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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
* \file
* \copydoc Opm::Linear::ForeignOverlapFromBCRSMatrix
#include "overlaptypes.hh"
#include "blacklist.hh"
#include <opm/models/parallel/mpibuffer.hh>
#include <dune/grid/common/datahandleif.hh>
#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
#include <dune/istl/scalarproducts.hh>
#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <mpi.h>
#endif // HAVE_MPI
namespace Opm {
namespace Linear {
* \brief This class creates and manages the foreign overlap given an
* initial list of border indices and a BCRS matrix.
* The foreign overlap are all (row) indices which overlap with the
* some of the current process's local indices.
class ForeignOverlapFromBCRSMatrix
// overlaps should never be copied!
ForeignOverlapFromBCRSMatrix(const ForeignOverlapFromBCRSMatrix&) = delete;
* \brief Constructs the foreign overlap given a BCRS matrix and
* an initial list of border indices.
template <class BCRSMatrix>
ForeignOverlapFromBCRSMatrix(const BCRSMatrix& A,
const BorderList& borderList,
const BlackList& blackList,
unsigned overlapSize)
: borderList_(borderList), blackList_(blackList)
overlapSize_ = overlapSize;
myRank_ = 0;
int tmp;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &tmp);
myRank_ = static_cast<ProcessRank>(tmp);
numNative_ = A.N();
// Computes the local <-> native index maps
// calculate the set of local indices on the border (beware:
// _not_ the native ones)
auto it = borderList.begin();
const auto& endIt = borderList.end();
for (; it != endIt; ++it) {
Index localIdx = nativeToLocal(it->localIdx);
if (localIdx < 0)
// compute the set of processes which are neighbors of the
// local process ...
// ... and the initial set of processes which we will have to
// communicate with. We must always communicate with our
// neighbors, but depending on the size of the overlap region,
// we might have to communicate with additional processes as
// well (these will be added later).
peerSet_ = neighborPeerSet_;
// Create an initial seed list of indices which are in the
// overlap.
SeedList initialSeedList;
// calculate the minimum distance from the border of the
// initial seed list
unsigned minBorderDist = overlapSize;
auto borderIt = borderList.begin();
const auto& borderEndIt = borderList.end();
for (; borderIt != borderEndIt; ++borderIt) {
minBorderDist = std::min(minBorderDist, borderIt->borderDistance);
// calculate the foreign overlap for the local partition,
// i.e. find the distance of each row from the seed set.
extendForeignOverlap_(A, initialSeedList, minBorderDist, overlapSize);
// computes the process with the lowest rank for all local
// indices.
// group foreign overlap by peer process rank
* \brief Returns the size of the overlap region.
unsigned overlapSize() const
{ return overlapSize_; }
* \brief Returns true iff a local index is a border index.
bool isBorder(Index localIdx) const
{ return localBorderIndices_.count(localIdx) > 0; }
* \brief Returns true iff a local index is a border index shared with a
* given peer process.
bool isBorderWith(Index localIdx, ProcessRank peerRank) const
const auto& indexOverlap = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)];
const auto& borderDistIt = indexOverlap.find(peerRank);
if (borderDistIt == indexOverlap.end())
return false;
// border distance of the index needs to be 0
return borderDistIt->second == 0;
* \brief Return the rank of the master process of an
* index.
ProcessRank masterRank(Index localIdx) const
{ return masterRank_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)]; }
* \brief Return true if the current rank is the "master" of an
* index.
* If the index is at the interior of some process, we define this
* process as its master, if the index is on the boundary, then
* the master is defined as the process with the lowest rank.
bool iAmMasterOf(Index localIdx) const
{ return masterRank_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)] == myRank_; }
* \brief Returns the list of indices which intersect the process
* border.
const BorderList& borderList() const
{ return borderList_; }
* \brief Return the list of (local indices, border distance,
* number of processes) triples which are in the overlap of
* a given peer rank.
const OverlapWithPeer& foreignOverlapWithPeer(ProcessRank peerRank) const
assert(foreignOverlapByRank_.find(peerRank) != foreignOverlapByRank_.end());
return foreignOverlapByRank_.find(peerRank)->second;
* \brief Return the map of (peer rank, border distance) for a given local
* index.
const std::map<ProcessRank, BorderDistance> &
foreignOverlapByLocalIndex(Index localIdx) const
return foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)];
* \brief Returns true iff a local index is seen by a peer rank.
