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Copyright 2015 IRIS AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <unordered_set>
#include <opm/common/data/SimulationDataContainer.hpp>
#include <opm/grid/UnstructuredGrid.h>
#include <opm/core/simulator/WellState.hpp>
#include <opm/core/wells/WellsManager.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/Compat.hpp>
#include <opm/core/wells/DynamicListEconLimited.hpp>
#include <opm/grid/common/p2pcommunicator.hh>
namespace Opm
class ParallelDebugOutputInterface
ParallelDebugOutputInterface () {}
virtual ~ParallelDebugOutputInterface() {}
//! \brief gather solution to rank 0 for EclipseWriter
//! \param localReservoirState The reservoir state
//! \param localWellState The well state
//! \param localCellData The cell data used for eclipse output
//! (needs to include the cell data of
//! localReservoirState)
//! \param wellStateStepNumber The step number of the well state.
virtual bool collectToIORank( const SimulationDataContainer& localReservoirState,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState,
const data::Solution& localCellData,
const int wellStateStepNumber ) = 0;
virtual const SimulationDataContainer& globalReservoirState() const = 0 ;
virtual const data::Solution& globalCellData() const = 0 ;
virtual const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState() const = 0 ;
virtual bool isIORank() const = 0;
virtual bool isParallel() const = 0;
virtual int numCells() const = 0 ;
virtual const int* globalCell() const = 0;
template <class GridImpl>
class ParallelDebugOutput : public ParallelDebugOutputInterface
const GridImpl& grid_;
const SimulationDataContainer* globalState_;
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil* wellState_;
const data::Solution* globalCellData_;
ParallelDebugOutput ( const GridImpl& grid,
const EclipseState& /* eclipseState */,
const Schedule&,
const int,
const Opm::PhaseUsage& )
: grid_( grid ) {}
// gather solution to rank 0 for EclipseWriter
virtual bool collectToIORank( const SimulationDataContainer& localReservoirState,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState,
const data::Solution& localCellData,
const int /* wellStateStepNumber */)
globalState_ = &localReservoirState;
wellState_ = &localWellState;
globalCellData_ = &localCellData;
return true ;
virtual const SimulationDataContainer& globalReservoirState() const { return *globalState_; }
virtual const data::Solution& globalCellData() const
return *globalCellData_;
virtual const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState() const { return *wellState_; }
virtual bool isIORank () const { return true; }
virtual bool isParallel () const { return false; }
virtual int numCells() const { return Opm::AutoDiffGrid::numCells(grid_); }
virtual const int* globalCell() const { return Opm::AutoDiffGrid::globalCell(grid_); }
template <>
class ParallelDebugOutput< Dune::CpGrid> : public ParallelDebugOutputInterface
typedef Dune::CpGrid Grid;
typedef typename Grid :: CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication;
// global id
class GlobalCellIndex
int globalId_;
int localIndex_;
bool isInterior_;
GlobalCellIndex() : globalId_(-1), localIndex_(-1), isInterior_(true) {}
void setGhost() { isInterior_ = false; }
void setId( const int globalId ) { globalId_ = globalId; }
void setIndex( const int localIndex ) { localIndex_ = localIndex; }
int localIndex () const { return localIndex_; }
int id () const { return globalId_; }
bool isInterior() const { return isInterior_; }
typedef typename Dune::PersistentContainer< Grid, GlobalCellIndex > GlobalIndexContainer;
static const int dimension = Grid :: dimension ;
typedef typename Grid :: LeafGridView GridView;
typedef GridView AllGridView;
typedef Dune :: Point2PointCommunicator< Dune :: SimpleMessageBuffer > P2PCommunicatorType;
typedef typename P2PCommunicatorType :: MessageBufferType MessageBufferType;
typedef std::vector< GlobalCellIndex > LocalIndexMapType;
typedef std::vector<int> IndexMapType;
typedef std::vector< IndexMapType > IndexMapStorageType;
class DistributeIndexMapping : public P2PCommunicatorType::DataHandleInterface
const std::vector<int>& distributedGlobalIndex_;
IndexMapType& localIndexMap_;
IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps_;
std::map< const int, const int > globalPosition_;
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::set< int > checkPosition_;
DistributeIndexMapping( const std::vector<int>& globalIndex,
const std::vector<int>& distributedGlobalIndex,
IndexMapType& localIndexMap,
IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps )
: distributedGlobalIndex_( distributedGlobalIndex ),
