target {}", target);
if (this->controls_.hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::GRAT)) {
auto target = this->controls_.gas_rate;
const std::string msg = fmt::format("has GRAT control with target {}", target);
if (this->controls_.hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::LRAT)) {
auto target = this->controls_.liquid_rate;
const std::string msg = fmt::format("has LRAT control with target {}", target);
displayDebugMessage_(const std::string& msg) const
if (this->debug) {
const std::string message = fmt::format("Well {} : {}", this->well_name_, msg);
logMessage_(/*prefix=*/"GLIFT", message);
displayWarning_(const std::string& msg)
const std::string message = fmt::format("WELL {} : {}", this->well_name_, msg);
logMessage_(/*prefix=*/"GLIFT", msg, MessageType::WARNING);
std::pair<double, bool>
getBhpWithLimit_(double bhp) const
bool limited = false;
if (this->controls_.hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::BHP)) {
auto limit = this->controls_.bhp_limit;
if (bhp < limit) {
bhp = limit;
limited = true;
return {bhp, limited};
// TODO: what if the gas_rate_target_ has been defaulted
// (i.e. value == 0, meaning: "No limit") but the
// oil_rate_target_ has not been defaulted ?
// If the new_oil_rate exceeds the oil_rate_target_ it is cut back,
// but the same cut-back will not happen for the new_gas_rate
// Seems like an inconsistency, since alq should in this
// case also be adjusted (to the smaller value that would
// give oil target rate) but then the gas rate would also be smaller?
// The effect of not reducing the gas rate (if it should be
// reduced?) is that a too large value is used in the
// computation of the economic gradient making the gradient
// smaller than it should be since the term appears in the denominator.
std::pair<double, bool>
getGasRateWithLimit_(const BasicRates& rates) const
auto [rate, target_type] = getRateWithLimit_(Rate::gas, rates);
bool limited = target_type.has_value();
return {rate, limited};
// NOTE: If the computed oil rate is larger than the target
// rate of the well, we reduce it to the target rate. This
// will make the economic gradient smaller than it would be
// if we did not reduce the rate, and it is less
// likely that the current gas lift increment will be
// accepted.
// TODO: If it still is accepted, we should ideally reduce the alq
// also since we also reduced the rate. This might involve
// some sort of iteration though..
std::pair<double, bool>
getOilRateWithLimit_(const BasicRates& rates) const
auto [rate, target_type] = getRateWithLimit_(Rate::oil, rates);
bool limited = target_type.has_value();
return {rate, limited};
std::pair<double, std::optional<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::Rate>>
getOilRateWithLimit2_(const BasicRates& rates) const
return getRateWithLimit_(Rate::oil, rates);
std::pair<double, bool>
getWaterRateWithLimit_(const BasicRates& rates) const
auto [rate, target_type] = getRateWithLimit_(Rate::water, rates);
bool limited = target_type.has_value();
return {rate, limited};
std::pair<double, std::optional<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::Rate>>
getWaterRateWithLimit2_(const BasicRates& rates) const
return getRateWithLimit_(Rate::water, rates);
getRate_(Rate rate, const BasicRates& rates) const
switch (rate) {
case Rate::oil:
return rates.oil;
case Rate::gas:
return rates.gas;
case Rate::water:
return rates.water;
case Rate::liquid:
return rates.oil + rates.water;
// Need this to avoid compiler warning : control reaches end of non-void function
throw std::runtime_error("This should not happen");
getProductionTarget_(Rate rate) const
switch (rate) {
case Rate::oil:
return this->controls_.oil_rate;
case Rate::gas:
return this->controls_.gas_rate;
case Rate::water:
return this->controls_.water_rate;
case Rate::liquid:
return this->controls_.liquid_rate;
// Need this to avoid compiler warning : control reaches end of non-void function
throw std::runtime_error("This should not happen");
std::pair<double, std::optional<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::Rate>>
getRateWithLimit_(Rate rate_type, const BasicRates &rates) const
double new_rate = getRate_(rate_type, rates);
// If "target_type" is empty at the end of this method, it means the rate
// was not limited. Otherwise, target_type gives the reason (the type of target)
// for why the rate was limited.
std::optional<Rate> target_type;
if (hasProductionControl_(rate_type)) {
auto target = getProductionTarget_(rate_type);
if (new_rate > target) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("limiting {} rate to target: "
"computed rate: {}, target: {}",
GasLiftGroupInfo::rateToString(rate_type), new_rate, target);
new_rate = target;
target_type = rate_type;
if (((rate_type == Rate::oil) || (rate_type == Rate::water))
&& hasProductionControl_(Rate::liquid))
double rate2;
if (rate_type == Rate::oil) {
rate2 = getRate_(Rate::water, rates);
else {
rate2 = getRate_(Rate::oil, rates);
// Note: Since "new_rate" was first updated for ORAT or WRAT, see first "if"
// statement in the method, the rate is limited due to LRAT only if
// it becomes less than the rate limited by a WRAT or ORAT target..
