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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
* \file
* \brief Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model by solvent component.
* For details, refer:
* [*] T.H. Sandve, O. Sævareid and I. Aavatsmark: “Improved Extended Blackoil Formulation
* for CO2 EOR Simulations.” in ECMOR XVII – The 17th European Conference on the
* Mathematics of Oil Recovery, September 2020.
#include "blackoilproperties.hh"
#include <opm/models/blackoil/blackoilextboparams.hh>
//#include <opm/models/io/vtkBlackOilExtboModule.hh> //TODO: Missing ...
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/SsfnTable.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/Sof2Table.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/MsfnTable.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/PmiscTable.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/MiscTable.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/SorwmisTable.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/SgcwmisTable.hpp>
#include <opm/input/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/TlpmixpaTable.hpp>
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm {
* \ingroup BlackOil
* \brief Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil
* model.
template <class TypeTag, bool enableExtboV = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableExtbo>()>
class BlackOilExtboModule
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using Evaluation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Evaluation>;
using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
using IntensiveQuantities = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::IntensiveQuantities>;
using ExtensiveQuantities = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ExtensiveQuantities>;
using ElementContext = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ElementContext>;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
using Model = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Model>;
using Simulator = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Simulator>;
using EqVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::EqVector>;
using RateVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::RateVector>;
using Indices = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Indices>;
using Toolbox = MathToolbox<Evaluation>;
using TabulatedFunction = typename BlackOilExtboParams<Scalar>::TabulatedFunction;
using Tabulated2DFunction = typename BlackOilExtboParams<Scalar>::Tabulated2DFunction;
static constexpr unsigned zFractionIdx = Indices::zFractionIdx;
static constexpr unsigned contiZfracEqIdx = Indices::contiZfracEqIdx;
static constexpr unsigned enableExtbo = enableExtboV;
static constexpr unsigned numEq = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumEq>();
static constexpr unsigned numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases;
static constexpr unsigned gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx;
static constexpr unsigned oilPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx;
static constexpr unsigned waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx;
static constexpr bool blackoilConserveSurfaceVolume = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume>();
* \brief Initialize all internal data structures needed by the solvent module
static void initFromState(const EclipseState& eclState)
// some sanity checks: if extended BO is enabled, the PVTSOL keyword must be
// present, if extended BO is disabled the keyword must not be present.
if (enableExtbo && !eclState.runspec().phases().active(Phase::ZFRACTION))
throw std::runtime_error("Extended black oil treatment requested at compile "
"time, but the deck does not contain the PVTSOL keyword");
else if (!enableExtbo && eclState.runspec().phases().active(Phase::ZFRACTION))
throw std::runtime_error("Extended black oil treatment disabled at compile time, but the deck "
"contains the PVTSOL keyword");
if (!eclState.runspec().phases().active(Phase::ZFRACTION))
return; // solvent treatment is supposed to be disabled
// pvt properties from kw PVTSOL:
const auto& tableManager = eclState.getTableManager();
const auto& pvtsolTables = tableManager.getPvtsolTables();
size_t numPvtRegions = pvtsolTables.size();