localIndexMap_( localIndexMap ),
indexMaps_( indexMaps ),
const size_t size = globalIndex.size();
// create mapping globalIndex --> localIndex
for ( size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index )
globalPosition_.insert( std::make_pair( globalIndex[ index ], index ) );
// on I/O rank we need to create a mapping from local to global
if( ! indexMaps_.empty() )
// for the ioRank create a localIndex to index in global state map
IndexMapType& indexMap = indexMaps_.back();
const size_t localSize = localIndexMap_.size();
indexMap.resize( localSize );
for( size_t i=0; i<localSize; ++i )
const int id = distributedGlobalIndex_[ localIndexMap_[ i ] ];
indexMap[ i ] = globalPosition_[ id ] ;
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert( checkPosition_.find( id ) == checkPosition_.end() );
checkPosition_.insert( id );
void pack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer )
// we should only get one link
if( link != 0 ) {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"link in method pack is not 0 as execpted");
// pack all interior global cell id's
const int size = localIndexMap_.size();
buffer.write( size );
for( int index = 0; index < size; ++index )
const int globalIdx = distributedGlobalIndex_[ localIndexMap_[ index ] ];
buffer.write( globalIdx );
void unpack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer )
// get index map for current link
IndexMapType& indexMap = indexMaps_[ link ];
assert( ! globalPosition_.empty() );
// unpack all interior global cell id's
int numCells = 0;
buffer.read( numCells );
indexMap.resize( numCells );
for( int index = 0; index < numCells; ++index )
int globalId = -1;
buffer.read( globalId );
assert( globalPosition_.find( globalId ) != globalPosition_.end() );
indexMap[ index ] = globalPosition_[ globalId ];
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert( checkPosition_.find( globalId ) == checkPosition_.end() );
checkPosition_.insert( globalId );
enum { ioRank = 0 };
/// \brief Constructor
/// \param otherGrid The grid after loadbalance was run.
/// \param eclipseState The eclipse file parser output
/// \param numPhases The number of active phases.
/// \param permeability The permeabilities for the global(!) view.
ParallelDebugOutput( const Dune::CpGrid& otherGrid,
const EclipseState& eclipseState,
const Schedule& schedule,
const int numPhases,
const Opm::PhaseUsage& phaseUsage)
: grid_(),
eclipseState_( eclipseState ),
globalCellData_(new data::Solution),
// Switch to distributed view unconditionally for safety.
Dune::CpGrid distributed_grid = otherGrid;
const CollectiveCommunication& comm = otherGrid.comm();
if( comm.size() > 1 )
std::set< int > send, recv;
toIORankComm_ = distributed_grid.comm();
isIORank_ = (distributed_grid.comm().rank() == ioRank);
// the I/O rank receives from all other ranks
if( isIORank() )
// copy grid
grid_.reset( new Dune::CpGrid(otherGrid ) );
Dune::CpGrid& globalGrid = *grid_;
// initialize global state with correct sizes
globalReservoirState_.reset( new SimulationDataContainer( globalGrid.numCells(), globalGrid.numFaces(), numPhases ));
// copy global cartesian index
globalIndex_ = globalGrid.globalCell();
unsigned int count = 0;
auto gridView = globalGrid.leafGridView();
for( auto it = gridView.begin< 0 >(),
end = gridView.end< 0 >(); it != end; ++it, ++count )
assert( count == globalIndex_.size() );
for(int i=0; i<comm.size(); ++i)
if( i != ioRank )
recv.insert( i );
else // all other simply send to the I/O rank
// globalReservoirState will be deferenced even if this rank is not outputting anything
// To prevent dereferencing a nullptr we create an empty container
globalReservoirState_.reset( new SimulationDataContainer( 0, 0, 0));
send.insert( ioRank );
localIndexMap_.reserve( distributed_grid.size( 0 ) );
unsigned int index = 0;
auto localView = distributed_grid.leafGridView();
for( auto it = localView.begin< 0 >(),
end = localView.end< 0 >(); it != end; ++it, ++index )
const auto element = *it ;
// only store interior element for collection
if( element.partitionType() == Dune :: InteriorEntity )
localIndexMap_.push_back( index );
// insert send and recv linkage to communicator
toIORankComm_.insertRequest( send, recv );
if( isIORank() )
// need an index map for each rank
indexMaps_.resize( comm.size() );
// distribute global id's to io rank for later association of dof's
DistributeIndexMapping distIndexMapping( globalIndex_, distributed_grid.globalCell(), localIndexMap_, indexMaps_ );
toIORankComm_.exchange( distIndexMapping );
else // serial run
// copy global cartesian index
globalIndex_ = distributed_grid.globalCell();