double liq_rate = new_rate + rate2;
auto liq_target = getProductionTarget_(Rate::liquid);
if (liq_rate > liq_target) {
double fraction = new_rate / liq_rate;
// NOTE: since
// fraction * liq_rate = new_rate,
// we must have
// fraction * liq_target < new_rate
// since
// liq_target < liq_rate
// therefore new_rate will become less than it original was and
// limited = true.
new_rate = fraction * liq_target;
target_type = Rate::liquid;
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"limiting {} rate to {} due to LRAT target: "
"computed LRAT: {}, target LRAT: {}",
GasLiftGroupInfo::rateToString(rate_type), new_rate,
liq_rate, liq_target);
// TODO: Also check RESV target?
return { new_rate, target_type};
std::pair<double, bool>
getOilRateWithGroupLimit_(double new_oil_rate, double oil_rate) const
[[maybe_unused]] auto [rate, gr_name, efficiency]
= getRateWithGroupLimit_(Rate::oil, new_oil_rate, oil_rate);
bool limited = gr_name != nullptr;
return {rate, limited};
std::pair<double, bool>
getGasRateWithGroupLimit_(double new_gas_rate, double gas_rate) const
[[maybe_unused]] auto [rate, gr_name, efficiency]
= getRateWithGroupLimit_(Rate::gas, new_gas_rate, gas_rate);
bool limited = gr_name != nullptr;
return {rate, limited};
std::pair<double, bool>
getWaterRateWithGroupLimit_(double new_water_rate, double water_rate) const
[[maybe_unused]] auto [rate, gr_name, efficiency] = getRateWithGroupLimit_(
Rate::water, new_water_rate, water_rate);
bool limited = gr_name != nullptr;
return {rate, limited};
std::tuple<double, double, bool, bool>
getLiquidRateWithGroupLimit_(const double new_oil_rate, const double oil_rate,
const double new_water_rate, const double water_rate) const
auto liquid_rate = oil_rate + water_rate;
auto new_liquid_rate = new_oil_rate + new_water_rate;
auto [liquid_rate_limited, group_name, efficiency]
= getRateWithGroupLimit_(Rate::liquid, new_liquid_rate, liquid_rate);
bool limited = group_name != nullptr;
if (limited) {
// the oil, gas, and water cases can be handled directly by
// getRateWithGroupLimit_() above. However, for the liquid case
// we must do some postprocessing. I chose to include it here
// instead of cluttering up getRateWithGroupLimit_() with this
// special case.
double delta_water = new_water_rate - water_rate;
double delta_oil = new_oil_rate - oil_rate;
double gr_water_rate = this->group_info_.waterRate(*group_name);
double gr_oil_rate = this->group_info_.oilRate(*group_name);
// NOTE: these rates are too large according to the limited liquid rate
// but it does not matter since we are only using them to calculate
// the fraction of the liquid corresponding to the oil phase
double new_gr_water_rate = gr_water_rate + efficiency * delta_water;
double new_gr_oil_rate = gr_oil_rate + efficiency * delta_oil;
double new_gr_liquid_rate = new_gr_water_rate + new_gr_oil_rate;
double oil_fraction = new_gr_oil_rate / new_gr_liquid_rate;
double delta_liquid = liquid_rate_limited - liquid_rate;
auto limited_oil_rate = oil_rate + oil_fraction * delta_liquid;
auto limited_water_rate = water_rate + (1.0 - oil_fraction) * delta_liquid;
return {limited_oil_rate, limited_water_rate, limited, limited};
return {new_oil_rate, new_water_rate, limited, limited};
std::tuple<double, const std::string*, double>
Rate rate_type, const double new_rate, const double old_rate) const
const double delta_rate = new_rate - old_rate;
if (delta_rate > 0) {
// It is required that the production rate for a given group is
// is less than or equal to its target rate, see assert() below.