params_.BO_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.BG_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.RS_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.RV_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.X_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.Y_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.VISCO_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.VISCG_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.PBUB_RS_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
params_.PBUB_RV_.resize(numPvtRegions, Tabulated2DFunction{Tabulated2DFunction::InterpolationPolicy::LeftExtreme});
const bool extractCmpFromPvt = true; //<false>: Default values used in [*]
for (unsigned regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numPvtRegions; ++ regionIdx) {
const auto& pvtsolTable = pvtsolTables[regionIdx];
const auto& saturatedTable = pvtsolTable.getSaturatedTable();
assert(saturatedTable.numRows() > 1);
std::vector<Scalar> oilCmp(saturatedTable.numRows(), -4.0e-9); //Default values used in [*]
std::vector<Scalar> gasCmp(saturatedTable.numRows(), -0.08); //-------------"-------------
params_.zLim_[regionIdx] = 0.7; //-------------"-------------
std::vector<Scalar> zArg(saturatedTable.numRows(), 0.0);
for (unsigned outerIdx = 0; outerIdx < saturatedTable.numRows(); ++ outerIdx) {
Scalar ZCO2 = saturatedTable.get("ZCO2", outerIdx);
zArg[outerIdx] = ZCO2;
const auto& underSaturatedTable = pvtsolTable.getUnderSaturatedTable(outerIdx);
size_t numRows = underSaturatedTable.numRows();
Scalar bo0=0.0;
Scalar po0=0.0;
for (unsigned innerIdx = 0; innerIdx < numRows; ++ innerIdx) {
Scalar po = underSaturatedTable.get("P", innerIdx);
Scalar bo = underSaturatedTable.get("B_O", innerIdx);
Scalar bg = underSaturatedTable.get("B_G", innerIdx);
Scalar rs = underSaturatedTable.get("RS", innerIdx)+innerIdx*1.0e-10;
Scalar rv = underSaturatedTable.get("RV", innerIdx)+innerIdx*1.0e-10;
Scalar xv = underSaturatedTable.get("XVOL", innerIdx);
Scalar yv = underSaturatedTable.get("YVOL", innerIdx);
Scalar mo = underSaturatedTable.get("MU_O", innerIdx);
Scalar mg = underSaturatedTable.get("MU_G", innerIdx);
if (bo0 > bo) { // This is undersaturated oil-phase for ZCO2 <= zLim ...
// Here we assume tabulated bo to decay beyond boiling point
if (extractCmpFromPvt) {
Scalar cmpFactor = (bo-bo0)/(po-po0);
oilCmp[outerIdx] = cmpFactor;
params_.zLim_[regionIdx] = ZCO2;
//std::cout << "### cmpFactorOil: " << cmpFactor << " zLim: " << zLim_[regionIdx] << std::endl;
} else if (bo0 == bo) { // This is undersaturated gas-phase for ZCO2 > zLim ...
// Here we assume tabulated bo to be constant extrapolated beyond dew point
if (innerIdx+1 < numRows && ZCO2<1.0 && extractCmpFromPvt) {
Scalar rvNxt = underSaturatedTable.get("RV", innerIdx+1)+innerIdx*1.0e-10;
Scalar bgNxt = underSaturatedTable.get("B_G", innerIdx+1);
Scalar cmpFactor = (bgNxt-bg)/(rvNxt-rv);
gasCmp[outerIdx] = cmpFactor;
//std::cout << "### cmpFactorGas: " << cmpFactor << " zLim: " << zLim_[regionIdx] << std::endl;
// rs,rv -> pressure
params_.PBUB_RS_[regionIdx].appendSamplePoint(outerIdx, rs, po);
params_.PBUB_RV_[regionIdx].appendSamplePoint(outerIdx, rv, po);
params_.oilCmp_[regionIdx].setXYContainers(zArg, oilCmp, /*sortInput=*/false);
params_.gasCmp_[regionIdx].setXYContainers(zArg, gasCmp, /*sortInput=*/false);
// Reference density for pure z-component taken from kw SDENSITY
const auto& sdensityTables = eclState.getTableManager().getSolventDensityTables();
if (sdensityTables.size() == numPvtRegions) {
for (unsigned regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numPvtRegions; ++ regionIdx) {
Scalar rhoRefS = sdensityTables[regionIdx].getSolventDensityColumn().front();
throw std::runtime_error("Extbo: kw SDENSITY is missing or not aligned with NTPVT\n");
* \brief Register all run-time parameters for the black-oil solvent module.
static void registerParameters()
* \brief Register all solvent specific VTK and ECL output modules.
static void registerOutputModules(Model&,
static bool primaryVarApplies(unsigned pvIdx)
if constexpr (enableExtbo)
return pvIdx == zFractionIdx;
return false;
static std::string primaryVarName([[maybe_unused]] unsigned pvIdx)
return "z_fraction";
static Scalar primaryVarWeight([[maybe_unused]] unsigned pvIdx)
// TODO: it may be beneficial to chose this differently.