class PackUnPackSimulationDataContainer : public P2PCommunicatorType::DataHandleInterface
const data::Solution& localCellData_;
data::Solution& globalCellData_;
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState_;
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState_;
const IndexMapType& localIndexMap_;
const IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps_;
PackUnPackSimulationDataContainer( std::size_t numGlobalCells,
const data::Solution& localCellData,
data::Solution& globalCellData,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState,
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState,
const IndexMapType& localIndexMap,
const IndexMapStorageType& indexMaps,
const bool isIORank )
: localCellData_( localCellData ),
globalCellData_( globalCellData ),
localWellState_( localWellState ),
globalWellState_( globalWellState ),
localIndexMap_( localIndexMap ),
indexMaps_( indexMaps )
if( isIORank )
// add missing data to global cell data
for (const auto& pair : localCellData_) {
const std::string& key = pair.first;
std::size_t container_size = numGlobalCells;
auto ret = globalCellData_.insert(key, pair.second.dim,
DUNE_UNUSED_PARAMETER(ret.second); //dummy op to prevent warning with -DNDEBUG
MessageBufferType buffer;
pack( 0, buffer );
// the last index map is the local one
doUnpack( indexMaps.back(), buffer );
// pack all data associated with link
void pack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer )
// we should only get one link
if( link != 0 ) {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"link in method pack is not 0 as execpted");
// write all cell data registered in local state
for (const auto& pair : localCellData_) {
const auto& data = pair.second.data;
// write all data from local data to buffer
write( buffer, localIndexMap_, data);
// write all data from local well state to buffer
writeWells( buffer );
void doUnpack( const IndexMapType& indexMap, MessageBufferType& buffer )
// we loop over the data as
// its order governs the order the data got received.
for (auto& pair : localCellData_) {
const std::string& key = pair.first;
auto& data = globalCellData_.data(key);
//write all data from local cell data to buffer
read( buffer, indexMap, data);
// read well data from buffer
readWells( buffer );
// unpack all data associated with link
void unpack( const int link, MessageBufferType& buffer )
doUnpack( indexMaps_[ link ], buffer );
template <class Vector>
void write( MessageBufferType& buffer, const IndexMapType& localIndexMap,
const Vector& vector,
const unsigned int offset = 0, const unsigned int stride = 1 ) const
unsigned int size = localIndexMap.size();
buffer.write( size );
assert( vector.size() >= stride * size );
for( unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i )
const unsigned int index = localIndexMap[ i ] * stride + offset;
assert( index < vector.size() );
buffer.write( vector[ index ] );
template <class Vector>
void read( MessageBufferType& buffer,
const IndexMapType& indexMap,
Vector& vector,
const unsigned int offset = 0, const unsigned int stride = 1 ) const
unsigned int size = 0;
buffer.read( size );
assert( size == indexMap.size() );
for( unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i )
const unsigned int index = indexMap[ i ] * stride + offset;
assert( index < vector.size() );
buffer.read( vector[ index ] );
void writeString( MessageBufferType& buffer, const std::string& s) const
const int size = s.size();
buffer.write( size );
for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
buffer.write( s[ i ] );
void readString( MessageBufferType& buffer, std::string& s) const
int size = -1;
buffer.read( size );
s.resize( size );
for( int i=0; i<size; ++i )
buffer.read( s[ i ] );
void writeWells( MessageBufferType& buffer ) const
int nWells = localWellState_.wellMap().size();
buffer.write( nWells );
auto end = localWellState_.wellMap().end();
for( auto it = localWellState_.wellMap().begin(); it != end; ++it )
const std::string& name = it->first;
const int wellIdx = it->second[ 0 ];
// write well name
writeString( buffer, name );
// write well data
buffer.write( localWellState_.bhp()[ wellIdx ] );
buffer.write( localWellState_.thp()[ wellIdx ] );
const int wellRateIdx = wellIdx * localWellState_.numPhases();
for( int np=0; np<localWellState_.numPhases(); ++np )
buffer.write( localWellState_.wellRates()[ wellRateIdx + np ] );
// Write well control
buffer.write(localWellState_.currentControls()[ wellIdx ]);
// Write perfRates and perfPress. No need to figure out the index
// mapping there as the ordering of the perforations should
// be the same for global and local state.