// Then it only makes sense to check if the group target is exceeded
// if delta_rate > 0
const auto &pairs =
double limited_rate = new_rate;
double gr_target, new_gr_rate, efficiency;
const std::string *group_name = nullptr;
for (const auto& [group_name_temp, efficiency_temp] : pairs) {
auto gr_target_opt = this->group_info_.getTarget(rate_type, group_name_temp);
if (gr_target_opt) {
double gr_target_temp = *gr_target_opt;
double gr_rate_temp =
this->group_info_.getRate(rate_type, group_name_temp);
if (gr_rate_temp > gr_target_temp) {
if (this->debug) {
rate_type, group_name_temp, gr_rate_temp, gr_target_temp);
group_name = &group_name_temp;
efficiency = efficiency_temp;
limited_rate = old_rate;
gr_target = gr_target_temp;
new_gr_rate = gr_rate_temp;
double new_gr_rate_temp = gr_rate_temp + efficiency_temp * delta_rate;
if (new_gr_rate_temp > gr_target_temp) {
double limited_rate_temp =
old_rate + (gr_target_temp - gr_rate_temp) / efficiency_temp;
if (limited_rate_temp < limited_rate) {
group_name = &group_name_temp;
efficiency = efficiency_temp;
limited_rate = limited_rate_temp;
gr_target = gr_target_temp;
new_gr_rate = new_gr_rate_temp;
if (group_name) {
if (this->debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"limiting {} rate from {} to {} to meet group target {} "
"for group {}. Computed group rate was: {}",
new_rate, limited_rate, gr_target,
*group_name, new_gr_rate);
return { limited_rate, group_name, efficiency };
return { new_rate, /*group_name =*/nullptr, /*efficiency dummy value*/0.0 };
std::pair<std::optional<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::LimitedRates>, double>
getInitialRatesWithLimit_() const
std::optional<LimitedRates> limited_rates;
double initial_alq = this->orig_alq_;
if (auto [rates, alq] = computeInitialWellRates_(); rates) {
if (this->debug) {
"Maybe limiting initial rates before optimize loop..");
auto temp_rates = getLimitedRatesFromRates_(*rates);
BasicRates old_rates = getWellStateRates_();
limited_rates = updateRatesToGroupLimits_(old_rates, temp_rates);
initial_alq = alq;
return {limited_rates, initial_alq};
getLimitedRatesFromRates_(const BasicRates& rates) const
auto [oil_rate, oil_limiting_target] = getOilRateWithLimit2_(rates);
auto [gas_rate, gas_is_limited] = getGasRateWithLimit_(rates);
auto [water_rate, water_limiting_target] = getWaterRateWithLimit2_(rates);
bool oil_is_limited = oil_limiting_target.has_value();
bool water_is_limited = water_limiting_target.has_value();
return LimitedRates{
oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate,
oil_is_limited, gas_is_limited, water_is_limited, rates.bhp_is_limited,
oil_limiting_target, water_limiting_target};
getWellStateRates_() const
const int well_index = this->well_state_.index(this->well_name_).value();
const auto& pu = this->phase_usage_;
const auto& ws= this->well_state_.well(well_index);
const auto& wrate = ws.well_potentials;
const auto oil_rate = pu.phase_used[Oil]
? wrate[pu.phase_pos[Oil]]
: 0.0;
const auto gas_rate = pu.phase_used[Gas]
? wrate[pu.phase_pos[Gas]]
: 0.0;
const auto water_rate = pu.phase_used[Water]
? wrate[pu.phase_pos[Water]]
: 0.0;
if (this->debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("Initial surface rates: oil : {}, "
"gas : {}, water : {}", oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate);
return BasicRates{oil_rate, water_rate, gas_rate, /*bhp_is_limited=*/false};
hasProductionControl_(Rate rate) const
switch (rate) {
case Rate::oil:
return this->controls_.hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::ORAT);
case Rate::gas:
return this->controls_.hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::GRAT);
case Rate::water:
return this->controls_.hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::WRAT);
case Rate::liquid:
return this->controls_.hasControl(Well::ProducerCMode::LRAT);
// Need this to avoid compiler warning : control reaches end of non-void function
throw std::runtime_error("This should not happen");
std::pair<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::LimitedRates, double>
increaseALQtoPositiveOilRate_(double alq, const LimitedRates& orig_rates) const
bool stop_iteration = false;
double temp_alq = alq;
// use the copy constructor to only copy the rates
BasicRates rates = orig_rates;
while(!stop_iteration) {
temp_alq += this->increment_;
if (temp_alq > this->max_alq_) break;
auto temp_rates = computeWellRatesWithALQ_(temp_alq);
if (!temp_rates) break;
alq = temp_alq;
rates = *temp_rates;
if (rates.oil > 0) break;
// TODO: what about group limits?
return {getLimitedRatesFromRates_(rates), alq};
std::pair<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::LimitedRates, double>
increaseALQtoMinALQ_(const double orig_alq, const LimitedRates& orig_rates) const
auto min_alq = this->min_alq_;
assert(min_alq >= 0);
assert(orig_alq < min_alq);
assert(min_alq < this->max_alq_);
bool stop_iteration = false;
double alq = orig_alq;
LimitedRates rates = orig_rates;
while(!stop_iteration) {
double temp_alq = alq + this->increment_;
if (temp_alq >= min_alq) break;
auto temp_rates = computeLimitedWellRatesWithALQ_(temp_alq);
if (!temp_rates) break;
alq = temp_alq;
rates = *temp_rates;
if (rates.limited()) break;
return std::make_pair(rates, alq);
logSuccess_(double alq, const int iteration_idx)
const std::string message = fmt::format(
"GLIFT, IT={}, WELL {} : {} ALQ from {} to {}",
((alq > this->orig_alq_) ? "increased" : "decreased"),
this->orig_alq_, alq);
std::pair<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::LimitedRates, double>
const LimitedRates& orig_rates, const double orig_alq, const bool increase) const
double alq = orig_alq;
LimitedRates rates = orig_rates;
if (this->debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("initial ALQ: {}", alq);
if (!increase) {
// NOTE: Try to decrease ALQ down to a value where the groups
// maximum alq target and the total gas + alq target is not violated
std::tie(rates, alq) = reduceALQtoGroupAlqLimits_(alq, orig_rates);
if(orig_rates.limited()) {
// NOTE: Try to decrease ALQ down to a value where the well target is
// not exceeded.