bool peerHasIndex(ProcessRank peerRank, Index localIdx) const
const auto& idxOverlap = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[localIdx];
return idxOverlap.find(peerRank) != idxOverlap.end();
* \brief Returns the number of front indices of a peer process in
* the local partition.
size_t numFront(ProcessRank peerRank) const
const auto& peerOverlap = foreignOverlapByRank_.find(peerRank)->second;
size_t n = 0;
auto it = peerOverlap.begin();
const auto& endIt = peerOverlap.end();
for (; it != endIt; ++it) {
if (it->borderDistance == overlapSize_)
return n;
* \brief Returns whether a given local index is on the front of a
* given peer rank.
bool isFrontFor(ProcessRank peerRank, Index localIdx) const
const auto& idxOverlap = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[localIdx];
auto it = idxOverlap.find(peerRank);
if (it == idxOverlap.end())
return false; // index is not in overlap
return it->second == overlapSize_;
* \brief Return the set of process ranks which share an overlap
* with the current process.
const PeerSet& peerSet() const
{ return peerSet_; }
* \brief Return the set of process ranks which share a border index
* with the current process.
const PeerSet& neighborPeerSet() const
{ return neighborPeerSet_; }
* \brief Returns the number of native indices
size_t numNative() const
{ return numNative_; }
* \brief Returns the number of local indices
size_t numLocal() const
{ return numLocal_; }
* \brief Returns true iff a domestic index is local
bool isLocal(Index domesticIdx) const
{ return static_cast<unsigned>(domesticIdx) < numLocal(); }
* \brief Convert a native index to a local one.
* If a given native index is not in the set of local indices,
* this method returns -1.
Index nativeToLocal(Index nativeIdx) const
{ return nativeToLocalIndices_[static_cast<unsigned>(nativeIdx)]; }
* \brief Convert a local index to a native one.
Index localToNative(Index localIdx) const
assert(localIdx < static_cast<Index>(localToNativeIndices_.size()));
return localToNativeIndices_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)];
* \brief Returns the object which represents the black-listed native indices.
const BlackList& blackList() const
{ return blackList_; }
* \brief Return the number of peer ranks for which a given local
* index is visible.
size_t numPeers(Index localIdx) const
{ return foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].size(); }
* \brief Returns true if a given local index is in the foreign overlap of
* any rank.
bool isInOverlap(Index localIdx) const
{ return foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].size() > 0; }
* \brief Print the foreign overlap for debugging purposes.
void print() const
auto it = foreignOverlapByRank_.begin();
const auto& endIt = foreignOverlapByRank_.end();
for (; it != endIt; ++it) {
std::cout << "Overlap rows(distance) for rank " << it->first << ": ";
auto rowIt = it->second.begin();
const auto& rowEndIt = it->second.end();
for (; rowIt != rowEndIt; ++rowIt)
std::cout << rowIt->index << "(" << rowIt->borderDistance << ") ";
std::cout << "\n" << std::flush;
// extend the foreign overlaps by 'overlapSize' levels. this uses
// a greedy algorithm which extends the region by one level and
// then calls itself recursively...
template <class BCRSMatrix>
void extendForeignOverlap_(const BCRSMatrix& A,
SeedList& seedList,
BorderDistance borderDistance,
BorderDistance overlapSize)
// communicate the non-neigbor overlap indices
addNonNeighborOverlapIndices_(A, seedList, borderDistance);
// add all processes in the seed rows of the current overlap level
auto seedIt = seedList.begin();
const auto& seedEndIt = seedList.end();
for (; seedIt != seedEndIt; ++seedIt) {
Index localIdx = nativeToLocal(seedIt->index);
ProcessRank peerRank = seedIt->peerRank;
unsigned distance = borderDistance;
if (localIdx < 0)
if (foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].count(peerRank) == 0)
foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)][peerRank] = distance;
// if we have reached the maximum overlap distance, i.e. we're
// finished and break the recursion
if (borderDistance >= overlapSize)
// find the seed list for the next overlap level using the
// seed set for the current level
SeedList nextSeedList;
seedIt = seedList.begin();
for (; seedIt != seedEndIt; ++seedIt) {
Index nativeRowIdx = seedIt->index;
if (nativeToLocal(nativeRowIdx) < 0)
continue; // ignore blacklisted indices
ProcessRank peerRank = seedIt->peerRank;
// find all column indices in the row. The indices of the
// columns are the additional indices of the overlap which
// we would like to add
using ColIterator = typename BCRSMatrix::ConstColIterator;
ColIterator colIt = A[static_cast<unsigned>(nativeRowIdx)].begin();
ColIterator colEndIt = A[static_cast<unsigned>(nativeRowIdx)].end();
for (; colIt != colEndIt; ++colIt) {
Index nativeColIdx = static_cast<Index>(colIt.index());
Index localColIdx = nativeToLocal(nativeColIdx);
// ignore if the native index is not a local one
if (localColIdx < 0)
// if the process is already is in the overlap of the
// column index, ignore this column index!
