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synced 2024-12-18 21:43:27 -06:00
This patch refactors (hopefully) all parts of opm-core that are needed by the fully implicite black oil solver in opm-autodiff and that inherently relied on UnstructuredGrid. We added a new simple grid interface consisting out of free functions that will allow us to use CpGrid without copying it to an UnstructuredGrid by the means of the GridAdapter. Using this interface we have add methods that allow specifying the grid information (global_cell, cartdims, etc.) wherever possible to prevent introducing grid parameters for the type of the grid. Unfortunately this was not possible everywhere.
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345 lines
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Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <vector>
#include <iosfwd>
struct Wells;
struct UnstructuredGrid;
namespace Opm
class IncompPropertiesInterface;
class BlackoilPropertiesInterface;
class RockCompressibility;
/// @brief Computes pore volume of all cells in a grid.
/// @param[in] grid a grid
/// @param[in] porosity array of grid.number_of_cells porosity values
/// @param[out] porevol the pore volume by cell.
void computePorevolume(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const double* porosity,
std::vector<double>& porevol);
/// @brief Computes pore volume of all cells in a grid, with rock compressibility effects.
/// @param[in] grid a grid
/// @param[in] porosity array of grid.number_of_cells porosity values (at reference pressure)
/// @param[in] rock_comp rock compressibility properties
/// @param[in] pressure pressure by cell
/// @param[out] porevol the pore volume by cell.
void computePorevolume(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const double* porosity,
const RockCompressibility& rock_comp,
const std::vector<double>& pressure,
std::vector<double>& porevol);
/// @brief Computes porosity of all cells in a grid, with rock compressibility effects.
/// @param[in] grid a grid
/// @param[in] porosity_standard array of grid.number_of_cells porosity values (at reference presure)
/// @param[in] rock_comp rock compressibility properties
/// @param[in] pressure pressure by cell
/// @param[out] porosity porosity (at reservoir condition)
void computePorosity(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const double* porosity_standard,
const RockCompressibility& rock_comp,
const std::vector<double>& pressure,
std::vector<double>& porosity);
/// @brief Computes total saturated volumes over all grid cells.
/// @param[in] pv the pore volume by cell.
/// @param[in] s saturation values (for all P phases)
/// @param[out] sat_vol must point to a valid array with P elements,
/// where P = s.size()/pv.size().
/// For each phase p, we compute
/// sat_vol_p = sum_i s_p_i pv_i
void computeSaturatedVol(const std::vector<double>& pv,
const std::vector<double>& s,
double* sat_vol);
/// @brief Computes average saturations over all grid cells.
/// @param[in] pv the pore volume by cell.
/// @param[in] s saturation values (for all P phases)
/// @param[out] aver_sat must point to a valid array with P elements,
/// where P = s.size()/pv.size().
/// For each phase p, we compute
/// aver_sat_p = (sum_i s_p_i pv_i) / (sum_i pv_i).
void computeAverageSat(const std::vector<double>& pv,
const std::vector<double>& s,
double* aver_sat);
/// @brief Computes injected and produced volumes of all phases.
/// Note 1: assumes that only the first phase is injected.
/// Note 2: assumes that transport has been done with an
/// implicit method, i.e. that the current state
/// gives the mobilities used for the preceding timestep.
/// @param[in] props fluid and rock properties.
/// @param[in] s saturation values (for all P phases)
/// @param[in] src if < 0: total outflow, if > 0: first phase inflow.
/// @param[in] dt timestep used
/// @param[out] injected must point to a valid array with P elements,
/// where P = s.size()/src.size().
/// @param[out] produced must also point to a valid array with P elements.
void computeInjectedProduced(const IncompPropertiesInterface& props,
const std::vector<double>& s,
const std::vector<double>& src,
const double dt,
double* injected,
double* produced);
/// @brief Computes total mobility for a set of saturation values.
/// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties
/// @param[in] cells cells with which the saturation values are associated
/// @param[in] s saturation values (for all phases)
/// @param[out] totmob total mobilities.
void computeTotalMobility(const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props,
const std::vector<int>& cells,
const std::vector<double>& s,
std::vector<double>& totmob);
/// @brief Computes total mobility and omega for a set of saturation values.
/// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties
/// @param[in] cells cells with which the saturation values are associated
/// @param[in] s saturation values (for all phases)
/// @param[out] totmob total mobility
/// @param[out] omega fractional-flow weighted fluid densities.
void computeTotalMobilityOmega(const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props,
const std::vector<int>& cells,
const std::vector<double>& s,
std::vector<double>& totmob,
std::vector<double>& omega);
/// @brief Computes phase mobilities for a set of saturation values.
/// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties
/// @param[in] cells cells with which the saturation values are associated
/// @param[in] s saturation values (for all phases)
/// @param[out] pmobc phase mobilities (for all phases).
void computePhaseMobilities(const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props,
const std::vector<int>& cells,
const std::vector<double>& s ,
std::vector<double>& pmobc);
/// Computes the fractional flow for each cell in the cells argument
/// @param[in] props rock and fluid properties
/// @param[in] cells cells with which the saturation values are associated
/// @param[in] saturations saturation values (for all phases)
/// @param[out] fractional_flow the fractional flow for each phase for each cell.
void computeFractionalFlow(const Opm::IncompPropertiesInterface& props,
const std::vector<int>& cells,
const std::vector<double>& saturations,
std::vector<double>& fractional_flows);
/// Compute two-phase transport source terms from face fluxes,
/// and pressure equation source terms. This puts boundary flows
/// into the source terms for the transport equation.
/// \param[in] grid The grid used.
/// \param[in] src Pressure eq. source terms. The sign convention is:
/// (+) positive total inflow (positive velocity divergence)
/// (-) negative total outflow
/// \param[in] faceflux Signed face fluxes, typically the result from a flow solver.
/// \param[in] inflow_frac Fraction of inflow (boundary and source terms) that consists of first phase.
/// Example: if only water is injected, inflow_frac == 1.0.
/// Note: it is not possible (with this method) to use different fractions
/// for different inflow sources, be they source terms of boundary flows.
/// \param[in] wells Wells data structure, or null if no wells.
/// \param[in] well_perfrates Volumetric flow rates per well perforation.
/// \param[out] transport_src The transport source terms. They are to be interpreted depending on sign:
/// (+) positive inflow of first phase (water)
/// (-) negative total outflow of both phases
void computeTransportSource(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const std::vector<double>& src,
const std::vector<double>& faceflux,
const double inflow_frac,
const Wells* wells,
const std::vector<double>& well_perfrates,
std::vector<double>& transport_src);
/// @brief Estimates a scalar cell velocity from face fluxes.
/// @param[in] grid a grid
/// @param[in] face_flux signed per-face fluxes
/// @param[out] cell_velocity the estimated velocities.
void estimateCellVelocity(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const std::vector<double>& face_flux,
std::vector<double>& cell_velocity);
/// @brief Estimates a scalar cell velocity from face fluxes.
/// @param[in] number_of_cells The number of cells of the grid
/// @param[in] number_of_faces The number of cells of the grid
/// @param[in] begin_face_centroids Iterator pointing to first face centroid.
/// @param[in] face_cells Mapping from faces to connected cells.
/// @param[in] dimensions The dimensions of the grid.
/// @param[in] begin_cell_centroids Iterator pointing to first cell centroid.
/// @param[in] face_flux signed per-face fluxes
/// @param[out] cell_velocity the estimated velocities.
template<class CC, class FC, class FC1, class CV>
void estimateCellVelocity(int number_of_cells,
int number_of_faces,
FC begin_face_centroids,
FC1 face_cells,
CC begin_cell_centroids,
CV begin_cell_volumes,
int dimension,
const std::vector<double>& face_flux,
std::vector<double>& cell_velocity);
/// Extract a vector of water saturations from a vector of
/// interleaved water and oil saturations.
void toWaterSat(const std::vector<double>& sboth,
std::vector<double>& sw);
/// Make a vector of interleaved water and oil saturations from
/// a vector of water saturations.
void toBothSat(const std::vector<double>& sw,
std::vector<double>& sboth);
/// Create a src vector equivalent to a wells structure.
/// For this to be valid, the wells must be all rate-controlled and
/// single-perforation.
void wellsToSrc(const Wells& wells, const int num_cells, std::vector<double>& src);
/// Computes the WDP for each well.