// NOTE: This may reduce ALQ below the minimum value set in WLIFTOPT
// item 5. However, this is OK since the rate target is met and there
// is no point in using a higher ALQ value then.
auto [rates1, alq1] = reduceALQtoWellTarget_(alq, orig_rates);
auto [rates2, alq2] = reduceALQtoGroupTarget(alq, orig_rates);
if (alq1 < alq2) {
alq = alq1;
rates = rates1;
else {
alq = alq2;
rates = rates2;
} else {
if (orig_rates.oil < 0) {
// Try to increase ALQ up to a value where oil_rate is positive
std::tie(rates, alq) = increaseALQtoPositiveOilRate_(alq, rates);
if ((this->min_alq_> 0) && (alq < this->min_alq_)) {
// Try to increase ALQ up to the minimum limit without checking
// the economic gradient..
std::tie(rates, alq) = increaseALQtoMinALQ_(alq, rates);
if (orig_alq != alq) {
if (this->debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format("adjusted ALQ to: {}", alq);
double delta_alq = alq - orig_alq;
updateGroupRates_(orig_rates, rates, delta_alq);
return {rates, alq};
bool has_control(int controls, Group::InjectionCMode cmode) {
return ((controls & static_cast<int>(cmode)) != 0);
// Reduce ALQ to the lowest value greater than zero that still makes at
// least one rate limited w.r.t. group targets, or reduce ALQ to zero if
// such positive ALQ value cannot be found.
std::pair<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::LimitedRates, double>
reduceALQtoGroupAlqLimits_(const double orig_alq, const LimitedRates& orig_rates) const
bool stop_this_iteration = false;
double alq = orig_alq;
BasicRates rates{ orig_rates };
double temp_alq = orig_alq;
while(!stop_this_iteration) {
if (temp_alq == 0) break;
temp_alq -= this->increment_;
if (temp_alq < 0) temp_alq = 0;
auto new_rates = computeWellRatesWithALQ_(temp_alq);
if (!new_rates) break;
auto delta_alq = temp_alq - orig_alq;
auto delta_gas_rate = new_rates->gas - orig_rates.gas;
if (!checkGroupTotalRateExceeded(delta_alq, delta_gas_rate)) {
rates = *new_rates;
alq = temp_alq;
if (alq == orig_alq) {
return {orig_rates, orig_alq};
else {
LimitedRates limited_rates = getLimitedRatesFromRates_(rates);
return {limited_rates, alq};
// Reduce ALQ to the lowest value greater than zero that still makes at
// least one rate limited w.r.t. group targets, or reduce ALQ to zero if
// such positive ALQ value cannot be found.
std::pair<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::LimitedRates, double>
reduceALQtoGroupTarget(const double orig_alq, const LimitedRates& orig_rates) const
bool stop_this_iteration = true;
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string,double>>& pairs =
for (const auto &pair /*<group_name, efficiency>*/ : pairs) {
const auto& group_name = pair.first;
if (!this->group_state_.has_production_control(group_name))
if (this->group_info_.hasAnyTarget(group_name)) {
stop_this_iteration = false;
"Reducing ALQ to meet group target(s) before iteration starts.");
double alq = orig_alq;
BasicRates rates{ orig_rates };
double temp_alq = orig_alq;
while(!stop_this_iteration) {
if (temp_alq == 0) break;
temp_alq -= this->increment_;
if (temp_alq < 0) temp_alq = 0;
auto new_rates = computeWellRatesWithALQ_(temp_alq);
if (!new_rates) break;
if (!checkGroupTargetsViolated(rates, *new_rates)) {
rates = *new_rates;
alq = temp_alq;
if (alq == orig_alq) {
return {orig_rates, orig_alq};
else {
LimitedRates limited_rates = getLimitedRatesFromRates_(rates);
return {limited_rates, alq};
// Reduce ALQ to the lowest value greater than zero that still makes at
// least one rate limited w.r.t. well targets, or reduce ALQ to zero if
// such positive ALQ value cannot be found.
