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Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2014 STATOIL ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <opm/core/linalg/LinearSolverPetsc.hpp>
#include <unordered_map>
#define PETSC_CLANGUAGE_CXX 1 //enable CHKERRXX macro.
#include <opm/common/utility/platform_dependent/disable_warnings.h>
#include <petsc.h>
#include <opm/common/utility/platform_dependent/reenable_warnings.h>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
namespace Opm
class KSPTypeMap {
KSPTypeMap(const std::string& default_type = "gmres")
: default_type_(default_type)
// g++-4.4 has problems converting const char* to char*
// The problem is caused by the mapped type being PCType
// which (at least in PETSc 3.2) is char* because of C
// (in the header there is "#define PCType character*(80)").
// and the KSP... defines being const char* (because of C++).
type_map_["richardson"] = KSPRICHARDSON;
// Not available in PETSC 3.2 on Debian
//type_map_["chebyshev"] = KSPCHEBYSHEV;
type_map_["cg"] = KSPCG;
type_map_["bicgs"] = KSPBICG;
type_map_["gmres"] = KSPGMRES;
type_map_["fgmres"] = KSPFGMRES;
type_map_["dgmres"] = KSPDGMRES;
type_map_["gcr"] = KSPGCR;
type_map_["bcgs"] = KSPBCGS;
type_map_["cgs"] = KSPCGS;
type_map_["tfqmr"] = KSPTFQMR;
type_map_["tcqmr"] = KSPTCQMR;
type_map_["cr"] = KSPCR;
type_map_["preonly"] = KSPPREONLY;
find(const std::string& type) const
Map::const_iterator it = type_map_.find(type);
if (it == type_map_.end()) {
it = type_map_.find(default_type_);
if (it == type_map_.end()) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown KSPType: '" << type << "'");
return it->second;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, KSPType> Map;
std::string default_type_;
Map type_map_;
class PCTypeMap {
PCTypeMap(const std::string& default_type = "jacobi")
: default_type_(default_type)
type_map_["jacobi"] = PCJACOBI;
type_map_["bjacobi"] = PCBJACOBI;
type_map_["sor"] = PCSOR;
type_map_["eisenstat"] = PCEISENSTAT;
type_map_["icc"] = PCICC;
type_map_["ilu"] = PCILU;
type_map_["asm"] = PCASM;
type_map_["gamg"] = PCGAMG;
type_map_["ksp"] = PCKSP;
type_map_["composite"] = PCCOMPOSITE;
type_map_["lu"] = PCLU;
type_map_["cholesky"] = PCCHOLESKY;
type_map_["none"] = PCNONE;
find(const std::string& type) const
Map::const_iterator it = type_map_.find(type);
if (it == type_map_.end()) {
it = type_map_.find(default_type_);
if (it == type_map_.end()) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown PCType: '" << type << "'");
return it->second;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, PCType> Map;
std::string default_type_;
Map type_map_;
struct OEM_DATA {
/* Convenience struct to handle automatic (de)allocation of some useful
* variables, as well as group them up for easier parameter passing
Vec x;
Vec b;
Mat A;
KSP ksp;
PC preconditioner;
OEM_DATA( const int size ) {
VecCreate( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &b );
auto err = VecSetSizes( b, PETSC_DECIDE, size );
CHKERRXX( err );
VecSetFromOptions( b );
KSPCreate( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp );
VecDestroy( &x );
VecDestroy( &b );
MatDestroy( &A );
KSPDestroy( &ksp );
Vec to_petsc_vec( const double* x, int size ) {
PetscScalar* vec;
Vec v;
VecCreate( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &v );
VecSetSizes( v, PETSC_DECIDE, size );
VecSetFromOptions( v );
VecGetArray( v, &vec );
std::memcpy( vec, x, size * sizeof( double ) );
VecRestoreArray( v, &vec );
return v;
void from_petsc_vec( double* x, Vec v ) {
if( !v ) OPM_THROW( std::runtime_error,
"PETSc CopySolution: Invalid PETSc vector." );
PetscScalar* vec;
PetscInt size;
VecGetLocalSize( v, &size );
VecGetArray( v, &vec );
std::memcpy( x, vec, size * sizeof( double ) );
VecRestoreArray( v, &vec );
Mat to_petsc_mat( const int size, const int /* nonzeros */,
const int* ia, const int* ja, const double* sa ) {
Mat A;
auto err = MatCreateSeqAIJWithArrays( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, size, size, const_cast<int*>(ia), const_cast<int*>(ja), (double*)sa, &A );
CHKERRXX( err );
return A;
void solve_system( OEM_DATA& t, KSPType method, PCType pcname,
double rtol, double atol, double dtol, int maxits, int ksp_view ) {
PetscInt its;
PetscReal residual;
KSPConvergedReason reason;
KSPSetOperators( t.ksp, t.A, t.A, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN );
KSPSetOperators( t.ksp, t.A, t.A );
KSPSetReusePreconditioner(t.ksp, PETSC_FALSE);
KSPGetPC( t.ksp, &t.preconditioner );
auto err = KSPSetType( t.ksp, method );
CHKERRXX( err );
err = PCSetType( t.preconditioner, pcname );
CHKERRXX( err );
err = KSPSetTolerances( t.ksp, rtol, atol, dtol, maxits );
CHKERRXX( err );
err = KSPSetFromOptions( t.ksp );
CHKERRXX( err );
KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero( t.ksp, PETSC_FALSE );
KSPSolve( t.ksp, t.x, t.b );
KSPGetConvergedReason( t.ksp, &reason );
KSPGetIterationNumber( t.ksp, &its );
KSPGetResidualNorm( t.ksp, &residual );
if( ksp_view )
err = PetscPrintf( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "KSP Iterations %D, Final Residual %g\n", its, (double)residual );
CHKERRXX( err );
} // anonymous namespace.
LinearSolverPetsc::LinearSolverPetsc(const parameter::ParameterGroup& param)
: ksp_type_( param.getDefault( std::string( "ksp_type" ), std::string( "gmres" ) ) )
, pc_type_( param.getDefault( std::string( "pc_type" ), std::string( "sor" ) ) )
, ksp_view_( param.getDefault( std::string( "ksp_view" ), int( false ) ) )
, rtol_( param.getDefault( std::string( "ksp_rtol" ), 1e-5 ) )
, atol_( param.getDefault( std::string( "ksp_atol" ), 1e-50 ) )
, dtol_( param.getDefault( std::string( "ksp_dtol" ), 1e5 ) )
, maxits_( param.getDefault( std::string( "ksp_max_it" ), 1e5 ) )
int argc = 0;
char** argv = NULL;
PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, (char*)0, "Petsc interface for OPM!\n");
LinearSolverPetsc::solve(const int size,
const int nonzeros,
const int* ia,
const int* ja,
const double* sa,
const double* rhs,
double* solution,
const boost::any&) const
KSPTypeMap ksp(ksp_type_);
KSPType ksp_type = ksp.find(ksp_type_);
PCTypeMap pc(pc_type_);
PCType pc_type = pc.find(pc_type_);
OEM_DATA t( size );
t.A = to_petsc_mat( size, nonzeros, ia, ja, sa );
t.x = to_petsc_vec( rhs, size );
solve_system( t, ksp_type, pc_type, rtol_, atol_, dtol_, maxits_, ksp_view_ );
from_petsc_vec( solution, t.b );
LinearSolverReport rep = {};
rep.converged = true;
return rep;
void LinearSolverPetsc::setTolerance(const double /*tol*/)
double LinearSolverPetsc::getTolerance() const
return -1.;
} // namespace Opm