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# - Find routine for OPM-like modules
# Synopsis:
# find_opm_package (module deps header lib defs prog conf)
# where
# module Name of the module, e.g. "dune-common"; this will be the
# stem of all variables defined (see below).
# deps Semi-colon-separated list of dependent modules which must
# be present; those that are required must be marked as such
# explicitly. Quote if more than one word is necessary to
# describe the dependency.
# header Name of the header file to probe for, e.g.
# "dune/common/fvector.hh". Note that you should have to same
# relative path here as is used in the header files.
# lib Name of the library to probe for, e.g. "dunecommon"
# defs Symbols that should be passed to compilations
# prog Program that should compile if library is present
# conf Symbols that should be present in config.h
# It will provide these standard Find-module variables:
# ${module}_INCLUDE_DIRS Directory of header files
# ${module}_LIBRARIES Directory of shared object files
# ${module}_DEFINITIONS Defines that must be set to compile
# ${module}_CONFIG_VARS List of defines that should be in config.h
# ${module}_QUIET Verbosity of last find of this module
# HAVE_${MODULE} Binary value to use in config.h
# Note: Arguments should be quoted, otherwise a list will spill into the
# next argument!
# Copyright (C) 2012 Uni Research AS
# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
# <http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/CMake:How_To_Find_Libraries>
include (OpmFind)
option (SIBLING_SEARCH "Search sibling directories before system paths" ON)
mark_as_advanced (SIBLING_SEARCH)
# append all items from src into dst; both must be *names* of lists
macro (append_found src dst)
foreach (_item IN LISTS ${src})
if (NOT "${_item}" MATCHES "-NOTFOUND$")
list (APPEND ${dst} ${_item})
endif (NOT "${_item}" MATCHES "-NOTFOUND$")
endforeach (_item)
endmacro (append_found src dst)
macro (find_opm_package module deps header lib defs prog conf)
# variables to pass on to other packages
set (${module}_QUIET "QUIET")
set (${module}_QUIET "")
# if someone else has included this test, don't do it again
if (${${module}_FOUND})
return ()
endif (${${module}_FOUND})
# see if there is a pkg-config entry for this package, and use those
# settings as a starting point
find_package (PkgConfig)
pkg_check_modules (PkgConf_${module} QUIET ${module})
# these variables have non-standard names in FindPkgConfig (sic)
set (${module}_DEFINITIONS ${PkgConf_${module}_CFLAGS_OTHER})
set (${module}_LINKER_FLAG ${PkgConf_${module}_LDFLAGS_OTHER})
# in addition to accepting mod-ule_ROOT, we also accept the somewhat
# more idiomatic MOD_ULE_ROOT variant
string (TOUPPER ${module} MODULE_UPPER)
# if the user hasn't specified any location, and it isn't found
# in standard system locations either, then start to wander
# about and look for it in proximity to ourself. Qt Creator likes
# to put the build-directories as siblings to the source trees,
# but with a -build suffix, DUNE likes to have the the build tree
# in a "build-cmake" sub-directory of each module
if (NOT (${module}_DIR OR ${module}_ROOT OR ${MODULE}_ROOT))
string (TOLOWER "${module}" _module_lower)
set (_guess
set (_guess_bin_only
# try to figure out whether we are in a subdir build tree, and attempt
# to put the same name as the appropriate build tree for the module
get_filename_component (_build_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" NAME)