std::pair<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric::LimitedRates, double>
reduceALQtoWellTarget_(const double orig_alq, const LimitedRates& rates) const
// this method should only be called if "rates" is limited
if (this->debug) {
"Reducing ALQ to meet well targets before iteration starts..");
double alq = orig_alq;
double temp_alq = alq;
std::optional<LimitedRates> new_rates;
bool stop_iteration = false;
while(!stop_iteration) {
if (temp_alq == 0) break;
temp_alq -= this->increment_;
if (temp_alq < 0) temp_alq = 0;
auto temp_rates = computeLimitedWellRatesWithALQ_(temp_alq);
if (!temp_rates) break; // failed to compute BHP given THP limit and ALQ
// keep iterating until no rate is limited
if (!temp_rates->limited()) break;
alq = temp_alq;
new_rates = temp_rates;
assert( alq <= orig_alq );
if (this->debug) {
if (alq < orig_alq) {
// NOTE: ALQ may drop below zero before we are able to meet the target
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Reduced ALQ from {} to {} to meet rate targets. Rates (new, old) : "
"oil(({}, {}), gas({}, {}), water({}, {})",
orig_alq, alq,
new_rates->oil, rates.oil,
new_rates->gas, rates.gas,
new_rates->water, rates.water);
else if (alq == orig_alq) {
// We might not be able to reduce ALQ, for example if ALQ starts out at zero.
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Not able to reduce ALQ {} further. ", orig_alq);
if (new_rates) {
return {*new_rates, alq};
else {
return {rates, orig_alq};
// - increase (boolean) :
// - true : try increase the lift gas supply,
// - false : try decrease lift gas supply.
// - return value: a new GasLiftWellState or nullptr
runOptimizeLoop_(bool increase)
if (this->debug) debugShowProducerControlMode();
std::unique_ptr<GasLiftWellState> ret_value; // nullptr initially
auto [rates, cur_alq] = getInitialRatesWithLimit_();
if (!rates) return ret_value;
// if (this->debug) debugShowBhpAlqTable_();
if (this->debug) debugShowAlqIncreaseDecreaseCounts_();
if (this->debug) debugShowTargets_();
bool success = false; // did we succeed to increase alq?
bool alq_is_limited = false;
LimitedRates new_rates = *rates;
auto [temp_rates2, new_alq] = maybeAdjustALQbeforeOptimizeLoop_(
*rates, cur_alq, increase);
if (checkInitialALQmodified_(new_alq, this->orig_alq_)) {
auto delta_alq = new_alq - cur_alq;
new_rates = temp_rates2;
cur_alq = new_alq;
success = true;
updateGroupRates_(*rates, new_rates, delta_alq);
OptimizeState state {*this, increase};
auto temp_alq = cur_alq;
if (checkThpControl_()) {
if (this->debug) debugShowStartIteration_(temp_alq, increase, new_rates.oil);
else {
// If the well is not under THP control, we can still use the previous
// initial adjustment of ALQ by using the well's THP limit to calculate
// BHP and then well rates from that.
// This is useful for example for wells under group control to reduce
// their gaslift. A typical case for this could be that a new well opens up.
// Then gaslift can be reduced while still keeping the group target.
state.stop_iteration = true;
while (!state.stop_iteration && (++state.it <= this->max_iterations_)) {
if (state.checkRatesViolated(new_rates)) break;
if (state.checkAlqOutsideLimits(temp_alq, new_rates.oil)) break;
std::optional<double> alq_opt;
std::tie(alq_opt, alq_is_limited) = state.addOrSubtractAlqIncrement(temp_alq);
if (!alq_opt) break;
auto delta_alq = *alq_opt - temp_alq;
if (checkGroupALQrateExceeded(delta_alq)) break;
temp_alq = *alq_opt;
if (this->debug) state.debugShowIterationInfo(temp_alq);
rates = new_rates;
auto temp_rates = computeLimitedWellRatesWithALQ_(temp_alq);
if (!temp_rates) break;
if (temp_rates->bhp_is_limited)
state.stop_iteration = true;
temp_rates = updateRatesToGroupLimits_(*rates, *temp_rates);
auto delta_gas_rate = temp_rates->gas - rates->gas;
if (checkGroupTotalRateExceeded(delta_alq, delta_gas_rate)) break;
/* if (this->debug_abort_if_increase_and_gas_is_limited_) {
if (gas_is_limited && increase) {
// if gas is limited we do not want to increase
"increasing ALQ and gas is limited -> aborting iteration");
auto gradient = state.calcEcoGradient(
rates->oil, temp_rates->oil, rates->gas, temp_rates->gas);
if (this->debug)
gradient, cur_alq, temp_alq, rates->oil, temp_rates->oil,
rates->gas, temp_rates->gas, increase);
if (state.checkEcoGradient(gradient)) break;
cur_alq = temp_alq;
success = true;
new_rates = *temp_rates;
updateGroupRates_(*rates, new_rates, delta_alq);
if (state.it > this->max_iterations_) {
std::optional<bool> increase_opt;
if (success) {
this->well_state_.gliftUpdateAlqIncreaseCount(this->well_name_, increase);
increase_opt = increase;
else {
increase_opt = std::nullopt;
ret_value = std::make_unique<GasLiftWellState>(
new_rates.oil, new_rates.oil_is_limited,
new_rates.gas, new_rates.gas_is_limited,
cur_alq, alq_is_limited, new_rates.water, increase_opt);
return ret_value;
std::unique_ptr<GasLiftWellState> state;
int inc_count = this->well_state_.gliftGetAlqIncreaseCount(this->well_name_);
int dec_count = this->well_state_.gliftGetAlqDecreaseCount(this->well_name_);
if (dec_count == 0 && inc_count == 0) {
state = tryIncreaseLiftGas_();
if (!state || !(state->alqChanged())) {
state = tryDecreaseLiftGas_();
else if (dec_count == 0) {
assert(inc_count > 0);
state = tryIncreaseLiftGas_();
else if (inc_count == 0) {
assert(dec_count > 0);
state = tryDecreaseLiftGas_();
return state;
std::unique_ptr<GasLiftWellState> state;
state = tryIncreaseLiftGas_();
if (!state || !(state->alqChanged())) {
state = tryDecreaseLiftGas_();
return state;
return runOptimizeLoop_(/*increase=*/ false);
return runOptimizeLoop_(/*increase=*/ true);
setAlqMinRate_(const GasLiftOpt::Well& well)
// NOTE: According to WLIFTOPT item 5 :
// if min_rate() is negative, it means: allocate at least enough lift gas
// to enable the well to flow
// NOTE: "to enable the well to flow" : How to interpret this?
