Tor Harald Sandve b5cdb1048a Mark wells with negative and trivial potentials as not operable
The simulator will try to compute potentials at every iterations to
try to reopen the well.
2021-11-22 08:44:17 +00:00

471 lines
18 KiB

Copyright 2016 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2016 - 2017 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2017 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2016 - 2018 IRIS AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/output/data/GuideRateValue.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Well/WellTestState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Group/GuideRate.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/DeferredLoggingErrorHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/PerforationData.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WellProdIndexCalculator.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/wells/WGState.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm {
class DeferredLogger;
class EclipseState;
class GasLiftSingleWellGeneric;
class GasLiftWellState;
class Group;
class GuideRateConfig;
class ParallelWellInfo;
class RestartValue;
class Schedule;
class SummaryConfig;
class VFPProperties;
class WellInterfaceGeneric;
class WellState;
} // namespace Opm
namespace Opm { namespace data {
struct GroupData;
struct GroupGuideRates;
class GroupAndNetworkValues;
struct NodeData;
}} // namespace Opm::data
namespace Opm {
/// Class for handling the blackoil well model.
class BlackoilWellModelGeneric
// --------- Types ---------
using GLiftOptWells = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<GasLiftSingleWellGeneric>>;
using GLiftProdWells = std::map<std::string, const WellInterfaceGeneric*>;
using GLiftWellStateMap = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<GasLiftWellState>>;
BlackoilWellModelGeneric(Schedule& schedule,
const SummaryState& summaryState,
const EclipseState& eclState,
const PhaseUsage& phase_usage,
const Parallel::Communication& comm);
virtual ~BlackoilWellModelGeneric() = default;
int numLocalWells() const;
int numPhases() const;
/// return true if wells are available in the reservoir
bool wellsActive() const;
bool hasWell(const std::string& wname);
/// return true if wells are available on this process
bool localWellsActive() const;
// whether there exists any multisegment well open on this process
bool anyMSWellOpenLocal() const;
const Well& getWellEcl(const std::string& well_name) const;
std::vector<Well> getLocalWells(const int timeStepIdx) const;
const Schedule& schedule() const { return schedule_; }
const PhaseUsage& phaseUsage() const { return phase_usage_; }
const GroupState& groupState() const { return this->active_wgstate_.group_state; }
Immutable version of the currently active wellstate.
const WellState& wellState() const
return this->active_wgstate_.well_state;
Mutable version of the currently active wellstate.
WellState& wellState()
return this->active_wgstate_.well_state;
GroupState& groupState() { return this->active_wgstate_.group_state; }
WellTestState& wellTestState() { return this->active_wgstate_.well_test_state; }
const WellTestState& wellTestState() const { return this->active_wgstate_.well_test_state; }
double wellPI(const int well_index) const;
double wellPI(const std::string& well_name) const;
void updateEclWells(const int timeStepIdx,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& wells,
const SummaryState& st);
void loadRestartData(const data::Wells& rst_wells,
const data::GroupAndNetworkValues& grpNwrkValues,
const PhaseUsage& phases,
const bool handle_ms_well,
WellState& well_state);
void initFromRestartFile(const RestartValue& restartValues,
WellTestState wtestState,
const size_t numCells,
bool handle_ms_well);
void setWellsActive(const bool wells_active);
Will assign the internal member last_valid_well_state_ to the
current value of the this->active_well_state_. The state stored
with storeWellState() can then subsequently be recovered with the
resetWellState() method.
void commitWGState()
this->last_valid_wgstate_ = this->active_wgstate_;
data::GroupAndNetworkValues groupAndNetworkData(const int reportStepIdx) const;
/// Return true if any well has a THP constraint.
bool hasTHPConstraints() const;
/// Shut down any single well
/// Returns true if the well was actually found and shut.
bool forceShutWellByName(const std::string& wellname,
const double simulation_time);
The dynamic state of the well model is maintained with an instance
of the WellState class. Currently we have
three different wellstate instances:
1. The currently active wellstate is in the active_well_state_
member. That is the state which is mutated by the simulator.
2. In the case timestep fails to converge and we must go back and
try again with a smaller timestep we need to recover the last
valid wellstate. This is maintained with the
last_valid_well_state_ member and the functions
commitWellState() and resetWellState().