return static_cast<Scalar>(1.0);
static bool eqApplies(unsigned eqIdx)
if constexpr (enableExtbo)
return eqIdx == contiZfracEqIdx;
return false;
static std::string eqName([[maybe_unused]] unsigned eqIdx)
return "conti^solvent";
static Scalar eqWeight([[maybe_unused]] unsigned eqIdx)
// TODO: it may be beneficial to chose this differently.
return static_cast<Scalar>(1.0);
template <class LhsEval>
static void addStorage(Dune::FieldVector<LhsEval, numEq>& storage,
const IntensiveQuantities& intQuants)
if constexpr (enableExtbo) {
if constexpr (blackoilConserveSurfaceVolume) {
storage[contiZfracEqIdx] =
Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.porosity())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.yVolume())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().saturation(gasPhaseIdx))
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().invB(gasPhaseIdx));
if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas()) { // account for dissolved z in oil phase
storage[contiZfracEqIdx] +=
Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.porosity())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.xVolume())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().Rs())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().saturation(oilPhaseIdx))
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().invB(oilPhaseIdx));
// Reg. terms: Preliminary attempt to avoid singular behaviour when solvent is invading a pure water
// region. Results seems insensitive to the weighting factor.
// TODO: Further investigations ...
const Scalar regWghtFactor = 1.0e-6;
storage[contiZfracEqIdx] += regWghtFactor*(1.0-Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.zFraction()))
+ regWghtFactor*Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.porosity())
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().saturation(gasPhaseIdx))
* Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.fluidState().invB(gasPhaseIdx));
storage[contiZfracEqIdx-1] += regWghtFactor*Toolbox::template decay<LhsEval>(intQuants.zFraction());
else {
throw std::runtime_error("Only component conservation in terms of surface volumes is implemented. ");
static void computeFlux([[maybe_unused]] RateVector& flux,
[[maybe_unused]] const ElementContext& elemCtx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned scvfIdx,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned timeIdx)
if constexpr (enableExtbo) {
const auto& extQuants = elemCtx.extensiveQuantities(scvfIdx, timeIdx);
if constexpr (blackoilConserveSurfaceVolume) {
unsigned inIdx = extQuants.interiorIndex();
unsigned upIdxGas = static_cast<unsigned>(extQuants.upstreamIndex(gasPhaseIdx));
const auto& upGas = elemCtx.intensiveQuantities(upIdxGas, timeIdx);
const auto& fsGas = upGas.fluidState();
if (upIdxGas == inIdx) {
flux[contiZfracEqIdx] =
* (upGas.yVolume())
* fsGas.invB(gasPhaseIdx);
else {
flux[contiZfracEqIdx] =
* (decay<Scalar>(upGas.yVolume()))
* decay<Scalar>(fsGas.invB(gasPhaseIdx));
if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas()) { // account for dissolved z in oil phase
unsigned upIdxOil = static_cast<unsigned>(extQuants.upstreamIndex(oilPhaseIdx));
const auto& upOil = elemCtx.intensiveQuantities(upIdxOil, timeIdx);
const auto& fsOil = upOil.fluidState();
if (upIdxOil == inIdx) {
flux[contiZfracEqIdx] +=
* upOil.xVolume()
* fsOil.Rs()
* fsOil.invB(oilPhaseIdx);
else {
flux[contiZfracEqIdx] +=
* decay<Scalar>(upOil.xVolume())
* decay<Scalar>(fsOil.Rs())
* decay<Scalar>(fsOil.invB(oilPhaseIdx));
else {
throw std::runtime_error("Only component conservation in terms of surface volumes is implemented. ");
* \brief Assign the solvent specific primary variables to a PrimaryVariables object
static void assignPrimaryVars(PrimaryVariables& priVars,
Scalar zFraction)
if constexpr (enableExtbo)
priVars[zFractionIdx] = zFraction;
* \brief Do a Newton-Raphson update the primary variables of the solvents.
