Bård Skaflestad df86d01486 Add Means of Initializing Analytic Aquifers From Restart Data
This commit adds a new member function,


that consumes a vector<data::AquiferData> constructed from
information in the restart file's SAAQ and XAAQ vectors.  At the
moment, we use the initial aquifer pressure, the total produced
liquid volume and the current aquifer pressure at restart.

We implement the interface's member function in terms of the virtual


that must be overridden in derived classes.

Implement a trivial such function for Carter-Tracy aquifers, and a
function that only stores the current aquifer pressure for the
Fetkovich aquifer model.

Additionally, record whether or not the aquifer object was
initialised from a previous solution.  If so, don't reset total
produce liquid volumes or aquifer pressures to their base values
from the model input file.
2019-12-05 09:41:21 +01:00

272 lines
13 KiB

Copyright 2017 TNO - Heat Transfer & Fluid Dynamics, Modelling & Optimization of the Subsurface
Copyright 2017 Statoil ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
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#include <opm/simulators/aquifers/AquiferInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/output/data/Aquifer.hpp>
namespace Opm
template<typename TypeTag>
class AquiferCarterTracy: public AquiferInterface<TypeTag>
typedef AquiferInterface<TypeTag> Base;
using typename Base::Simulator;
using typename Base::ElementContext;
using typename Base::FluidSystem;
using typename Base::BlackoilIndices;
using typename Base::RateVector;
using typename Base::IntensiveQuantities;
using typename Base::Eval;
using typename Base::Scalar;
using typename Base::FluidState;
using Base::waterCompIdx;
using Base::waterPhaseIdx;
AquiferCarterTracy( const Aquancon::AquanconOutput& connection,
const std::unordered_map<int, int>& cartesian_to_compressed,
const Simulator& ebosSimulator,
const AquiferCT::AQUCT_data& aquct_data)
: Base(connection, cartesian_to_compressed, ebosSimulator)
, aquct_data_(aquct_data)
void endTimeStep()
for (const auto& Qai: Base::Qai_) {
Base::W_flux_ += Qai*Base::ebos_simulator_.timeStepSize();
// Variables constants
const AquiferCT::AQUCT_data aquct_data_;
Scalar beta_; // Influx constant
// TODO: it is possible it should be a AD variable
Scalar mu_w_; // water viscosity
// This function is used to initialize and calculate the alpha_i for each grid connection to the aquifer
inline void initializeConnections(const Aquancon::AquanconOutput& connection)
const auto& eclState = Base::ebos_simulator_.vanguard().eclState();
const auto& ugrid = Base::ebos_simulator_.vanguard().grid();
const auto& grid = eclState.getInputGrid();
Base::cell_idx_ = connection.global_index;
auto globalCellIdx = ugrid.globalCell();
assert( Base::cell_idx_ == connection.global_index);
assert( (Base::cell_idx_.size() <= connection.influx_coeff.size()) );
assert( (connection.influx_coeff.size() == connection.influx_multiplier.size()) );
assert( (connection.influx_multiplier.size() == connection.reservoir_face_dir.size()) );
// We hack the cell depth values for now. We can actually get it from elementcontext pos
Base::cell_depth_.resize(Base::cell_idx_.size(), aquct_data_.d0);
Base::alphai_.resize(Base::cell_idx_.size(), 1.0);
auto cell2Faces = Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces(ugrid);
auto faceCells = Opm::UgGridHelpers::faceCells(ugrid);
// Translate the C face tag into the enum used by opm-parser's TransMult class
Opm::FaceDir::DirEnum faceDirection;
// denom_face_areas is the sum of the areas connected to an aquifer
Scalar denom_face_areas = 0.;
Base::cellToConnectionIdx_.resize(Base::ebos_simulator_.gridView().size(/*codim=*/0), -1);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < Base::cell_idx_.size(); ++idx)
const int cell_index = Base::cartesian_to_compressed_.at(Base::cell_idx_[idx]);
Base::cellToConnectionIdx_[cell_index] = idx;
const auto cellFacesRange = cell2Faces[cell_index];
for(auto cellFaceIter = cellFacesRange.begin(); cellFaceIter != cellFacesRange.end(); ++cellFaceIter)
// The index of the face in the compressed grid
const int faceIdx = *cellFaceIter;
// the logically-Cartesian direction of the face
const int faceTag = Opm::UgGridHelpers::faceTag(ugrid, cellFaceIter);
case 0: faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::XMinus;
case 1: faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::XPlus;
case 2: faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::YMinus;
case 3: faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::YPlus;
case 4: faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::ZMinus;
case 5: faceDirection = Opm::FaceDir::ZPlus;
default: OPM_THROW(Opm::NumericalIssue,"Initialization of Aquifer Carter Tracy problem. Make sure faceTag is correctly defined");
if (faceDirection == connection.reservoir_face_dir.at(idx))