3. For the NUPCOL functionality we should either use the
currently active wellstate or a wellstate frozen at max
nupcol iterations. This is handled with the member
nupcol_well_state_ and the initNupcolWellState() function.
Will return the last good wellstate. This is typcially used when
initializing a new report step where the Schedule object might
have introduced new wells. The wellstate returned by
prevWellState() must have been stored with the commitWellState()
function first.
const WellState& prevWellState() const
return this->last_valid_wgstate_.well_state;
const WGState& prevWGState() const
return this->last_valid_wgstate_;
Will return the currently active nupcolWellState; must initialize
the internal nupcol wellstate with initNupcolWellState() first.
const WellState& nupcolWellState() const
return this->nupcol_wgstate_.well_state;
Will store a copy of the input argument well_state in the
last_valid_well_state_ member, that state can then be recovered
with a subsequent call to resetWellState().
void commitWGState(WGState wgstate)
this->last_valid_wgstate_ = std::move(wgstate);
Will update the internal variable active_well_state_ to whatever
was stored in the last_valid_well_state_ member. This function
works in pair with commitWellState() which should be called first.
void resetWGState()
this->active_wgstate_ = this->last_valid_wgstate_;
Will store the current active wellstate in the nupcol_well_state_
member. This can then be subsequently retrieved with accessor
void updateNupcolWGState()
this->nupcol_wgstate_ = this->active_wgstate_;
/// \brief Create the parallel well information
/// \param localWells The local wells from ECL schedule
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<ParallelWellInfo>> createLocalParallelWellInfo(const std::vector<Well>& wells);
void initializeWellProdIndCalculators();
void initializeWellPerfData();
bool wasDynamicallyShutThisTimeStep(const int well_index) const;
void updateNetworkPressures(const int reportStepIdx);
void updateWsolvent(const Group& group,
const int reportStepIdx,
const WellState& wellState);
void setWsolvent(const Group& group,
const int reportStepIdx,
double wsolvent);
virtual void calcRates(const int fipnum,
const int pvtreg,
std::vector<double>& resv_coeff) = 0;
virtual void calcInjRates(const int fipnum,
const int pvtreg,
std::vector<double>& resv_coeff) = 0;
data::GuideRateValue getGuideRateValues(const Group& group) const;
data::GuideRateValue getGuideRateValues(const Well& well) const;
data::GuideRateValue getGuideRateInjectionGroupValues(const Group& group) const;
void getGuideRateValues(const GuideRate::RateVector& qs,
const bool is_inj,
const std::string& wgname,
data::GuideRateValue& grval) const;
void assignWellGuideRates(data::Wells& wsrpt,
const int reportStepIdx) const;
void assignShutConnections(data::Wells& wsrpt,
const int reportStepIndex) const;
void assignGroupControl(const Group& group,
data::GroupData& gdata) const;
void assignGroupGuideRates(const Group& group,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, data::GroupGuideRates>& groupGuideRates,
data::GroupData& gdata) const;
void assignGroupValues(const int reportStepIdx,
std::map<std::string, data::GroupData>& gvalues) const;
void assignNodeValues(std::map<std::string, data::NodeData>& nodevalues) const;
void loadRestartConnectionData(const std::vector<data::Rates::opt>& phs,
const data::Well& rst_well,
const std::vector<PerforationData>& old_perf_data,
SingleWellState& ws);
void loadRestartSegmentData(const std::string& well_name,
const std::vector<data::Rates::opt>& phs,
const data::Well& rst_well,
SingleWellState& ws);
void loadRestartWellData(const std::string& well_name,
const bool handle_ms_well,
const std::vector<data::Rates::opt>& phs,
const data::Well& rst_well,
const std::vector<PerforationData>& old_perf_data,
SingleWellState& ws);
void loadRestartGroupData(const std::string& group,
const data::GroupData& value);
void loadRestartGuideRates(const int report_step,
const GuideRateModel::Target target,
const data::Wells& rst_wells);
void loadRestartGuideRates(const int report_step,
const GuideRateConfig& config,
const std::map<std::string, data::GroupData>& rst_groups);
std::unordered_map<std::string, data::GroupGuideRates>
calculateAllGroupGuiderates(const int reportStepIdx) const;
void calculateEfficiencyFactors(const int reportStepIdx);
bool checkGroupConstraints(const Group& group,