static void updatePrimaryVars(PrimaryVariables& newPv,
const PrimaryVariables& oldPv,
const EqVector& delta)
if constexpr (enableExtbo)
// do a plain unchopped Newton update
newPv[zFractionIdx] = oldPv[zFractionIdx] - delta[zFractionIdx];
* \brief Return how much a Newton-Raphson update is considered an error
static Scalar computeUpdateError(const PrimaryVariables&,
const EqVector&)
// do not consider consider the cange of solvent primary variables for
// convergence
// TODO: maybe this should be changed
return static_cast<Scalar>(0.0);
* \brief Return how much a residual is considered an error
static Scalar computeResidualError(const EqVector& resid)
// do not weight the residual of solvents when it comes to convergence
return std::abs(Toolbox::scalarValue(resid[contiZfracEqIdx]));
template <class DofEntity>
static void serializeEntity(const Model& model, std::ostream& outstream, const DofEntity& dof)
if constexpr (enableExtbo) {
unsigned dofIdx = model.dofMapper().index(dof);
const PrimaryVariables& priVars = model.solution(/*timeIdx=*/0)[dofIdx];
outstream << priVars[zFractionIdx];
template <class DofEntity>
static void deserializeEntity(Model& model, std::istream& instream, const DofEntity& dof)
if constexpr (enableExtbo) {
unsigned dofIdx = model.dofMapper().index(dof);
PrimaryVariables& priVars0 = model.solution(/*timeIdx=*/0)[dofIdx];
PrimaryVariables& priVars1 = model.solution(/*timeIdx=*/1)[dofIdx];
instream >> priVars0[zFractionIdx];
// set the primary variables for the beginning of the current time step.
priVars1 = priVars0[zFractionIdx];
template <typename Value>
static Value xVolume(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& pressure, const Value& z) {
return params_.X_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, pressure, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value yVolume(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& pressure, const Value& z) {
return params_.Y_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, pressure, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value pbubRs(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& z, const Value& rs) {
return params_.PBUB_RS_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, rs, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value pbubRv(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& z, const Value& rv) {
return params_.PBUB_RV_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, rv, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value oilViscosity(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& pressure, const Value& z) {
return params_.VISCO_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, pressure, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value gasViscosity(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& pressure, const Value& z) {
return params_.VISCG_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, pressure, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value bo(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& pressure, const Value& z) {
return params_.BO_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, pressure, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value bg(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& pressure, const Value& z) {
return params_.BG_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, pressure, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value rs(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& pressure, const Value& z) {
return params_.RS_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, pressure, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value rv(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& pressure, const Value& z) {
return params_.RV_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, pressure, true);
static Scalar referenceDensity(unsigned regionIdx) {
return params_.zReferenceDensity_[regionIdx];
static Scalar zLim(unsigned regionIdx) {
return params_.zLim_[regionIdx];
template <typename Value>
static Value oilCmp(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& z) {
return params_.oilCmp_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, true);
template <typename Value>
static Value gasCmp(unsigned pvtRegionIdx, const Value& z) {
return params_.gasCmp_[pvtRegionIdx].eval(z, true);
static BlackOilExtboParams<Scalar> params_;
template <class TypeTag, bool enableExtboV>
BlackOilExtboParams<typename BlackOilExtboModule<TypeTag, enableExtboV>::Scalar>
BlackOilExtboModule<TypeTag, enableExtboV>::params_;
* \ingroup BlackOil
* \class Opm::BlackOilExtboIntensiveQuantities
* \brief Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the
* solvents extension of the black-oil model.
template <class TypeTag, bool enableExtboV = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableExtbo>()>
class BlackOilExtboIntensiveQuantities
using Implementation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::IntensiveQuantities>;
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using Evaluation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Evaluation>;
using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
using MaterialLaw = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::MaterialLaw>;
using Indices = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Indices>;
using ElementContext = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ElementContext>;
using ExtboModule = BlackOilExtboModule<TypeTag>;
enum { numPhases = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::NumPhases>() };
static constexpr int zFractionIdx = Indices::zFractionIdx;
static constexpr int oilPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx;
static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx;
static constexpr int waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx;
static constexpr double cutOff = 1e-12;
* \brief Compute extended pvt properties from table lookups.