# don't bother if we are in a project specific directory already
# (assuming no-one wants to name the build dir after another module!)
if ("${_build_dir}" STREQUAL "${PROJECT_NAME}")
set (_build_dir "")
endif ("${_build_dir}" STREQUAL "${PROJECT_NAME}")
# look in similar dirs for the other module
list (APPEND _guess_bin_only
# generate items that are in the build, not source dir
set (_guess_bin)
foreach (_item IN ITEMS ${_guess} ${_guess_bin_only})
list (APPEND _guess_bin "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${_item}")
endforeach (_item)
set (_no_system "")
else (NOT (${module}_DIR OR ${module}_ROOT OR ${MODULE}_ROOT))
# start looking at the paths in this order
set (_guess_bin
# if every package is installed directly in the "suite" directory
# (e.g. /usr) then allow us to back-track one directory from the
# module sub-dir that was added by OpmFind (this happens incidently
# already for the source do to the out-of-source support)
if ("${${MODULE}_ROOT}" MATCHES "/${module}$")
get_filename_component (_suite_parent ${${MODULE}_ROOT} PATH)
list (APPEND _guess_bin
endif ("${${MODULE}_ROOT}" MATCHES "/${module}$")
# when we look for the source, it may be that we have been specified
# a build directory which is a sub-dir of the source, so we look in
# the parent also
set (_guess
# don't search the system paths! that would be dangerous; if there
# is a problem in our own specified directory, we don't necessarily
# want an old version that is left in one of the system paths!
set (_no_system "NO_DEFAULT_PATH")
endif (NOT (${module}_DIR OR ${module}_ROOT OR ${MODULE}_ROOT))
# by specifying _guess in the HINTS section, it gets searched before
# the system locations as well. the CMake documentation has a cloudy
# recommendation, but it ends up like this: if NO_DEFAULT_PATH is
# specified, then PATHS is used. Otherwise, it looks in HINTS, then in
# system paths, and the finally in PATHS (!)
set (_guess_hints ${_guess})
set (_guess_hints_bin ${_guess_bin})
set (_guess_hints)
set (_guess_hints_bin)
# search for this include and library file to get the installation
# directory of the package; hints are searched before the system locations,
# paths are searched afterwards
find_path (${module}_INCLUDE_DIR
NAMES "${header}"
PATHS ${_guess}
HINTS ${PkgConf_${module}_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${_guess_hints}
# some modules are all in headers
if (NOT "${lib}" STREQUAL "")
find_library (${module}_LIBRARY
NAMES "${lib}"
PATHS ${_guess_bin}
HINTS ${PkgConf_${module}_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${_guess_hints_bin}
PATH_SUFFIXES "lib" "lib/.libs" ".libs" "lib${_BITS}" "lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}" "build-cmake/lib"
else (NOT "${lib}" STREQUAL "")
set (${module}_LIBRARY "")
endif (NOT "${lib}" STREQUAL "")
# add dependencies so that our result variables are complete
# list of necessities to build with the software
set (${module}_INCLUDE_DIRS "${${module}_INCLUDE_DIR}")
set (${module}_LIBRARIES "${${module}_LIBRARY}")
set (_deps)
foreach (_dep IN ITEMS ${deps})
separate_arguments (_args UNIX_COMMAND ${_dep})
if (_args)
find_and_append_package_to (${module} ${_args} ${${module}_QUIET})
list (GET _args 0 _name_only)
list (APPEND _deps ${_name_only})
else (_args)
message (WARNING "Empty dependency in find module for ${module} (check for trailing semi-colon)")
endif (_args)
endforeach (_dep)
# since find_and_append_package_to is a macro, this variable have
# probably been overwritten (due to its common name); it is now
# this module's last dependency instead of the name of the module
# itself, so it must be restored
string (TOUPPER ${module} MODULE_UPPER)
# compile with this option to avoid avalanche of warnings
set (${module}_DEFINITIONS "${${module}_DEFINITIONS}")
foreach (_def IN ITEMS ${defs})
list (APPEND ${module}_DEFINITIONS "-D${_def}")
endforeach (_def)
# tidy the lists before returning them
remove_dup_deps (${module})