const int reportStepIdx,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const;
std::pair<Group::InjectionCMode, double> checkGroupInjectionConstraints(const Group& group,
const int reportStepIdx,
const Phase& phase) const;
std::pair<Group::ProductionCMode, double> checkGroupProductionConstraints(const Group& group,
const int reportStepIdx,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const;
void checkGconsaleLimits(const Group& group,
WellState& well_state,
const int reportStepIdx,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
bool checkGroupHigherConstraints(const Group& group,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger,
const int reportStepIdx,
std::set<std::string>& switched_groups);
bool updateGroupIndividualControl(const Group& group,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger,
const int reportStepIdx,
std::set<std::string>& switched_groups);
bool updateGroupIndividualControls(DeferredLogger& deferred_logger,
std::set<std::string>& switched_groups,
const int reportStepIdx,
const int iterationIdx);
bool updateGroupHigherControls(DeferredLogger& deferred_logger,
const int reportStepIdx,
std::set<std::string>& switched_groups);
void actionOnBrokenConstraints(const Group& group,
const Group::ExceedAction& exceed_action,
const Group::ProductionCMode& newControl,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
void actionOnBrokenConstraints(const Group& group,
const Group::InjectionCMode& newControl,
const Phase& controlPhase,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
void updateAndCommunicateGroupData(const int reportStepIdx,
const int iterationIdx);
void inferLocalShutWells();
void setRepRadiusPerfLength();
void gliftDebug(const std::string& msg,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) const;
void gliftDebugShowALQ(DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
void gasLiftOptimizationStage2(DeferredLogger& deferred_logger,
GLiftProdWells& prod_wells,
GLiftOptWells& glift_wells,
GLiftWellStateMap& map,
const int episodeIndex);
virtual void computePotentials(const std::size_t widx,
const WellState& well_state_copy,
std::string& exc_msg,
ExceptionType::ExcEnum& exc_type,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) = 0;
// Calculating well potentials for each well
void updateWellPotentials(const int reportStepIdx,
const bool onlyAfterEvent,
const SummaryConfig& summaryConfig,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger);
bool guideRateUpdateIsNeeded() const;
// create the well container
virtual void createWellContainer(const int time_step) = 0;
virtual void initWellContainer() = 0;
virtual void calculateProductivityIndexValuesShutWells(const int reportStepIdx,
DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) = 0;
virtual void calculateProductivityIndexValues(DeferredLogger& deferred_logger) = 0;
void runWellPIScaling(const int timeStepIdx,
DeferredLogger& local_deferredLogger);
/// \brief get compressed index for interior cells (-1, otherwise
virtual int compressedIndexForInterior(int cartesian_cell_idx) const = 0;
Schedule& schedule_;
const SummaryState& summaryState_;
const EclipseState& eclState_;
const Parallel::Communication& comm_;
PhaseUsage phase_usage_;
bool terminal_output_{false};
bool wells_active_{false};
bool initial_step_{};
bool report_step_starts_{};
std::optional<int> last_run_wellpi_{};
std::vector<Well> wells_ecl_;
std::vector<std::vector<PerforationData>> well_perf_data_;
std::function<bool(const Well&)> not_on_process_{};
// a vector of all the wells.
std::vector<WellInterfaceGeneric*> well_container_generic_{};
std::vector<int> local_shut_wells_{};
std::vector<ParallelWellInfo> parallel_well_info_;
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<ParallelWellInfo>> local_parallel_well_info_;
std::vector<WellProdIndexCalculator> prod_index_calc_;
std::vector<int> pvt_region_idx_;
mutable std::unordered_set<std::string> closed_this_step_;
GuideRate guideRate_;
std::unique_ptr<VFPProperties> vfp_properties_{};
std::map<std::string, double> node_pressures_; // Storing network pressures for output.
The various wellState members should be accessed and modified
through the accessor functions wellState(), prevWellState(),
commitWellState(), resetWellState(), nupcolWellState() and
WGState active_wgstate_;
WGState last_valid_wgstate_;
WGState nupcol_wgstate_;
bool glift_debug = false;
WellInterfaceGeneric* getGenWell(const std::string& well_name);
} // namespace Opm