// We choose to interpret it to mean a positive oil rate as returned from
// computeWellRates_(bhp, cur_potentials);
// So even if the well is producing gas, if the oil rate is zero
// we say that the "well is not flowing".
// Note that if WECON item 2 is set, the well can be shut off
// before the flow rate reaches zero. Also,
// if bhp drops below the bhp lower limit, the well might switch to bhp
// control before the oil rate becomes zero.
this->min_alq_ = well.min_rate();
if (this->min_alq_ > 0) {
if (this->min_alq_ >= this->max_alq_) {
// NOTE: We reset the value to a negative value.
// negative value means: Allocate at least enough lift gas
// to allow the well to flow.
// TODO: Consider other options for resetting the value..
this->min_alq_ = -1;
displayWarning_("Minimum ALQ value is larger than maximum ALQ value!"
" Resetting value.");
const LimitedRates& rates, const LimitedRates& new_rates, double delta_alq) const
double delta_oil = new_rates.oil - rates.oil;
double delta_gas = new_rates.gas - rates.gas;
double delta_water = new_rates.water - rates.water;
const auto &pairs =
for (const auto &[group_name, efficiency] : pairs) {
int idx = this->group_info_.getGroupIdx(group_name);
// This will notify the optimize loop in BlackoilWellModel, see
// gasLiftOptimizationStage1() in BlackoilWellModel_impl.hpp
// that this group_info needs to be synchronized to the other MPI ranks
efficiency * delta_oil,
efficiency * delta_gas,
efficiency * delta_water,
efficiency * delta_alq);
const BasicRates& old_rates, const LimitedRates& rates) const
LimitedRates new_rates = rates;
auto [new_oil_rate, oil_is_limited] = getOilRateWithGroupLimit_(
new_rates.oil, old_rates.oil);
if (oil_is_limited) {
new_rates.oil_limiting_target = Rate::oil;
auto [new_gas_rate, gas_is_limited] = getGasRateWithGroupLimit_(
new_rates.gas, old_rates.gas);
auto [new_water_rate, water_is_limited] = getWaterRateWithGroupLimit_(
new_rates.water, old_rates.water);
if (water_is_limited) {
new_rates.water_limiting_target = Rate::water;
auto [new_oil_rate2, new_water_rate2, oil_is_limited2, water_is_limited2]
= getLiquidRateWithGroupLimit_(
new_oil_rate, old_rates.oil, new_water_rate, old_rates.water);
if (oil_is_limited2) {
new_rates.oil_limiting_target = Rate::liquid;
if (water_is_limited2) {
new_rates.water_limiting_target = Rate::liquid;
new_rates.oil = new_oil_rate2;
new_rates.gas = new_gas_rate;
new_rates.water = new_water_rate2;
new_rates.oil_is_limited = rates.oil_is_limited || oil_is_limited || oil_is_limited2;
new_rates.gas_is_limited = rates.gas_is_limited || gas_is_limited;
new_rates.water_is_limited =
rates.water_is_limited || water_is_limited || water_is_limited2;
if (oil_is_limited || oil_is_limited2 || gas_is_limited
|| water_is_limited || water_is_limited2) {
new_rates.limit_type = LimitedRates::LimitType::group;
return new_rates;
// Called when we should use a fixed ALQ value
updateWellStateAlqFixedValue_(const GasLiftOpt::Well& well)
auto& max_alq_optional = well.max_rate();
if (max_alq_optional) {
// According to WLIFTOPT, item 3:
// If item 2 is NO, then item 3 is regarded as the fixed
// lift gas injection rate for the well.
auto new_alq = *max_alq_optional;
this->well_state_.setALQ(this->well_name_, new_alq);
// else {
// // If item 3 is defaulted, the lift gas rate remains
// // unchanged at its current value.