const int end_con = it->second[1] + it->second[2];
for( int con = it->second[1]; con < end_con; ++con )
buffer.write( localWellState_.perfRates()[ con ] );
for( int con = it->second[1]; con < end_con; ++con )
buffer.write( localWellState_.perfPress()[ con ] );
// Write perfPhaseRate
const int np = localWellState_.perfPhaseRates().size() /
for( int con = it->second[1]*np; con < end_con*np; ++con )
buffer.write( localWellState_.perfPhaseRates()[ con ] );
void readWells( MessageBufferType& buffer )
int nWells = -1;
buffer.read( nWells );
// unpack all wells that have been sent
std::string name ;
for( int well = 0; well < nWells ; ++well )
// read well name for local identification
readString( buffer, name );
// unpack values
auto it = globalWellState_.wellMap().find( name );
if( it == globalWellState_.wellMap().end() )
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,"global state does not contain well " << name );
const int wellIdx = it->second[ 0 ];
buffer.read( globalWellState_.bhp()[ wellIdx ] );
buffer.read( globalWellState_.thp()[ wellIdx ] );
const int wellRateIdx = wellIdx * globalWellState_.numPhases();
for( int np=0; np<globalWellState_.numPhases(); ++np )
buffer.read( globalWellState_.wellRates()[ wellRateIdx + np ] );
// Write well control
buffer.read(globalWellState_.currentControls()[ wellIdx ]);
// Read perfRates and perfPress. No need to figure out the index
// mapping there as the ordering of the perforations should
// be the same for global and local state.
const int end_con = it->second[1] + it->second[2];
for( int con = it->second[1]; con < end_con; ++con )
buffer.read( globalWellState_.perfRates()[ con ] );
for( int con = it->second[1]; con < end_con; ++con )
buffer.read( globalWellState_.perfPress()[ con ] );
// Read perfPhaseRate
const int np = globalWellState_.perfPhaseRates().size() /
for( int con = it->second[1]*np; con < end_con*np; ++con )
buffer.read( globalWellState_.perfPhaseRates()[ con ] );
// gather solution to rank 0 for EclipseWriter
bool collectToIORank( const SimulationDataContainer& /*localReservoirState*/,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& localWellState,
const data::Solution& localCellData,
const int wellStateStepNumber )
if( isIORank() )
Dune::CpGrid& globalGrid = *grid_;
// TODO: make a dummy DynamicListEconLimited here for NOW for compilation and development
// TODO: NOT SURE whether it will cause problem for parallel running
const DynamicListEconLimited dynamic_list_econ_limited;
// Create wells and well state.
WellsManager wells_manager(eclipseState_,
Opm::UgGridHelpers::numCells( globalGrid ),
Opm::UgGridHelpers::globalCell( globalGrid ),
Opm::UgGridHelpers::cartDims( globalGrid ),
Opm::UgGridHelpers::dimensions( globalGrid ),
Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces( globalGrid ),
Opm::UgGridHelpers::beginFaceCentroids( globalGrid ),
// We need to pass the optionaly arguments
// as we get the following error otherwise
// with c++ (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2 and -std=c++11
// converting to ‘const std::unordered_set<std::basic_string<char> >’ from initializer list would use explicit constructor
const Wells* wells = wells_manager.c_wells();
globalWellState_.init(wells, *globalReservoirState_, globalWellState_, phaseUsage_ );
PackUnPackSimulationDataContainer packUnpack( numCells(),
localCellData, *globalCellData_,
localWellState, globalWellState_,
localIndexMap_, indexMaps_,
isIORank() );
//toIORankComm_.exchangeCached( packUnpack );
toIORankComm_.exchange( packUnpack );
#ifndef NDEBUG
// make sure every process is on the same page
if( isIORank() )
// copy values from globalCellData to globalReservoirState
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> > no_extra_data;
solutionToSim(*globalCellData_, no_extra_data, phaseUsage_, *globalReservoirState_);
return isIORank();
const SimulationDataContainer& globalReservoirState() const { return *globalReservoirState_; }
const data::Solution& globalCellData() const
return *globalCellData_;
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& globalWellState() const { return globalWellState_; }
bool isIORank() const
return isIORank_;
bool isParallel() const
return toIORankComm_.size() > 1;
int numCells () const { return globalIndex_.size(); }
const int* globalCell () const
assert( ! globalIndex_.empty() );
return globalIndex_.data();
std::unique_ptr< Dune::CpGrid > grid_;
const EclipseState& eclipseState_;
const Schedule& schedule_;
P2PCommunicatorType toIORankComm_;
IndexMapType globalIndex_;
IndexMapType localIndexMap_;
IndexMapStorageType indexMaps_;
std::unique_ptr<SimulationDataContainer> globalReservoirState_;
std::unique_ptr<data::Solution> globalCellData_;
// this needs to be revised
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil globalWellState_;
// true if we are on I/O rank
bool isIORank_;
// Phase usage needed to convert solution to simulation data container
Opm::PhaseUsage phaseUsage_;
#endif // #if HAVE_OPM_GRID
} // end namespace Opm