/// \param[in] wells Wells that need their wdp calculated.
/// \param[in] grid The associated grid to make cell lookups.
/// \param[in] saturations A vector of weights for each cell for each phase
/// in the grid (or well, see per_grid_cell parameter). So for cell i,
/// saturations[i*densities.size() + p] should give the weight
/// of phase p in cell i.
/// \param[in] densities Density for each phase.
/// \param[out] wdp Will contain, for each well, the wdp of the well.
/// \param[in] per_grid_cell Whether or not the saturations are per grid cell or per
/// well cell.
void computeWDP(const Wells& wells, const UnstructuredGrid& grid, const std::vector<double>& saturations,
const double* densities, const double gravity, const bool per_grid_cell,
std::vector<double>& wdp);
/// Computes (sums) the flow rate for each well.
/// \param[in] wells The wells for which the flow rate should be computed.
/// \param[in] flow_rates_per_cell Flow rates per well cells. Should ordered the same way as
/// wells.
/// \param[out] flow_rates_per_well Will contain the summed up flow_rates for each well.
void computeFlowRatePerWell(const Wells& wells, const std::vector<double>& flow_rates_per_cell,
std::vector<double>& flow_rates_per_well);
/// Computes the phase flow rate per well
/// \param[in] wells The wells for which the flow rate should be computed
/// \param[in] flow_rates_per_well_cell The total flow rate for each cell (ordered the same
/// way as the wells struct
/// \param[in] fractional_flows the fractional flow for each cell in each well
/// \param[out] phase_flow_per_well Will contain the phase flow per well
void computePhaseFlowRatesPerWell(const Wells& wells,
const std::vector<double>& flow_rates_per_well_cell,
const std::vector<double>& fractional_flows,
std::vector<double>& phase_flow_per_well);
/// A simple flow reporting utility, encapsulating the watercut curves.
/// Typically call push() after every timestep to build up report,
/// then call write() to write report as a matrix with times in the
/// first columns, water cut in the second column and cumulative
/// production in the last column. Units used will be the same as
/// is passed in, no conversion is done.
class Watercut
/// Add a report point.
/// \param[in] time current time in the simulation
/// \param[in] fraction current water cut
/// \param[in] produced current total cumulative production
void push(double time, double fraction, double produced);
/// Write report to a stream.
/// \param[in, out] os output stream
void write(std::ostream& os) const;
std::vector<double> data_;
/// Well reporting utility.
/// This class will store, for each call to push(), the following:
/// - the time parameter that was passed to push()
/// - for each well:
/// - bottom hole pressure in bars
/// - the well total rate in cubic meters per day
/// - the water cut (water rate / total rate)
/// The method write() will write these data to a stream, as a
/// matrix with time in the first column, bhp, rate and watercut
/// of the first well in the second through fourth columns and so
/// on.
class WellReport
/// Add a report point.
/// \param[in] props fluid and rock properties
/// \param[in] wells well configuration
/// \param[in] saturation saturations by cell and phase
/// \param[in] time current simulation time
/// \param[in] well_bhp bhp values of each well
/// \param[in] well_perfrates total flow at each well perforation
void push(const IncompPropertiesInterface& props,
const Wells& wells,
const std::vector<double>& saturation,
const double time,
const std::vector<double>& well_bhp,
const std::vector<double>& well_perfrates);
/// Add a report point (compressible fluids).
/// \param[in] props fluid and rock properties
/// \param[in] wells well configuration
/// \param[in] p pressure by cell
/// \param[in] z surface volumes by cell and component
/// \param[in] s saturations by cell and phase
/// \param[in] time current simulation time
/// \param[in] well_bhp bhp values of each well
/// \param[in] well_perfrates total flow at each well perforation
void push(const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
const Wells& wells,
const std::vector<double>& p,
const std::vector<double>& z,
const std::vector<double>& s,
const double time,
const std::vector<double>& well_bhp,
const std::vector<double>& well_perfrates);
/// Write report to a stream.
/// \param[in, out] os output stream
void write(std::ostream& os) const;
std::vector<std::vector<double> > data_;
} // namespace Opm
#include "miscUtilities_impl.hpp"