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synced 2025-01-17 19:33:00 -06:00
Note that this patch does not introduce any real temperature dependence but only changes the APIs for the viscosity and for the density related methods. Note that I also don't like the fact that this requires so many changes to so many files, but with the current design of the property classes I cannot see a way to avoid this...
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358 lines
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Copyright 2013 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/autodiff/AutoDiffBlock.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/AutoDiffHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/BlackoilPropsAdInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/LinearisedBlackoilResidual.hpp>
#include <opm/autodiff/NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface.hpp>
struct UnstructuredGrid;
struct Wells;
namespace Opm {
namespace parameter { class ParameterGroup; }
class DerivedGeology;
class RockCompressibility;
class NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface;
class BlackoilState;
class WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil;
/// A fully implicit solver for the black-oil problem.
/// The simulator is capable of handling three-phase problems
/// where gas can be dissolved in oil (but not vice versa). It
/// uses an industry-standard TPFA discretization with per-phase
/// upwind weighting of mobilities.
/// It uses automatic differentiation via the class AutoDiffBlock
/// to simplify assembly of the jacobian matrix.
template<class T>
class FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver
// the Newton relaxation type
enum RelaxType { DAMPEN, SOR };
// class holding the solver parameters
struct SolverParameter
double dp_max_rel_;
double ds_max_;
double dr_max_rel_;
enum RelaxType relax_type_;
double relax_max_;
double relax_increment_;
double relax_rel_tol_;
int max_iter_;
SolverParameter( const parameter::ParameterGroup& param );
void reset();
/// \brief The type of the grid that we use.
typedef T Grid;
/// Construct a solver. It will retain references to the
/// arguments of this functions, and they are expected to
/// remain in scope for the lifetime of the solver.
/// \param[in] param parameters
/// \param[in] grid grid data structure
/// \param[in] fluid fluid properties
/// \param[in] geo rock properties
/// \param[in] rock_comp_props if non-null, rock compressibility properties
/// \param[in] wells well structure
/// \param[in] linsolver linear solver
FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver(const SolverParameter& param,
const Grid& grid ,
const BlackoilPropsAdInterface& fluid,
const DerivedGeology& geo ,
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props,
const Wells& wells,
const NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface& linsolver,
const bool has_disgas,
const bool has_vapoil );
/// \brief Set threshold pressures that prevent or reduce flow.
/// This prevents flow across faces if the potential
/// difference is less than the threshold. If the potential
/// difference is greater, the threshold value is subtracted
/// before calculating flow. This is treated symmetrically, so
/// flow is prevented or reduced in both directions equally.
/// \param[in] threshold_pressures_by_face array of size equal to the number of faces
/// of the grid passed in the constructor.
void setThresholdPressures(const std::vector<double>& threshold_pressures_by_face);
/// Take a single forward step, modifiying
/// state.pressure()
/// state.faceflux()
/// state.saturation()
/// state.gasoilratio()
/// wstate.bhp()
/// \param[in] dt time step size
/// \param[in] state reservoir state
/// \param[in] wstate well state
/// \return number of linear iterations used
step(const double dt ,
BlackoilState& state ,
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& wstate);
// Types and enums
typedef AutoDiffBlock<double> ADB;
typedef ADB::V V;
typedef ADB::M M;
typedef Eigen::Array<double,
Eigen::RowMajor> DataBlock;
struct ReservoirResidualQuant {
std::vector<ADB> accum; // Accumulations
ADB mflux; // Mass flux (surface conditions)
ADB b; // Reciprocal FVF
ADB head; // Pressure drop across int. interfaces
ADB mob; // Phase mobility (per cell)
struct SolutionState {
SolutionState(const int np);
ADB pressure;
ADB temperature;
std::vector<ADB> saturation;
ADB rs;
ADB rv;
ADB qs;
ADB bhp;
struct WellOps {
WellOps(const Wells& wells);
M w2p; // well -> perf (scatter)
M p2w; // perf -> well (gather)
enum { Water = BlackoilPropsAdInterface::Water,
Oil = BlackoilPropsAdInterface::Oil ,
Gas = BlackoilPropsAdInterface::Gas };
enum PrimalVariables { Sg = 0, RS = 1, RV = 2 };
// Member data
const Grid& grid_;
const BlackoilPropsAdInterface& fluid_;
const DerivedGeology& geo_;
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props_;
const Wells& wells_;
const NewtonIterationBlackoilInterface& linsolver_;
// For each canonical phase -> true if active
const std::vector<bool> active_;
// Size = # active phases. Maps active -> canonical phase indices.