Base::faceArea_connected_.at(idx) = Base::getFaceArea(faceCells, ugrid, faceIdx, idx, connection);
denom_face_areas += ( connection.influx_multiplier.at(idx) * Base::faceArea_connected_.at(idx) );
auto cellCenter = grid.getCellCenter(Base::cell_idx_.at(idx));
Base::cell_depth_.at(idx) = cellCenter[2];
const double eps_sqrt = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < Base::cell_idx_.size(); ++idx)
Base::alphai_.at(idx) = (denom_face_areas < eps_sqrt)? // Prevent no connection NaNs due to division by zero
: ( connection.influx_multiplier.at(idx) * Base::faceArea_connected_.at(idx) )/denom_face_areas;
void assignRestartData(const data::AquiferData& /* xaq */) override
inline void getInfluenceTableValues(Scalar& pitd, Scalar& pitd_prime, const Scalar& td)
// We use the opm-common numeric linear interpolator
pitd = Opm::linearInterpolation(aquct_data_.td, aquct_data_.pi, td);
pitd_prime = Opm::linearInterpolationDerivative(aquct_data_.td, aquct_data_.pi, td);
inline Scalar dpai(int idx)
Scalar dp = Base::pa0_ + Base::rhow_.at(idx).value()*Base::gravity_()*(Base::cell_depth_.at(idx) - aquct_data_.d0) - Base::pressure_previous_.at(idx);
return dp;
// This function implements Eqs 5.8 and 5.9 of the EclipseTechnicalDescription
inline void calculateEqnConstants(Scalar& a, Scalar& b, const int idx, const Simulator& simulator)
const Scalar td_plus_dt = (simulator.timeStepSize() + simulator.time()) / Base::Tc_;
const Scalar td = simulator.time() / Base::Tc_;
Scalar PItdprime = 0.;
Scalar PItd = 0.;
getInfluenceTableValues(PItd, PItdprime, td_plus_dt);
a = 1.0/Base::Tc_ * ( (beta_ * dpai(idx)) - (Base::W_flux_.value() * PItdprime) ) / ( PItd - td*PItdprime );
b = beta_ / (Base::Tc_ * ( PItd - td*PItdprime));
// This function implements Eq 5.7 of the EclipseTechnicalDescription
inline void calculateInflowRate(int idx, const Simulator& simulator)
Scalar a, b;
Base::Qai_.at(idx) = Base::alphai_.at(idx)*( a - b * ( Base::pressure_current_.at(idx) - Base::pressure_previous_.at(idx) ) );
inline void calculateAquiferConstants()
// We calculate the influx constant
beta_ = aquct_data_.c2 * aquct_data_.h
* aquct_data_.theta * aquct_data_.phi_aq
* aquct_data_.C_t
* aquct_data_.r_o * aquct_data_.r_o;
// We calculate the time constant
Base::Tc_ = mu_w_ * aquct_data_.phi_aq
* aquct_data_.C_t
* aquct_data_.r_o * aquct_data_.r_o
/ ( aquct_data_.k_a * aquct_data_.c1 );
inline void calculateAquiferCondition()
int pvttableIdx = aquct_data_.pvttableID - 1;
if (!aquct_data_.p0)
Base::pa0_ = calculateReservoirEquilibrium();
Base::pa0_ = *(aquct_data_.p0);
// use the thermodynamic state of the first active cell as a
// reference. there might be better ways to do this...
ElementContext elemCtx(Base::ebos_simulator_);
auto elemIt = Base::ebos_simulator_.gridView().template begin</*codim=*/0>();
const auto& iq0 = elemCtx.intensiveQuantities(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
// Initialize a FluidState object first
FluidState fs_aquifer;
// We use the temperature of the first cell connected to the aquifer
// Here we copy the fluidstate of the first cell, so we do not accidentally mess up the reservoir fs
fs_aquifer.assign( iq0.fluidState() );
Eval temperature_aq, pa0_mean;
temperature_aq = fs_aquifer.temperature(0);
pa0_mean = Base::pa0_;
Eval mu_w_aquifer = FluidSystem::waterPvt().viscosity(pvttableIdx, temperature_aq, pa0_mean);
mu_w_ = mu_w_aquifer.value();
// This function is for calculating the aquifer properties from equilibrium state with the reservoir
// TODO: this function can be moved to the Inteface class, since it is the same for both Aquifer models
inline Scalar calculateReservoirEquilibrium()
// Since the global_indices are the reservoir index, we just need to extract the fluidstate at those indices
std::vector<Scalar> pw_aquifer;
Scalar water_pressure_reservoir;
ElementContext elemCtx(Base::ebos_simulator_);
const auto& gridView = Base::ebos_simulator_.gridView();
auto elemIt = gridView.template begin</*codim=*/0>();
const auto& elemEndIt = gridView.template end</*codim=*/0>();
for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) {
const auto& elem = *elemIt;
size_t cellIdx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
int idx = Base::cellToConnectionIdx_[cellIdx];
if (idx < 0)
const auto& iq0 = elemCtx.intensiveQuantities(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
const auto& fs = iq0.fluidState();
water_pressure_reservoir = fs.pressure(waterPhaseIdx).value();
Base::rhow_[idx] = fs.density(waterPhaseIdx);
pw_aquifer.push_back( (water_pressure_reservoir - Base::rhow_[idx].value()*Base::gravity_()*(Base::cell_depth_[idx] - aquct_data_.d0))*Base::alphai_[idx] );
// We take the average of the calculated equilibrium pressures.
Scalar aquifer_pres_avg = std::accumulate(pw_aquifer.begin(), pw_aquifer.end(), 0.)/pw_aquifer.size();
return aquifer_pres_avg;
}; // class AquiferCarterTracy
} // namespace Opm