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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:30 -06:00
The time step after an event can either be set using timestep_in_days_after_event or using the TUNING keyword in the deck.
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374 lines
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Copyright 2014 IRIS AS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/SimulatorTimer.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/AdaptiveSimulatorTimer.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/timestepping/TimeStepControl.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/StopWatch.hpp>
#include <opm/common/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <opm/common/OpmLog/OpmLog.hpp>
#include <dune/istl/istlexception.hh>
#include <dune/istl/ilu.hh> // For MatrixBlockException
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Tuning.hpp>
namespace Opm {
namespace detail
template <class Solver, class State>
class SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper : public RelativeChangeInterface
const Solver& solver_;
const State& previous_;
const State& current_;
SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper( const Solver& solver,
const State& previous,
const State& current )
: solver_( solver ),
previous_( previous ),
current_( current )
/// return || u^n+1 - u^n || / || u^n+1 ||
double relativeChange() const
return solver_.model().relativeChange( previous_, current_ );
template<class E>
void logException(const E& exception, bool verbose)
if( verbose )
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Caught Exception: " << exception.what();
// AdaptiveTimeStepping
AdaptiveTimeStepping::AdaptiveTimeStepping( const Tuning& tuning,
size_t time_step,
const parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
const bool terminal_output )
: timeStepControl_()
, restart_factor_( tuning.getTSFCNV(time_step) )
, growth_factor_(tuning.getTFDIFF(time_step) )
, max_growth_( tuning.getTSFMAX(time_step) )
// default is 1 year, convert to seconds
, max_time_step_( tuning.getTSMAXZ(time_step) )
, solver_restart_max_( param.getDefault("solver.restart", int(10) ) )
, solver_verbose_( param.getDefault("solver.verbose", bool(true) ) && terminal_output )
, timestep_verbose_( param.getDefault("timestep.verbose", bool(true) ) && terminal_output )
, suggested_next_timestep_( tuning.getTSINIT(time_step) )
, full_timestep_initially_( param.getDefault("full_timestep_initially", bool(false) ) )
, timestep_after_event_( tuning.getTMAXWC(time_step))
, use_newton_iteration_(false)
AdaptiveTimeStepping::AdaptiveTimeStepping( const parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
const bool terminal_output )
: timeStepControl_()
, restart_factor_( param.getDefault("solver.restartfactor", double(0.33) ) )
, growth_factor_( param.getDefault("solver.growthfactor", double(2) ) )
, max_growth_( param.getDefault("timestep.control.maxgrowth", double(3.0) ) )
// default is 1 year, convert to seconds
, max_time_step_( unit::convert::from(param.getDefault("timestep.max_timestep_in_days", 365.0 ), unit::day) )
, solver_restart_max_( param.getDefault("solver.restart", int(10) ) )
, solver_verbose_( param.getDefault("solver.verbose", bool(true) ) && terminal_output )
, timestep_verbose_( param.getDefault("timestep.verbose", bool(true) ) && terminal_output )
, suggested_next_timestep_( unit::convert::from(param.getDefault("timestep.initial_timestep_in_days", -1.0 ), unit::day) )
, full_timestep_initially_( param.getDefault("full_timestep_initially", bool(false) ) )
, timestep_after_event_( unit::convert::from(param.getDefault("timestep.timestep_in_days_after_event", -1.0 ), unit::day))
, use_newton_iteration_(false)
void AdaptiveTimeStepping::
init(const parameter::ParameterGroup& param)
// valid are "pid" and "pid+iteration"
std::string control = param.getDefault("timestep.control", std::string("pid") );
// iterations is the accumulation of all linear iterations over all newton steops per time step
const int defaultTargetIterations = 30;
const int defaultTargetNewtonIterations = 8;
const double tol = param.getDefault("timestep.control.tol", double(1e-1) );
if( control == "pid" ) {
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType( new PIDTimeStepControl( tol ) );
else if ( control == "pid+iteration" )
const int iterations = param.getDefault("timestep.control.targetiteration", defaultTargetIterations );
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType( new PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl( iterations, tol ) );
else if ( control == "pid+newtoniteration" )
const int iterations = param.getDefault("timestep.control.targetiteration", defaultTargetNewtonIterations );
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType( new PIDAndIterationCountTimeStepControl( iterations, tol ) );
use_newton_iteration_ = true;
else if ( control == "iterationcount" )
const int iterations = param.getDefault("timestep.control.targetiteration", defaultTargetIterations );
const double decayrate = param.getDefault("timestep.control.decayrate", double(0.75) );
const double growthrate = param.getDefault("timestep.control.growthrate", double(1.25) );
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType( new SimpleIterationCountTimeStepControl( iterations, decayrate, growthrate ) );
} else if ( control == "hardcoded") {
const std::string filename = param.getDefault("timestep.control.filename", std::string("timesteps"));
timeStepControl_ = TimeStepControlType( new HardcodedTimeStepControl( filename ) );
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error,"Unsupported time step control selected "<< control );
// make sure growth factor is something reasonable
assert( growth_factor_ >= 1.0 );
template <class Solver, class State, class WellState>
SimulatorReport AdaptiveTimeStepping::