* At this point the pressures of the fluid state are correct.
void zFractionUpdate_(const ElementContext& elemCtx,
unsigned dofIdx,
unsigned timeIdx)
const PrimaryVariables& priVars = elemCtx.primaryVars(dofIdx, timeIdx);
unsigned pvtRegionIdx = priVars.pvtRegionIndex();
auto& fs = asImp_().fluidState_;
zFraction_ = priVars.makeEvaluation(zFractionIdx, timeIdx);
oilViscosity_ = ExtboModule::oilViscosity(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx), zFraction_);
gasViscosity_ = ExtboModule::gasViscosity(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(gasPhaseIdx), zFraction_);
bo_ = ExtboModule::bo(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx), zFraction_);
bg_ = ExtboModule::bg(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(gasPhaseIdx), zFraction_);
bz_ = ExtboModule::bg(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx), Evaluation{0.99});
if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas())
rs_ = ExtboModule::rs(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx), zFraction_);
rs_ = 0.0;
if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil())
rv_ = ExtboModule::rv(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(gasPhaseIdx), zFraction_);
rv_ = 0.0;
xVolume_ = ExtboModule::xVolume(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx), zFraction_);
yVolume_ = ExtboModule::yVolume(pvtRegionIdx, fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx), zFraction_);
Evaluation pbub = fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx);
if (priVars.primaryVarsMeaning() == PrimaryVariables::Sw_po_Sg) {
static const Scalar thresholdWaterFilledCell = 1.0 - 1e-6;
Scalar Sw = 0.0;
if (Indices::waterEnabled)
Sw = priVars.makeEvaluation(Indices::waterSaturationIdx, timeIdx).value();
if (Sw >= thresholdWaterFilledCell)
rs_ = 0.0; // water only, zero rs_ ...
if (priVars.primaryVarsMeaning() == PrimaryVariables::Sw_po_Rs) {
rs_ = priVars.makeEvaluation(Indices::compositionSwitchIdx, timeIdx);
const Evaluation zLim = ExtboModule::zLim(pvtRegionIdx);
if (zFraction_ > zLim) {
pbub = ExtboModule::pbubRs(pvtRegionIdx, zLim, rs_);
} else {
pbub = ExtboModule::pbubRs(pvtRegionIdx, zFraction_, rs_);
bo_ = ExtboModule::bo(pvtRegionIdx, pbub, zFraction_) + ExtboModule::oilCmp(pvtRegionIdx, zFraction_)*(fs.pressure(oilPhaseIdx)-pbub);
xVolume_ = ExtboModule::xVolume(pvtRegionIdx, pbub, zFraction_);
if (priVars.primaryVarsMeaning() == PrimaryVariables::Sw_pg_Rv) {
rv_ = priVars.makeEvaluation(Indices::compositionSwitchIdx, timeIdx);
Evaluation rvsat = ExtboModule::rv(pvtRegionIdx, pbub, zFraction_);
bg_ = ExtboModule::bg(pvtRegionIdx, pbub, zFraction_) + ExtboModule::gasCmp(pvtRegionIdx, zFraction_)*(rv_-rvsat);
yVolume_ = ExtboModule::yVolume(pvtRegionIdx, pbub, zFraction_);
* \brief Re-compute face densities to account for zFraction dependency.