# these defines are used in dune/${module} headers, and should be put
# in config.h when we include those
foreach (_var IN ITEMS ${conf})
# massage the name to remove source code formatting
string (REGEX REPLACE "^[\n\t\ ]+" "" _var "${_var}")
string (REGEX REPLACE "[\n\t\ ]+$" "" _var "${_var}")
list (APPEND ${module}_CONFIG_VARS ${_var})
endforeach (_var)
# these are the defines that should be set when compiling
# without config.h
config_cmd_line (${module}_CMD_CONFIG ${module}_CONFIG_VARS)
# check that we can compile a small test-program
include (CMakePushCheckState)
cmake_push_check_state ()
include (CheckCXXSourceCompiles)
# only add these if they are actually found; otherwise it won't
# compile and the variable won't be set
# since we don't have any config.h yet
check_cxx_source_compiles ("${prog}" HAVE_${MODULE})
cmake_pop_check_state ()
# write status message in the same manner as everyone else
include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)
if ("${lib}" STREQUAL "")
set (_lib_var "")
set (_and_lib_var)
else ("${lib}" STREQUAL "")
set (_lib_var "${module}_LIBRARY")
set (_and_lib_var AND ${_lib_var})
endif ("${lib}" STREQUAL "")
# if the search is going to fail, then write these variables to
# the console as well as a diagnostics
if (NOT (${module}_INCLUDE_DIR ${_and_lib_var} AND HAVE_${MODULE})
if (DEFINED ${module}_DIR)
message ("${module}_DIR = ${${module}_DIR}")
elseif (DEFINED ${module}_ROOT)
message ("${module}_ROOT = ${${module}_ROOT}")
message ("${MODULE}_ROOT = ${${MODULE}_ROOT}")
endif (DEFINED ${module}_DIR)
endif (NOT (${module}_INCLUDE_DIR ${_and_lib_var} AND HAVE_${MODULE})
find_package_handle_standard_args (
${module}_INCLUDE_DIR ${_lib_var} HAVE_${MODULE}
# allow the user to override these from user interface
mark_as_advanced (${module}_INCLUDE_DIR)
mark_as_advanced (${module}_LIBRARY)
# some genius that coded the FindPackageHandleStandardArgs figured out
# that the module name should be in uppercase (?!)
set (${module}_FOUND "${${MODULE_UPPER}_FOUND}")
# print everything out if we're asked to
if (${module}_DEBUG)
debug_find_vars (${module})
endif (${module}_DEBUG)
endmacro (find_opm_package module deps header lib defs prog conf)
# print all variables defined by the above macro
function (debug_find_vars module)
message (STATUS "${module}_FOUND = ${${module}_FOUND}")
message (STATUS "${module}_INCLUDE_DIRS = ${${module}_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
message (STATUS "${module}_LIBRARIES = ${${module}_LIBRARIES}")
message (STATUS "${module}_DEFINITIONS = ${${module}_DEFINITIONS}")
message (STATUS "${module}_CONFIG_VARS = ${${module}_CONFIG_VARS}")
message (STATUS "${module}_LINKER_FLAGS = ${${module}_LINKER_FLAGS}")
message (STATUS "${module}_QUIET = ${${module}_QUIET}")
string (TOUPPER ${module} MODULE)
string (REPLACE "-" "_" MODULE ${MODULE})
message (STATUS "HAVE_${MODULE} = ${HAVE_${MODULE}}")
endfunction (debug_find_vars module)
# generate a command-line that can be used to pass variables before
# config.h is available (such as probe tests). varname is the *name*
# of the variable to receive the result, defs is a list of the *names*
# which should be passed
function (config_cmd_line varname defs)
# process each variable
foreach (_var IN LISTS ${defs})
# only generate an entry if the define was actually set
if ((DEFINED ${_var}) AND (NOT "${${_var}}" STREQUAL ""))
# numbers are not quoted, strings are
if (${_var} MATCHES "[0-9]+")
set (_quoted "${${_var}}")
else (${_var} MATCHES "[0-9]+")
set (_quoted "\"${${_var}}\"")
endif (${_var} MATCHES "[0-9]+")
# add command-line option to define this variable
list (APPEND _cmdline "-D${_var}=${_quoted}")
endif ((DEFINED ${_var}) AND (NOT "${${_var}}" STREQUAL ""))
endforeach (_var)
# return the resulting command-line options for defining vars
set (${varname} "${_cmdline}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction (config_cmd_line)