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synced 2025-01-14 04:11:55 -06:00
The shared_ptr aliasing is deprecated, and in the Well case this has been removed upstream.
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Copyright 2015 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/common/utility/platform_dependent/disable_warnings.h>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <opm/common/utility/platform_dependent/reenable_warnings.h>
#include <opm/core/wells.h>
#include <opm/core/well_controls.h>
#include <opm/core/simulator/WellState.hpp>
#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/ScheduleEnums.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/MSW/SegmentSet.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Well.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
namespace Opm
class WellMultiSegment
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> Matrix;
/// Constructor of WellMultiSegment
/// \param[in] well information from EclipseState
/// \param[in] current time step
/// \param[in[ pointer to Wells structure, to be removed eventually
WellMultiSegment(const Well* well, size_t time_step, const Wells* wells);
/// Well name.
const std::string& name() const;
/// Flag indicating if the well is a multi-segment well.
bool isMultiSegmented() const;
/// Number of the perforations.
int numberOfPerforations() const;
/// Number of the segments.
int numberOfSegments() const;
/// Components of the pressure drop invloved.
/// HFA Hydrostatic + friction + acceleration
/// HF- Hydrostatic + friction
/// H-- Hydrostatic only.
std::string compPressureDrop() const;
/// Well control.
const WellControls* wellControls() const;
/// Component fractions for each well.
const std::vector<double>& compFrac() const;
/// Number of phases.
int numberOfPhases() const;
/// Well type.
WellType wellType() const;
/// Well productivity index.
const std::vector<double>& wellIndex() const;
/// Depth of the perforations.
const std::vector<double>& perfDepth() const;
/// Indices of the grid blocks that perforations are completed in.
const std::vector<int>& wellCells() const;
/// Indices of the gird blocks that segments locate at.
const std::vector<int>& segmentCells() const;
/// Outlet segments, a segment (except top segment) can only have one outlet segment.
/// For top segment, its outlet segments is -1 always, which means no outlet segment for top segment.
const std::vector<int>& outletSegment() const;
/// Inlet segments. a segment can have more than one inlet segments.
const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& inletSegments() const;
/// The length of the segment nodes down the wellbore from the reference point.
const std::vector<double>& segmentLength() const;
/// The depth of the segment nodes.
const std::vector<double>& segmentDepth() const;
/// Tubing internal diameter.
const std::vector<double>& segmentDiameter() const;
/// Cross-sectional area.
const std::vector<double>& segmentCrossArea() const;
/// Effective absolute roughness of the tube.
const std::vector<double>& segmentRoughness() const;
/// Volume of segment.
const std::vector<double>& segmentVolume() const;
/// Perforations related to each segment.
const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& segmentPerforations() const;
/// Struct for the well operator matrices.
/// All the operator matrics only apply to the one specifi well.
struct WellOps {
Matrix s2p; // segment -> perf (scatter)
Matrix p2s; // perf -> segment (gather)
Matrix p2s_average; // perf -> segment (avarage)
Matrix s2s_gather; // segment -> segment (in an accumlative way)
// means the outlet segments will gather all the contribution
// from all the inlet segments in a recurisive way
Matrix p2s_gather; // perforation -> segment (in an accumative way)
Matrix s2s_inlets; // segment -> its inlet segments
Matrix s2s_outlet; // segment -> its outlet segment
/// Well operator matrics
const WellOps& wellOps() const;
// for the moment, we use the information from wells.
// TODO: remove the dependency on wells from opm-core.
void initMultiSegmentWell(const Well* well, size_t time_step, const Wells* wells);
void initNonMultiSegmentWell(const Well* well, size_t time_step, const Wells* wells);
void updateWellOps();
// name of the well
std::string m_well_name_;
// flag to indicate if this well is a
// multi-segmented well
bool m_is_multi_segment_;
// well type
enum WellType m_well_type_;
// number of phases
int m_number_of_phases_;
// component fractions for each well
std::vector<double> m_comp_frac_;
// controls for this well
// using pointer for temporary
// changing it when figuring out how to using it
struct WellControls *m_well_controls_;
// components of the pressure drop to be included
WellSegment::CompPressureDropEnum m_comp_pressure_drop_;
// multi-phase flow model
WellSegment::MultiPhaseModelEnum m_multiphase_model_;
// number of perforation for this well
int m_number_of_perforations_;
// number of segments for this well
int m_number_of_segments_;
// well index for each completion
std::vector<double> m_well_index_;
// depth for each completion // form the keyword COMPSEGS?
std::vector<double> m_perf_depth_;
// well cell for each completion
std::vector<int> m_well_cell_;
// cell for each segment
std::vector<int> m_segment_cell_;
// how to organize the segment structure here?
// indicate the outlet segment for each segment
// maybe here we can use the location in the vector
// at the moment, we still use the ID number
// then a mapping from the ID number to the actual location will be required
// The ID is already changed to the location now.
std::vector<int> m_outlet_segment_;
// for convinience, we store the inlet segments for each segment
std::vector<std::vector<int>> m_inlet_segments_;
// this one is not necessary any more, since the segment number is its location.
// std::map<int, int> m_number_to_location_;
// has not decided to use the absolute length from the well head
// or the length of this single segment
// using the absolute length first
std::vector<double> m_segment_length_;
// the depth of the segmnet node
std::vector<double> m_segment_depth_;
// the internal diameter of the segment
std::vector<double> m_segment_internal_diameter_;
// the roughness of the segment
std::vector<double> m_segment_roughness_;
// the cross area of the segment
std::vector<double> m_segment_cross_area_;
// the volume of the segment
std::vector<double> m_segment_volume_;
// the completions that is related to each segment
// the completions's ids are their location in the vector m_well_index_
// m_well_cell_
// This is also assuming the order of the completions in Well is the same with
// the order of the completions in wells.
std::vector<std::vector<int>> m_segment_perforations_;
WellOps m_wops_;
typedef std::shared_ptr<WellMultiSegment> WellMultiSegmentPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<const WellMultiSegment> WellMultiSegmentConstPtr;
} // namespace Opm