* At this point the pressures and saturations of the fluid state are correct.
void zPvtUpdate_()
const auto& iq = asImp_();
auto& fs = asImp_().fluidState_;
unsigned pvtRegionIdx = iq.pvtRegionIndex();
zRefDensity_ = ExtboModule::referenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx);
fs.setInvB(oilPhaseIdx, 1.0/bo_);
fs.setInvB(gasPhaseIdx, 1.0/bg_);
*(FluidSystem::referenceDensity(oilPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx)
+ (1.0-xVolume_)*fs.Rs()*FluidSystem::referenceDensity(gasPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx)
+ xVolume_*fs.Rs()*zRefDensity_ ));
*(FluidSystem::referenceDensity(gasPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx)*(1.0-yVolume_)+yVolume_*zRefDensity_
+ FluidSystem::referenceDensity(oilPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx)*fs.Rv()));
const Evaluation& zFraction() const
{ return zFraction_; }
const Evaluation& xVolume() const
{ return xVolume_; }
const Evaluation& yVolume() const
{ return yVolume_; }
const Evaluation& oilViscosity() const
{ return oilViscosity_; }
const Evaluation& gasViscosity() const
{ return gasViscosity_; }
const Evaluation& bo() const
{ return bo_; }
const Evaluation& bg() const
{ return bg_; }
const Evaluation& rs() const
{ return rs_; }
const Evaluation& rv() const
{ return rv_; }
const Evaluation zPureInvFormationVolumeFactor() const
{ return 1.0/bz_; }
const Scalar& zRefDensity() const
{ return zRefDensity_; }
Implementation& asImp_()
{ return *static_cast<Implementation*>(this); }
// Abstract "mass fraction" accounting for the solvent component. The relation between this
// quantity and the actual mass fraction of solvent, is implicitly defined from the specific
// pvt measurements as provided by kw PVTSOL.
Evaluation zFraction_;
// The solvent component is assumed gas at surface conditions
Evaluation xVolume_; // Solvent volume fraction of Rs
Evaluation yVolume_; // Solvent volume fraction of Sg/Bg
// Standard black oil parameters modified for presence of solvent
Evaluation oilViscosity_;
Evaluation gasViscosity_;
Evaluation bo_;
Evaluation bg_;
Evaluation rs_;
Evaluation rv_;
// Properties of pure solvent
Evaluation bz_;
Scalar zRefDensity_;
template <class TypeTag>
class BlackOilExtboIntensiveQuantities<TypeTag, false>
using Evaluation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Evaluation>;
using ElementContext = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ElementContext>;
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
void zPvtUpdate_()
{ }
void zFractionUpdate_(const ElementContext&,
{ }
const Evaluation& xVolume() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("xVolume() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Evaluation& yVolume() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("yVolume() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Evaluation& oilViscosity() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("oilViscosity() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Evaluation& gasViscosity() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("gasViscosity() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Evaluation& rs() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("rs() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Evaluation& rv() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("rv() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Evaluation& zPureInvFormationVolumeFactor() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("zPureInvFormationVolumeFactor() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Evaluation& zFraction() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("zFraction() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Evaluation& zInverseFormationVolumeFactor() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("zInverseFormationVolumeFactor() called but extbo is disabled"); }
const Scalar& zRefDensity() const
{ throw std::runtime_error("zRefDensity() called but extbo is disabled"); }
* \ingroup BlackOil
* \class Opm::BlackOilExtboExtensiveQuantities
* \brief Provides the solvent specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil
* module's extensive quantities.
template <class TypeTag, bool enableExtboV = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableExtbo>()>
class BlackOilExtboExtensiveQuantities
using Implementation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ExtensiveQuantities>;
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using Evaluation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Evaluation>;
using ElementContext = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ElementContext>;
using IntensiveQuantities = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::IntensiveQuantities>;
using ExtensiveQuantities = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ExtensiveQuantities>;
using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
using GridView = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridView>;
using Toolbox = MathToolbox<Evaluation>;
static constexpr unsigned gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx;
static constexpr int dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> DimVector;
typedef Dune::FieldVector<Evaluation, dimWorld> DimEvalVector;
Implementation& asImp_()
{ return *static_cast<Implementation*>(this); }
template <class TypeTag>
class BlackOilExtboExtensiveQuantities<TypeTag, false>
using ElementContext = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ElementContext>;
using Evaluation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Evaluation>;
} // namespace Opm