// Determine if we should use a fixed ALQ value.
// From the manual for WLIFTOPT, item 2:
// Is the well's lift gas injection rate to be calculated by the
// optimization facility?
// - YES : The well's lift gas injection rate is calculated by the
// optimization facility.
// - NO : The well's lift gas injection rate remains fixed at a
// value that can be set either in Item 3 of this keyword, or in
// Item 12 of keyword WCONPROD, or with keyword WELTARG.
useFixedAlq_(const GasLiftOpt::Well& well)
auto wliftopt_item2 = well.use_glo();
if (wliftopt_item2) {
return false;
else {
displayDebugMessage_("WLIFTOPT item2 = NO. Skipping optimization.");
// auto& max_alq_optional = well.max_rate();
// if (max_alq_optional) {
// According to WLIFTOPT, item 3:
// If item 2 is NO, then item 3 is regarded as the fixed
// lift gas injection rate for the well.
// }
// else {
// If item 3 is defaulted, the lift gas rate remains
// unchanged at its current value.
// }
return true;
Rate rate_type, const std::string& gr_name, double rate, double target) const
const std::string msg = fmt::format("{} rate for group {} exceeds target: "
"rate = {}, target = {}, the old rate is kept.",
gr_name, rate, target);
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Max iterations ({}) exceeded", this->max_iterations_);
* Methods declared in OptimizeState
std::pair<std::optional<double>, bool>
addOrSubtractAlqIncrement(double alq)
auto [alq_opt, limited]
= this->parent.addOrSubtractAlqIncrement_(alq, this->increase);
if (!alq_opt) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"iteration {}, alq = {} : not able to {} ALQ increment",
this->it, alq, (this->increase ? "add" : "subtract"));
return {alq_opt, limited};
calcEcoGradient(double oil_rate, double new_oil_rate,
double gas_rate, double new_gas_rate)
return this->parent.calcEcoGradient_(oil_rate, new_oil_rate,
gas_rate, new_gas_rate, this->increase);
// NOTE: According to WLIFTOPT item 5 :
// if min_rate() is negative, it means: allocate at least enough lift gas
// to enable the well to flow
// We will interpret this as (see discussion above GasLiftSingleWell()
// in this file): Allocate at least the amount of lift gas needed to
// get a positive oil production rate.
checkAlqOutsideLimits(double alq, [[maybe_unused]] double oil_rate)
std::ostringstream ss;
bool result = false;
if (this->increase) {
if (alq >= this->parent.max_alq_) {
ss << "ALQ >= " << this->parent.max_alq_ << " (max limit), "
<< "stopping iteration";
result = true;
else { // checking the minimum limit...
// NOTE: A negative min_alq_ means: allocate at least enough lift gas
// to enable the well to flow, see WLIFTOPT item 5.
if (this->parent.min_alq_ < 0) {
// - if oil rate is negative (i.e. the well is not flowing), continue to
// increase ALQ (according WLIFTOPT item 5) and try make the well
// flow.
// - else if oil rate is already positive, there is no minimum
// limit for ALQ in this case
result = false;
else {
// NOTE: checking for a lower limit is not necessary
// when increasing alq. If ALQ was smaller than the minimum when
// we entered the runOptimizeLoop_() method,
// increaseALQtoMinALQ_() will ensure that ALQ >= min_alq
assert(alq >= this->parent.min_alq_ );
result = false;
else { // we are decreasing lift gas
if ( alq == 0 ) {
ss << "ALQ is zero, cannot decrease further. Stopping iteration.";
result = true;
else if ( alq < 0 ) {
ss << "Negative ALQ: " << alq << ". Stopping iteration.";
result = true;
// NOTE: A negative min_alq_ means: allocate at least enough lift gas
// to enable the well to flow, see WLIFTOPT item 5.
if (this->parent.min_alq_ < 0) {
// We know that the well is flowing (oil_rate > 0) since that was
// already checked in runOptimizeLoop_() by calling checkNegativeOilRate()
assert(oil_rate >= 0);
result = false;
else {
if (alq <= this->parent.min_alq_ ) {
// According to WLIFTOPT item 5:
// "If a positive value is specified, the well is
// allocated at least that amount of lift gas,
// unless the well is unable to flow with that rate
// of lift gas injection, or unless the well can
// already meet one of its own rate limits before
// receiving its minimum lift gas rate."
// - We already know that the well is flowing, (oil_rate > 0),
// since that was already checked in runOptimizeLoop_() by calling
// checkRatesViolated().