else if (foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localColIdx)].count(peerRank) > 0)
// check whether the new index is already in the overlap
bool hasIndex = false;
typename SeedList::iterator sIt = nextSeedList.begin();
typename SeedList::iterator sEndIt = nextSeedList.end();
for (; sIt != sEndIt; ++sIt) {
if (sIt->index == nativeColIdx && sIt->peerRank == peerRank) {
hasIndex = true;
if (hasIndex)
continue; // we already have this index
// add the current processes to the seed list for the
// next overlap level
IndexRankDist newTuple;
newTuple.index = nativeColIdx;
newTuple.peerRank = peerRank;
newTuple.borderDistance = seedIt->borderDistance + 1;
// clear the old seed list to save some memory
// Perform the same excercise for the next overlap distance
extendForeignOverlap_(A, nextSeedList, borderDistance + 1, overlapSize);
// Computes the local <-> native index maps
void createLocalIndices_()
// create the native <-> local maps
Index localIdx = 0;
for (unsigned nativeIdx = 0; nativeIdx < numNative_;) {
if (!blackList_.hasIndex(static_cast<Index>(nativeIdx))) {
else {
numLocal_ = localToNativeIndices_.size();
Index localToPeerIdx_(Index localIdx, ProcessRank peerRank) const
auto it = borderList_.begin();
const auto& endIt = borderList_.end();
for (; it != endIt; ++it) {
if (it->localIdx == localIdx && it->peerRank == peerRank)
return it->peerIdx;
return -1;
template <class BCRSMatrix>
void addNonNeighborOverlapIndices_(const BCRSMatrix&,
[[maybe_unused]] SeedList& seedList,
[[maybe_unused]] BorderDistance borderDist)
// TODO: this probably does not work! (the matrix A is unused, but it is needed
// from a logical POV.)
// first, create the buffers which will contain the number of
// border indices relevant for a neighbor peer
std::map<ProcessRank, std::vector<BorderIndex> > borderIndices;
// get all indices in the border which have borderDist as
// their distance to the closest border of their local process
auto it = seedList.begin();
const auto& endIt = seedList.end();
for (; it != endIt; ++it) {
Index localIdx = nativeToLocal(it->index);
if (!isBorder(localIdx))
BorderIndex borderHandle;
borderHandle.localIdx = localIdx;
borderHandle.peerRank = it->peerRank;
borderHandle.borderDistance = it->borderDistance;
// add the border index to all the neighboring peers
auto neighborIt = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].begin();
const auto& neighborEndIt = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].end();
for (; neighborIt != neighborEndIt; ++neighborIt) {
if (neighborIt->second != 0)
// not a border index for the neighbor
else if (neighborIt->first == borderHandle.peerRank)
// don't communicate the indices which are owned
// by the peer to itself
Index peerIdx = localToPeerIdx_(localIdx, neighborIt->first);
if (peerIdx < 0)
// the index is on the border, but is not on the border
// with the considered neighboring process. Ignore it!
borderHandle.peerIdx = peerIdx;
// now borderIndices contains the lists of indices which we
// would like to send to each neighbor. Let's create the MPI
// buffers.