step( const SimulatorTimer& simulatorTimer, Solver& solver, State& state, WellState& well_state, const bool event )
return stepImpl( simulatorTimer, solver, state, well_state, event, nullptr, nullptr );
template <class Solver, class State, class WellState, class Output>
SimulatorReport AdaptiveTimeStepping::
step( const SimulatorTimer& simulatorTimer,
Solver& solver, State& state, WellState& well_state,
const bool event,
Output& outputWriter,
const std::vector<int>* fipnum)
return stepImpl( simulatorTimer, solver, state, well_state, event, &outputWriter, fipnum );
// implementation of the step method
template <class Solver, class State, class WState, class Output >
SimulatorReport AdaptiveTimeStepping::
stepImpl( const SimulatorTimer& simulatorTimer,
Solver& solver, State& state, WState& well_state,
const bool event,
Output* outputWriter,
const std::vector<int>* fipnum)
SimulatorReport report;
const double timestep = simulatorTimer.currentStepLength();
// init last time step as a fraction of the given time step
if( suggested_next_timestep_ < 0 ) {
suggested_next_timestep_ = restart_factor_ * timestep;
if (full_timestep_initially_) {
suggested_next_timestep_ = timestep;
// use seperate time step after event
if (event && timestep_after_event_ > 0) {
suggested_next_timestep_ = timestep_after_event_;
// create adaptive step timer with previously used sub step size
AdaptiveSimulatorTimer substepTimer( simulatorTimer, suggested_next_timestep_, max_time_step_ );
// copy states in case solver has to be restarted (to be revised)
State last_state( state );
WState last_well_state( well_state );
// counter for solver restarts
int restarts = 0;
// sub step time loop
while( ! substepTimer.done() )
// get current delta t
const double dt = substepTimer.currentStepLength() ;
if( timestep_verbose_ )
std::ostringstream ss;
ss <<" Substep " << substepTimer.currentStepNum() << ", stepsize "
<< unit::convert::to(substepTimer.currentStepLength(), unit::day) << " days.";
SimulatorReport substepReport;
try {
substepReport = solver.step( substepTimer, state, well_state);
report += substepReport;
if( solver_verbose_ ) {
// report number of linear iterations
OpmLog::note("Overall linear iterations used: " + std::to_string(substepReport.total_linear_iterations));
catch (const Opm::NumericalProblem& e) {
detail::logException(e, solver_verbose_);
// since linearIterations is < 0 this will restart the solver
catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
detail::logException(e, solver_verbose_);
// also catch linear solver not converged
catch (const Dune::ISTLError& e) {
detail::logException(e, solver_verbose_);
// also catch errors in ISTL AMG that occur when time step is too large
catch (const Dune::MatrixBlockError& e) {
detail::logException(e, solver_verbose_);
// this can be thrown by ISTL's ILU0 in block mode, yet is not an ISTLError
if( substepReport.converged )
// advance by current dt
// create object to compute the time error, simply forwards the call to the model
detail::SolutionTimeErrorSolverWrapper< Solver, State >
relativeChange( solver, last_state, state );
// compute new time step estimate
const int iterations = use_newton_iteration_ ? substepReport.total_newton_iterations
: substepReport.total_linear_iterations;
double dtEstimate = timeStepControl_->computeTimeStepSize( dt, iterations, relativeChange,
// limit the growth of the timestep size by the growth factor
dtEstimate = std::min( dtEstimate, double(max_growth_ * dt) );
// further restrict time step size growth after convergence problems
if( restarts > 0 ) {
dtEstimate = std::min( growth_factor_ * dt, dtEstimate );
// solver converged, reset restarts counter
restarts = 0;
if( timestep_verbose_ )
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << " Substep summary: ";
if (report.total_well_iterations != 0) {
ss << "well iterations = " << report.total_well_iterations << ", ";
ss << "newton iterations = " << report.total_newton_iterations << ", "
<< "linearizations = " << report.total_linearizations
<< " (" << report.assemble_time << " sec), "
<< "linear iterations = " << report.total_linear_iterations
<< " (" << report.linear_solve_time << " sec)";
// write data if outputWriter was provided
// if the time step is done we do not need
// to write it as this will be done by the simulator
// anyway.
if( outputWriter && !substepTimer.done() ) {
if (fipnum) {
solver.computeFluidInPlace(state, *fipnum);
Opm::time::StopWatch perfTimer;
bool substep = true;
const auto& physicalModel = solver.model();
outputWriter->writeTimeStep( substepTimer, state, well_state, physicalModel, substep);
report.output_write_time += perfTimer.secsSinceStart();
// set new time step length
substepTimer.provideTimeStepEstimate( dtEstimate );
// update states
last_state = state ;
last_well_state = well_state;
report.converged = substepTimer.done();
else // in case of no convergence (linearIterations < 0)
report.converged = false;
// increase restart counter
if( restarts >= solver_restart_max_ ) {
const auto msg = std::string("Solver failed to converge after ")
+ std::to_string(restarts) + " restarts.";
if (solver_verbose_) {
OPM_THROW_NOLOG(Opm::NumericalProblem, msg);
const double newTimeStep = restart_factor_ * dt;
// we need to revise this
substepTimer.provideTimeStepEstimate( newTimeStep );
if( solver_verbose_ ) {
std::string msg;
msg = "Solver convergence failed, restarting solver with new time step ("
+ std::to_string(unit::convert::to( newTimeStep, unit::day )) + " days).\n";
// reset states
state = last_state;
well_state = last_well_state;
// store estimated time step for next reportStep
suggested_next_timestep_ = substepTimer.currentStepLength();
if( timestep_verbose_ )
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "Suggested next step size = " << unit::convert::to( suggested_next_timestep_, unit::day ) << " (days)" << std::endl;
if( ! std::isfinite( suggested_next_timestep_ ) ) { // check for NaN
suggested_next_timestep_ = timestep;
return report;