// - We also know that the rate limit was not exceeded since that was
// checked by checkRatesViolated()
assert( oil_rate >= 0);
ss << "ALQ <= " << this->parent.min_alq_ << " (min limit), "
<< "stopping iteration";
result = true;
else {
// NOTE: checking for an upper limit should not be necessary
// when decreasing alq.. so this is just to catch an
// illegal state at an early point.
if (this->parent.checkALQequal_(alq, this->parent.max_alq_)) {
return false;
else if (alq > this->parent.max_alq_) {
warn_( "unexpected: alq above upper limit when trying to "
"decrease lift gas. aborting iteration.");
result = true;
else {
result = false;
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string msg = ss.str();
if (!msg.empty())
return result;
checkGroupALQrateExceeded(double delta_alq) const
const auto &pairs =
for (const auto &[group_name, efficiency] : pairs) {
auto max_alq_opt = group_info_.maxAlq(group_name);
if (max_alq_opt) {
double alq =
group_info_.alqRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_alq;
if (alq > *max_alq_opt) {
if (debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : alq {} exceeds max_alq {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, alq, *max_alq_opt);
return true;
return false;
checkGroupTotalRateExceeded(double delta_alq, double delta_gas_rate) const
const auto &pairs =
for (const auto &[group_name, efficiency] : pairs) {
auto max_total_rate_opt = group_info_.maxTotalGasRate(group_name);
if (max_total_rate_opt) {
double alq =
group_info_.alqRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_alq;
double gas_rate =
group_info_.gasRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_gas_rate;
if ( (alq + gas_rate) > *max_total_rate_opt) {
if (debug) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : total gas rate {} exceeds max_total_gas_rate {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, alq + gas_rate, *max_total_rate_opt);
return true;
return false;
// bool checkEcoGradient(double gradient)
// - Determine if the gradient has reached the limit of the economic gradient.
// - If we are increasing lift gas, returns true if the gradient is smaller
// than or equal to the economic gradient,
// - If we are decreasing lift gas, returns true if the gradient is greater
// than or equal to the economic gradient. (I.e., we assume too much lift gas
// is being used and the gradient has become too small. We try to decrease
// lift gas until the gradient increases and reaches the economic gradient..)
checkEcoGradient(double gradient)
std::ostringstream ss;
bool result = false;
if (this->parent.debug) {
ss << "checking gradient: " << gradient;
if (this->increase) {
if (this->parent.debug) ss << " <= " << this->parent.eco_grad_ << " --> ";
if (gradient <= this->parent.eco_grad_) {
if (this->parent.debug) ss << "yes, stopping";
result = true;
else {
if (this->parent.debug) ss << "no, continue";
else { // decreasing lift gas
if (this->parent.debug) ss << " >= " << this->parent.eco_grad_ << " --> ";
if (gradient >= this->parent.eco_grad_) {
if (this->parent.debug) ss << "yes, stopping";
result = true;
else {
if (this->parent.debug) ss << "no, continue";
if (this->parent.debug) this->parent.displayDebugMessage_(ss.str());
return result;
checkRatesViolated(const LimitedRates& rates) const
if (!this->increase) {
if (rates.oil < 0) {
// The well is not flowing, and it will(?) not help to reduce lift
// gas further. Note that this assumes that the oil rates drops with
// decreasing lift gas.
"Negative oil rate detected while descreasing "
"lift gas. Stopping iteration.");
return true;
if (rates.limited()) {
if (this->parent.debug) {
const std::string well_or_group
= rates.limit_type == LimitedRates::LimitType::well ? "well" : "group";
std::string target_type;
std::string rate_type;
if (rates.oil_is_limited) {
target_type = GasLiftGroupInfo::rateToString(
rate_type = "oil";
else if (rates.gas_is_limited) {
target_type = "gas";
rate_type = "gas";
else if (rates.water_is_limited) {
target_type = GasLiftGroupInfo::rateToString(
rate_type = "water";
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"iteration {} : {} rate was limited due to {} {} target. "
"Stopping iteration",
this->it, rate_type, well_or_group, target_type);
return true;
return false;
debugShowIterationInfo(double alq)
const std::string msg = fmt::format("iteration {}, ALQ = {}", this->it, alq);
// NOTE: When calculating the gradient, determine what the well would produce if
// the lift gas injection rate were increased by one increment. The
// production rates are adjusted if necessary to obey
// any rate or BHP limits that the well may be subject to. From this
// information, calculate the well's "weighted incremental
// gradient"
// TODO: What does it mean to "adjust the production rates" given a
// BHP limit?
auto [new_bhp, limited] = this->parent.getBhpWithLimit_(this->bhp);
if (limited) {
// TODO: is it possible that bhp falls below the limit when
// adding lift gas? I.e. if this->increase == true..
// TODO: we keep the current alq, but it should probably
// be adjusted since we changed computed bhp. But how?
// Stop iteration, but first check the economic gradient
// with the bhp_update. If the gradient looks OK (see the
// main optimize loop) we keep the current ALQ value.
this->stop_iteration = true;
return new_bhp;
* Methods declared in BasicRates
BasicRates(const LimitedRates& rates)
oil = rates.oil;
gas = rates.gas;
water = rates.water;
bhp_is_limited = rates.bhp_is_limited;
} // namespace Opm