const std::vector<int> canph_;
const std::vector<int> cells_; // All grid cells
HelperOps ops_;
const WellOps wops_;
const bool has_disgas_;
const bool has_vapoil_;
SolverParameter param_;
bool use_threshold_pressure_;
V threshold_pressures_by_interior_face_;
std::vector<ReservoirResidualQuant> rq_;
std::vector<PhasePresence> phaseCondition_;
V well_perforation_pressure_diffs_; // Diff to bhp for each well perforation.
LinearisedBlackoilResidual residual_;
std::vector<int> primalVariable_;
// Private methods.
constantState(const BlackoilState& x,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw);
variableState(const BlackoilState& x,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw);
computeAccum(const SolutionState& state,
const int aix );
void computeWellConnectionPressures(const SolutionState& state,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw);
addWellControlEq(const SolutionState& state,
const WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw,
const V& aliveWells);
addWellEq(const SolutionState& state,
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw,
V& aliveWells);
void updateWellControls(ADB& bhp,
ADB& well_phase_flow_rate,
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw) const;
assemble(const V& dtpv,
const BlackoilState& x,
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& xw);
V solveJacobianSystem() const;
void updateState(const V& dx,
BlackoilState& state,
WellStateFullyImplicitBlackoil& well_state);
computePressures(const SolutionState& state) const;
computeRelPerm(const SolutionState& state) const;
computeRelPermWells(const SolutionState& state,
const DataBlock& well_s,
const std::vector<int>& well_cells) const;
computeMassFlux(const int actph ,
const V& transi,
const ADB& kr ,
const ADB& p ,
const SolutionState& state );
void applyThresholdPressures(ADB& dp);
residualNorm() const;
std::vector<double> residuals() const;
fluidViscosity(const int phase,
const ADB& p ,
const ADB& temp ,
const ADB& rs ,
const ADB& rv ,
const std::vector<PhasePresence>& cond,
const std::vector<int>& cells) const;
fluidReciprocFVF(const int phase,
const ADB& p ,
const ADB& temp ,
const ADB& rs ,
const ADB& rv ,
const std::vector<PhasePresence>& cond,
const std::vector<int>& cells) const;
fluidDensity(const int phase,
const ADB& p ,
const ADB& temp ,
const ADB& rs ,
const ADB& rv ,
const std::vector<PhasePresence>& cond,
const std::vector<int>& cells) const;
fluidRsSat(const V& p,
const V& so,
const std::vector<int>& cells) const;
fluidRsSat(const ADB& p,
const ADB& so,
const std::vector<int>& cells) const;
fluidRvSat(const V& p,
const V& so,
const std::vector<int>& cells) const;
fluidRvSat(const ADB& p,
const ADB& so,
const std::vector<int>& cells) const;
poroMult(const ADB& p) const;
transMult(const ADB& p) const;
classifyCondition(const SolutionState& state,
std::vector<PhasePresence>& cond ) const;
const std::vector<PhasePresence>
phaseCondition() const {return phaseCondition_;}
classifyCondition(const BlackoilState& state);
/// update the primal variable for Sg, Rv or Rs. The Gas phase must
/// be active to call this method.
updatePrimalVariableFromState(const BlackoilState& state);
/// Update the phaseCondition_ member based on the primalVariable_ member.
/// Compute convergence based on total mass balance (tol_mb) and maximum
/// residual mass balance (tol_cnv).
bool getConvergence(const double dt, const int iteration);
void detectNewtonOscillations(const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& residual_history,
const int it, const double relaxRelTol,
bool& oscillate, bool& stagnate) const;
void stablizeNewton(V& dx, V& dxOld, const double omega, const RelaxType relax_type) const;
double dpMaxRel() const { return param_.dp_max_rel_; }
double dsMax() const { return param_.ds_max_; }
double drMaxRel() const { return param_.dr_max_rel_; }
enum RelaxType relaxType() const { return param_.relax_type_; }
double relaxMax() const { return param_.relax_max_; };
double relaxIncrement() const { return param_.relax_increment_; };
double relaxRelTol() const { return param_.relax_rel_tol_; };
double maxIter() const { return param_.max_iter_; }
} // namespace Opm
#include "FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver_impl.hpp"