std::map<ProcessRank, Opm::MpiBuffer<unsigned> > numIndicesSendBufs;
std::map<ProcessRank, Opm::MpiBuffer<BorderIndex> > indicesSendBufs;
auto peerIt = neighborPeerSet().begin();
const auto& peerEndIt = neighborPeerSet().end();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank peerRank = *peerIt;
size_t numIndices = borderIndices[peerRank].size();
numIndicesSendBufs[peerRank][0] = static_cast<unsigned>(numIndices);
const auto& peerBorderIndices = borderIndices[peerRank];
auto tmpIt = peerBorderIndices.begin();
const auto& tmpEndIt = peerBorderIndices.end();
size_t i = 0;
for (; tmpIt != tmpEndIt; ++tmpIt, ++i) {
indicesSendBufs[peerRank][i] = *tmpIt;
// now, send all these nice buffers to our neighbors
peerIt = neighborPeerSet().begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank neighborPeer = *peerIt;
// receive all data from the neighbors
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<unsigned> > numIndicesRcvBufs;
std::map<ProcessRank, MpiBuffer<BorderIndex> > indicesRcvBufs;
peerIt = neighborPeerSet().begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank neighborPeer = *peerIt;
auto& numIndicesRcvBuf = numIndicesRcvBufs[neighborPeer];
auto& indicesRcvBuf = indicesRcvBufs[neighborPeer];
unsigned numIndices = numIndicesRcvBufs[neighborPeer][0];
// filter out all indices which are already in the peer
// processes' overlap and add them to the seed list. also
// extend the set of peer processes.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i) {
// swap the local and the peer indices, because they were
// created with the point view of the sender
std::swap(indicesRcvBuf[i].localIdx, indicesRcvBuf[i].peerIdx);
ProcessRank peerRank = indicesRcvBuf[i].peerRank;
// Index peerIdx = indicesRcvBuf[i].peerIdx;
Index localIdx = indicesRcvBuf[i].localIdx;
// check if the index is already in the overlap for
// the peer
const auto& distIt = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].find(peerRank);
if (distIt != foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].end())
// make sure the index is not already in the seed list
bool inSeedList = false;
auto seedIt = seedList.begin();
const auto& seedEndIt = seedList.end();
for (; seedIt != seedEndIt; ++seedIt) {
if (seedIt->index == localIdx && seedIt->peerRank == peerRank) {
inSeedList = true;
if (inSeedList)
IndexRankDist seedEntry;
seedEntry.index = localIdx;
seedEntry.peerRank = peerRank;
seedEntry.borderDistance = borderDist;
// update the peer set
// make sure all data was send
peerIt = neighborPeerSet().begin();
for (; peerIt != peerEndIt; ++peerIt) {
ProcessRank neighborPeer = *peerIt;
#endif // HAVE_MPI
// given a list of border indices and provided that
// borderListToSeedList_() was already called, calculate the
// master process of each local index.
void computeMasterRanks_()
// determine the minimum rank for all indices
for (unsigned localIdx = 0; localIdx < numLocal_; ++localIdx) {
unsigned masterRank = myRank_;
if (isBorder(static_cast<Index>(localIdx))) {
// if the local index is a border index, loop over all ranks
// for which this index is also a border index. the lowest
// rank wins!
auto it = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].begin();
const auto& endIt = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)].end();
for (; it != endIt; ++it) {
if (it->second == 0) {
// if the border distance is zero, the rank with the
// minimum
masterRank = std::min<ProcessRank>(masterRank, it->first);
masterRank_[static_cast<unsigned>(localIdx)] = masterRank;
// assuming that the foreign overlap has been created for each
// local index, this method groups the foreign overlap by peer
// process rank
void groupForeignOverlapByRank_()
// loop over all indices which are in the overlap of some
// process
size_t numLocal = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_.size();
for (unsigned localIdx = 0; localIdx < numLocal; ++localIdx) {
// loop over the list of processes for the current index
auto it = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[localIdx].begin();
const auto& endIt = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[localIdx].end();
size_t nRanks = foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_[localIdx].size();
for (; it != endIt; ++it) {
IndexDistanceNpeers tmp;
tmp.index = static_cast<Index>(localIdx);
tmp.borderDistance = it->second;
tmp.numPeers = static_cast<unsigned>(nRanks);
// set of processes with which we have to communicate
PeerSet peerSet_;
// set of processes which are direct neighbors of us
PeerSet neighborPeerSet_;
// the list of indices on the border
const BorderList& borderList_;
// the set of indices which should not be considered
const BlackList& blackList_;
// local indices are the native indices sans the black listed ones
std::vector<Index> nativeToLocalIndices_;
std::vector<Index> localToNativeIndices_;
// an array which contains the rank of the master process for each
// index
std::vector<ProcessRank> masterRank_;
// set of all local indices which are on the border of some remote
// process
std::set<Index> localBorderIndices_;
// stores the set of process ranks which are in the overlap for a
// given row index "owned" by the current rank. The second value
// store the distance from the nearest process border.
OverlapByIndex foreignOverlapByLocalIndex_;
// stores a list of foreign overlap indices for each rank
OverlapByRank foreignOverlapByRank_;
// size of the overlap region
unsigned overlapSize_;
// number of local indices
size_t numLocal_;
// number of native indices
size_t numNative_;
// the MPI rank of the local process
ProcessRank myRank_;
} // namespace Linear
} // namespace Opm